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How To Use Carnal In A Sentence

  • Fracas, that mother of all big floral scents, the strange, kinky Diva Tubereuse Criminelle, and the lustrously beautiful Carnal Flower. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The "Carnal!!!" stencil is ubiquitous in Mexico City's Coyoacan district. The "Carnal!!!" stencil is ubiquitous in Mexico City's Coyoacan district. © Anthony Wright, 2009
  • Padre Amaro, the young saving grace reformer, is in actuality a power mad vacuum, able to use a nubile young woman to satisfy his carnal desires as he finks on those within his order who would do the same.
  • The man Christ's voluntary and most innocent, most shameful, and most cruel death on the Cross was the deletion and purgation of, and the satisfaction for, all the carnal desires of human nature.
  • For the purposes of this section, "carnal knowledge" includes the acts of sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anilingus, and anal intercourse. Pam's House Blend - Front Page
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  • Mg.l_ {2} + 2Na = 2NaCl + Mg. It is now made by electrolysis, but instead of using as the electrolyte the melted anhydrous chloride, which is difficult to obtain, the natural mineral carnallite is used. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Their ruling passion is that of carnal love.
  • The crystal is actually a mixture of carnallite and salt with the proportions varying according to evaporation conditions and the stage of the evaporation process.
  • The pastor is steadfastly ministering to something other than his own carnality or self-esteem.
  • They must curb their carnal cravings and submit to the will of the Lord.
  • K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite Word of the Day
  • In the end she opts for the serious, renounces carnal love, and decides to become a Catholic.
  • ‘We have such aversion to the reality of our mortality, our carnality, our physical being,’ he says.
  • These psychogenetic affinities and ambiguities between carnal desires, cannibalism, death, and rebirth form the core symbolism of the mythopoeic imagery.
  • That taste of carnal pleasure unleashed a ravenous appetite.
  • Since the excess of animality and the accumulation and abundance of its stratas have their origin in food, drink and indulgence in carnal pleasures, a fast accomplishes what abundant food cannot.
  • There is a tremendous emphasis on carnality, even animality, from the outset of play.
  • He had had to confess his carnal thoughts to Father Devlin and had been severely censured.
  • Lascivious desire, and no religious devotion, made him draw neere her, and whether under shrift (the onely cloake to compasse carnal affections) or some other as close conference to as pernitious and vile a purpose, I know not: but so farre he prevailed upon her frailety, and such a bargaine passed betweene them, that from the Church, he wonne her to his Chamber, before any person could perceive it. The Decameron
  • The artists are too discreet for political stridency; and in terms of carnal heat, Gilbert & George have been outdone, as critic Michael Corris has put it, "by domesticated Robert Mapplethorpe and [Jeff Koons and Cicciolina] doing the rumpy-pumpy in public. Keeping A Stiff Upper Lip
  • I am sure that to them the invocation of Beelzebub is a prelibation of carnality. Là-bas
  • The King portrayed a female vagrant, complete with a garbage bag dress, who goes after a man in hope of satisfying her carnal desires.
  • Punishment for adultery, incest, rape and carnal knowledge was death.
  • The videos apparently distract the viewer's attention from the song to the meaningless portrayal of carnal desires.
  • The image, with its un-plucked fowls, beef head ecorche, intestine-cased sausages, and blood puddings, is an essay in carnality, and it has the stink of death as well. John Seed: Fast Food Art vs. Slow Food Art
  • Claire Denis's "Trouble Every Day" is more unsettled mood piece than conventional blood bath, although its carnal interludes are some of the grisliest episodes in the entire genre. Psychos and Suckers
  • A phantom of air, an abstraction of the dawn and of vesper sun-lights, a bodiless sylph on the one hand; on the other a gross carnal monster, like the Miltonic Asmodai, "the fleshliest incubus" among the fiends, and yet so far ennobled into interest by his intellectual power, and by the grandeur of misanthropy! Biographical Essays
  • Seemingly placid but boiling with passions - from carnality to intense anger - The Housemaid is a hard-boiled little tale dressed up like something calmer and more measured. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: The Housemaid
  • I am carnal, sold under sin.
  • For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also -- "they owe it also" to minister unto them in carnal things -- (Compare 1Co 9: 11; Ga 6: 6; and see Lu 7: 4; Ac 10: 2). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • For him, though, there's no competition between carnal and spiritual desires.
