How To Use Cartoonist In A Sentence

  • Besides, how would cartoonists cope if denied end-of-the-pier-show gags and sandcastle metaphors? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an editor, cartoonist, film maker and scenic artist with ABC television before his solo exhibition with Watters Gallery in Sydney in 1966.
  • From 1906 he pursued parallel careers as a book illustrator and cartoonist. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was smitten and conceived an ambition to become a cartoonist. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken, which came out in 1996 having originally been published in Seth's comic series, Palookaville, follows the artist's search for an obscure (fictional) cartoonist named Kalo; Wimbledon Green (2005) tells the story of "the world's greatest comic book collector". George Sprott by Seth
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  • The satirical cartoonists had a field day depicting the chubby prince canoodling with a haggish grandmother Frances was over 40 when the affair began. Tart of the Week: Frances, Countess of Jersey
  • As a syndicated cartoonist, I've seen my published ideas later appear in eerily similar reiterations in other comics and spoken near-verbatim by nationally recognized humorists (to the point where scores of readers and viewers alerted me, offended and outraged on my behalf). The Riff: From 'SOUTH PARK' to 'POOCH CAFE': When a sense of plagiarism plagues comedy
  • A caricaturist and political cartoonist of exceptional savagery, Scarfe's work is diverse, prolific, and visually stunning as well as being controversial.
  • Three times during the weekend, other cartoonists had to physically restrain him from creating a new strip.
  • Also, they all work in creative fields - artists, musicians, writers, architectural photographers, cartoonists.
  • Also, anyone who uses the word comix who isn't part of the R.Crumb Underground school of cartoonists should be sterilized, in my opinion, so it's nice to know someone has a similar gutteral reaction to it. Some Responses to the Latest Comics Journal | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • He plays the part of an aspiring cartoonist looking for a big break.
  • The story has become a cautionary tale for any idealistic young cartoonist working in Hollywood today.
  • Crikey has a wonderful cartoonist, and here is a chronological rundown of the toons enjoyed by subscribers in the daily email sealed sections from September 2001 to the present.
  • Union Art Service - Canadian cartoonist Mike Constable's web site.
  • SUN cartoonists will be quick on the draw today as they compete in a contest for charity. The Sun
  • I don't let him pretend (as some cartoonists do) that he's just a dummy.
  • She shares this sequestered spot with her cartoonist husband, Bob, and their two enormous, exuberant dogs.
  • Over the decades, many artists and cartoonists have created wicked caricatures of the smug and powerful.
  • A peek into the twisted world of Scott Johnson, the webcartoonist. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Diary of a Cartoonist: Episode 1
  • If you buy the upgrade package the cartoonist will draw pictures of the characters in your book, talking about you.
  • Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
  • The award-winning cartoonist and caricaturist, Shankar, would have become a motor mechanic, had he followed the advice of his father.
  • Richmond, the ever-talented caricaturist, has posted his poster art for the 2011 National Cartoonists Society Reuben Awards, featuring a half-dozen honorees and nominees for May's ceremony. IMAGE OF THE WEEKEND: Tom Richmond talks of unveiled NCS Reubens art
  • He is a tongue-in-cheek ironist, a cartoonist, and a smart one; his images hit upon our neuroses yet even the most vituperative of them seem tame and acceptable.
  • Last year, we had a terrific time getting together a bunch of cartoonists - including Scott Shaw!
  • A fine cartoonist, he was also a draughtsman and engineer.
  • Here's New Yorker cartoonist Matthew Diffee with one of his inexplicably rejected cartoons, from last week's supercalifragilistic Rejection Show (which Diffee co-founded, along with cheerfully deadpan host Jon Friedman).
  • Much of the article deals with the fact that most political cartoonists are liberal and the politics of cartooning, which is interesting but mostly tangential to this post. GetReligion
  • His figures are made from reductive shapes - circles, squares, cones - that create a kind of shorthand of the body in much the same way that a cartoonist might employ characterisation techniques.
  • Along with best-selling political cartoonist Tom Tomorrow, Atrios was ‘invited’ to participate at a gabfest at Harvard's Berkman Law School called BloggerCon, to be held in October.
  • She was treated with particular savagery by cartoonists, who represented her as ugly, overdressed, over-fecund and avid for diamonds and pearls.
  • The artistically talented but intellectually unhinged cartoonist Tommy Tomorrow affirms the judgment: ‘This is brilliant.’
  • The papers had begun to paint him soft, the cartoonists exaggerating his expanding beltline, and inflating his bulbous nose for comic effect.
  • Between historical pessimism and imbecile revolution, there is a stretch of arid territory where the cartoonist retires to.
  • There are few signs that this is the desk of a cartoonist, and with the exception of a small drawing of Handala on a white board nobody would guess that the cubical is the place that the Palestinian icon is making a slow re-emergence. Annie's letters
  • He had a rich and varied career, as fairground boxer, circus roustabout, cartoonist, poster designer, trades-union journal editor, television presenter, and towards the end of his life, psychotherapist.
