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How To Use Caret In A Sentence

  • After about eight months Meggy got the bullet and in October 1984 I was back in charge, this time not as mere caretaker.
  • This caretaker is sacrificing her life to do this. Advice on working with your siblings when caregiving
  • He will move over from internal marketing to caretake the role until a replacement can be found.
  • They put their chairs on their desks so that the caretaker could sweep the floor.
  • MBEs also went to stonemason Alan Horsfield, who was honoured for services to St Paul's Cathedral, Welsh caretaker Robert Owen, who was recognised for services to the community in Holyhead, Anglesey, and Mary Watt, who was rewarded for services to highland dance teaching in Ross-shire, Scotland. New Year honours: Recognition for unsung heroes in the public sector
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  • In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free flat and a small remuneration.
  • He was succeeded in a caretaker capacity by his deputy, David Gandy.
  • As it sways precariously beneath the five-tonner, a small priesthood of caretakers will guide it to a washbasin and gently remove the ravages of worship and travel. Roy and His Rock
  • Old puppy puppet pressie should immediately call for a caretaker govt who would work immediately towards elections. Global Voices in English » Fiji: Court rules military government illegal
  • Some members feel that if a caretaker was employed at the Community Centre, the problem of dumping household rubbish would not arise.
  • His father was an Italian immigrant, a bricklayer and latterly a school caretaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her imitation of a human caretaker is providing scientists with new insight into social learning and the evolution of speech. Boing Boing
  • The owner invited Mary to move into the main buildings and caretake his land.
  • There were strong dialogue scenes with the caretaker and emotional scenes at the crater itself, but no real logical way to sequence them.
  • In an etherized daze, we stumble up, thank our caretaker and falter through halls stinking of sanitized despair. Habits Die Hard
  • In my family and culture, its expected that the family caretakes the parents as they grow older.
  • The battery business is being caretaken by a competitor for the duration of his Lord Mayoralty.
  • At Bethlehem College Preschool, caretakers live on the property and are thought to deter foot-traffic.
  • The injury cost him his job as caretaker and health and safety chief and the house that came with it. The Sun
  • A workingwoman may want to express her milk and ask the caretaker to feed it to the child, but those looking after the baby do not seem to agree with this concept.
  • a heavy lash brought the very Oh! that was "caret" to complete the sentence. Frank Mildmay The Naval Officer
  • They discussed their plan to blow up Parliament House, and shortly afterwards leased a small house in the heart of Westminster, installing Fawkes as caretaker, under the alias of John Johnson.
  • Tertiam denique mediam scientiam, qua ex altissima et inscrutabili comprehensione cujusque liberi arbitrii in sua essentia intuitus est, quid pro sua innata libertate, si in hoc, vel illo, vel etiam infinitis rerum ordinibus collocaretur, acturum esset, cum tamen posset, si vellet, facere re reipsa oppositum.... Rough Notes on Scientia Media
  • The gate lodge is to be turned into accommodation for the full-time caretaker who will look after the site.
  • But now they are prepared to install a caretaker to see out the rest of the season if results fail to show a sharp upturn. The Sun
  • SendMessage, EM_SCROLLCARET: = 0xB7, 0, 0, Edit2, ahk_id % ControlID% offset: = pos + addToPos + Strlen (find) lastFind = % find% hits++ AutoHotkey Community
  • This could actually be the result of incompatibility between behaviors typical of an animal breed and a caretaker's behavior or environment.
  • Please be the caretakers that you should be, commissioners of our sports, and protect sports because they're part of the fabric of America.
  • The caretaker ran out and saw off the boys who had been damaging the fence.
  • “He whom I fear careth naught for troops, neither can braves affright him.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • By not caretaking her emotions, you are giving her the space she needs to learn how to take care of herself.
  • The move effects all of the 40 support staff workers at the Deane School - including secretaries, caretakers, and technicians - as the school undergoes a revamp.
  • The outgoing chairman will caretake until a successor is found.
  • We have a caretaker and security systems and no antisocial behaviour at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the efforts of new young striker Daniel Bent did not go unnoticed by the caretaker boss.
  • There were 103 cases of caretaker absence or incapacity, she said.
  • The caretaker of the school will tend the site, closing an access gate and opening another entrance to the public at 4pm each day.
