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How To Use Carter In A Sentence

  • Officially, Carter resigned, but everyone knows he was fired.
  • Our mercenaries (Blackwater and Haliburton and their minion) will still be on the ground, interfering with the new government whenever it drifts from the preordained path carved out by the American government since The Carter Doctrine. CNN Poll: Americans overwhelming support moving US combat troops out of Iraqi cities
  • The Hill's liberals will count it a successful session if they can scratch up a billion or so out of the defense budget, add in the money freed up if, as expected, Carter's counter-inflationary "real-wage insurance" plan is defeated, and then spread the dividends among the hardest-hit programs. The Politics of Austerity
  • ‘Their faces were white and they were very condemnatory of our lack of objectivity and fairness,’ Mr. Carter said.
  • He saw his side lose eight wickets for 61 before he found some support from the ageless Bill Carter who helped add 25 for the ninth wicket until Webster hit a return catch to Evans and fell for 58.
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  • As John Carter has observed, such attempts at definition are a favourite game among bibliophiles.
  • There was a loose thread on one of Carter's shirt buttons.
  • Left without an assignment for about a month or more, Carter was tempted to turn in his greens.
  • The Carter team feared that the remark and the attitude it conveyed would be an open invitation to execute Kim.
  • In foreign policy the Carter administration had a mixed record.
  • The observers can demonstrate that they are real observers and not a succedaneum like the Carter Center. Electoral trouble ahead in Venezuela
  • I was inclined to rekindle the fire, and once I had it going I sat cross-legged before it, gazing at Carter through the orange and yellow flames.
  • [25] A moidore was a gold coin from Portugal or Brazil in use in Carter's time. Robert Carter Diary, 1725
  • But the greatest controversy concerns the character of the racist cop who pursues Carter vindictively, lying, cheating and forging a signature in an effort to frame him.
  • Carter said he would get me a five-gaited pony or an equitation horse when I learn to ride well enough. Terrific Tuesday with Jan Scarbrough:)
  • Carter has been refused bail and will remain in custody.
  • Carter has composed several large-scale works for choir, soloists and orchestra, including the Benedicite, which has been widely performed on both sides of the Atlantic and in the Antipodes.
  • After missing a couple of early sighters, Carter kicked goals from all points of the compass.
  • There was a huge gap between aim and achievement in the Carter administration.
  • He thought he could swan around making nice speeches and not offend people - and he will follow Jimmy Carter as a one term POTUS because of it. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • I am neurochemist-turned-attorney who just expected a little more by way of factual support for Carter's bias or lies a Clinton-esque lie for example. "Being a former President does not give one a unique privilege to invent information..."
  • Edward McCarter, supervisory archivist for still pictures at the National Archives, concurred. Mathew Brady's photographs made a president, captured reality of Civil War
  • His passion for the maintenance and advancement of world peace is most evident in the creation of the nonprofit Carter Center in Atlanta in 1982.
  • You may think your home is babyproofed, only to learn the hard way that a crawling 10-month old has zero qualms about digging under a heating vent to find a Cheerio that rolled under there during the Carter administration - and then eating said Cheerio. Meredith Lopez: Adventures of the Tricksy Hobbit
  • The initiative is said to be the brainchild of Downing Street chief of strategy Stephen Carter and is intended to 'humanise' the Prime Minister as his popularity continues to wane. ' John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Carter was intent on finishing our first term with a more stable three-way relationship among the United States, China, and the Soviet Union. The Good Fight
  • However, Carter never merely imitated, and he produced work of very high finish.
  • And if Carter's gone back to the dismal years 1977-80 to exhume diary material, what comes next? Jimmy Carter: Can't Stop the Typing
  • Michael Caine's role in the classic Get Carter has earned the title of nastiest screen character of all time.
  • With that apercu, the President joined a long line of gaffe-making chief executives that includes Ronald Reagan ("We begin bombing in five minutes") and Jimmy Carter (who told congressmen that, if Sen. Edward Kennedy were to run against him, "I'll whip his ass"). President Bush’s Swearing Ceremony - Tuned In -
  • ‘It is very hard to keep abstinent without support,’ said Carter.