  • He now becomes a consultant, while continuing as a cartoonist.
  • However, the artist was not pleased to be pigeonholed as simply a cartoonist, particularly as this categorisation intensified in the public's mind - he took his other work just as seriously, and wanted to extend his repertoire further.
  • The title of the new softbound edition - what Mankoff terms a "book-a-zine" - is "The New Yorker: Cartoons of the Year," and it features more than 300 cartoons from nearly 60 cartoonists. For the New Yorker, he calls the 'toons of the year
  • On the side he was a fairly accomplished cartoonist and illustrator and occasionally wrote satires and poems.
  • Cartoonist Al Hirschfeld found him there in the last days of Prohibition, "an old-timer in the profession," pining for the lost days of glorious garnish: "He'll befriend the first man who seriously asks him for a brandy crusta. Consider the Trimmings
  • KK: The most interesting time was when we stumbled upon a hotel bar where every major webcartoonist was there -- the "Penny Arcade" guys and everybody. COMIC-CON 2010: Keith Knight talks new books, Nappy Hours & why he won't be on an Angry Black Panel
  • Like the English cartoonist Gerald Scarfe, John began drawing to while away the hours when bedridden as a child.
  • The competition is open to all amateur artists, designers, cartoonists, doodlers and caricaturists.
  • His skill was in caricatures, a route which led him into a career as a political cartoonist.
  • Cartoonists fall somewhere between these two: the commentless photographs which bear witness to events; and the babel arising from the pundits.
  • Little Dee" is long-term webcartoonist Chris Baldwin's foray into a newspaper-style daily comic. The Web Comic List - Latest Webcomics
  • Cartoonist Stuart Carlson shows us duck and [ take ] cover as the watchword of 1955.
  • With all his talent as a wordsmith , he was also a gifted cartoonist.
  • It's based on a long-running American comic strip, begun in 1913 by cartoonist George Herriman, in which the feline central character is repeatedly "beaned" by a mouse called Ignatz, "beaned" meaning to be hit on the head by a well-aimed brick. Tête à Tête festival
  • What I didn't realize is that I was training these kids to be not just cartoonists, but published, commercially-minded cartoonists. Friday at the Cartooning Class Christmas Party | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • What lessons can cartoonists draw from the wars over digital formats, and how can those lessons be most profitably applied?
  • His talent as a sketch artist and cartoonist would in the future always play a role in the preparations for his films.
  • The official Robert Crumb "newsletter" is reporting that the famed cartoonist has finally finished his adaptation of the Book of Genesis that he's been working on for the past several years: And on the seventh day, he humped his Devil Girl statue | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Cartoonists have depicted these forces more anthropomorphically, drawing tormented characters with shining angels on one shoulder and gloating devils on the other. Song of My Selves
  • If you buy the upgrade package the cartoonist will draw pictures of the characters in your book, talking about you.
  • Newspapers will often take the easy route of censoring a cartoonist rather than risk the bad publicity of protesters at their front door.
  • In his second career start and first try on the turf, Cartoonist rallied from last place to win the one-mile maiden special weight race by two lengths.
  • Of course we must protect our writers and cartoonists from deranged fundamentalists, but we are not faultless ourselves.
  • No fewer than four semi-autobiographical books about growing up, all by women cartoonists, have appeared or will appear this fall.
  • PUBLIC STATEMENT ON THE LEBANESE AND PALESTINIANS by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff This message is for the Lebanese and Palestinian people and to all people who care about their suffering. - Articles related to Did God Say, 'Let There Be Plagues and Wars'
  • In the old days, a cartoonist would have to tell a whole story in eight pages.
  • She even overcomes the boorishness of art director Stan who, evidently quite unimpressed by her sacking of lewd cartoonist Joey a few episodes back, tries to sexually force himself on her, then gleefully lets her give her client presentation with lipstick smeared on her teeth. William Bradley: Mad Men: Breach One "Chinese Wall' and You Just Want to Breach Another One an Hour Later
  • In a way that ought to be analyzed, webcartoonist Randall K. It’s not offensive because I say it’s not
  • SUN cartoonists will be quick on the draw today as they compete in a contest for charity. The Sun
  • When he started as Labour leader the cartoonists saw him as Bambi, referring to that smiley expression as well as implying a certain naivety.
  • The portrait of Schulz by Yousuf Karsh is the gallery's first image of the famous cartoonist. Museum honors 'Peanuts' creator
  • This is the power of the political cartoonist. Times, Sunday Times
  • He often appears with fellow cartoonists in programs at schools and libraries in the area.
  • Cartoonist whose works are selected will get a copy for free.