  • This block of flats has a non - resident caretaker.
  • Kharine made two appearances under Barnes before Kenny Dalglish immediately used him in his first four games as caretaker manager.
  • But what's even better is Pikachu's tough side, which his animators represent simply by transforming the pocket monster's normally circular mouth into a caret (the ^ symbol) to illustrate his competitiveness.
  • Firefighters rescued a mill caretaker after an arson attack left him trapped inside the building.
  • Populations of acid frogs such as Wallum froglet Crinia tinnula, Cooloola sedgefrog Litoria cooloolensis, Wallum rocketfrog L. freycineti and Wallum sedgefrog L. olongburensis occur, as do breeding colonies of loggerhead turtle Caretta Caretta (EN) and green turtle Chelonia mydas (EN). Fraser Island, Australia
  • An inner court is revealed under a strange portico formed by projecting the caretaker's flat over the entrance route in a hair-raising cantilever which stops just short of the neighbouring building.
  • They sought extra-parliamentary means to oust Chavalit, establish a caretaker government and hold a new election.
  • 'Women can be more prone, simply because they are biologically programmed to be nurturers and to have what we call a caretaker personality. Home | Mail Online
  • Not only do I underscore; I use brackets, carets, and braces; I annotate all four margins and I copiously turn down the edges (both top and bottom) of certain especially memorable pages.
  • Aeneidi summam manum, statuit in Graeciam et in Asiam secedere triennioque continuo nihil amplius quam emendare, ut reliqua vita tantum philosophiae vacaret: sed cum ingressus iter Athenis occurrisset Augusto ab oriente Romam revertenti destinaretque non absistere atque etiam una redire, dum Megara vicinum oppidum ferventissimo sole cognoscit, languorem nactus est eumque non intermissa navigatione auxit, ita ut gravior aliquanto Brundisium appelleret, ubi diebus paucis obiit xi. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Child maltreatment, abuse and victimization refer to the intentional assault of a child by a caretaker.
  • No party won an absolute majority and the outgoing government remained in office in a caretaker capacity as inter-party negotiations took place.
  • The orang caretakers asked Wartaputra to honour his agreement and refused to cooperate with the new plans.
  • The other, the caretaker said, had been empty since 1974 and had housed a testing facility for the Navy.
  • Trevor Brooking was appointed caretaker manager of West Ham as Glenn Roeder recovered in hospital.
  • There used to be a queue of volunteers to caretake the property for three months at a time.
  • Mothers or other adult caretakers feed children, dress them, and perform routine physical care well into the young childhood years.
  • Classroom assistants, bursars and caretakers are being joined by cover supervisors, to be followed soon by higher-level teaching assistants.
  • he acted as a caretaker until a new president could be elected
  • One scenario could see a caretaker leader installed to take the party through the next general election. Times, Sunday Times
  • Who has not used the services of a shoeshine boy or a young caretaker of cars? Global Voices in English » Latin America: The Problem of Child Labor – Part I
  • St Mirren caretaker manager John Coughlin was mightily relieved that Ricky Gillies was deemed fit to play.
  • The job of a caretaker and a permanent manager are very different. The Sun
  • We as a party have always supported the concept of family and the responsibility of parents - that is, mum and dad as the minders or caretakers - for the upbringing of their children.
  • If you are interested in becoming a penguin caretaker or aquarist, contact your local zoo or aquarium to inquire about internships, volunteer opportunities, and jobs. The Great Penguin Rescue
  • Note, To distrust Christ, and to disturb ourselves when we are in straits and difficulties, is an evidence of the weakness of our faith, which, if it were in exercise as it should be, would ease us of the burthen of care, by casting it on the Lord, who careth for us. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The report said that that 75 percent of the children do menial jobs, such as street vending and domestic service, or work as shoeshine boys, car caretakers, and in agriculture.
  • Until a new administration is formed the existing government would act as a caretaker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of it gets through though - this is because subject titles are ‘cleverly’ crafted so that the spam filter doesn't recognise them (putting a full stop or caret in a word seems to work occasionally)
  • He was caretaking the next door neighbour's property.
  • Joe Maguire who worked at the County Council in a number of capacities, most recently acted as caretaker for the building.