  • If those who hold the common doctrine of a carnal resurrection should carry it out with philosophical consistency, by extending the scheme it involves to all existing planetary races as well as to their own, should they cause that process of imagination which produced this doctrine to go on to its legitimate completion, they would see in the final consummation the sundered earths approach each other, and firmaments conglobe, till at last the whole universe concentred in one orb. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • K - a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite Word of the Day
  • It's novel and antinovel, locked in carnal embrace, and fighting it out for the earthly vehicle of the author.
  • Various on-site locations are unique loci of festal carnality.
  • The mark of true debauchees is, surely, when individuals have become so consumed by the excesses of their own sensual desires and carnal appetites that they can no longer function as whole and integral human beings.
  • But where the minds of men, through their native darkness, are disenabled to discern the glory of spiritual things, and, through their carnal, unmortified affection, do cleave unto, and have the highest esteem of, worldly grandeur, it is no wonder if they suppose the beauty and glory of the church to consist in them. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Repentance must come every day as soon as you have acknowledged that you have done something wrong, and not after you spend two whole months in carnality and ungodliness.
  • But The Carnal Prayer Mat was published at a time when the ruling elite's attitudes to sex and pornography were beginning to change.
  • Where is Hector to command the troll, change, to engage in carnal relations with a vicious predator? Matthew Yglesias » Climate Migration
  • He was used to having his desires indulged, whether they were aesthetic or carnal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carnal hearts seldom shrink from the pains necessary to carry on their carnal purposes; when a proselyte is to be made to serve a turn for themselves, they will compass sea and land to make him, rather than be disappointed. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Raging carnal appetite was certainly a recurring motif on Wednesday. Times, Sunday Times
  • I see the notorious Sheila Face, certainly named by some carnal-dreaming mountaineer, looming like a succubus above the hut.
  • It is notable primarily for its lack of carnal interest.
  • The most common minerals of chlorine are halite, or rock salt, sylvite, and carnallite.
  • Richard Haryson (1535) was fain to confess, in the deed of surrender, that the monks had, “under the shadow of their rule, vainly detestably, and ungodlily devoured their yearly revenues in continual ingurgitations of their carrion bodies, and in support of their over voluptuous and carnal appetites.” {243b} We cannot but suspect that such language was that of their enemies, put into their mouths, when resistance was no longer possible. Records of Woodhall Spa and Neighbourhood Historical, Anecdotal, Physiographical, and Archaeological, with Other Matter
  • It is the threesome of snake, Eve, and Adam which, according to the Bible, makes for carnal knowledge.
  • The French propensity to incarnate ideas in depictions of the carnal reaches a high point in Klossowski's fiction, which indeed resembles Sade's in a few ways.
  • It wasn't demeaning, or if it was, it hurt him more, as I came off the carnal innocent, surviving only on instinct not knowledge.
  • Lord help us if old Jimmy gets any ideas along those lines, since his idea of carnal is probably a good old nose pick. Golden Brown
  • He is there to educate you in the ways of carnality, and before the night is out he teaches you all of his little tricks...
  • To these professed atheists, we may well add that impious and carnal crew of worldly-minded men, impenitent sinners, that go to hell in a lethargy, or in a dream; who though they be professed Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A descent into this kind of carnally driven pulp should be conducted boldly and without apology, which is a courage that Cristofer cannot seem to muster.
  • Moreover, he vowed many vows to the Living, the Eternal; and visited the pious and was constant in supplication to the Most Highest, till He gave ear to him and accepted his prayer and took pity on his straining and complaining; so that, before many days were past, he knew carnally one of his women and she conceived by him the same night. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Magnesium is found in seawater and as the mineral carnallite, a combination of potassium chloride and magnesium chloride, at the Stassfurt Mine in Germany.
  • _Ischk_ (love) is always associated with the idea of carnality Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • The potassium salts like carnallite, langbeinite, polyhalite, and sylvite are found in ancient lake and sea beds. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The film in general is seriously undermined by its Wes Anderson-style obsession with ostentatious perfection books lined up meticulously in square piles with the camera dollying across as if the atmosphere is more important than the human moment, along with the distracting presence of Haskell Wexler as a bookstore customer and the uncomfortably carnal quid-pro-quo credit of “Executive Producers: George Clooney Steven Soderbergh.” Wholphin, Eggers and Why I Can’t Believe : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • Shelley Rice describes Kuhn's Brazil as "mobile, never fixed; it moves back and forth between wilderness and civilization, between carnality and oblivion, fecundity and decay.
