How To Use Carnage In A Sentence

  • The film takes the myth of the werewolf and transplants it into a small-town community and carnage ensues.
  • Libya, it was claimed, had ordered the embassy to orchestrate a night of carnage in the nightclub and ‘cause maximum and indiscriminate damages’.
  • And one would expect, therefore, that a progressive and systematically thoughtful government would move heaven and earth to rescue the nation from the carnage which AIDS is taking, and unhappily, that is not the case, although in every other country in southern Africa I have visited, they are moving heaven and earth to turn things around. CNN Transcript Sep 9, 2006
  • Most English historians were cured of such flatulent emotion by the carnage of the first world war, the desolation of the great slump and the perilously tight margin of victory in the second world war.
  • Men wearing masks dance among them in an attempt to frighten the child, who has to walk clockwise through this scene of carnage.
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  • Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.
  • The lady's clothes seemed to fill the whole carnage, and out of this little padded box there drifted a perfume of orris, an indefinable scent of feminine elegance.
  • Lawmakers haven't been sufficiently impressed by the carnage to do anything to slow down motorists.
  • During the reign of King Philip II, Pope Pius V, appalled at the unconscionable carnage of the bullfights, forbade the practice of the corridas.
  • No parang song has ever created animosity, incited anarchy, induced horning, glorified carnage, supported drug abuse or unprotected sex, condoned domestic violence or maligned any person.
  • As the thunder of the guns finally subsided, thick clouds of sulfureous gunsmoke drifted away to reveal a ghastly scene of carnage.
  • But it was merely the most stunning in a series of reverses suffered by Labour in one night of carnage in town halls across England and Wales.
  • In a moment, the forest was quiet again, and the flying and creeping things slithered and crawled to view the carnage.
  • Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.
  • The real blame lies at the feet of the people who profit from this carnage.
  • The joint venture by law enforcement agencies is concentrated on unroadworthy vehicles, drunken driving and reckless and negligent driving in an attempt to stem the road carnage.
  • Just listen to the white noise and stare at the carnage, which begins with what starts out as a well-coordinated assault on a Bolivian drug lord's compound by a Special Forces unit led by "Colonel" Clay (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), a veteran so grizzled that his grizzles have grizzles. Politics
  • He summoned the Guard, but, despite the carnage, he didn't even consider turning his unchancy guests out.
  • It has been used, for example, against those who refer too incautiously to the civilian carnage visited upon Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Defence Forces. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Newspapers splashed graphic photos of the carnage across the front pages of yesterday's editions.
  • Villagers rushed to the aid of the crash victims, not shrinking from the carnage that confronted them.
  • Some, it is understood, rose up against their captors in a desperate attempt to prevent the threatened carnage.
  • Spell after spell crashed down on the Dark Elves, the carnage was too awful to contemplate.
  • God of Carnage" has been compared—loosely and overgenerously, I believe—to the classic four-part disharmonies of Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Stylish Spectacle Makes This 'Mission' Possible
  • The best moment last night was when Robin mimed the gunshot to the head and Barney wiped off the carnage. 'HIMYM': More than words to show I feel...that this is my favorite video of the week |
  • If international law would recognize the legitimacy of their claims to sovereignty, an enormous amount of carnage could be avoided.
  • Five Forks, like most battlefields, is an unlikely place for such carnage.
  • There was usually carnage, inhibited mainly by the water the traders had added to the whiskey.
  • The question remains whether the carnage that was wrought from the air and by the relief columns was strictly necessary.
  • Were it merely with a view to more effectual carnage, this art (however simple and gross at first) opened at length into wide scientific arts, into strategies, into tactics, into castrametation, into poliorcetics, and all the processes through which the first rude efforts of martial cunning finally connect themselves with the exquisite resources of science. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 2
  • Radio Zambia Saturday quoted Kaunda as urging the South African government to intervene quickly to stop what he termed a deplorable human carnage. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • While the Government, the police particularly, have lamented about increasing road carnage resulting from overloading, nothing seems to be solved because no punishment is meted out to the culprits as they corruptly get away with it.
  • The doors were blown off the stables and inside was a scene of carnage.
  • He and his pals have to find the real villain to clear Harry and stop the carnage.
  • He and his pals have to find the real villain to clear Harry and stop the carnage.
  • The next grim prospect is carnage following the PE2 results.
  • God of Carnage," now with the barbed assault of Ayckbourn's triptych, the director pretty much shreds the notion of connubial bliss.
  • But back in 1999, that type of industrial carnage sounded somewhat new.
