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How To Use Carpentry In A Sentence

  • The committee and officer will be responsible for selecting people from the community who will go for training in skills like building and carpentry before starting work on the projects.
  • The other is for his carpentry and is aromatic with wood shavings and resin. Times, Sunday Times
  • You don't need to be a master carpenter, but some basic carpentry skills are required.
  • They hope to turn the 105 ft boat into a practical training zone where youngsters learn skills such as plumbing, gas fitting, carpentry, electronics and mechanics.
  • It is a transformation scene without a suggestion of stage carpentry or fireworks and there is something of enchantment about it.
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  • He was learning plumbing, carpentry and tradesmen's skills. The Sun
  • The new centre offers courses in typing, computer and leatherwork skills for girls, and carpentry, metalwork and construction skills for boys.
  • He taught them the rudiments of carpentry and construction as they put up a unit for poultry production.
  • Everybody admires your carpentry shop work. Sociology
  • One of the most common occupations of skilled slaves and freedmen was that of carpentry, or more generally any of the construction crafts, including masonry.
  • The fixing of these strips will entail a certain amount of carpentry, and in addition to bradawl, screwdriver, and footrule you will need a hard pencil and a carpenter's square, as well as some stout iron screws one inch long. The Book-Hunter at Home
  • The guy who poured the concrete knew he was better at concrete than the guys who installed the cabinets who knew they were better at carpentry than the guy who shingled the roof.
  • The security of a government-funded human services position had been an improvement over the uncertainty of a solo carpentry business.
  • In the end, due to the meagerness of both our resources and our carpentry skills, we settled on a balance constructed of wood and a precariously balanced wire hanger.
  • The box bellows is a simple device which can be constructed by anyone with rudimentary carpentry skills.
  • The original focus industries were pottery, sericulture, carpentry, textiles, coconut fiber, and woven mats.
  • You don't need to be a master carpenter, but some basic carpentry skills are required.
  • Many had skills such as carpentry and plumbing, which could be used in military life, he added.
  • This was to be made by me in the carpentry workshop. Times, Sunday Times
  • rough carpentry
  • Mr Chisanyi said youths should be engaged in productive ventures such as agriculture, carpentry, tailoring, fishing, manufacturing gemstone mining, copper craft and art.
  • Dad explained that he could do a lot of the finish work himself, the wood trim, carpentry, and painting—precisely the kind of labor that was most time-consuming, requiring a good eye and steady brush, and would be costly to subcontract. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Men of both ethnicities do woodwork and carpentry, bricklaying, and upholstering.
  • There are not many olive wood carpentry shops left in the biblical city of Bethlehem. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's very satisfying work and very doable if you have basic carpentry skills and the right tools.
  • As a child in France, Petit was already wire-walking to the beat of a different drummer – also teaching himself equitation, fencing, carpentry, rock-climbing, drama, drawing, and bullfighting. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • This book attempts to demystify the male worlds of plumbing and carpentry.
  • I know some carpentry, but I know nothing about electrics or plumbing or roofing.
  • One of the most disheartening things was to go into that prison and see a massive carpentry shop - fully equipped and fully tooled - empty.
  • This has given me ample opportunity to perfect my carpentry skills: Just as I finish building rabbit hutches, chicken coops and woodsheds, I have to start again at a new location.
  • Lightning rods, carpentry, and brickwork-all were spelled out, arrayed on legal-sized paper across seventeen numbered sections.
  • Much admired for his skill at carpentry, Tade made horses and donkeys carts and put bands on the wheels of carts.
  • Skills provided here include; carpentry, tailoring, mixed agriculture, small business management, book keeping and typing skills.
  • Framing walls is known in construction as rough carpentry.
  • Veneers were used only to mask carpentry mistakes.
  • It’s not the carpentry that counts – it’s having a patch tended, cultivated, manured and limed which is never ever ever trodden upon. Jean's Knitting
  • He loved carpentry and working with wood and many of his creations can be found today in homes all around this region.
  • The original focus industries were pottery, sericulture, carpentry, textiles, coconut fiber, and woven mats.
  • This knowledge is not carpentry, working in wood or brass or farming.