  • Although his middle-class family considered such a calling unbecoming, as a child he thought of becoming a painter or cartoonist. Archive 2009-05-01
  • He now becomes a consultant, while continuing as a cartoonist.
  • The police dutifully later detained student protesters for burning effigies of her and even went so far as to arrest a street cartoonist for drawing unflattering caricatures of the president.
  • Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
  • She even overcomes the boorishness of art director Stan, who, evidently quite unimpressed by her sacking of lewd cartoonist Joey a few episodes back, tries to sexually force himself on her, then gleefully lets her give her client presentation with lipstick smeared on her teeth. William Bradley: Mad Men : Breach One "Chinese Wall" and You Just Want To Breach Another One An Hour Later
  • The vice president said the cartoonist has a personal vendetta against him.
  • The title of the new softbound book -- what Mankoff terms a "book-a-zine" -- is "The New Yorker: Cartoons of the Year," and it features more than 300 cartoons from nearly 60 cartoonists. 'Riffs Best Books of 2010: THE NEW YORKER's Bob Mankoff offers a comic window into the year
  • I think he's a brilliant cartoonist, a spot-on caricaturist, an excellent letterer and a very fine writer-of-comics.
  • He realised that a writer had to widen his mind when he encountered cartoonist Madan's multifaceted knowledge of subjects from anthropology to psychology.
  • He had a roster of well-known cartoonists for friends.
  • Satirist, parodist, cartoonist or lampooner alike, will often be protesting at, not just laughing at, their victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • They always remind me of those twins from that cartoonist my elder son liked.
  • Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists.
  • They always remind me of those twins from that cartoonist my elder son liked.
  • Born in 1872, he initially trained to be a landscape painter but then made a name for himself as a cartoonist and illustrator. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a common perception in the West that the only way to become a financially successful cartoonist is to get the newspaper syndicates to pick you up.
  • George is certainly mocked, but he is not execrated as a vile foreigner and un-British despot, as he had been by satirists and cartoonists in the 1760s and 1770s, when he was widely despised.
  • Then, during the Second World War, he was employed as an official cartoonist to the US forces stationed in Europe.
  • A Jack-of-all trades under Mussolini - newspaper columnist, cartoonist, insurance salesman, typesetter, shop window designer, and gagman for the radio and the cabaret - Fellini came to the film world after the Allied liberation of Italy. RIA Novosti
  • Thin black sideburns extended down to his earlobes in the style cartoonists adopted as the distinguishing mark of high-toned cads.
  • In a carnival atmosphere, leading artists, architects, illustrators, cartoonists, dancers and unicyclists will join forces in a drive to get the nation drawing.
  • In fact, in the design of the remembrancing program, Hanuman had solicited the aid of both a cartoonist and a master fabulist. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists.
  • The webcartoonist resource site Webcomics. com has, for the new year, locked the doors. Becomes Pay Site » Comics Worth Reading
  • From 1906 he pursued parallel careers as a book illustrator and cartoonist. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this panda is sitting in chairs by [New Yorker cartoonist artist] Saul Steinberg. Marina Cashdan: The Rebirth of Rob Pruitt
  • Besides, how would cartoonists cope if denied end-of-the-pier-show gags and sandcastle metaphors? Times, Sunday Times
  • He broke out with a Sundance award for a documentary about underground cartoonist R. Crumb.
  • It was then that cartoonists began caricaturing him as a cockatoo.
  • The cartoonists portray the dog-end days of December as Old Man Time, complete with scythe, calling the year to its doom.
  • mudsill," as the cartoonist was pleased to call the President of the Lincoln's Yarns and Stories: a complete collection of the funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's greatest story teller
  • In a year jampacked with projects, promises and deadlines, cartoonist Art Spiegelman didn't think his 2011 workload could get any heavier. 'Maus' creator reacts to winning comics' Grand Prix prize
  • Artists and cartoonists worked diligently to produce dozens of posters to exhort people to buy bonds, go without meat, and enlist in the army.
  • The fact that the cartoonist may or may not be aware of the parallel is irrelevant to any consideration of whether the parallel is apt. Matthew Yglesias » Der Dolchstoss
  • Not many cartoonists could be described as cuddly, although But it's good to see the Lib Dems in full flow; if you want to make a cartoonist work for his money, there's nothing like a Lib Dem conference and an exciting Nick Clegg speech making references to Vince Washisname etc. Telegraph Blogs
  • The "funnies" you read every day bring $8,000,000 a year to a small group of 200 cartoonists. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • This is rather gorgeous: an axonometric rendering of 221B Baker Street, home to Sherlock Holmes (via the cartoonist).
