How To Use Carelessness In A Sentence
Lateness and carelessness are subjects for complaint.
Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy.
The little silver bell tinkles at a wayside shrine, calling the labouring man to propitiate the idol for the carelessness and detected dishonesties of his day's labours, and goodly Hindus, men and women, stream down the busy thoroughfare, responsive to the call.
Love and Life Behind the Purdah
He charged the fire to my carelessness.
Most of the nicks, scuffs and gouges that currently mar the work are a result of human carelessness, such as carts and chairs banging into the walls.

Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful.
Georgia Takes a Beating in the Cyberwar With Russia - Bits Blog -
We can get angry about it, complaining that the perfect language of our childhood is being corrupted by ignorance and carelessness, but we can't stop it happening.
The second fault I want to plead guilty to is carelessness in my statement of your view, and unimaginativeness in applying it.
And carelessness is not a desirable attribute for an institution which is entrusted with children.
One is left guessing whether essential marks have been omitted simply through carelessness, or designedly for a mock-modern effect.
Here the runaway breadstuff becomes a lesson for children about carelessness.
Archive 2008-06-01
You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievaBle errors.
Sergeant Donaldson's carelessness in leaving it to be stolen so easily was to earn him a reproof.
Who hasn't taken solace in some form of greediness, self-assertion, or just plain carelessness?
You should make an apology to her for your carelessness.
M. de Maupeou came to me in December, and after having gently scolded me for what he termed my carelessness, he showed me a letter from the duchesse de Grammont, which, he said, would wonderfully aid our plans.
Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself
He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework.
His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.
The error was due to carelessness pure and simple.
Once again, his disgruntled followers chastised him for his carelessness.
It is mostly our own carelessness, ignorance, gullibility and cheeseparing that allows criminals, hooligans and others to run riot.
Times, Sunday Times
Can liberals accept that an undervote usually reflects either voter carelessness, for which the voter suffers the condign punishment of an unrecorded preference, or reflects the voter's choice not to express a preference?
'But no! I can guess clearly how it alose before: it alose thlough the sheer carelessness of the first men.
The Purple Cloud
Coupled with the poor writing is a certain carelessness in the story development: early on, for example, we learn of the high-tech processes Space Vulture uses to make himself superhuman.
Book Review: Space Vulture
Literature as it developed in the reign of Elizabeth ran counter to the hopes and desires of the men who began the movement; the common usage which extends the term Elizabethan backwards outside the limits of the reign itself, has nothing but its carelessness to recommend it.
English Literature: Modern Home University Library of Modern Knowledge
Note, Though Christ's disciples be brought into wants and straits, through their own carelessness and incogitancy, yet he encourages them to trust in him for relief.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
A newborn baby has a tiny heart and minute organs, and there is no margin for error or carelessness.
Those that knew Levis as a friend, colleague, or teacher sometimes found it puzzling to try to reconcile the good humor, whimsy, and carelessness of the man with the artfulness, erudition, cunning, and darkness of his poetry.
Sergeant Donaldson's carelessness in leaving it to be stolen so easily was to earn him a reproof.
His reputation for carelessness was established long before the latest problems arose.
Pei-Shih is particularly interested in the derealisation of menace and believes that this condition shows both the ignorance and carelessness with which first world countries treat the rest of the world.
Art Knowledge News
We pity an idiot, and one that is naturally destitute of under standing, or one that loseth the use of his reason by a disease or other inevitable accident: but every one despiseth him who besots himself, and plays the fool out of carelessness and a gross neglect of himself.
The Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 07.
Avoid blots and erasures; they indicate carelessness or unbecoming haste.
The very opposite of the girl who is misunderstood and undervalued because of her shyness, is the girl who, because of her boldness and independence, her carelessness of speech, hilarity and adventuresomeness is misunderstood.
The Girl and Her Religion
She took her assistant to task for/over her carelessness.
Nothing much, a bit of carelessness, yet enough to bring the professional wrath of Doctor Bicknell about his ears and to perturb the working of the staff and nurses for twenty-four hours to come.
Carelessness with regard to open fireplaces, heaters, cookers, electric blankets and smoking are the leading causes of fire deaths and injuries.
Witness how eagerly we accept the idea that our food is being poisoned by the suspect motivations and carelessness of industry, government and science.
We looked down on the unpolished wretches, their impertinent wives, and clouterly brats, as the lordly bull does on the little dirty ant-hill, whose puny inhabitants he crushes in the carelessness of his ramble, or tosses in the air in the wantonness of his pride.
The Letters of Robert Burns
That little bit of carelessness or inexperience can sometimes result in the most awful consequences.