  • The key aspects of this allegorization are suggested, or indeed inscribed, in the inscription, itself already allegorizing the materiality of inscription and the material carpentry of inscription of the couplet just cited in Plate 6. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • A few enterprising residents have opened vegetable stands, tailor shops, carpentry mills and teahouses in tiny shacks.
  • But most kits are pretty well laid out and come with plans and some sort of instructions, so you and a couple of helpers can do the work with basic carpentry skills and tools.
  • Now he must hope that his name alone adds curiosity value, sufficient to fool his fans into seeing his latest pulp-action piece of Carpentry, an artless and heartless sci-fi Western.
  • The feeding platform, situated 20 feet up an enormous dipterocarp tree, was successfully completed, with the young volunteers having to learn carpentry at the same time as basic safety rope work.
  • Learning carpentry, on the other hand, involves purposeful activity and experimentation, a kind of learning that is beyond verbalization.
  • A portion of the immigrants were skilled artisans who typically replicated their old-world crafts of shoemaking and repairing, tailoring, carpentry, and barbering.
  • Truly designed with the average parent or grandparent in mind, this playhouse project requires no complex knowledge of woodworking or carpentry.
  • Carvers' chisels differ from carpentry chisels in the way they are sharpened.
  • He was gifted with his hands and had a natural flair for wood-turning and carpentry.
  • Competitors had to display their creative tasks in carpentry, craft, cookery and computer skills.
  • There are not many olive wood carpentry shops left in the biblical city of Bethlehem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, the basic carpentry skills and tools required make this project within reach of most homeowners.
  • Stephen: Everyone knows carpentry is the tool of the devil. Dueling Reviews: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #30 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Carpentry and furniture making are usually classified as skilled trades.
  • Kane then led a wandering life, scraping a living by housepainting and carpentry.
  • Farming, carpentry, metalwork and leatherwork skills and services will be core activities.
  • Mr. Carrillo gradually learned English and skills such as tiling and carpentry. Latest Immigration Wave: Retreat
  • Not only is this a large building, it is one with sophisticated carpentry and rich design: see the carved bargeboards of the porches.
  • Struck by Switters's persistence-he kept at it literally for hours-and delighted by his improvement-by late afternoon he was stilting with authority, if not exactly grace-Pippi beckoned him over to the roofed but open-air area at the rear of the storehouse where she maintained a small carpentry shop. Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates
  • First, the quality of finish carpentry and cabinetwork, which can vary considerably, would be left to the discretion of the homeowner. Living Smaller
  • I know some carpentry, but I know nothing about electrical or plumbing or roofing.
  • When working with pressure-treated lumber, use the same types of precautions as you would with any other carpentry and woodworking processes.
  • I prefer to learn about carpentry from carpenters. Christianity Today
  • He was expert at carpentry and fixing bikes and playing dominoes and making kites and mauby-brewing with special tinctures. Stabroek News
  • They can be trained in trades such as carpentry, tailoring, catering, phenyl making and candle making.
  • He has a musket, bullets, gunpowder, carpentry tools, clothes, bedding and a Bible.
  • The Ndola Women and Youth Resource Centre facilitates a number of livelihood programmes which include brick making, pottery, agriculture, tailoring, carpentry and others.
  • Skilled trades such as fishing, carpentry, and masonry work tend to be family specializations.
  • The other is for his carpentry and is aromatic with wood shavings and resin. Times, Sunday Times
  • He joined a vocational training center for a nine-month course in carpentry skills and thereafter got employment as a journeyman with a local factory.
  • Farming, carpentry, metalwork and leatherwork skills and services will be core activities.
  • Workshops were set up to teach carpentry and bootmaking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reed did a bit of quick carpentry to repair the breaks, lashing them back together with something the Vikings could have used, duct tape.
  • His apprentices usually prepare the mixture of torn-up newspaper, carpentry glue, and water, while he fashions the mask armature from galvanized chicken-wire, using a pair of pliers as his main tool.
  • Through the project she was able to learn carpentry while building a small flat in a new terrace. The Sun
  • He was going to run a carpentry business. Times, Sunday Times
  • The taxman has obtained two judgments totalling €267,913 against a Dublin carpentry contractor and a man living in Co Kildare.