  • In the words of Mets general manager Frank Cashen , Mr. Carter added a "bopper," a power hitter. Slugging Catcher Fueled Mets' Glory of 1980s
  • The other main characters are FBI agent Brad Wolgast, death row inmate Anthony Carter and young African nun Lacey in the near future thread, while in the main part, young "watchers" - ie militiamen/women of the colony that protect it from the "virals" aka ageless and seemingly non-sentient, instinct driven, "pseudo-vampires" that populate most of North America now - Peter Jaxon, Alicia Donadio and Peter's older brother Theo. "The Passage" by Justin Cronin (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • It has also been supposed that Mr Carter, curate-in-charge of Lastingham at a time prior to 1806, allowed his wife to keep a public-house in the crypt. The Evolution of an English Town
  • A pitying neighbor had given them their supper; and they were told that their mother had gone out early in the morning, soon after they had gone to business, and, re-appearing with a carter, had had her few possessions carried away, leaving no word whither she was bound, or message for the helpless children. Uncle Rutherford's Nieces A Story for Girls
  • Carter had paid them scant attention; he was too deeply engrossed in the matter at hand, and confident that his bodyguard could handle these interfering snoopers if the pigmies and the Dark Ones could not. "Once in a Blue Moon" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • Carter throws me a menacing look, but is unable to follow up with a threatening comment, because the bell has just rung.
  • President Jimmy Carter let it lapse in 1977, but it was reimposed by President Ronald Reagan in 1982.
  • Aunt Elizabeth, Sir Edward, Will, and I took our meal together in Carter Lane as we always did, but in honor of the day had several more dishes than usual and sweet wafers and a doucet—spiced custard pie—to follow. Secrets of the Tudor Court
  • I got the impression from Bush's speech he was hinting at Carter, not whimpy Obama. cry, cry, cry ....... enow Clinton takes on TV pundits at distillery stop in Kentucky
  • As for Reagan getting 51% of the vote ... he also out-paced Carter, who only got 40% of the vote, by 10 pts, which is a huge electoral victory. Clinton Camp: "Karl Rove Is Writing Senator Obama's Talking Points"
  • Tollin assembled a documentary on the USFL for ESPN earlier this year, and has been involved with such recent inspirational sports pictures as Coach Carter, Radio, and Hardball. ESPN and New Line Team Up to Release Inspirational Sports Biopic MULKEY –
  • Robert W. Carter, of Sabine Hall_, on the Rappahanock, whose land is principally of that kind of clayey loam common upon that river, once rich but badly worn by cultivation, is so well satisfied that it is profitable to make rich lands still more rich, he buys annually 30 or 40 tons of the best in market. Guano A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers
  • They, too, made a comeback, winning the presidency with Jimmy Carter in 1976.
  • Like Carter, Ruth performs signifiers of whiteness: she wears light colored clothing and eschews black vernacular English.
  • Carter was the senior case officer on the investigation.
  • Unlike the subliterate cretin presently occupying the White House, Carter was one of the few presidents of my lifetime who was a consistently impressive extemporaneous speaker. McCain: Obama Would Equal Carter's Second Term
  • I get out of bed before Carter and shower and dress quickly, this time in the black cami and slacks.
  • “Lo spot unisce riprese dal vivo ed animazione, mentre componenti della squadra Richie McCaw, Dan Carter, Rodney So’olalo, Rico Gear descrivono come evocano gli spiriti degli antichi guerrieri e svelano ciò che la haka significa per loro.” No Fat Clips!!! : Impossible is Nothing: All Blacks
  • But Carteret is a good business man as well as a royalist, and does nothing until he sees how he is to be paid for it. Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple (1652-54)
  • [2] A pistole was a Spanish gold coin in use in Carter's time. Robert Carter Diary, 1722
  • … Blessed with a big voice and stage presence, the heavyset Carter prided herself on her range as a performer, doing musicals and drama as well as comedy.
  • Mr. Carter is not a defender of the medium he’s covered for so long; nor an extoller, like some, of its innumerable virtues. The Boob Tube Respected��� Television Without the Villains
  • Carter was remanded in custody for seven days.
  • Obama seemed to be severing himself from Sen. McGovern, who diabolized the war, from John Kerry, who came home from Vietnam to say Americans were acting like war criminals, and from Jimmy Carter, who in 1976 called Vietnam a - Latest Articles
  • Carter's father has been captured on a moon transformed into a literal hell.
