

[ US /ˌkɑɹθəˈdʒɪniən/ ]
  1. a native or inhabitant of ancient Carthage
  1. of or relating to or characteristic of ancient Carthage or its people or their language
    Carthaginian peace
    the Punic Wars

How To Use Carthaginian In A Sentence

  • Recently—too recently for the information to be included in "Carthage Must Be Destroyed"—the site of the Battle of Baecula in 208 B.C., where Scipio Africanus defeated a Carthaginian army under Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal, was discovered in Spain. An Empire of the Mediterranean
  • The Romans learned the practice from the Carthaginians and quickly became very efficient and skillful at it.
  • Perola was afterwards obliged by his father to pay his homage to Hannibal; but as he bad imbibed the fentimcnts of Magius, he afterwards* formed a defign to ftab the Carthaginian general at an entertainment. An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
  • Hasdrubal McNulticlar, a Carthaginian circus impresario, apparently leased Hannibal the elephants he used to cross the Alps. Tracing My Roots and Coming Up With Dirt
  • The Barbarians dashed into it in order to overtake the velites; quite at the bottom other Carthaginians were running tumultuously amid galloping oxen. Salammbo
  • The Royal Irish Academy in Dublin have published a report of their proceedings, which comprise reports on rain-falls, meteors, ancient urns, and other Irish antiquities, besides Roman and Carthaginian; on hygrometry, chiefly with regard to the pressure of the dew-point; and on artificial islands. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 422 Volume 17, New Series, January 31, 1852
  • This aspect of diving was born out by numerous articles describing how in the Mediterranean Greek and Carthaginian amphorae together with other artefacts were often discovered and brought to the surface.
  • The word Hispania, these scholars say, has nothing whatever to do with the Carthaginian word span. Flush: a biography
  • His last great defeat came at sea, near Pamphylia in Asia Minor, where Carthaginian ships fought with the Romans against him (as Miles says "we can only imagine his shock and sorrow".) A story of Hannibal offers a lesson to the modern world
  • Though everyone knew Carthaginian figs were a successful transplant to Italy; Cato the censor grew them in his garden
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