  • And that would be economic carnage in the UK, economic miracle in Euroland - then the Euro might look like the only way out.
  • A few miles further on they will drive calmly past the carnage they have caused, and remark primly to each other ‘Oh dear!’
  • All those lofty ideals and principled declarations had led to unprecedented carnage in the trenches.
  • Even without seeing or experiencing the carnage first hand, its spirit floods the freeways and works its wounded presence into the pots and pans of the shacks and palaces nearby.
  • The next morning, they wake to a scene of carnage, with no recollection of having fallen asleep.
  • These promised signs should be put in place before there is more carnage on that stretch of road.
  • Still, barring a catastrophic fightback, the carnage may end soon.
  • An Irish couple on holidays in Bali spent the last three days climbing a mountain, unaware of the carnage.
  • The United Nations was set up after two wars involving the worst carnage imaginable to try and prevent a repeat.
  • Some motorway blackspots are known as ‘the sleepy corridor’ and ‘the nod-off zone’ by traffic police who have to clear up the carnage caused by dozy drivers.
  • He said drinking and speeding were the two biggest causes of carnage on the roads.
  • The reality is that for obvious reasons the continuing gangland carnage is not readily amenable to ordinary law.
  • Fire bloomed and ate voraciously into the enemy ranks, sending screaming soldiers gushing fire like Gondoan candles fleeing blindly from the carnage, yet still they boiled from the passes.
  • The film's carnage is emetic, not exploitative.
  • The carnage had a huge cost in terms of lost business, but it worked wonders for the bottom line.
  • I want carnage, I want blood, I want screaming in the cathedrals; I want begging and repentance and the look on your face when you realise that I'm not budging an inch.
  • So, thanks to French and Latin, English-speakers now sink their teeth into cuirass, carnage, carnality, and carnivore. The English Is Coming!
  • If these animals (and I use the term specifically) aren't brought to justice for the carnage they've caused, here's one prediction that's sure-fire: Here's one you can count on (unfortunately)
  • Surely Mother Nature meting out carnage on such a grand scale shows just how petty and futile man-made squabbles really are.
  • The result of this fratricidal carnage is that al-Qaida has now lost what fatal attraction it once held for anti-imperialists. Osama bin Laden: laying ghosts to rest | Editorial
  • Given the gory, carnage strewn 250-plus pages that precede that statement, the reader can only nod dumbly in agreement.
  • The unimaginable carnage he witnessed at the front is captured in the moving words of a poem he wrote that day.
  • Fuck this ripp off catwoman, just let the lizard own spidey 4, and carnage kick spidermans butt in spidey 5 or 6.... Is Rachel McAdams Playing Black Cat in SPIDER-MAN 4? –
  • The family were confronted by scenes of carnage when they returned later in the day.
  • Eventually all plot strands converge in a climax of mayhem and carnage and everything gets ‘sorted’.
  • As cheesy horror, the movie offers plenty of jump scares, spooky atmosphere, and bloody carnage.
  • These communal politics have led to pogroms, carnage and war.
  • 'Carnage at Airport ', screamed the tabloid headline.
  • Pak's failure to 'incarcerate' Saeed behind 'failed' Indo-Pak Secy level talks: Analysts Sharm-el-SHEIKH - Pakistan's dilly dallying attitude over prosecuting Jamaat-ud-Daawa (JuD) chief Hafeez Mohammad Saeed, the prime accused in the 26/11 Mumbai carnage, has served a heavy blow to the much awaited dialogue between India and Pakistan on the margins of the NAM summit here, as the Foreign Secretary level talk between both the nations have failed to produce any substantial results. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • We are not out to entrap motorists, we are trying to reduce the carnage on county roads.
  • Those fine words a product of the confluence of cultures, building upon so much carnage, so much misunderstanding, so much senseless waste.
  • Trenches became mass graves in scenes of terrible carnage as 1,000 men fell dead or wounded.
  • Pakistan has been complaining to US officials about militants 'use of North American internet services since late last year, when investigations into the 26 / 11 Mumbai carnage, which involved Pakistanis, revealed that the attackers had communicated using Internet phone calls routed through another server based in Houston.
  • Australian Outback oater, was a tale set in a dry-gulch hellhole of ferocious carnage. The Pitch | Complete Issue
  • Most English historians were cured of such flatulent emotion by the carnage of the first world war, the desolation of the great slump and the perilously tight margin of victory in the second world war.
  • Spell after spell crashed down on the Dark Elves, the carnage was too awful to contemplate.
