How To Use Carport In A Sentence
The circular carport roof is cantilevered from a central pillar making it reminiscent of the dendriform columns found at Johnson Wax.
It changed the nature of suburban streets, with cul-de-sacs replacing straight streets as desirable places to reside and house design changing to incorporate carports or garages.
The sales venue is typically a garage, driveway, carport, front yard, porch, or occasionally, the interior of a house.
In the evenings, she hoovered up sadza and milk or cream-laden bonemeal with an expression of unadulterated bliss, and then she’d climb into one of the hessian-padded tractor tires we kept under the carport for the dogs and sink into a coma, her beauty-queen eyelashes curling up from her cheeks.
Rainbow’s End
At Inverness Sheriff Court, Gloag was granted an interim interdict against the tenants, preventing them using the narrow strip and a nearby carport.

I'll be on the carport roof with my ice cream sandwich oohing and aahing with the best of them, providing a mouth watering target for my paranoid, Holden driving, gun-toting neighbours.
The sales venue is typically a garage, driveway, carport, front yard, porch, or occasionally, the interior of a house.
So the nekkid,green-haired spheroidal beings went down to the carport and blasted off to…. nightshayde says:
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What should I use to seal the joint between a carport roof and the house wall?
The latter is that we would have to find a place to garage it while we are away - our house has a fenced-in carport, but the car is still visible from the street.
To take the car or not to take the car
Metal carports can be added to any residence or commercial site.
Is there space in your garage or carport for a storage loft?
Heather's was the one with the pine cone wreath on the door and the brown Volkswagen Rabbit tucked under the carport.
Laura That "carport" thingie and the garage doors remind me of a funeral home.
But first I'm painting the carport (actually a corrugated iron shelter) green and planting some climbing plants in front of it.
The carport was a big, flat expanse of lawn, a variant of mutant grass, which could take an infinite amount of trampling.
A Gift From Earth
If you haven't even got room for a single lean-to garage, you could always consider building a carport.
Normally I would park my car in the carport and close the gate to the carport and trust that it would look locked.
There is a double carport to the side of the house.
Some of the town houses will have garages and the condominiums will have carports.
A County-model Land-Rover had been backed up against a stack of firewood in the shelter of a thatched carport.
Heather's was the one with the pine cone wreath on the door and the brown Volkswagen Rabbit tucked under the carport.
Damage was concentrated in the carport, sundeck and exterior of the house.
I have seen some places online where my tunnel COULD be defined as a carport, and other places where it doesn't fit at all.
BiggerPockets Forums
I went to the carport and shone the torch between the carport bars aiming the beam under the car.
So the carport that I believe you see in the video is what we refer to as a shelter of last resort.
CNN Transcript Aug 14, 2004
The structure and work principle of the elevator type solid carport are introduced.
As she leaves, waiting for her under the carport is a slight 17-year- old.
Yearning for Love
Most of the house lights were darkened but the kitchen light and the lights above the carport were still on.
The sales venue is typically a garage, driveway, carport, front yard, porch, or occasionally, the interior of a house.
Vines grow all over the alley's crypt-like garages and carports, their tendrils reaching around to grab trees and trashcans.
A door connected kitchen with bathroom, with the rear door leading from the kitchen to the carport.
It changed the nature of suburban streets, with cul-de-sacs replacing straight streets as desirable places to reside and house design changing to incorporate carports or garages.
They pull the car into the carport with pillars and a crumbling stucco facade.
A bedroom window in a garage wall is a fire safety violation and is an indication that your garage is either an addition or a converted carport.
Is there space in your garage or carport for a storage loft?
A careful restoration from 2004-2006 included Rudolph's dropped covered walkway rebuilt between house and carport, built-in furnishings around living room pit rebuilt by hand to Rudolph's specs, restore the rolling walls along east side of house, fascia, overhangs, posts, screen porch off living room pit.
May 2008
Apparently, a carport is the ideal solution to exotic car storage and one's just won a prize for its Maserati-sheltering abilities.
Jalopnik: Top
Heather's was the one with the pine cone wreath on the door and the brown Volkswagen Rabbit tucked under the carport.
I witnessed my neighbors' propane tanks, sofas and carports going right down the river in front of my eyes.
You saw carports down, roofs that had been ripped off, insulation all over the ground.
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New Business Card Pictures
Development in rural areas means concrete houses built on pilings to allow a breezeway and carport underneath.
This office has direct access, via covered outdoor steps between the main entrance and the carport. Due to its ideal positioning, the building profits from the optimal use of the mountain sunshine.
We are replacing a dilapidated carport which is attached to our garage and the (south-facing) front of our house with a pergola.
The dimensions of the proposed carport are 5.5m long by 3.5m wide. The exact height of the carport is unknown as the plans provided do not indicate any levels based on a fixed datum, however is dimensioned to be 2.4m to the ceiling and 3.036m overall.
Police said the carport is a hangout for the Muhammad family street gang, which has a rivalry with the Dog Pound.
The apartment has one designated parking space in a carport immediately outside the building, and there is plenty of guest parking available in a communal car park.
When the investigating officers checked the home, they found the two suspects hiding in the carport, one under a car and the other on the roof.
A County-model Land-Rover had been backed up against a stack of firewood in the shelter of a thatched carport.
A laneway to the side of the house provides access to a private carport.
Across the region, residents dealt with downed branches, knocked-over trees, malfunctioning traffic signals, leaky roofs, crumpled carports and battered mobile homes.
The 22-by 33-foot room replaces a carport and is connected directly to the house.
He turned onto his front step, then decided against it and walked along the driveway to the carport.
What should I use to seal the joint between a carport roof and the house wall?
Most of the house lights were darkened but the kitchen light and the lights above the carport were still on.
What should I use to seal the joint between a carport roof and the house wall?
Two side entrances provide access to the back garden - one has double timber doors which lead to a carport.
This office has direct access, via covered outdoor steps between the main entrance and the carport.
Two covered carports also shelter a woodworking shop and a recycling shed; more outdoor parking is included at the edge of the three-acre neighborhood.
The carport was blocked by a chainlink fence covered in rags.
A Cuba Homecoming