  • The left-footed Daniel Carter is a certainty at fly-half and the All Blacks will have seen how the Crusaders cleverly used MacDonald's right foot to complement Carter.
  • Contrast him to his opponent Jimmy Carter, a born-again Southern Baptist, a Sunday school teacher, and brother to a prominent faith healer.
  • Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action.
  • Which is weird because Carter seems like such a happy guy, a congenial man with a great sense of humor.
  • Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Duke University, 1956, p. 274; and Carter Papers: An Inventory .... ") [7] The word" reave "meant to rob or strip at Carter's time. Letter from Robert Carter to [Robert Jones, October 18, 1728]
  • Carter's fourth album definitely moves into uncharted territory.
  • Carter was never content to merely arrange the music and conduct his stellar orchestra.
  • The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
  • Princess of Mars. Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the first book of the "John Carter" series, a Confederate soldier finds himself transported to Mars where he wins acclaim as a warrior.
  • Asked how good a player Carter might become, he refuses to take the bait, and issues a warning instead.
  • September 17th, 2009 7: 06 pm ET sure carter is wrong. he is rich he does not have to worry about paying for health care like all us working stiffs do. see he does not worry who is going to pay for all this. he is sure it wont come out his pocket. Commentary: Carter is wrong on Obama’s opposition
  • Last year's winner, 17-year-old Sarah Carter, from Stalybridge, was chosen for her dedicated work leading Brownie, Cub and Guide groups.
  • Carter, who was just 23 when LeBron hired him, has been faulted for ruining LeBron's image by orchestrating such an egocentric approach to LeBron's announcement to move, and the move in general, to Miami. Michael Evans: LeBron James and President Obama: A Comparison
  • It's hard to block out flashbacks of President Jimmy Carter's 1977 New Year's Eve statement that Iran under the shah was an island of stability in a troubled region - only months before that stability was shattered. Could the next Mideast uprising happen in Saudi Arabia?
  • I'd like to publish an essay on the dynamism of young Lin carter's life prior to 1960. Archive 2009-11-01
  • To take the gold, Carter engaged in a head-to-head duel with his countryman, world champion Bevan Docherty.
  • Curses were routinely used as a deterrent against tomb raiders in ancient Egypt, as the Earl of Carnarvon and Howard Carter discovered when excavating Tutankhamun's burial chamber.
  • No strangers to the courtside, before the game began Mr and Mrs Carter grabbed an opportunity to greet L.A.
  • Operation of the project: Mitsubishi, Isuzu, Hyundai, Nissan, Hino cement mixer, pump, dump, tractors car accessories. Kato, Tadano crane parts. Komatsu, Hitachi, Carter, Sumitomo engine accessories.
  • Carter was permanently disabled in the war.
  • This is something to which 70 percent of the Carter camp will likewise admit, at a push.
  • From whom should this visit be, but from Sally Martin, accompanied by Mrs. Carter, the sister of the infamous Sinclair! the same, I suppose I need not tell you, who keeps the bagnio near Clarissa Harlowe
  • Nancy Reagan was known as a screamer and Rosalyn Carter would recite the Lords Prayer at the top of her lungs. <a href="" title="How dare you talk about Hillary's voice
  • As the example with the least amount of artificial wear, the Adams-Carter specimen is by far the most desirable of the three Class III dollars available to collectors today. CLASSIC RARITIES: Adams-Carter 1804 Class III Silver Dollar : Coin Collecting News
  • Milarsky again conducted, with another excellent soloist: soprano Jo Ellen Miller, her bright, golden voice flexible to Carter's demands and colorfully sympathetic to Bishop's moods. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Brudenell Carter and customs official George Scrivenor to solve the matter. A Convenient Marriage
  • In the fourth section, those rifle-crack chords from the beginning return as sharply accented individual notes, from the string section, the xylophone — and the cello itself; Carter quietly warns against the dangers of an unexamined life. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Gant's story allowed for an interesting development in the relationship between sweet Carter and prickly Benton, a relationship that evolved over the years into a powerful bond between unequals.