  • He also doesn't kill and eat Annie, as Lt. Colson makes clear by referencing the real life Zack and Addie carnage that no one wanted to see reenacted. Karen Dalton-Beninato: Accentuate the Positive: Treme at The R Bar in New Orleans
  • In the face of his failure to do anything about the carnage of past months, his promise to preserve national unity has a somewhat hollow sound.
  • The event is aimed at reducing the carnage caused by the worldwide stockpile of 550m small arms.
  • The eager Confederates drove them with horrid carnage a mile across the plain, and only desisted from the pursuit when they came under the fire of the Federal batteries across the river. The Battle of Fredericksburg
  • In the Philippines campaign, the fight to liberate Manila ended in carnage.
  • Amid the carnage, a growing chorus of investors and analysts are calling for RIM's independent directors to take firmer control of the company, either by forcing a big strategic shift, selling the company or ousting co-Chief Executives Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis , who also serve as co-chairmen. Directors at RIM Pressed to Exert Control
  • The songbird family of shrikes that is responsible for such carnage is well represented by the woodchat shrike, pictured here grappling with a lizard.
  • Leaving means the chaos and carnage spiral ever faster hellward.
  • Bahzell lowered his sword slowly and muttered an oath as he surveyed the carnage.
  • Amid the carnage and death, that unity is one augury of hope.
  • The carnage was tacitly condoned by public officials and law enforcement officers.
  • In the one all the horror of disgusting and blood-embrued barbarism, the drunkenness of carnage, the disinterested taste, if I may say so, for destruction and death; in the other a profound sense of justice, a great height of personal pride it is true, but also a great capacity for devotion, an exquisite loyalty. The Poetry of the Celtic Races. II.
  • Not only did Attila savage much of Europe in a manner unrepeated for centuries, but the battle acquired a reputation for carnage almost immediately.
  • An immersion theatre using the latest special effects will give visitors an idea of the bloody carnage that the relentless cannonade of grapeshot inflicted on the Jacobite lines.
  • The Christmas carnage on the roads is a phenomenon of which the police are also aware.
  • Other places such as Antietam, Okinawa and Mutla Ridge earned their infamy because they were areas of brutal fighting and unprecedented carnage. Top Stories
  • During the reign of King Philip II, Pope Pius V, appalled at the unconscionable carnage of the bullfights, forbade the practice of the corridas.
  • In both films, there is the savage horror of brief, brutal bursts of carnage; the quivering fear of death; the grim reality of war.
  • They let their dark sides control their lives and actively seek opportunities to cause death and carnage.
  • The new lodger, rather shoutingly dressed but looking superbly handsome, stepped with courtly carnage into the trim little breakfast-room and put out all his cordial arms at once, like one of those pocket-knives with a multiplicity of blades, and shook hands with the whole family simultaneously. Those Extraordinary Twins
  • How can we reduce the carnage on our roads?
  • With huge photographs of the carnage, and stories from hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors), they eloquently conveyed the heartfelt plea of most Japanese people for nuclear abolition.
  • As the scale of carnage became clear and the government response was seen as tardy, TV news anchors and reporters dropped reserve in favour of stinging comments from the heart.
  • Amidst scenes of carnage it was more than two hours before Muawad's death was officially announced.
  • Like a rubbernecker driving past a horrifically bloody accident, I can't seem to stop myself from watching the carnage.
  • Forced to slam on her own brakes as the vehicles immediately ahead crashed into the carnage, Sonya braced herself for impact.
  • Extend this thinking to our roads and there would be even more carnage.
  • In the carnage of the Bali bombings, as with the destruction of the New York World Trade Centre last year, heroes and heroines emerged.
  • There was horror everywhere, but even amid such carnage, some sights were almost too much to bear.
  • After last Friday's carnage, I almost gave in to doomsayers' predictions that the end of our financial system is nigh, but I have to admit, this was in a moment of little faith.
  • It is simply a desire for a better kind of future out of carnage and loss.
  • For outsiders looking in, last week's carnage was just one more senseless episode of "interethnic" violence. 'Tottering On The Edge'
  • Unfortunately, the audience becomes so benumbed by the endless carnage that any emotional connection to the individual players is reduced to an insulting inconsequentiality.
  • Above any other area in the county the people of Ballon have faced tragedy after tragedy as the carnage on their local roads spirals to epidemic proportions.
  • Images of bombed houses in Drove Road, Beatrice Street, Whitehouse Road and Ipswich Street graphically illustrate the carnage of such raids.