  • During World War II, the Italian fascist government severely repressed the local mafia forces which were formed earlier by the gabbellotti, or caretakers of the estates for absentee landlords.
  • The exceptions are the basidiomycete fungi, which include white-rot and brown-rot-wood-decayers and essential caretakers of carbon in forest systems. Green Car Congress
  • Nick Wileman is a school caretaker so it is vital that he gets on well with young people.
  • England's caretaker boss names his squad today. The Sun
  • The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.
  • The caretaker is responsible for the maintenance of the school buildings.
  • Within 24 hours, five members of the caretaker government had succumbed to public pressure to quit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The graveyard was owned by the County Council who paid old Mr. Deegan a pittance to caretake it.
  • The unseasoned yet clever boy used the information he gained to become comfortable as a prince, and to reassure his ‘caretakers’ that he hadn't gone mad.
  • Lomeier, the super, or caretaker as he is billed here, moves through the building trying to find the source of the problem and restore water to the taps on the top floors.
  • Agostinho Oliveira will bring the curtain down on his role as caretaker manager in Braga this week.
  • From the moment of birth, our limbic system is preadapted to connect with our caretakers, just as the limbic systems of our caretakers are exquisitely designed to connect with us.
  • On a typical day Ann arrives at school at least half an hour before the youngsters and stays - like her colleagues - until the caretaker locks the building at 5.30 pm.
  • The building has a small lift and the rooms have running water, baths and hot showers and the caretaker has a television.
  • In fact, there is a linguistic analog: the use of carets, superscripts, and footnotes - all vertical operations - to embed new information in a finished text.
  • One day a car drove into the cemetery and stopped in front of the caretaker's ivy-covered administration building.
  • Similarly, a divorced or separated parent who has sole physical custody of his children could reasonably be deemed the caretaker parent.
  • But David Cameron says there is room for cooperation on such issues as education and the environment, and he held out the caret of at least, perhaps, discussing what the Lib Dems really want - voting reform and a switch to proportional representation. 3rd Place Party May Be Real Winner In Britain
  • In 1954, rummaging around a Bavarian castle in search of rare musical gems, he happened instead upon a piece of manuscript being employed as a strainer in the caretaker's percolator.
  • It is all part of the patronising, diplomatic bunkum accorded that curious species known as the caretaker who, if truth be told, is doing no more than buying the club time as they endeavour to find someone better.
  • In turn, animal-welfare professionals will hold individual caretakers accountable.
  • Fuscus marmorea meditatus proelia villa, et cum mortifero prudens Veiento Catullo, qui numquam visae flagrabat amore puellae, grande et conspicuum nostro quoque tempore monstrum, caecus adulator, dirusque a ponte satelles dignus Aricinos qui mendicaret ad axes blandaque devexae iactaret basia raedae (iv. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • She was told the caretakers would provide a basic service including sweeping and mopping where necessary of halls, landings and stairs and cleaning of accessible windows.
  • England's caretaker boss names his squad today. The Sun
  • He is favoured as an extended caretaker leader by the 11 petitioners. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because it sees all psychopathology as reflecting self deficits—that is, gaps, missing, or underdeveloped elements in self-structure that come about as a result of unattuned or traumatic caretaking, treatment based on self psychological principles provides patients with a second chance to complete their development. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • You need to recognize your complicity in becoming the caretaker, the go-to person, the confidante, and the chief cook and bottle-washer in the first place. SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
  • About 8pm the caretaker of the building found the whole of the fourth floor two inches deep under water.
  • He assumed it belonged to a caretaker or some such person from the nursing home, who'd been patrolling the gardens for prowlers, had seen him sitting there and decided to investigate.
  • Saepe dicere solitus sum, etiamsi me diabolum vocaret, me tamen hoc illi honoris habiturum, ut insignem Dei servum agnoscam, qui tamen, ut pollet eximiis virtutibus, ita magnis vitiis laboret_. Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Perhaps a caretaker had lived here with his family, in the bygone days of Soviet power. Somewhere East of Life
  • Compare Ps 22: 10; 37: 5; 55: 22, to which Peter alludes; Lu 12: 22, 37; Php 4: 6. careth -- not so strong a Greek word as the previous Greek "anxiety. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Captain Perez was what he called "stevedore" -- that is, general caretaker during the owner's absence, at Mr. Delancy Barry's summer estate on the "cliff road. Cap'n Eri
  • The preverbal identifications of the Imaginary involve identifications based on symbiotic fusion with the primary caretaker.
