How To Use Carefully In A Sentence

  • Carefully, she moved a hand forward and eased back the white sheets.
  • The mass media give little background, and what they do is carefully expurgated.
  • Your daughter may indeed welcome your new friend but tread carefully. The Sun
  • As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor. The Mysterious Island
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
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  • The cue maker then carefully chooses and seasons the wood, before tapering and sanding it down on a lathe.
  • Carefully she clipped the grass the grave and arranged the pinky - white, small chrysanthemums the tin cross.
  • Even the betting person makes a carefully calculated and rational decision about where to put his or her money.
  • He carefully draped it over Ramirez, and soon the warmth from the luxuriant fur stilled his chattering teeth and banished the damp.
  • Quarter the potatoes and carefully peel off the skin from the larger broad beans, then add all of the veg to the dressing. The Sun
  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • She slowly walks to the small open fireplace and carefully lights the incense and stands it in the ash. She steps back with her palms held in prayer and begins to chant.
  • The shirt was that little bit too pink, there was one button too many left carefully-casually undone and the tan was a shade and a half too dark.
  • Lift the fish and carefully place it on a large board, flat side uppermost.
  • Then carefully peel away the skin and slice or dice the avocado and add to the salad. The Sun
  • While he pours her feelings out, she treads very carefully and doesn't make the reader feel as though they are crashing into her personal life or snooping into her diary.
  • Eventually he would come up, sit down, then carefully roll himself a fat, untidy cigarette, spilling some tobacco in the process.
  • It forced it to consider more carefully the preferences of the average viewer, to become more responsive to viewers. The Media in Britain Today
  • So Hegel carefully distinguishes between the underlying principles of the Persian and the Roman empires.
  • While the design and installation of a future-proofed communications platform was the key objective for Vodafone, ongoing management and monitoring of the network was also an issue, which had to be carefully considered.
  • I only played three carefully considered notes with intuitive regard to choice of rhythm, tempo, dynamics - using a poignant interval, the minor sixth resolving to the perfect fifth.
  • Thereby, you will be able to navigate your way ahead, carefully picking your route around bloated wobbly people, inconsiderate ‘wallowers’ and arsey posers as they try to impress the girls.
  • In a pipe organ of quality each pipe is a carefully-designed and individually-voiced musical instrument which produces only one frequency of sound.
  • Behind this carefully—constructed shield, he has lashed out savagely at those who have bettered him in the eyes of history and bettered him in the practice of Christian values.
  • It's like a silent alarm ringing on a carefully coded genetic clock.
  • Close the door carefully, don't slam it.
  • Some lines had been added on the last page; but they had been so carefully erased as to be illegible.
  • They're monuments to dead climbers - not gravestones per se but carefully constructed shrines.
  • The committee have thought carefully over this plan.
  • It is carefully calibrated to maximize milk production while minimizing cost and might consist of haylage or silage—chopped, preserved fodder—ground with protein boosters like soy or the malted grain left over from brewing. The Dirty Life
  • You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love. As long as you keep your hand curly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers around it and try to possess it, it will spill through the first cracks it finds. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they meet love. They try to posses it, they demand, they expect and just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve from you.
  • Wait, now- here is a curl which slipped out of place, as I tucked it carefully under your snood.
  • Mine are carefully folded into envelopes and airmailed to Berlin.
  • Using laser cooling, scientists trap the atoms, holding them within carefully tuned beams of laser light.
  • Paul watched carefully the vagaries of her excitement, and kept his sharp hawk's-eye upon everything; he had quite made up his mind not to dangle for two years, as he had round Colette de Rosen. The Immortal Or, One Of The "Forty." (L'immortel) - 1877
  • The film shows the same patience as the artist, carefully and without comment depicting his step-by-step preparations and techniques as he tries to capture the quince tree and the light shooting through its leaves.
  • Variations in joint commissioning practice between social services and health services will have to be piloted and monitored carefully.