  • It is time we became more shocked by the terrible carnage on our roads.
  • This division was also the site for catamaran carnage with the wind wreaking havoc in the 12-boat fleet.
  • TV cameras broadcast scenes of terrible carnage to U.S. audiences.
  • How often have you heard elderly newspeople talk about how they would never show so much carnage on the TV newsshow?
  • Officers said that carnage had only been avoided on Thursday because the bombers had used faulty home-made detonators to trigger their devices.
  • Drink driving used to be socially acceptable, and the result was carnage on our roads.
  • 'Carnage at Airport ', screamed the tabloid headline.
  • The government's callousness towards the problem of relief and rehabilitation is in consonance with its earlier policy of calculated inaction during the carnage.
  • The organisers say it is not just a reaction to the recent carnage in Warrington.
  • As for the old canard that Europe's bloodiest wars were the wars of religion, no serious student of the carnage of the twentieth century can credit that.
  • As the thunder of the guns finally subsided, thick clouds of sulfureous gunsmoke drifted away to reveal a ghastly scene of carnage.
  • Azhag's career of carnage began when he was chieftain of a small Orc tribe from the Troll country.
  • He was one of the few journalists who described the human carnage at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.
  • They're gulping whiskies and looking at images of carnage.
  • As progressives, we reject the same justifications for the carnage that we heard ad nauseam from the supporters of the Second Iraq War: the so-called “war on terror,” the “clash of civilizations,” the “need to re-establish deterrence” – all of which served to justify a misguided and unnecessary war, with disastrous consequences for America and Iraq. Gaza: Does the BBC have a death wish?
  • What can the Minister tell the people of Northern Ireland after a night of carnage in the city of Belfast?
  • Hance, 51, had no previous criminal record before the outburst late Sunday morning and his death in a shootout with police in Copley, where a flag flew at half-mast Monday outside the home where the carnage began. Ohio gunman was in property dispute, neighbors say
  • The scene of carnage was described by one onlooker as " sheer hell".
  • The city faces all sorts of logistical issues and no doubt commuter carnage while the mayor attempts to fix the transport system.
  • So, thanks to French and Latin, English-speakers now sink their teeth into cuirass, carnage, carnality, and carnivore. The English Is Coming!
  • Such were the pretexts behind which the first president and his friends prepared for a carnage which, for causelessness and atrocity, finds few parallels on the page of history. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • For this day of carnage and tears there can be no justification or excuse.
  • Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.
  • Merkel knows the practice of buying ones own dept is wrong and can lead to heavy inflation and destruction of currencies; any perceived benefit is simply postponing and compounding the carnage. Archive 2009-06-21
  • God of Carnage" has been compared—loosely and overgenerously, I believe—to the classic four-part disharmonies of Edward Albee's "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Stylish Spectacle Makes This 'Mission' Possible
  • The two riders hauled their animals to a halt at the very edge of the riverbed, smelling the carnage before they saw it: a ripe stench hanging on the breeze.
  • In addition to these social and economic difficulties, El Salvador alsofaces the problem of being "mexicanized," that is, a prolong assaultbya bloodthirsty alliance of the dope-dealing and human smuggling lumpen class with theelements of the localbourgeoisie and withUS imperialists to wreak havoc and carnage on society with the ultimate end of the seizure of state power for a death squadregime similar to theonethat rules Colombia. El Salvador's new FMLN government will face tough problems exacerbated by the world capitalist collapse
  • We cannot afford to leave the matter aside until the next column of smoke clouds the horizon and yet more carnage is upon us.
  • The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.
  • The only problems I can see with the film are it's length and the will to show scenes of carnage on the streets of New York.
  • What seemed an eternity yet for certes was but a few moments I struggled to free myself from the carnage and whence I gained my feet stood amongst the mixed forces of those who did survive.
  • They aren't, however, in a military vein and range in diversity from the carnage caused by a marauding horde of escaped circus animals to a matricidal five-year-old.
  • They were doing their jobs, not taking pleasure in creating random carnage.
  • Hundreds of thousands of British servicemen died in the terrible carnage of the Second World War.
  • The problem, according to Song, comes when you ask the next logical question: how could a few dozen "antiparty" elements and their Red Guards wreak such carnage unless Mao and other senior leaders acquiesced? Secrets Of The Past
  • In both films, there is the savage horror of brief, brutal bursts of carnage; the quivering fear of death; the grim reality of war.
  • Is the carnage associated with them a result of lurid scriptural interpretations of religion which have effaced the life of the spirit?