  • Sometimes they don't have someone to caretake when they rise to stardom like that.
  • An entire family works to care for new tamarins; in wild and captive monkeys, a group of five appears to be the ideal number of caretakers needed for healthy young.
  • In The Caretaker, Davies, the manipulative tramp, attempts to inveigle his way into the slow-witted Aston's flat.
  • A new Prime Minister, Hans Modrow, headed a caretaker government that shared power with the new, democratically oriented parties.
  • Nimirum se iactat in angulis in quibus ubi tria verba graeca sonuerit, sapere videatur; abhorret a luce, quae litteratorem in numero poneret, et ad honesta subsellia devocaret. Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name of the Faith and Presented to the Illustrious Members of Our Universities
  • In a festive atmosphere, he is received by participants of both high and low rank; in the midst of all the excitement, a humble shammes (synagogue caretaker) approaches him with a letter. Janette Fishenfeld.
  • Nobody minds putting in the time when the time is justified but there are too many days when it comes to 7pm, the caretaker has gone and you still end up taking work home.
  • It will involve moving from caretaker to manager on a full-time basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Residents in the 1891 Census comprised worsted workers, a millwright and a caretaker of the mill reservoir, which had been incorporated into the local authority water-works system.
  • Having relocated his family, wife Patti and twin 6-year-old sons, Mr. Steigmeyer dispelled rumors in an interview Wednesday about his being a short-term fixer, a caretaker or a proxy for a future buyer. Times-Tribune Pets of the Week
  • The Overlook Hotel, where the family will be residing, is the site of an atrocity involving an earlier caretaker who murdered his wife and daughters while employed in the same capacity. 2009 August
  • The animal's caretakers are still unable to identify the gender because the mother zebra's protective instincts prevents close inspection.
  • As the caretakers of this Earth, our people have been charged with a heavy burden.
  • In the meantime, his assistant, Mr Ronnie Moran, would act as caretaker manager.
  • While I was caretaking an estate with a swamp area in the back, I got to save a Great Blue Heron's life.
  • We operate the caretaking economy as a kind of socialistic ant hill where we all sacrifice for each other if 3.
  • I reckon he could caretake the job like he did the other season.
  • He will be the caretaker of the snowbound Overlook Hotel.
  • Mercer became general manager of Coventry in 1972 and was caretaker manager of England for seven games.
  • This block of flats has a non - resident caretaker.
  • A caret mark appears between the words ‘paid’ and ‘to’ and the words ‘in cash’ are inserted.
  • In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free flat and a small remuneration.
  • A player representation, led by caretaker manager Edwin Stein, received a rapturous welcome.
  • City Police showed up Monday afternoon at the cemetery to find a hired worker peeling some of the worn shingles from the caretaker's house roof to make way for some long-needed repairs to the old, vacant and decaying property. Archive 2005-11-01
  • These include employees with job titles such as animal caretaker, auto mechanic, custodian, baker and tree trimmer.
  • Not only have I gained the skills needed to caretake children, I've also learned how to listen.
  • Conveniently – perhaps ominously – Selena’s blueblood employers are nowhere to be found, and their estate’s jittery caretaker raises hackles. Bones by Jonathan Kellerman: Book summary
  • --- "Tertium magis dignum miraculo, cum bis per somnium admonitus, ut arteriam secaret, quæ inter pollicem & indicem est, idque agens liberatus sit à diuturno dolore, quo infestabatur eâ in parte, quâ septo transverso jecur jungitur, idque in libri de sectione venæ fine testatus est. Miscellanies Upon Various Subjects
  • Note, that the Chinese do not make their forgeries from the same caret of gold or silver as the originals. NCS Conserves Coins Recovered from the Steamship New York : Coin Collecting News
  • The caretaker stokes up twice a day.
  • I get drawn into old habits of trying to caretake rather than let him have his emotions and work through them in his own way.