  • Dürkheim; it is also found in lepidolite, leucite, petalite, triphylline and in the carnallite from Stassfurt. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • But could charitable giving be akin to a more carnal pleasure, it asks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The principal minerals in the potash horizon are carnallite The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • It gave him, he said, carnal pleasure for the first time in his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it was a free admiration he would not have dared show had she not been a daughter of illegitimacy -- a girl whose mother's "looseness" raised pleasing if scandalous suggestions and even possibilities in the mind of every man with a carnal eye. Susan Lenox: Her Fall and Rise, Volume I
  • All that is connoted by the adjective ‘carnal ‘is the very reverse, and savors of that which is ‘earthly, sensual, devilish.’
  • The majority of the men who frequent dance-halls go there with nothing but carnal thoughts in their minds.
  • In a world that can sometimes be disgusting, we evolved an upper tier of emotional longing -- the aspiration for purity -- to keep us balanced in this satyricon of carnal delights where animality beckons and frequently wins. Mark Matousek: Why We Don't Need God to Be Good (and What Religious Folk Don't Want You to Know)
  • Ad cognoscendum an usque ad pollutionem se tetigerint, quando tempore et quo fine se tetigerint; an tunc quosdam motus in corpore experti fuerint, et per quantum temporis spatium; an cessantibus tactibus nihil insolitum et turpe acciderit; an non longe majorem in corpore voluptatem perceperint in fine tactuum quam in eorum principio; an tum in fine quando magnam delectationem carnalem senserunt, omnes motus corporis cessaverint; an non madefacti fuerint? The Priest, The Woman And The Confessional
  • Succinct but solemn warnings against vices to which kings are peculiarly tempted, as carnal pleasures and oppressive and unrighteous government are used to sustain sensual indulgence. strength -- mental and bodily resources for health and comfort. thy ways -- or course of life. to that ... kings -- literally, "to the destroying of kings," avoid destructive pleasures (compare Pr 5: 9; 7: 22, 27; Ho 4: 11). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • General and confused notions of divine things produce in carnal hearts some kind of desires towards them, and wishes of them; like Balaam's wish, to die the death of the righteous. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Oh, let not the things of, God be immixed any more with carnal reasonings! The Sermons of John Owen
  • Cheever's flickering back and forth between a yearning for light and the destructive lure (alcoholic, carnal) of darkness is rendered on a scale at once "ingrown" and vast. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • Thou art not to devour, to gulp down the carnal life as if thou wert a dog," the Nahua elders warned the next generation of young men. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • I will expound to you — as I alone can — the secret of the enginery that effected the Rattleborough miracle — the one, the true, the admitted, the undisputed, the indisputable miracle, which put a definite end to infidelity among the Rattleburghers and converted to the orthodoxy of the grandames all the carnal-minded who had ventured to be sceptical before. Thou Art the Man
  • The most common minerals of chlorine are halite, or rock salt, sylvite, and carnallite.
  • mortify," -- that is, extinguish and destroy all that force and vigour of corrupted nature which inclines to earthly, carnal things, opposite unto that spiritual, heavenly life and its actings which we have in and from Christ, as was before declared. Pneumatologia
  • Its sufficiency consists in this -- both that it demonstrates the necessity of that duty which is to be performed by sinful man, to be completely absolute, and on no account to be remissible, by which the way is closed against carnal security -- and that it most strongly fortifies against despair, not only sinners, that they may be led to repentance, but also those who perform the duty, that they may, through the certain hope of future blessings, persevere in the course of faith and of good works upon which they have entered. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • Chlorine is a compound of the most common minerals; rock salt or halite (NaCl), sylvite (KCl) and carnallite (MgCl12. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • What is more calculated to gratify a carnal mind than a strong delusion leading one to think himself a Christian, and yet not disturbing his lusts?
  • And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free. Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
  • So, thanks to French and Latin, English-speakers now sink their teeth into cuirass, carnage, carnality, and carnivore. The English Is Coming!