  • Pull away the individual leaves carefully right up to the heart of the onion; you will be left with lots of little onion petals. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when you take cuttings from valuable landscape plants such as cedar, fir, juniper, pine, spruce, and redwood, do it carefully to preserve the plant's health and shapeliness.
  • I clean them carefully but the itch is driving me crazy.
  • Then let the bureaucrats pre-qualify the bidders by carefully scrutinizing their track records, resources and proposed fees.
  • Carefully ladle the soup into four bowls and drizzle each bowl with mint oil, below. Times, Sunday Times
  • I guided the car carefully into the garage.
  • The demonstration was carefully orchestrated to attract maximum publicity.
  • Space has to be carved out and carefully wrapped to create a luminous, inward-looking void, augmented by carefully framed views of the townscape.
  • I carefully unfolded it and placed it over my notebook, so it looked like I was taking notes on the lecture.
  • The carefully studied hands reveal the graphic origin of his designing, confirmed from the few drawings that have survived.
  • Carefully trimming, shaving and shaping one's facial hair can achieve a never-ending multitude of looks, such as handlebar moustaches, goatees and designer sideburns.
  • You must therefore plan carefully to make sure you are covering relevant material.
  • She watched Dorothy carefully, to see if she ever took off her shoes, thinking she might steal them.
  • The consultant then carefully observes the anchors and reporters to determine if they fit the viewer profile.
  • When he announced it, the carefully prepped bishops pounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. V.V. stood by a spindly table, carefully examining a small but costly vase, the property of Mr. Heth, of the Cheroot Works; and now he went on with a kind of diffident resolution, the air of one who gives a confidence with difficulty, but must do so now, for his honor. V. V.'s Eyes
  • Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon.
  • They cut trees for canoes and dug garden plots for the plants they had carefully transported from Polynesia - taro, banana, yam, coconut.
  • According to the book, the familiar image of a saintly, eccentric genius was carefully cultivated.
  • “I am Nyx,” Nyx replied, keeping his voice carefully cold and emotionless, just as the previous leader had taught him. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Kuro’s Review Forum
  • Water boy carefully feed the birds, but Bird said softly: "Buddha will bless you!
  • Don't race through the list like that, read each name carefully.
  • Take all the Latin words in Shakespeare, for instance - in Victorian times, educated people had studied Latin in school - not so today, so they need to be carefully glossed.
  • Ellie sighed, said, ‘Okay, you're forgiven,’ and skinned the rabbit very carefully.
  • They were constructed carefully, sometimes as exact circles, sometimes as partial ellipses.
  • They both have a powerful sense of humour and an understated wit that makes you look very carefully at what's on the page in case you miss anything.
  • When she reached her room, she maneuvered carefully around the contents of her floor and fell onto her bed.
  • The two have carefully tracked the coming and going of feminist periodicals.
  • I carefully lifted the tiny beaker to Ash's mouth and poured it in, then covering his mouth and nose, forcing him to halfheartedly swallow it.
  • He, for instance, is both a criminal boss and a carefully planted police agent.
  • When treating the pain, examine carefully for tender points and treat these. Drug-Free Pain Relief
  • As the hillside was covered with snow, we had to walk up carefully.
  • Carefully I covered my rock cisterns with flat stones so that the sun's rays might not evaporate the precious fluid and in precaution against some upspringing of wind in the night and the sudden flying of spray. Chapter 19
  • Hide practical tools, from dish drainers to plastic bottles of anything out of sight and stage the kitchen as carefully as your living room and bedrooms.
  • During early testing, I ran pseudo with the server modified to randomly crash about one syscall in three, with the intent of carefully testing this functionality.
  • Practice your wood craft, 80 percent of killing a gobbler is knowing the woods you hunt and moving and setting up carefully. I want to start spring turkey hunting and I dont know how to start out.
  • But I listened very carefully and don't remember that he actually said that those officers could then stop and frisk the individuals under suspicion.
  • When examining the world through the lens of multiple perspectives, students learned to think critically and to evaluate sources carefully to construct theories of their own.