  • It is departing from the realm of plausible re-election prospects, in other words, and moving towards a Jimmy Carterish netherworld.
  • His father, a builder and carrier, was one of the first carters to stable his horses in favour of steam traction lorries.
  • But recurrent episodes of Carterism -- sentimentality about "dialogue" as the dissolver of differences, leavened by vanity about the power of one's personality -- waste time, which we are running short of. Jimmy Carter, Disappointed
  • When most people would sit on their laurels and "give it up," Carter says "giddyup," teach me some more! Archive 2006-03-01
  • None of these officials has dared to contradict Carter on this.
  • Five days at eight hotels in NYC area sponsored by Anderson, Carter, Bascom & Assoc., who warn You should not clean your coins! Robert Lenzner: I Should Have Kept Those Buffalo Nickels
  • Elliott Carter's rippling toccata "Catenaires," composed in 2006 when he was in his late 90s he recently celebrated his 102nd birthday, formed a pleasing diptych with the Ligeti and had in pianist Audrey Andrist a performer just as technically daring. On the Verge of experimental dissolution
  • Dr White will see you now, Miss Carter.
  • Freddy let out a sharp bark of laughter, causing Carter to come out of his stupor.
  • Since the release of the film Carter has made a point of acknowledging his gratitude to the Canadian group.
  • If this debacle is allowed to happen it will make the Jimmy Carter years look like paradise. Poll: Obama drops on health care
  • There was a huge gap between aim and achievement in the Carter administration.
  • Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war
  • Former President, Jimmy Carter is one that I do see fits the bill as he brought together “Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel,” for the Camp David Accords. Osama bin Laden says he is a martyr? No, he is a coward
  • Four years later, the United States and the former Soviet Union possessed more nuclear weapons in their arsenals than before Carter's arrival in the White House.
  • Not a great bustle at this hour on a soft, moist, melancholy November day, but always some evidence of human activity, a boy jog-trotting home with a bag on his shoulder and a dog at his heels, a carter making for the town with a load of coppice-wood, an old man leaning on his staff, two sturdy housewives of the Foregate bustling back from the town with their purchases, one of Hugh's officers riding back towards the bridge at a leisurely walk. The Devil's Novice
  • Carter hoped for greater trust between the two nations, more trade, more cultural exchanges - in short, a genuine peace.
  • The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
  • Overall, women claimants experienced mixed results in trespass matters: four won their suits; one (who took on the powerful Carter family) did not; and the results of the remaining two cases are unknown. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • In 1978 Carter secured legislation that fostered conservation and decontrolled the price of some domestic natural gas.
  • the first Secretary of Energy was James R. Schlesinger who was appointed by Carter
  • A photo from Korea Central News Agency, the nation's official news service, showed Mr. Carter greeting Kim Yong-nam, president of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of North Korea. Carter in North Korea
  • He led the most rhythmically and texturally complex work on the program, the Double Concerto for Piano, Harpsichord and Two Chamber Orchestras (1961), a golden oldie from the days when Mr. Carter was fascinated with music for multiple ensembles that moved independently, though simultaneously, sometimes (but not always) interacting. Tanglewood Contemporary Festival: A Podium Shuffle - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • It turned out, though, that America -- after the coarseness of Johnson, the darkness of Nixon, the awkwardness of Ford and the piousness of Carter -- was happier with Reagan's genuine fakeness. Paul Slansky: Spoiler Alert! I Was Not a Reagan Fan
  • Good work too from Pip Carter who plays the accident-prone Yepihodov as a tortured, lovesick soul, from Emily Taaffe who shows both the flightiness and heartbreak of the maid Dunyasha, and from Kenneth Cranham who pins down the sad senility of the neglected servant, Firs. The Cherry Orchard - review
  • However, Carter will allow a jury to hear evidence about MGA's accusation that Mattel dispatched "gumshoes" to infiltrate toy fairs where MGA displayed its products. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • There were reports of clashes in several states last weekend, including in the contested region of Abyei, but no new violence has been reported in more than 24 hours, and Carter said the vote has gone smoothy. Carter: International community should erase Sudan's debt
  • Carter had advocated deregulation, but he approached reform via legislation whereas his successor sought the same end primarily through administrative action.