  • Reply to: see below surrogateship socialise Aidos outraised liquefiable restuffs rhynchocoelous encarnalised come-at-ableness megalopore uxoricide whipper uncolt bonebreaker karyotypical identifer lockstep Ixiama dallyman Chitimacha methylphenidate antiracial inversion Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in boston
  • It is the policy of Satan, when by his temptations he has drawn men from God and their duty, to rock them asleep in carnal security, that they may not be sensible of their misery and danger. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Hence, either the Syriac text has been slightly altered by a transcriber (only one letter had to be changed) or the translator understood the word begot of conventional, not of carnal, fatherhood, a meaning it has in verses 8 and 12. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • There was a streak of the carnal in her; a passion that seemed to slip from beneath the chasteness imposed by the convent.
  • When the mirth of carnal worldlings ceases the joy of the saints is as lively as ever; when the merry-hearted do sigh because the vine languishes the upright-hearted do sing because the covenant of grace, the fountain of their comforts and the foundation of their hopes, never fails. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • In these works, the wolf-man emerges as a kind of romantic anti-hero, torn between social mores and carnal desire.
  • And, is not the previously-mentioned sensuality also closely connected to carnal pleasures?
  • He took up with a girl who, as well as carnal favours, supplied him with rationed beer and contraband Craven As.
  • Note, A practical disbelief of God's omniscience is at the bottom both of the carnal worships and of the carnal confidences of hypocrites; Ps. xciv. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • All that is connoted by the adjective ‘carnal ‘is the very reverse, and savors of that which is ‘earthly, sensual, devilish.’
  • Many chiliasts believed that in the millennium all manner of physical craving would be satiated, that men would find all women beautiful, and willing to partake in carnal delights.
  • Once your hearts were spiritually what the tables of the law were physically, tables of stone, but God has "taken away the stony heart out of your flesh, given you a heart of flesh" (fleshy, not fleshly, that is, carnal; hence it is written, "out of your flesh" that is, your carnal nature), Eze Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Nor is it a time to flatter, or be silent; it is you, Mr. Carnal-Security, that have wilily stripped Mansoul, and driven her glory from her; you have pulled down her towers, you have broken down her gates, you have spoiled her locks and bars. The Holy War
  • This is carnal love by which a man loves himself above all for his own sake. Christianity Today
  • The former have been regarded, like their corresponding mental passions, as something of a lower and baser nature, tending to degrade and carnalize man by their physical appetites. The Pivot of Civilization
  • This scene gives us our first sighting of Lord Summerisle as well as introducing the more carnal aspects of island life.
  • For a moment, his anger concentrated on pure, soulless insatiable carnal hunger and desire, which was the cause of all his suffering.
  • But a prophet is not wont to be held in honour in his own country; nor was the narrow-minded, carnal supranaturalism of the The Life of Jesus Christ in Its Historical Connexion and Historical Developement.
  • He had retired amongst these ruins of transitory greatness to warn his fellow-creatures against carnal passions, prayed for the dead and shrived the living. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • This gate -- this gate, sir," he exclaimed, dragging me off as I made towards the main entrance of the building -- "There's but cauldrife law-work gaun on yonder -- carnal morality, as dow'd and as fusionless as rue leaves at Yule -- Here's the real savour of doctrine. Rob Roy — Complete
  • De qua uelut arce religionis nostrae multi diuersa et humaniter atque ut ita dicam carnaliter sentientes aduersa locuti sunt, ut Arrius qui licet deum dicat filium, minorem tamen patre multipliciter et extra patris substantiam confitetur. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • It's part of Schisgall's unblinking portrait of this group of carnal enthusiasts.
  • Islam requires that both women and men adopt modest dress that does not inflame carnal desire.
  • carnal knowledge
  • That they come from within, from the corrupt nature, the carnal mind, the evil treasure in the heart; justly is it said, that the inward part is very wickedness, it must needs be so, when all this comes from within. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Actually, these epithets are quite unjust: Her sexuality serves primarily as a means of expression of her soul, and her eroticism verges more on mysticism than on carnality.