  • These tests have to be monitored carefully by a drug agency before the drug is licensed. The Global Marketplace
  • So he boiled an egg. Once he deduced it to be ready, he removed it, cracked it open and carefully placed it on his recently purchased egg cup.
  • It features a selection of products from wine to whiteware from a range of carefully selected suppliers representing well-known consumer brands.
  • Unpeg each item and fold it carefully before putting it into your basket.
  • The inoculum was injected slowly into the bladder to avoid leakage and the catheter was withdrawn carefully.
  • Every field had to be hoed for weeds three times, carefully hilling soil around each young stalk.
  • Washed spodium (tutty?) mixed with grease, and not of a thinner consistence than dough, is to be carefully triturated, and moistened with the juice of unripe raisins; and having dried in the sun, moisten until it is of the consistence of an ointment. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • They likewise carefully watch the corpse by night and day till the time of interment, and conceive that “the deil tinkles at the lykewake” of those who felt in their dead-thraw the agonies and terrors of remorse. Notes
  • I invite every citizen to carefully study the document.
  • The citizens of Athens recognized that responsible citizenship would not come about automatically; it had to be carefully cultivated.
  • The poise has a cigarette in its hand, which cigarette it has just pausingly rolled from material furnished by a number of carefully saved butts (whereof Afrique's pockets are invariably full). The Enormous Room
  • Several layers of filmy covering met her eyes, and through this her hands weaved carefully.
  • Participants are instructed in the ‘correct’ ways to engage with people of other cultural groups and how to tread carefully around their different values.
  • It was espaliered carefully back onto its old trellis and coaxed into bloom.
  • Love is a carefully designed lie.
  • These tests have to be monitored carefully by a drug agency before the drug is licensed. The Global Marketplace
  • She descended the stairs carefully because the shoes were pinching her feet.
  • Or consider the college piano student, carefully groomed to taper each Mozartean phrase just so, and deliver sharp accents in Bartok.
  • Max's paternal grandfather was a member of the Red Army and had to carefully hide the fact his wife's parents had been landowners.
  • Behind him hurried a younger, comelier man, carefully clad in motor costume, who bent above the girl with passionate solicitude and gazed into her staring eyes until they narrowed and dropped and her face flushed deeper and deeper crimson. DARKWATER
  • Indeed," she led the way across a narrow linoleumed hall, so beeswaxed that one had to stump along carefully erect. Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
  • They sketched a woman whose chest had been carefully cut open to reveal muscle and sinew.
  • If you are going away over the bank holiday and arranging travel insurance, don't forget to read all the health exclusions carefully.
  • Monkeys have a minor version of our tendency to use the left brain for listening carefully to rapid sound sequences.
  • Fill in any form, answer any telephone call, and soon you too will become part of a carefully-mapped demographic.
  • Examine the painful area carefully in an effort to localize the most tender point.
  • Such a broker examines all franchise propositions carefully to determine whether they will make good business propositions.
  • I will think carefully about how to place the clumps during the planting work in December. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is so often the case that choral concerts tend to be rather bitty, a less than carefully thought out selection of items from a choral society's current repertoire.
  • The privacy implications are also carefully weighed up. Times, Sunday Times
  • This raises questions of embrittlement, and has had to be checked carefully before extending licences. Safety of nuclear power reactors
  • By the end of the lesson students are carefully mouthing the correct English pronunciation.
  • Carefully, he opened the incision with a pair of forceps, revealing her skin's thick red underlining.
  • Aysa was carefully and slowly dressing as the sun was climbing.
  • We watched their clandestine purchasing and procurement network very carefully.
  • Such issues of consent are the cornerstone of the law and needed to be carefully considered. The Sun
  • Digoxin, morphine, ephedrine, vincristine, ergotamine, bromocriptine, and others are carefully tested and standardized drugs from plants.
  • ‘This time, I miked the drums a little more closely and a little more carefully,’ Raphael says.
  • The vessel was placed in a Petri dish in phosphate-buffered saline kept on ice and carefully cleaned of adventitial, adipose and connective tissue. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Carefully picking a spot between support pillars on the undead side, I lased the target. Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile
  • She carefully pinned the two pieces of cloth together.