He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the damage.
He failed to pass the examination through carelessness.
Your carelessness will tell against you in the examination.
Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy.
Carelessness is engendered by the thought that such work can be handled in a rough and rapid way, and, further, by the ridicule of all these things, which we have learned to be careful about, as old-fogyish, out-of-fashion, and archaic.
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. LXXII, June, 1911 Water Purification Plant, Washington, D. C. Results of Operation.
Who hasn't taken solace in some form of greediness, self-assertion, or just plain carelessness?
I hazard a guess that there are not only pure stallions on the moor; fate and carelessness always complicates herd life.
I was hurriedly winding our grandfather clock when, in my carelessness, the pendulum disconnected.
If the failure to file over ten months or so was due to carelessness, is this an organization that should be "certifying" complex information systems upon which lives depend?
CCHIT - dissolved involuntarily in April 2008 for failure to file annual report required under laws of the state of Illinois
I get fed up by people who randomly produce sprogs with little thought to the consequences, and expect me to pay for their carelessness.
Once could be put down to the carelessness of the paperboy, but twice in one week - nope.
The defenders were slow to get back on the goal line and the Monaghan team captain took advantage of Mayo carelessness.
‘That is carelessness and negligence and all three of you need to look at your own systems,’ he said.
The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy.
We are responsible to God if by our carelessness or neglect we lead our children into a life or crime or other social evils.
Susan, with that easiness about her that is almost carelessness, is a particularly difficult case for Ellen.
The tragedies caused by accident, human error and carelessness have become the most significant in the early history of the region.
Admit that it was the carelessness of the company's agents, in leaving the switch open, that threw the train upon the side track.
An error in judgment has long been distinguished from an act of unskilfulness or carelessness or due to lack of knowledge.
Feeling a bit larkier than usual this morning, aren't you?" he inquired with what was merely a pretense at carelessness.
The Prairie Child
The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
He spoke with great swiftness, the words tumbling over one another, not with eagerness, but rather with a kind of supercilious carelessness.
The Cathedral
Initial planning errors were compounded by carelessness in carrying the plan out.
The outward peace of such a man is but despair well masked; his gayety is the carelessness of
Amiel's Journal
The sector monitor issued the customary challenge; the corvette, disdaining response other than to break out a long serpent-tongue banderole, landed with insolent carelessness on the roof of the Grand Palace.
The Languages of Pao
All of these manifestations can give the impression of a certain carelessness with regard to the liturgy and should be avoided.
Ars Celebrandi as it relates to the Usus Antiquior
Why should I suffer because of somebody's negligence, carelessness, stupidity or even a deliberate act on his or her part?
Have already occurred (Night vii.) but such carelessness is characteristic despite the proverb, “In repetition is no fruition.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Initial planning errors were compounded by carelessness in carrying the plan out.
They come from carelessness, no cover on PTO, working in the night or the day, tipping trailers under ESB cables, riding on drawbars, and a host of other practices.
Yes, ‘uh’, you pinheaded embodiment of the word ‘carelessness’.
He contended that, in the first assault Mr. Desailly was the aggressor, having exhibited an unpardonable degree of negligence and carelessness, which not only extenuated the conduct of the defendant, but amounted to a positive excuse and justification.
Archive 2009-05-01
If they do respond you may be able to see if they approach it with caution or with carelessness.
Why should I suffer because of somebody's negligence, carelessness, stupidity or even a deliberate act on his or her part?
Refrain from intoxicating drink and drugs which lead to carelessness
For _it is impossible not to foresee_, that the words and actions of men in different ranks and employments, and of different educations, _will perpetually be mistaken by each other_; and it cannot but be so, whilst they will judge with the utmost carelessness, as they daily do, _of what they are not perhaps enough informed to be competent judges of_, even though they considered it with great attention.
Apologia pro Vita Sua
Scarlet fever dropsy, which is really a _formidable disease, generally arises from, the carelessness, the ignorance, and the thoughtlessness of parents in allowing a child to leave the house before the new skin be properly formed and hardened.
Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
Yet Lincoln, according to Navy Secretary Gideon Welles, "took upon himself the whole blame—said it was carelessness, heedlessness on his part—he ought to have been more attentive.
Lessons of Fort Sumter
UDF leaders have had to cope with a transition to operating in conditions of clandestinity, which have often enough in history been so stressful and short-lived that individuals bring their own exposure either by paranoia or by an over-optimistic carelessness.
Children of Resistence
His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.
Wouldn't an ideal solution be to have a free-market, capitalist society WITH some level of government overview to ensure that corruption and carelessness is kept to a minimum?