  • What weight of carnallite would be necessary in the preparation of 1 ton of potassium carbonate? An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • He was used to having his desires indulged, whether they were aesthetic or carnal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The potassium salts like carnallite, langbeinite, polyhalite, and sylvite are found in ancient lake and sea beds. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Note, Those deceive themselves who place their happiness in carnal joys; for God in his providence can soon cast a damp upon them and put an end to them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Wherefore, since prudence implies direction to some appetible end, we do not speak of "prudence of the devil," as of a prudence directed to some evil end, which is the aspect under which the world and the flesh tempt us, in so far as worldly or carnal goods are proposed to our appetite. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • We see Jesus here intentionally diverting attention from all kinds of magic, every kind of fetichism, everything carnal in religion. The Miracles of Jesus
  • She also makes it clear why it was doomed, defying as it does every respectable idea about godly behaviour, sexual decorum, female carnality and nature itself.
  • The overall effect is big tuberose, but of course if one smells the fresh flowers, they are much more akin to Carnal Flower with its green and stemmy opening. White Floral Queen Part Seven: Robert Piguet Fracas
  • This is a sardar who knows that, metaphorically speaking, what has meant most to him is not carnal knowledge of a virgin but intellectual knowledge of Virgil.
  • But let us now subjoin -- A man who is attacked by the flesh, yet who conquers it in the conflict, is not called fleshly or carnal; but this appellation is bestowed on the man who, by yielding his consent, is brought into subjection to the flesh. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • I wish they would spend time making the characters as real as their carnal activities.
  • Satin is sensual and carnal (think satin sheets), but also associated with ritual.
  • Reply to: see below surrogateship socialise Aidos outraised liquefiable restuffs rhynchocoelous encarnalised come-at-ableness megalopore uxoricide whipper uncolt bonebreaker karyotypical identifer lockstep Ixiama dallyman Chitimacha methylphenidate antiracial inversion Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in boston
  • EATING is one carnal pleasure we do all seem to be getting enough of. The Sun
  • The words expressed a carnality rarely found in ‘serious’ odes of the period, let alone in popular song.
  • Their simultaneous comprehension of immortal hope and carnal funk - of Zeus and strigils - persists, through their art.
  • It is the threesome of snake, Eve, and Adam which, according to the Bible, makes for carnal knowledge.
  • It is carnal need, which, by coincidence, is an important part of the expression of love.
  • It gave him, he said, carnal pleasure for the first time in his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crime of whoring a girl under the age of 14 was born out from the crime of rape, but there are so many similarities between this crime and carnal knowledge behavior of the crime of rape.
  • Sensuality is only carnal when it is used indiscriminately, for self-defeating gratification.
  • Here you will find a room of elegantly erotic mosaics, and sentimentally carnal ceramics.
  • And yet to me to love in a carnal sense was at any rate to enjoy a triumph over countless rivals.
  • I imagine the carnal climate in and around the Mile High City as randier than at a Roman Orgy -- like the episode "Entourage" went to Cannes; libidos as unbridled and irresponsible as Whistler during gay ski-week. Jann Karam: A Superficial Take on Politically Historical Events as Perceived While Watching CNN and MSNBC
  • Their ruling passion is that of carnal love.
  • When Sam's not being offered carnal delights, he is being offered other vices.
  • This salt occurs in nature in sea water, in the mineral sylvine, and, combined with magnesium chloride, as carnallite (KCl·MgCl_ {2} ·6H_ {2} O). An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Inquisition, relating his crime, whether carnal or anti-Catholic; and he could join in the _seguadilla_ or in the _guaracha_. The Bed-Book of Happiness
  • Note, Many are puffed up with pride, and rocked asleep in carnal security, by their church-privileges, and the place they have in Zion. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Its most common ores are lepidolite, carnallite, and pollucite.
  • Its most common ores are lepidolite, carnallite, and pollucite.
  • Spiritual insight is blinded by carnal desire; conduct is influenced by unbridled license; bigotry and hatred are fostered by his policy of intoleration; and his followers are enslaved by a tyranny that blights the reason, because it discountenances inquiry, and places an insurmountable barrier in the way of all human progress. Mohammed, The Prophet of Islam
  • She manages to be carnal without being graphic, detailed without being anatomical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The priest goes into the trick tomb to deprive himself of carnal satisfaction, of food and sex, accepting a sort of claustration that gives him the eternal possibility of reliving his desire.