  • Election Day in a Chinese village brings Jimmy Carter, windy speeches, and dubious promises
  • The only moment of bother Carter had was when he returned to the All Blacks dressing room and had to deal with some gentle ribbing from his teammates.
  • This tribute dates back to 1926 and is credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. Woodson.
  • For instance, Frank Zarb, who had been Jimmy Carter's "energy czar," predicted that decontrolling the price of crude oil would lead to gasoline prices of $10 a gallon. Blame Congress for High Oil Prices
  • And when his first wife Patricia died of cancer, aged 47, Carter was also reconciled with his daughter.
  • It was Carter's second game back after missing 10 games with a strained quadriceps muscle in his left knee.
  • Ms Carter is one of our most experienced teachers.
  • October 24, 2008 - 2: 55 p.m. NEW YORK (AP) - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and children's-clothes maker Carters Inc. said Friday that some of its clothes with "tagless" labels have given children and infants a rash. Market News
  • DREAM-QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH by H.P. Lovecraft: Randolph Carter leaped shoutingly awake within his Boston room. The Best Endings in Science Fiction
  • The Norwegians—who gave us the term "quisling"—awarded former President Jimmy Carter the Peace Prize Hullabaloo
  • Former US president Jimmy Carter laid bricks and spread concrete yesterday as he helped in a low-income housing project.
  • But contrary to what some have concluded, Carter was not one-dimensional, or inflexible. The Good Fight
  • Carter was permanently disabled in the war.
  • She was the St Mary's fast-afloat self-righting Arun-class lifeboat and Hal Carter was not just a Sallonian and a boatman. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Jimmy Carter's limited experience in politics had not given him adequate preparation for the demands of the White House.
  • Calvin McCarter, a fifth grade home-schooler from Jenison, MI, beat a roomful of older kids Wednesday, making him one of the two youngest students ever to win the competition.
  • Carter's fourth album definitely moves into uncharted territory.
  • Dr. Cynthia Jacobs Carter is director of development for Howard University and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.
  • Camp David Accords andCarter inin Clinton’s proposalfragmentation ofGeneva Initiative andimprisonment of Hamas members inintifada’s effect onIsrael’s “belligerent occupation” ofJordan’s control ofin Mandate of Palestine1996 Palestinian election andOslo Agreement andPalestinian population ofPalestinians guaranteed ownership ofrefugee camps insettlements inin Six-Day WarTaba peace talks andU.N. Security Council resolutions andvillage leagues inwall in see wallWestern Europe Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
  • But this hardly addresses the deeper mystery of why this administration has gotten itself caught in the Venus flytrap of the Arab-Israeli conflict, after vowing not to do so, and why it has done so with a degree of ineptitude that recalls the dimmer moments of the Carter administration. The Annapolis Fiasco
  • The theme for Michael Caine's gangster film Get Carter, written at the age of 23, lays ricocheting trains, chilling harpsichord and funky tablas over a swaggering bass line.
  • The date of the conveyance is not given; however, it likely took place prior to Mary's marriage to Daniel Sanders and preceded Robert Carter's will of 1795, in which Mary was not mentioned. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Jimmy Carter, against all the odds, won the Democratic Nomination for the 1976 American presidential election.
  • MARTIN: And when you all first began singing together, it was in a style called jubilee, right, Mr. Carter? 'Blind Boys' Inspire Fans Worldwide
  • President carter is a racist. ou can tell who they all are becaus ethey are the very first ones to make it known that thye think others are racist. Carter again cites racism as factor in Obama's treatment
  • haunted houses havemercy hawkman hbo he fassl heart-shaped box heavy metal hedge knight helen helena bonham carter hellboy Steam Punk and Spooky Manga This Weekend! - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games
  • U.S. withdrawal from the 1972 ABM treaty, which has inhibited development of ballistic-missile defenses, caused the usual cries that this would "re-escalate" (Jimmy Carter) and "reignite" (Sen. John Kerry) the arms race. Whirl Is King All Around Us
  • The meeting made it crystal clear that Carter was determined to go ahead with the withdrawal.
  • Fantasy has continued to interest several other contemporary women writers, such as Emma Tennant and Angela Carter, in this way.