  • Hi! cartoon cartoonist editorial joel pitts cavo atx at biografia turner artista inglese influenza avaria panca massaggio cervicale department health human louisiana resource STORIA DEI LED ZEPPELIN taglia xxl corrispondenza Blog boot heel high sore area industriale obiettivo 2 Midterm Roundup
  • Corey Pandolph talks about his dual life as a syndicated and webcartoonist PvPonline » 2008 » November » 04
  • This one hangs a thin story about a New York City cartoonist and his jivey gal pal on a cacophony of racist and sexist imagery. 2009 May :
  • Like a cartoonist exaggerates a big nose for effect, we use the full power of nasty words as explosives to get our point across.
  • Home-state cartoonists routinely picture Clinton with a puffy, clownlike nose, the result of persistent and debilitating allergies to everything from refined sugar to the yeast in beer. The Clinton Experiment
  • I know they get kazillions of entries, because the cartoonists I recently tormented with questions said so.
  • World War II brought Hitler as the monster; cartoonists now give it the label al Qaeda, Iran or Iraq. In the Lab Late One Night
  • If that sounds like an obvious, natural-born conclusion a day after "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day," the week after a Swedish cartoonist was attacked and his home was literally inflamed, the month after "South Park" animation sparked postings of Theo Van Gogh images, then perhaps you haven't been paying attention to those stretches when the political cartoonist is declared a dying profession and the newspaper cartoonist's format a relic of an inkier era. THE RIFF: A day after 'Draw Muhammad,' the political cartoon gets a powerful reminder
  • Center to Support Female Artists___(ragline)___The Miami Herald: Dedicated 28 years to Dade fire department___(ragline)___Brandon Times: Singer, hair stylist dies at 37___(ragline)___Lexington Herald-Leader: Lexington man dies in fall from gorge cliff___(ragline)___Editor and Publisher: Eagle Scout Helped By Universal Cartoonists Dies at 19___(ragline)___The Tennessean: Author, Southern literary critic, professor Walter Sullivan dies___(ragline)___District Mail: Tanya loses battle against cancer___(ragline)___The Daily Herald: He taught about life___(ragline)___Regina Leader-Post: Regina soldier dies in weapons accident__ August 29th Poetic Ticker Clicking
  • Political cartoonists had a field day. Times, Sunday Times
  • These people have obviously never heard of Edward Gorey, one of my all-time favorite cartoonists.
  • Cartoonists who once pictured him as a whizz-kid, now drew him as an absent-minded professor. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • He was not the caricature that cartoonists and comics had created.
  • Cheerful Mrs Mole pottered happily around her idyllic home, stitching patchwork, making cakes, stirring pots, arranging flowers, at an absolutely gruesome time in the lives of the cartoonist Ronald Searle and his wife, Monica. Ronald Searle cartoons go on show to help breast cancer charities
  • Cartoonist Steve Bialik has gone and mixed Japanese ukiyo-e style art with the best thing that ever happened inside of George Lucas 'brain, to bring us Samurai Wars. Samurai Wars Is All Kinds Of Awesome
  • He is a painter, cartoonist, landscape artist and filmmaker who has been living in the capital for more than fifteen years.
  • For some reason, I've also been thinking a lot of Charlie Brown (you know, from Peanuts) and the little red-haired girl that represented the cartoonist's long-term unrequited crush from long ago. Elfpvke Diary Entry
  • In about 30 seconds, cartoonist Rahnu can turn a spiral into a snail, a scribble into a bunny and a squiggle into a bird.
  • A lot of the subjects are backbenchers, who are not generally covered by political cartoonists. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cheese gives off the kind of honk that the cartoonists from the Beano indicate with wavy green lines, fainting dentists and gasping kids with pegs on their noses. Cheese
  • In fact, it's not a bad way to get to the highlights of the day's news because most Australian political cartoonists have the ability to get to the heart of an issue with a wicked sense of humour or irony.
  • The best pieces match the cartoonist with the material.
  • While most successful cartoonists stick to either magazine gags or newspaper strips, he's been successful at both.
  • The competition is open to all amateur artists, designers, cartoonists, doodlers and caricaturists.
  • Also, they all work in creative fields - artists, musicians, writers, architectural photographers, cartoonists.
  • I say: Eliopoulos 'Pet Avengers was a surprise hit last year, so it's no surprise the House of Ideas tapped the letterer/webcartoonist/writer/artist to take another charge with a follow-up series. Evil Inc.
  • Jokes today are also less visual and far more newsy than they were 40 years ago, when cartoonists could not expect news events to enter the popular consciousness quickly.
  • He comes down four-square against jihad and burqas and attacks on Danish cartoonists. What Unitarians Know (and Sam Harris Doesn't)
  • The antonymic figure of speech is a “Rube Goldberg invention,” after the cartoonist who drew up the most complex methods of completing a simple task. No Uncertain Terms
  • Some of the gagmen who fashioned their material were also cartoonists.
  • Born in 1872, he initially trained to be a landscape painter but then made a name for himself as a cartoonist and illustrator. Times, Sunday Times

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