  • However, rereading what I consider rather histrionic bile, and, moreover, reading it carefully, is something I can put off for days.
  • Mr. Walker: In making decisions about opencast coal applications, one must consider carefully both the short-term and long-term environmental implications.
  • He™d carefully avoided Gareth thus far, afraid the Knight might find out whose slingstone nearly killed him. Chosen Of The Gods
  • The cane of the vine is then taken into the house, if it has been wintered outside, and carefully trained to the rafter, the part next the ground being still kept wrapped round with hay bands, and the hole stopped close round the stem, so as to prevent the vine receiving any check from the cold of the external air. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • He got the pail of fresh blood he had acquired that afternoon from the cooler, hauled the cookpot to the front of the range, and carefully poured in the blood, mixing it with the stiff porridge. Dragon's Kin
  • In his tours he found sacred woodlands ‘most carefully protected’ in many districts-from the Devara Kadus of Coorg in the south to the deodar temple groves in the Himalaya.
  • Carefully stripping away centuries of paint, the scientists uncovered a valuable old wall painting.
  • These workers are the most mobile and have the greatest incentive to evaluate carefully the relative and absolute risks.
  • This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.
  • Along the route ending in Parliament Square, five giant video screens were erected relaying selected images from the carefully stage-managed affair.
  • Before you write anything, before you take their word for anything, you ought to carefully study the possibility that they are dissembling.
  • The HR department carefully chose a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) that was user-friendly and easy to remember.
  • How carefully did you cost the materials for the new fence and gate?
  • Choose your weapons carefully, be merciless, be thorough, and take no prisoners!
  • He picked the tender flesh carefully from the bones.
  • What he does better than almost anybody is assemble bands and lead them, attracting stellar sidemen and gathering them into carefully considered ensembles. Freddie, Jacky, Charlie and the Doc
  • Opening the door she eased carefully into the passenger seat with her eyes never leaving him.
  • Doctors and patients need evidence about complementary treatments, but randomised controlled trials need to be carefully designed to take holism into account and avoid invalid results
  • Carefully - for it will flame - add the brandy or cognac to the pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • All late morning and early afternoon long, Ernie puts on his cheerful song and dance routine while carefully layering the ingredients on fresh-baked buns in what he calls the rainbow effect -- a special order as to what ingredients goes on from first to last. Tom Keshishian: Ernie's Market: A Slice of Americana, Baby
  • Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.
  • Cracked mortar between bricks should also be repointed by carefully removing and replacing any unsound mortar.
  • Carefully remove all the froth from the tops and cover with foil. The Sun
  • The works are carefully chosen to suit both connoisseurs and tenderfoots.
  • He carefully prepared doses of secobarbital sodium. Along Came a Spider
  • Keep an eye on it though, and only administer treatments carefully if necessary.
  • But if you listen at the line carefully, it's a line of regular trochaic pentameter.
  • Thus the herbs must be carefully handled at all stages. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • It was that polemic which resounded through the ages; its shockwaves can still be felt in later thinkers like Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) and Zabarella (1533-1589) who carefully examined, though in the end rejected, Philoponus 'anti-eternalist arguments. John Philoponus
  • She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom.
  • Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.
  • Fistulous openings in either of the flaps _a, a_ must now be carefully curetted and dressed, and the flaps allowed to fall into position. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • This carefully-worded document rehearsed the arguments for making the joint award, while carefully avoiding any admission of the original mistake.
  • It's worth bearing in mind, however, that regular savings accounts tend to have a raft of terms and conditions attached, so read the small print carefully before signing up.
  • Strychnine sulfate, a carefully sealed black jar---there was her last resort. THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • (My father, a retired general practitioner, can still tell as much from palpating a patient's abdomen or listening carefully for crepitus while articulating a patient's sore knee than most modern internists can from reading an MRI or CT scan.) The Cost of Health Care -- in Live Chickens
  • After removing the silk ribbon and unbinding the sewing, I dry-cleaned each page carefully. Before & After: 1807 Land Agreement from the Louis H. Carpenter Collection « Fondly, Pennsylvania: Notes from Archives and Conservation
  • Look carefully at the rear door. It's not quite the same colour as the rest of the car.