  • There were exotic foods from distant lands, unique carpentry from other countries, and strange odors that brought excitement to the nose.
  • As an Instructor in carpentry and joinery at Fás in Ballytivnan, Basil is more than qualified to lead this team.
  • I figure we could go "dutch" for any additional carpentry and plumbing classes my little "Susie Homemaker" will need just in case we want to expand our perfect commorancy. Archive 2005-05-15
  • His bricklaying cannot be matched by anyone locally, his carpentry is superb, he is unique and Bolton needs him.
  • I have discovered that there are many similarities between cycling and carpentry.
  • There are vacancies across the UK in roles including carpentry, plumbing and welding. The Sun
  • There are many more carpentry workshops owned by native Africans operating in the informal sector of the economy.
  • Mr. Deb doesn't allow the drumbeat of national pride that has accompanied India's rise to obscure the fact that in essential ways it remains a land of filthy public toilets and poorly made buildings, a country that launches satellites into space but shows only the flimsiest familiarity with basic carpentry or plumbing. Beautiful and Damned, or Just Dazed and Confused?
  • But one major turning point came when she started going to carpentry evening classes and found she had real talent for do-it-yourself.
  • John Joe O'Reilly, lecturer in carpentry and joinery said: ‘We are delighted with their achievements.’
  • With donations of cash and broken and used tools, men are trained in welding, woodwork, carpentry and other skills, and are then placed in jobs.
  • There seemed to be quite a bit of construction, some plumbing, carpentry, and certainly a good deal of blood, sweat and tears.
  • Very little carpentry is done by hand and quietly. Sound ordinance in ajijic?
  • When I first started my career in carpentry, building a set of stairs seemed like a complicated and daunting task.
  • It doesn't matter how much money we give employers to take on apprentices in tradition trades - in gas fitting, in tiling, in welding and carpentry.
  • Reed did a bit of quick carpentry to repair the breaks, lashing them back together with something the Vikings could have used, duct tape.
  • A portion of the immigrants were skilled artisans who typically replicated their old-world crafts of shoemaking and repairing, tailoring, carpentry, and barbering.
  • All the more so in the Crowells' case: "Among the more crippling side effects of my parents' disentitlement was a dirt-poor sense of themselves that made them far better suited for the maintenance of property not their own - particularly my father, whose mathematical wizardry and carpentry skills emerged only when he was employed by a third party, preferably at below minimum wage. Childhood in a minor key
  • Vocational training programs were also started in such traditionally female professions as tailoring and typing, as well as in nontraditional skills of carpentry, masonry, and electrical and plumbing service.
  • Like carpentry, writing is a craft; the more you do it, the easier and better you get.
  • But don't ignore plumbing or carpentry - there are skill shortages in the trades that will worsen. Times, Sunday Times
  • In those days many working men - and in particular those with carpentry skills - manufactured dartboards out of elm or poplar wood as a sideline.
  • The project aims to bring the children back to civilian life by giving them a trade in carpentry, masonry or metal work.
  • The key aspects of this allegorization are suggested, or indeed inscribed, in the inscription, itself already allegorizing the materiality of inscription and the material carpentry of inscription of the couplet just cited in Plate 6. Chaosmic Orders: Nonclassical Physics, Allegory, and the Epistemology of Blake's Minute Particulars.
  • The table makes use of the Japanese mortice and tenon joint, which is an elaborate and exacting piece of carpentry.
  • The three small lead weights, a long chalk line reel, and two ash handles thought to be gimlets (small boring tools) are the only objects associated with carpentry that were found in the chest.
  • I know some carpentry, but I know nothing about electrical or plumbing or roofing.
  • The two Stuarts travelled with a group including part-time lecturer in carpentry and joinery, James Henderson.
  • This summer, Old Sturbridge Village has expanded its regular woodworking demonstrations to include carpentry.
  • So, when Linda is not helping out with lambing, plucking her fabulous chickens or collecting eggs from her daughter's quails, she is knocking up new duck-houses in her carpentry shed.
  • shingling is a craft very different from carpentry
  • Over four days of tough competition, the best of the world's young people fight for the title of world champion in 36 trades ranging from cookery, welding and stonemasonry to information technology, carpentry and computer-aided design.
