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  1. any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occurring in plants and animals

How To Use carotenoid In A Sentence

  • Hey, protection from free-radical damage all day long -- can't beat that, especially when it comes to one type of cancer: OJ contains something called carotenoid cryptoxanthin, and it's associated with a 15-31 percent reduced lung cancer risk. That's Fit
  • The results indicates that the chief chemical components of Jasminum Nudiflorum Linde consist of flavonoids and carotenoids.
  • When the team injected barn swallow chicks with foreign antigens, the color of the chicks' gapes dulled as their bodies drew upon all available carotenoids to mount an immune defense.
  • Tomatoes provide two valuable phytochemicals: the carotenoid lycopene and the flavonoid quercetin.
  • This color reveals the presence of yellow, orange and red pigments known as carotenoids.
  • Beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene comprise the carotenoid antioxidants.
  • However, not all albino mutants are caused by carotenoid deficiencies; defects in chlorophyll biosynthesis would also lead to an albino phenotype, though, not in combination with vivipary.
  • With different mutants a correlation between the total amount of synthesized carotenoids and photosynthetic oxygen evolution was observed.
  • Birds such as goldfinches, orioles, and cardinals owe their colorful plumages to carotenoids.
  • Lobsters and crabs, as well as some mollusks, worms, and fish species (salmon and trout, for example), use carotenoid colorants.
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