  • Through the examples of the various characters' responses to radical hardship and extremity in the wake of the war's carnage, the film presents the act of killing as the basis of human degradation and loss of self.
  • Those whose hearts bleed for the terrorists should watch some of the videos on 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the recent Mumbai carnage (which in perspective is relatively minor), some of the movies about nuclear attacks on urban areas to get a feel for what could happen if we fail to learn what we need to find out to avert disaster. Feinstein Issues Statement on Torture - The Caucus Blog -
  • Australian outback oater, was a savagely miserablist tale set in a dry-gulch hellhole of ferocious carnage. Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
  • Yes, there has been woeful carnage and suffering aplenty.
  • The carnage was the product of a showdown between two crime bosses – Fernando "The Engineer" Sanchez Arellano and Teodoro "El Teo" Garcia Simental, a renegade lieutenant who rose through the ranks by dissolving bodies in vats of lye. Mexico Upset By California Efforts To Legalize Pot
  • Both involved derailments, and both brought carnage to dormitory towns close to London.
  • The brighter side to the carnage is that it has hit exotic species hardest, particularly pines and macrocarpas.
  • Let us not mince words, culling is a genteel word for killing, in fact for sheer bloody carnage, such as you propose.
  • Unfortunately, the audience becomes so benumbed by the endless carnage that any emotional connection to the individual players is reduced to an insulting inconsequentiality.
  • Unlike my mother, who has been glued to the television watching news updates, I refuse to sit and soak in all the killing and carnage going on in the world.
  • We realise that this is simply a small sacred spot in the midst of environmental carnage.
  • The film takes the myth of the werewolf and transplants it into a small-town community and carnage ensues.
  • When the duke arrived on the spot, the carnage was over, but he was unreproving as he inspected the gruesome result. Charles the Bold Last Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477
  • Horses are dismembered, arrows slice through necks, and swift blades render unexpected carnage.
  • Beyond, a glimpse of carnage - the pile-up on the southbound lane resembled a scrap metal yard.
  • Mapping the Carnage: Laying out Chrysler's dealer closings nationwide New materials change color when stressed, making fans of mechanochemical transduction positively giddy Samsung's MEMS shutter could massively improve high megapixel cameraphones Exchange-enabled HTC Magic explained: it's not a "with Google" phone Vídeo: Cadillac lanza el CTS-V en China con acrobacias dignas del Circo de Pekín Autoblog
  • To say too much would be to spoil the occasion, but there are twists, turns and horrific blood curdling scenes of carnage.
  • The scenes of the brutal carnage of the sacking of Troy are disturbingly timely.
  • In the waters and airways of the Gulf, in the dust and danger of Iraq, in the jungles of the Solomon Islands or Timor-Leste or in the sad carnage of Aceh, there stand our men and women, there stands our nation.
  • La femelle du tigre, exhalant l'odeur du carnage, fait retentir les solitudes de l'Afrique de ses miaulements affreux, et paraît remplie d'attraits à ses cruels amants. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Some obligatory cornball dialogue and effects make for fun viewing - could have used a bit more pointless carnage, however.
  • I think this little Anglophobic historian really wants to * think* about the families of those SAS lads - that died trying to prevent an all-out 'regional carnage' when they attempted to destroy those Skud missile sites - and then Roberts should just shut up. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I had risen, for the wried, and yet sly, malice of my aunt's face was rather that of Bellona, who, as clerks avow, ever bore carnage and dissension in her train, than that of a mortal, mutton-fed woman. The Line of Love Dizain des Mariages
  • Gross National Product counts air pollution and cigarette advertising, and ambulances to clear our highways of carnage … It counts the destruction of the redwood and the loss of our natural wonder in chaotic sprawl ... Prosperity Is More Than Just Money
  • The insensate desire for speed is what blinds us to the carnage cars cause.
  • Director Lu Chuan juxtaposes epic scenes of mass carnage with the intimate stories of characters both real and invented, including the compassionate Nazi businessman John Rabe (John Paisley) who stands up to the Japanese (shades of "Schindler's List"), a heroic prostitute (Jiang Yiyan), and a young, conscience-stricken Japanese soldier (Hideo Nakaizumi). The View From the Mountaintop
  • Actor Josh Brolin bragged about his personal hedge fund on Charlie Rose; totally clueless of the carnage hedge funds have wrecked on the commodities market and on Wall Street. Golf, Hedge Fund and Meltdown
  • The brainstorming sessions in adland are causing carnage. The Hard Sell: Sodastream

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