  • These same students in most cases help do the practical work of putting up the building -- some at the sawmill, the brick-yard, or in the carpentry, brickmaking, plastering, painting, and tinsmithing departments. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
  • Every brainworker, he held, must in his spare time be able to detach his thoughts from his chief business, pin them to something of quite another kind, no matter how trivial: keep fowls or root round gardens, play the flute or go in for carpentry. Australia Felix
  • The opening of day schools of carpentry, plumbing and calcimining for the children of the capitalist is already producing results. Winsome Winnie and other New Nonsense Novels
  • An impression of paint, varnish, and carpentry was in the air; a gaudy new burgee fluttered aloft; there seemed to be a new rope or two, especially round the diminutive mizzen-mast, which itself looked altogether new. The Riddle of the Sands
  • For the author, the craft of building in timber is not so much carpentry as wizardry.
  • What they do: A broad range of jobs that require workers to possess specialized skills, usually gained by apprenticeship, such as bricklaying, carpentry, cabinet making, masonry, plumbing and welding. © Shutterstock Sales Representatives What they...
  • Here the artisans and craftsman gathered in new centre, cities began to grow with new craft mohallas, and they began to specialise in the products of Shawl and carpets in Kashmir, chapkan, chadar and dopatta in Punjab and Chitral and Northern Areas, tile work in Multan, Hala and Hyderabad, block printing in Sindh and fine carpentry in Chiniot, Bhira and Dera Ismail Khan. Bloggers.Pakistan
  • Yemenis still practice traditional handicrafts such as silver and copperwork, dagger manufacturing, carpentry, boat building, pottery, weaving and dyeing, wickerwork, and leather tanning.
  • I'll check back in afew days there's no work here in Fl. so I'll hunt the last few days of deer season at our place in Ga .. (carpentry, home building jobs are gone, thats my trade) (CHANGE it BACK) 0 Good Comment? Q: Mr, Petzal you said there were 5 guns for $500 or less that will shoot moa or less.
  • Trim the exterior of the door with finish carpentry such as columns and a crosshead pediment to extend the width of the door.
  • They are also given vocational training, such as tailoring or carpentry, and are taught to read, write and do simple maths.
  • Most of the stay-at-home fathers spoke about work they were doing on the house, landscaping, carpentry, woodworking or repairing cars.
  • The original focus industries were pottery, sericulture, carpentry, textiles, coconut fiber, and woven mats.
  • The other is for his carpentry and is aromatic with wood shavings and resin. Times, Sunday Times
  • They begin to realize the importance of math as they see its application in the field of engineering or carpentry or accounting.
  • They have non-farm related hobbies: Ann sings, Gerry hunts and does carpentry and woodworking, the kids play sports.
  • The other is for his carpentry and is aromatic with wood shavings and resin. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are treasures of carpentry still extant, that he made for them. The Daisy Chain
  • There will be a small-scale industry in carpentry and joinery, as well as brick making which might also absorb the orphans upon completion of their courses.
  • That bad party boy, who was considering a career in carpentry has decided it's just too much hard work and with the help of a manager has launched himself as a Gen Z party planner. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Prior to the tsunami, these residents were involved in fishing, tourism, carpentry, tailoring and various other small businesses such as selling vegetables and fruit.
  • This summer, Old Sturbridge Village has expanded its regular woodworking demonstrations to include carpentry.
  • Boys were taught carpentry and gardening and girls learnt needlework, crochet and knitting.
  • In the urban shantytowns, small-scale commercial activities such as vegetable stalls, food stores, carpentry, and tailoring abound.
  • Adrian had taken a woodworking and carpentry course in high school, so this would be a piece of cake.
  • a boss hand at carpentry
  • The security of a government-funded human services position had been an improvement over the uncertainty of a solo carpentry business.
  • Ask Neil to do it — he's a dab hand at carpentry.
  • He got involved in wood-work, learning the fine points of joinery and carpentry.
  • His parents transferred him to a vocational program in carpentry at his high school with the hope that he would find the schoolwork easier.
  • He was 23, had just set up his own carpentry business and was doing well. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are irresistibly drawn by the detritus generated by building, gardening, housework, tailoring, or carpentry.
  • We need people with practical skills like carpentry.

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