  • White Death, the sparse sense of isolation in the Stranger's first album, and the distantiation of the Caretaker's archival textures. PopMatters
  • In 1936 the Schwarts, an immigrant family desperate to escape Nazi Germany, settle in a small town in upstate New York, where the father, a former high school teacher, is demeaned by the only job he can get: gravedigger and cemetery caretaker. The Gravedigger's Daughter by Joyce Carol Oates: Book summary
  • In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free flat and a small remuneration.
  • Neither country has been able to build a new government after elections in June and both are being run by caretaker leaders. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have this innate desire to caretake for animals that have juvenile characteristics.
  • I'm sure that many people, the local schools' caretakers in particular, will join me in asking why we can't have a weatherproof, clean tarmac path to enjoy.
  • He did a good job of caretaking the company.
  • The building has a small lift and the rooms have running water, baths and hot showers and the caretaker has a television.
  • Placing very young children, especially nursing infants, with foster caretakers implied payment for the service.
  • Cat caretakers will assist in keeping the cat area clean and safe at all times.
  • A dart (>) marks the last nucleotide for each gene and indicates the direction of transcription; nucleotides participating in termination codons of protein-coding genes are underscored with carets.
  • The most likely outcome seems to be a caretaker administration until genuine elections can be held. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said once the project is completed the voluntary housing committee intends employing a full-time caretaker for the houses.
  • He began to write while earning his living as a translator, caretaker, switchboard operator, editor, and cook on an oil tanker.
  • But there is still no news on his future as caretaker manager.
  • Smith, a staunch profeminist, spent a year with their infant son as the primary caretaker, and writes a very intelligent and engaging blog called "Daddy Dialectic". Kari Henley: No Child Left Behind = All Boys Left Behind
  • The Deputy Director of Drama and Entertainment will caretake the role in the interim.
  • It's a giant space station, complete with aging electronics, broken platforms to leap from, and a crazed robot caretaker called Sigmund who acts as your guide around the station. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • Then again, air conditioners air-condition rooms, babysitters babysit, and, at least according to some dictionaries, caretakers caretake. Word Court
  • Both to rich and poor alike hath he granted the delight of wine, that makes all pain to cease; hateful to him is every one who careth not to live the life of bliss, that lasts through days and nights of joy. The Bacchantes
  • Terror indeed," thought I. "Pannum nossum quotditty hamminum da nobs holyday, e missy nobs debitty nossa si cut nos demittimissibus debetenibas nossimus e, ne, nos hem-duckam in, in, in temptationemum, sed lillibery nos a ma -- ma --" Here a heavy lash brought the very Oh! that was "caret" to complete the sentence. Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • The word lullaby has been in the English language since the Middle Ages - one of several, such as rockaby and hushaby, which show how generations of mothers and caretakers have helped their children fall asleep through music. On language and colic
  • Poison (trifoliolate, or _three-leaved_) ivy resembles Virginia Creeper, and all nurses and caretakers should be able to recognize it. The Mother and Her Child
  • The Guardian spoke to the Jenny Lind's caretaker manager, Dudley Cooke.
  • The biggest problem is Caretta, a large loggerhead turtle.
  • And caretaker manager Viv Busby recognises the value of a tight back line especially against the likes of Conference play-off hopefuls Aldershot Town.
  • It hates reserve which careth not for all men's love. Hippolytus
  • No wonder so many local supporters are calling for the caretaker prefix to be removed from his job title.
  • He said a caretaker would be employed to ‘open and shut,’ the gates.
  • In addition, when we have permission from the local authorities, we are hoping to build an adjoining building for the caretaker, with a room added for the Sunday school.
  • A caretaker has been praised after he tackled one of three suspicious blazes which were started at a secondary school.
  • She asked the government to accept public demands that it scrap the law and hand power over to a caretaker government.
  • ‘Sometimes substitutions work, sometimes they don't,’ said caretaker manager Chisholm.
  • We operate the caretaking economy as a kind of socialistic ant hill where we all sacrifice for each other if 3.
  • On Bakehouse Lane, where the building turns the corner, a single-storey block faced in rusticated limestone was terminated by a small caretaker's house.
  • The next step was to convert the three cottages to the west of the covered passage or slype into an office and ‘rest room’ at street level, and a caretaker's cottage above.