  • To contend with this carnal orchestra, the religious world, having long ago rejected its Catholic Psalms as antiquated and unscientific, and finding its Puritan melodies sunk into faint jar and twangle from their native trumpet-tone, had nothing to oppose but the innocent, rather than religious, verses of the school recognised as that of the English The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • The exuberant decadence of such pictures aroused, in the most famously prudish of English art historians, something akin to a sexual terror, so that even when looking at Bronzino's religious altarpieces he saw nothing but bodies orgiastically intertwined in a carnal hell. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • However, our carnal, unenlightened Adamic nature feels compelled to defend the image we have of God and good, and trying to manage these images has caused us to systematically put the planet in peril. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • The pair were so engrossed in their carnal activities that they did not even notice Loren.
  • carnal remains
  • "Now, you try," they were bid, and they would obey innocently, unaware of the carnal tenacity of their test subject.
  • No unclean passion must dwell there, no carnal appetite, no defiling conversation, no immoderateness in eating and drinking. My Daily Meditation for the Circling Year
  • The videos apparently distract the viewer's attention from the song to the meaningless portrayal of carnal desires.
  • I was told it was because of my inward and unsanctified carnality that these persons were drawn to me. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Defined as the unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman by force and against her will, rape was a capital crime already in early Anglo-Saxon times.
  • His preoccupation with the sins of carnality suggest an ongoing interior dialogue with the church.
  • He is a model of moral rectitude, unabashed pragmatism, voluminous machismo and carnal fortification.
  • But there's nuance to this display of Gallic carnality.
  • This is carnal love by which a man loves himself above all for his own sake. Christianity Today
  • Grady predicts the movement will look much different in a few years as it refocuses on evangelism and overcoming what he calls the distraction of "materialism, flashy self-promotion, and foolish carnality. Religion News Blog
  • It is prepared from carnallite by saturating boiling water with the mineral and allowing the solution to cool. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • What weight of carnallite is necessary in the preparation of 500 g. of magnesium? An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Vehement for he gave dread of love, or for that he took away the sorrow perdurable, which is malediction; or for that that he bare the heart out of carnal love. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • So, thanks to French and Latin, English-speakers now sink their teeth into cuirass, carnage, carnality, and carnivore. The English Is Coming!
  • The Wooden Frock is from the Cinderella shelf of the library, the slipper here replaced by the more carnal symbol of a wedding ring.
  • Experiment a method better than general of observation method, consumedly strengthen the active that people obtain sensitive faculty material and feeling carnal knowledge.
  • Entre lo que publicaban las fuentes noticiosas y los comentarios de reporteros y camaradas a quienes sigo, pude darme cuenta de lo serio del asunto y, especialmente, de la inquietud que embargaba al carnal Morf0 quien sabía que una amiga utiliza esa ruta para llegar a su destino y no se podía comunicar con ella. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Shooting at Balderas Metro Station
  • (Luke 6: 45) But this, notwithstanding all that can be said, seemeth very strange to the carnal world; for they will not be otherwise persuaded, but that they be good deeds that make good men, and evil ones that make evil men: And so by such dotish apprehensions do what in them lieth to fortify their hearts with the mists of darkness against the clear shining of the word, and conviction of the truth. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 02
  • But in this struggle it is not the carnal desires that always triumph as some people imagine.
  • Grady predicts the movement will look much different in a few years as it refocuses on evangelism and overcoming what he calls the distraction of “materialism, flashy self-promotion, and foolish carnality.” RNB Roundup: a compendium of religion news stories
  • Bernard would lie awake for hours waging his nightly battle with carnality, slapping it down, groaning.
  • Entre lo que publicaban las fuentes noticiosas y los comentarios de reporteros y camaradas a quienes sigo, pude darme cuenta de lo serio del asunto y, especialmente, de la inquietud que embargaba al carnal Morf0 quien sabía que una amiga utiliza esa ruta para llegar a su destino y no se podía comunicar con ella. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Shooting at Balderas Metro Station
  • The potassium salts like carnallite, langbeinite, polyhalite, and sylvite are found in ancient lake and sea beds. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • It is obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of potassium chloride from carnallite. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • Here you will find a room of elegantly erotic mosaics, and sentimentally carnal ceramics.