State of the Union: Powell 'concerned' about Obama's agenda
We looked down on the unpolished wretches, their impertinent wives and clouterly brats, as the lordly bull does on the little dirty ant-hill, whose puny inhabitants he crushes in the carelessness of his ramble, or tosses in the air in the wantonness of his pride.
The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
Oh apologizes for Green Beret 'confusion or misimpression' City Council candidate David Oh issued a formal apology Thursday for what he described as carelessness in describing his five-year stint in the Army National Guard - an issue that led some veterans to complain he was embellishing his military record.
Phillies Zone
It would be a shame if I let my own carelessness ruin other people's efforts to do good by recycling.
Mr Harrel, with his usual levity and carelessness, laughed at the charge, but denied any belief in her displeasure, and affected to think she was merely playing the coquet, while Sir Robert was not the less her decided choice.
We are responsible to God if by our carelessness or neglect we lead our children into a life or crime or other social evils.
The Crown's case here that they would be in an impossible position if they had to prove both dishonesty and carelessness seems to me unanswerable.
his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset
The defence conceded stupid goals through sheer carelessness.
But within a few weeks, Gray's political carelessness threatens to blow up his bridge-building efforts, Alec Guinness-style.
'One City' under siege
You should make an apology to her for your carelessness.
In his theme for this volume Churchill summarized his interpretation of the war: ‘how the English-speaking peoples through their unwisdom, carelessness, and good nature allowed the wicked to rearm’.
Such carelessness is unforgivable from a NATO hopeful.
Georgia Takes a Beating in the Cyberwar With Russia - Bits Blog -
The error sprang from carelessness.
An anal expulsive personality is broadly defined as exhibiting cruelty, emotional outbursts, disorganization, self-confidence, liberal-mindedness, sometimes artistic ability, generosity, rebelliousness and general carelessness.
About my proposed Titus recording.
If she had been an ugly woman, one would not have cared so much, though it would have been provoking; but for a handsome creature like her to have her beauty put in peril by such an atrocious piece of carelessness is something to make one's blood boil!
Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
If unable to attribute the injury to the carelessness and negligence of others, the patient will often become blameful of self.
Even more tragically, large numbers of early movies like the second part of the incomparable Wedding March (1928) have been lost through carelessness and the perishability of nitrate film (for further details see here).
June 21st, 2009
He cut his own throat by carelessness.
Aimless punts gave Macclesfield the ball with time and space to counter-attack - an invitation to which they readily responded - and carelessness in contact led to a series of turnovers.
The criminal element will go after any woman (these criminals -- rapists -- hate women -- it is lust and anger combined) who looks vulnerable or like a potential victim by exhibiting a lack of confidence; naivity, carelessness and brazenness by immodest dress; vulnerability and innocence by religious garb; and by wandering around alone.
Protecting Our Daughters
If his carelessness costs you, make him pay - he will get the message.
The Sun
They charged the accident up to my carelessness.
The defence conceded stupid goals through sheer carelessness.
Any carelessness or negligence will bring disaster to our future generations and cause irretrievable losses’.
I think it's important for your readers to understand the type of carelessness here.
Most of the nicks, scuffs and gouges that currently mar the work are a result of human carelessness, such as carts and chairs banging into the walls.
We write, therefore, with correspondent carelessness or digressiveness, upon incidents that, in passing, have merely amused us — quite prepared to find that they are not so amusing (at second-hand) to others.
Fun-jottings, or, Laughs I have taken a pen to
His broken leg is the direct result of his own carelessness.
Only his carelessness with his used cartridges cost him his life, for he was finished there and then.
The death or serious injury of a Soldier due to negligence or carelessness cannot be overlooked and can always be avoided.
The carelessness of copyists, the use of "sigla", contractions for proper names, and the frequency of transcription, led naturally to much confusion.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
Disease, languor, doubt, carelessness, laziness, sensuality, delusion, impotency and instability are the obstacles that distract the mind.
The error was due to carelessness pure and simple.
Such stickability and determination is said to be proof of a good side and in seasons past this was the sort of game City would have lost through frustration and carelessness.
Most of the nicks, scuffs and gouges that currently mar the work are a result of human carelessness, such as carts and chairs banging into the walls.
He punished the children for their carelessness by making them pay for the damage.
His carelessness resulted in his failure in the exam.
Vulvovaginitis is a very contagious disease, and before the days of hospital asepsis, which is so perfectly maintained today in our large institutions, this disease used to go right through a children's ward because of carelessness in the handling of soiled diapers, etc. The sign of this disease is a yellow-white vaginal discharge, while the surrounding skin covering the inside of the thighs and buttocks may be very much reddened.