  • Kernberg stressed the role of the overabundance of constitutionally predisposed aggression or very early frustration rather than maternal care that color the ways they experience their caretakers as resulting in the development of the intermediate level of structure, which he called borderline personality organization. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • The 10,000-square-foot home is on 500 acres of land in Calistoga and includes three bedrooms, three-and-a-half bathrooms, a guesthouse and caretaker's unit, a private pond, a bocce ball court, an olive farm, a skeet-shooting range, a professional grade equestrian stable, a full-size basketball court and a sun-drenched pool surrounded by flagstone and offering an unbelievable view of Knights Valley. PHOTOS: Joe Montana's Amazing Wine Country Home
  • The film treats us to two very beautiful examples of how people caretake for each other in times of stress and difficulty.
  • In such cases, the parent-teacher associations should arrange a watchman or a caretaker to look after the children till their parents come to fetch them in the evening.
  • It may be that a caretaker is deeply concerned for a depressed friend, but struggles to imagine their experience. Commander in Grief
  • Not only do I underscore; I use brackets, carets, and braces; I annotate all four margins and I copiously turn down the edges (both top and bottom) of certain especially memorable pages.
  • But a new paradigm is taking over, one that looks less like a ladder and more like a "lattice" -- a shape that allows for stepping off and stepping back on, caretaking for children and aging parents, working non-traditional hours, taking detours into various fields, developing various skills etc. Women in Science Link Roundup: January 12 Edition
  • But again, that success was mostly in producing tractable zombies who didn't pose problems for their caretakers or families.
  • There's a caretaker living in the basement and a small flatlet on the top floor which goes with the job. Stormy Springtime
  • The lad was scaret at that, as weel he micht, an 'takin' aff 's bannet, he lowtit laich, an 'left her. Malcolm
  • Note, that the Chinese do not make their forgeries from the same caret of gold or silver as the originals. NCS Conserves Coins Recovered from the Steamship New York : Coin Collecting News
  • He called the caretaker of the building who went into the flat to find her body. Times, Sunday Times
  • A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.
  • That left caretaker manager Carl Serrant, and his team, chasing the game right from the start.
  • The baby is then placed in the custody of caretakers assigned to the Adoption Unit until he/she is adopted.
  • We came suddenly to the gate of the lodge and Locksley the caretaker greeted us diffidently in his knit hat and muddy Wellingtons.
  • More and more people are discovering that property caretaking can enable them to live in a variety of locales.
  • A magnificent job is being done by the caretakers and green keeper.
  • A writer-caretaker who, snowbound in this sepulchral hell, eventually loses it, his descent into madness is displayed through the most perversely witty of character arcs.
  • The 10,000-square-foot home is on 500 acres of land in Calistoga and includes three bedrooms, three-and-a-half bathrooms, a guesthouse and caretaker's unit, a private pond, a bocce ball court, an olive farm, a skeet-shooting range, a professional grade equestrian stable, a full-size basketball court and a sun-drenched pool surrounded by flagstone and offering an unbelievable view of Knights Valley. PHOTOS: Joe Montana's Amazing Wine Country Home
  • Caret Browsing: This works like moving the caret in a Word doc. Web Teacher › New Accessiblity Features in IE8
  • I took a job caretaking a newly-minted family's recently acquired Scottish castle.
  • careth" for his children in all little things, and partly because down at the bottom of her heart she was not quite ready to do his will -- that is, she _hoped_ that it would be right for her to keep the money, and hoped this so strongly that she could not look fairly on the other side of the question. Katie Robertson A Girls Story of Factory Life
  • I sympathise with the council because I know it will cost money to employ a caretaker but something has got to be done.
  • There was a caretaker here, in the basement, when the first strike occurred.
  • A handful of these caretakers are the keepers of historical film.
  • He took up the job as caretaker of Mount Sion Secondary School, and his obliging manner made him very popular with teachers and pupils alike.
  • They can participate in tasks around the house, garden or hencoop together with the five caretakers.
  • Rhodri sayeth that he taketh the Gogs most seriously, and destroyeth the most malicious untruth that WAG careth only for the Hwntws of the South! Archive 2007-04-01
  • It may have once been a monstrous 793 carets, before a jeweler's maladroitness and a few subsequent refinements chopped it to the mere 109-caret chunk it is today.

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