  • Or, it may be understood spiritually; their backs are bowed down in carnality and worldly-mindedness. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The word carnal is a form of the Latin word for flesh, and all unlovingness is nothing but the fruit or work of the flesh.
  • He had had to confess his carnal thoughts to Father Devlin and had been severely censured.
  • A covenant (berith) is the most solemn and binding form of divine promise, given for man's double assurance and because of man's carnal weakness, but quite unnecessary when God's part of the agreement is concerned. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • This is familiar territory for him, making it that much easier to disassociate himself from his problems to give into his baser carnality. All the mad men and all the mad women can't tell a joke to save their lives
  • EATING is one carnal pleasure we do all seem to be getting enough of. The Sun
  • Although carnal passion had scourged Poussin with the most literal and painful wounds of love, affection between the artist and his young bride likely arose through nurturing, gratitude, and devotion.
  • Shopping in our humble opinions is a divine pleasure in its own right and its reputation can only be sullied by likening it to more carnal activity.
  • If by _carnal_ the Gnostics meant 'sensual,' then, the apostles in denouncing them for rejecting a carnal Jesus, must have held that The Truth about Jesus : Is He a Myth?
  • HERE'S BLOOD IN YOUR EYE: Or at least the camera lens, as Starz' Spartacus: Vengeance gets underway (Friday, 10/9c) — or as I like to think of it, "Spurt-acus," thanks to all the gouts of blood, among other bodily fluids, that flow copiously throughout this lurid melodrama of savage swordplay, sordid scheming and animal carnality (a nice way to say sex, sex, sex). Weekend TV in Review: Good Wife, Luck, Spartacus, Hallmark's Moon
  • The extraction of salt and carnallite from the ponds will be done via heavy machines named Harvesters.
  • But could charitable giving be akin to a more carnal pleasure, it asks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first deals with the carnal desires and sexual lust of the players.
  • Dürkheim; it is also found in lepidolite, leucite, petalite, triphylline and in the carnallite from Stassfurt. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Its cold eyes regarded me with familiarity, and what I can only describe as carnality, as if it wished to devour me. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Are paintings and carvings less likely to carnalize our hearts in our halls and banqueting-rooms than in our chapels? The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • There is nothing carnal intimated at all in the relationship between the righteous soul and the “houri”. Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week « Blog
  • The expression dolent may thus satisfy the student familiar with Italian, because it calls up in his mind, through the medium of its equivalent dolente, the same associations which the latter calls up in the mind of the Italian himself. 9 But this power of appreciating thoroughly the beauties of a foreign tongue is in the last degree an acquired taste, -- as much so as the taste for olives and kirschenwasser to the carnal palate. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • Stassfurt salts of Germany (p. 113) contain borates of this type in the carnallite zone of the upper part of the deposits. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Whereas constant or unrequited love had long remained the favourite subject of courtly chanson, more anacreontic, carnal, or satirical themes are exploited in the narrative anecdotes of Marot and his contemporaries.
  • I mean, for such as keep them immixed from their own carnal and corrupt interests. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The former leaves to the latter to discover for itself the three carnal sins, avarice, gluttony and libidinousness; having already declared the nature of the spiritual sins, pride, envy, anger, and indifference, or lukewarmness in piety, which the Italians call accidia, from the Greek word. Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete
  • Angelina Jolie wore a sturdy bra and half-slip in the 2005 film "Mr. & Mr.. Smith" -- in a scene depicting the fastidiously uncarnal nature of her life with Mr. Smith. Pardon Me, Your Slip Is Not Showing
  • ‘This service is very much loved by those engrossed in clandestine relationships of a carnal nature for passing surreptitious billets-doux,’ he said.
  • The residue from the solution of the raw carnallite consists largely of kieserite mud C ~ IgS04.
  • The result was a dish that was carnal, and as barbaric as digging marrow from the bone can be, but also refined, by digging it out with a demitasse spoon. Archive 2009-10-01
  • The fruit was carnal knowledge, and everybody from Thomas Aquinas to Milton knew it.
  • This gate -- this gate, sir," he exclaimed, dragging me off as I made towards the main entrance of the building -- "There's but cauldrife law-work gaun on yonder -- carnal morality, as dow'd and as fusionless as rue leaves at Yule -- Here's the real savour of doctrine. Rob Roy — Volume 02

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