The Mother and Her Child
His carelessness resulted in his failure in the exam.
The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
Again coarse and servile slaves of slaves, dressed up in various dazzling attires -- varieties of Generals wishing to distinguish themselves, or to earn the right to add one more little star, fingle fangle, or scrap of ribbon to their idiotic glaring get-up, or else from stupidity or carelessness -- again these miserable men have destroyed amid dreadful sufferings thousands of those honorable, kind, hard-working laborers who feed them.
"Bethink Yourselves!"
He failed to pass the examination through carelessness.
I have to confess to a moment of carelessness due largely to the CD labelling which blazons only the two major works.
Some had been frankly told that they were too old, that a sprier man was needed; others had given occasion, by some act of carelessness or incompetence; with most, however, the occasion had been the same as with Jurgis.
The Jungle
He said that the fire was probably caused by a short circuit or carelessness.
Times, Sunday Times
Teacher twitted me for about my carelessness.
And that my principal fault has been carelessness of my character, and too little solicitude to clear myself, when aspersed?
Clarissa Harlowe
But those are ceremonial events in which citizens reaffirm their surrender of sovereignty and their carelessness of their personal autonomy.
The fact remains that many, if not most, countries can't be trusted with the technology, if only because of carelessness with fissionable materials or nuclear waste.
What more can we ask for in a world of pollution, violence, and seemingly illimitable greed and carelessness?
The manager reproached the new salesgirl for her carelessness.
The combination of incompetence and downright carelessness on the part of those charged with protecting our citizens is absolutely damnable.
It is well indeed that our churches, sadly given over to the laxity and carelessness of a bygone age, should be renovated and beautified, the tone of the services raised, and the "bray" of the old clerks, unsuited to the devotional feelings of a more enlightened day, silenced, but still a shade of regret will be mingled with their dismissal, if only for the sake of the large stock of amusing anecdotes which their names recall.
The Parish Clerk
But the level of carelessness and ignorance manifested by the number and importance of miscues in Lincoln's War seriously compromises its integrity and undermines its value.
They would have been on time, ma'am, I swear, if it hadn't been for my carelessness.
The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.
He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness.
A slight carelessness on this precipice could cost a man his life.
Although weatherstripping your home doesn't sound like a dangerous way to spend a weekend, simple carelessness can lead to some potentially harmful situations.
At length, as she united a final row of hooks and eyes, she found leisure to chide her, saying she was very naughty to be so unpunctual; that she looked even now the picture of incorrigible carelessness: and so Shirley did - but a very lovely picture of that tiresome quality.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
The same can go for adult band members whose ebullience of spirit, exhaustion, or carelessness result in loosened ties, crooked hats, lost instruments, or other egregious failures of decorum.
The law takes no cognisance of carelessness in the abstract.
Due to my carelessness, I missed winning by a narrow margin.
Accidents often arise from carelessness.
It is hard to imagine carelessness, incompetence, prejudice, distortion, falsehood and unfairness being put to better use.
They would have been on time, ma'am, I swear, if it hadn't been for my carelessness.
The next day was a perfect one for sailing, and eventful, in that while turning over cable the long objurgated fault in the tanks came to light, proving to be the result of carelessness on the part of the manufacturer, a carelessness which had caused much agony of mind to the
A Woman's Journey through the Philippines On a Cable Ship that Linked Together the Strange Lands Seen En Route
I cannot tolerate your carelessness.
If his carelessness costs you, make him pay - he will get the message.
The Sun
Contributory negligence is based on carelessness whereas assumption of risk is based on venturousness.
Burglars are often undone by carelessness: some get caught red-handed, others are pulled in for traffic offences while driving a vanload of stolen goods.
Carelessness in driving often results in disastrous accidents.
Only a passing comment, but such carelessness has probably wrecked my son's future as a prize-winning novelist.
Three chords, the right amount of carelessness in the attitude and those irresistible tambourines with the drums make them deserved hit singles.
Not that I object to the use per se, but that there is a carelessness that borders on disregard for the actual content.
The woman's strength and determination contrasted with the man's weakness and vacillation; her reasoning imperturbation, prudent foresight, and love of order and activity, with his excessive irritability and sensitiveness, wanton carelessness, and unconquerable propensity to idleness and every kind of irregularity.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
Through carelessness or maliciousness, many of Australia's bushfires are caused by humans.
Your errors stem all from your carelessness.
He will blame you for carelessness.
You will suffer one day for your carelessness.