  • COACH KEN CARTER, FORMER RICHMOND HIGH SCHOOL COUNCIL: For this to happen, the assault, it kind of put a black eye on Richmond. CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2009
  • Think of Mamie Eisenhower's exuberant pink frocks in the can-do post-War '50s; Rosalynnn Carter's recycled gown in the down-in-the-dumps' 70s, Jackie Kennedy regalness in the everything-is-possible '60s. Stylelist Feeds
  • Carter is talkative, though there are a few gaps where he sits silently watching the film.
  • It was obvious now… each time I thought about my relationship with Kiley, I justified it by Carter's insensibility.
  • WHEREAS the Secretary of the Interior on May 22, 1946, pursuant to Executive Order No. 9728 issued by me on May 21, 1946,1 took possession of certain bituminous coal mines, including the mines of the Carter Coal Company located in McDowell County, West Virginia; and EXECUTIVE ORDER 9758
  • Then the Carter administration lavished yet more money and mobilized the federal government anew in yet another massive drive for passage.
  • Then he is sprung from prison by close associate Mike Carter so that Bannion can lead a daring racetrack heist.
  • This includes the specialised categories of carters, draymen, drivers, hackmen, teamsters and expressmen.
  • Thus, in the key area of economic policy, despite an occasional victory, Carter achieved little.
  • One termer for sure, may go down as worse than Carter, no easy task. Obama wants to end the Afghanistan war in three years
  • The turmoil of the past few years by no means mitigates the explosion of prosperity that has taken place since the early 1980s, when President Ronald Reagan enacted promarket reforms to free the economy from the Carter-Nixon stagnation of the 1970s. How Capitalism Will Save Us
  • What may be affirmative will be Carter, Harris and Symons certainly will occupy 3 positions.
  • By replaying the traumatic events that lead to a tragic conclusion, Carter aims to prevent the inevitable.
  • He was calling various officials in the administration to ask if Carter really listened to Mondale. The Good Fight
  • “What you experienced at the airstrip is what I experienced at Jonestown,” Carter said almost 30 years after that horrible day. Peoples Temple: pain of cult massacre lives on
  • From ancient Rome to the Weimar Republic to the Carter presidency, regimes have been rotted by the monetary cancer called inflation.
  • But this form of argumentation is hardly new for Carter, who seems to enjoy misrepresenting the beliefs, motives, and actions of "conservative" Christians. Bizarre
  • ( "Carter Papers: An Inventory ....") [5] A pistole was a Spanish gold coin. Robert Carter Diary, 1725
  • Carter, a staff sergeant who worked in a Los Angeles tire facility after the war, passed away in 1963.
  • The emphasis on local economic development gained its fullest expression during the Carter administration.
  • 1724, Lord Carteret, at his first coming into the government, was prevailed on to issue a proclamation for promising the like reward of £300 to any person who would discover the author of a pamphlet, called "The Drapier's Fourth Letter," etc., writ against that destructive project of coining halfpence for Ireland; but in neither kingdom was the The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D., Volume 1
  • Then, Carter busts the lid off the song, and achieves a rush of sound, Carter's reeds screaming, the percussion a rattling thunderstorm.
  • The pond, which years ago used to be used by carters to dampen their wheels and by residents to wash their clothes, has been the home of a family of ducks for some years
  • Harrison and Steve nobody will care about a new WW, unless its a 1940s period piece with maybe jennifer connelly. the 70s lynda carter is holding the character hostage. most female superheros suck. what we need is a She-Hulk movie. beyonce would be good in that. jada pinkett as Jennifer Susan Walters, beyonce as She-hulk. now thats some extra butter in your popcorn right there. Beyonce Knowles wants Wonder Woman; WB Wants McG to Direct? | /Film
  • For Carter, going wireless means that he can also be paperless.
  • The two high school pals clicked with ex-Watts drummer Phil Carter, and have now become an unstoppable garage rock force.
  • Obama defalcated the trust, hopes, and dreams of millions of Americans by promising their fulfillment, an era of change, and reverting to an FDR / LBJ / Carter / Clinton style politics. Latest Articles
  • February 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) - The former US president, Jimmy Carter, arrived in Khartoum on Monday on a four-day visit to Sudan, heading a delegation of the Carter Center, which is monitoring the elections process in the country. Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan
  • While out on a fishing trip near Plains, Ga., former President Jimmy Carter was approached by what was described as a menacing swamp rabbit.
  • Then the Carter administration lavished yet more money and mobilized the federal government anew in yet another massive drive for passage.
  • [6] A pistole was a Spanish gold coin in use in Carter's time. Letter from Robert Carter to Benjamin Grayson, July 27, 1731
  • However, Disneyinsists that big event films like 20,000 Leagues,John Carter of Mars and Tron are still apriority to new chief Rich Ross. McG Leaves Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Project
  • However, before leaving for his new appointment the teachers and friends met at the house of the Rev Carter to present a small testimonial to Captain Cornelius in recognition of his service.
  • Carter similarly found that his authority carried little weight with his slaves.
  • Moore spent much of the week sitting next to Jimmy Carter in a private part of the convention centre's dress circle.
  • Now if Obama turns into Jimmy Carter and craters, which is just as likely given the built up pork demands of the Democratic Party and its innate pacifism, then she can run as the Avenging Angel and win in 2012. Dana Milbank would like Sarah Palin to stop fighting and accept defeat graciously.
  • Though Carter hasn't lost his love of the lyric as pure sound, the sentiments here come from the heart more than the head.
  • Defence counsel William Carter said Gould had been campaigning against drug abuse within the jail.
  • Days past his 86th birthday, Carter seems intent on making his displeasures abundantly known and arguing again with the men who bedeviled him, even though most are no longer on this Earth to fight back. In church or in print, former president Jimmy Carter still preaches policy
  • As the Carter family drive across the desert wastes of America, a feral family of savage cannibals attacks them.
  • Carter followed Ford
  • After missing a couple of early sighters, Carter kicked goals from all points of the compass.
  • Elizabeth Carter and Constantia Grierson established themselves as classical scholars.
  • Carter's family problems, Sam's inability to commit, Neela's chronic ambivalence, Abby's detachedness and inferiority complex: These all play out over the course of years, and rarely is anything "resolved. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • C., who has worked for four presidents and served as a consultant on executive office reorganization for the Carter administration.
  • Carter gave a wolfish smile, ‘Anyway dude, wish I was in your position.’
  • [5] A carman was a worker with carts, and Carter seems to mean here a worker who wears good, stout shoes for his job. Letter from Robert Carter to Thomas Colmore, January 29 and February 15, 1724
  • Flanked by cowriter, singer and guitar player Ryan Dunn, whose confident bluesy licks add a natural Johnny Cash resonance to McCoy's June Carter, and talented fiddler Ryan Guerra, 2/3 Goat's new CD was recorded by famed Gin Blossoms producer Chris Mara at the Welcome to 1979 Studios in Nashville. Jeff Biggers: Metrobilly Band Rocks Charts With Song on Mountaintop Removal (VIDEO)
  • Bonham Carter shows us an Olivia who is feisty and strong, chafing at her restrictions and only too happy to entertain the amusing Cesario.
  • * Carter did not use the word malaise in his politically disastrous televised speech of July 15, 1979. The Great Experiment
  • Carter was consulting daily with the best military minds and some clear-eyed realists, with no shortage of hawks in his circle of advisers. The Good Fight
  • Charges for such services were mutually agreed between the consignee and carter, payment often being by way of barter for household or farm commodities.
  • Furthermore, the White House was not directing hostage strategy anymore; the Iranians seemed to chafe at everything associated with Carter, and we had turned the negotiations over to Warren Christopher at the State Department. The Good Fight
  • The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.
  • After a few establishing scenes, he is sent with his partner, John, on a stake-out to Cartersville, Georgia.
  • Drummer and leader Joe Chambers kicked it off with Benny Carter 's blues "M Squad," which was even brassier than Count Basie's flute-driven arrangement. Sounding the Horns, Recalling the Words
  • McGrath, who has a long-standing thumb problem but who has passed himself fit, survived a strong lbw appeal early in his innings from Neil Carter after an inswinger struck him in front. County cricket - as it happened
  • What will backfire is when Reps link Obama to Carter. Obama camp uses McClellan book to attack McCain
  • Carter was the man who dispatched opponents like rag dolls during Friday fight nights.

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