  • Sasha laid his new sister carefully in the playpen that had been erected in the corner of the living room.
  • Robyn blinked back unexpected tears and leant forward to place a log carefully on to the mound of hot red twigs.
  • He watched Trudy as she carefully peeled the coarse linen away and rolled it up like a map.
  • Carefully she pulled the dress over her undergarments, and lightly slid her feet into the dainty shoes that her mother had once bought her.
  • Immediately after thoracotomy, the pleural cavity was carefully washed with 100 mL of physical saline solution, and the fluid was examined.
  • She carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out.
  • Quickly and carefully the two were loaded into carrying frames and pushed out towards the sickbay as soon as possible.
  • She selected a low gear and started down the track carefully.
  • Although the two men pose for the picture, they, too, are props, for this image is not so much a double portrait as a carefully calibrated technical experiment.
  • Claiming to have Spanish-styled decorations, the eatery carefully chose its ornaments and above each table hangs a colourful and exquisite lamp.
  • The monologuist carefully explains that everything can be communicated with just “yesses” and “noes,” given enough of them. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Most Jewish Greek Myth:
  • Green belt development is carefully regulated.
  • They carefully observed the behavior of deer.
  • The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication.
  • With extra sugar and additives you need to pick carefully to get the best for your body. The Sun
  • It is a decision we are free to take, on a carefully considered basis.
  • Instead, her defiance of emergency rule has been carefully calibrated.
  • Quality is superb and the game carefully hung. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obviously I would work my wisecracks into the conversation carefully.
  • We carefully examined each of the 134 graphs and tallied errors on a checklist of common graphing errors we developed.
  • Some quite inquisitive - and even proprietorial - individuals came close, begging for food and carefully observing us whilst we worked in the water.
  • When he talks, it is with quiet, carefully measured sentences.
  • He balanced the glasses carefully on the tray.
  • Dudule infant Hotness Clearing Treasures helps mother carefully to protect the baby.
  • Lay a sheet of unglazed paper on the hectograph, rub it carefully, and take off at once. Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools
  • There is a growing realization that we must manage the earth's resources more carefully.
  • The explorer whose experience living as a hunter was the most carefully documented was the controversial anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson. THE NEW ATKINS FOR A NEW YOU
  • We'll have to go away and cost this carefully, but as a ballpark figure I'd say that it'll be about two million dollars.
  • Some he would take home, copying them out most carefully before returning them in their leather cases to their proper places.
  • Using a damp cloth, I carefully sponged the days-old sweat from her body while Blood Thorn sat to one side, a beautifully carved trencher in his lap, spooning food to her by the bite. Fire The Sky
  • Journalists have to choose their words carefully, tell their truth, by all means, but be cognisant that people out there deserve to be treated with respect.
  • She was struck dumb and he walked past her carefully to call her sister.
  • We unpacked them very carefully and pulled them to pieces and scattered the straw about. The Treasure Seekers
  • First, reel out the electric cable carefully.
  • He climbed the ladder, testing each rung carefully.
  • We'd carefully prepared the house (bought case of beer - check, removed all breakables from ground floor - check, warn neighbours - check), and our preparation paid off.
  • Her hair had been carefully backcombed and lacquered into shape.
  • Since neither Jewel nor Corvi had anything more than a set of stubby, carefully filed down nails, Zhaneel laughed. The White Gryphon
  • Carefully nibbling on the crumbly, buttery, oaty square, trying to make it last until we got home. One For The Table: Tracy Tynan on Flapjacks - The British Madeline
  • With the brightly coloured banderillas (barbed darts) he approaches the bull excellently and positions them carefully on the neck, bringing the crowd to its feet with applause.
  • With your left hand, carefully lower the spangler and clamp the sping-grip around the grommel handle while turning the spangler speed valve to "rapid" with your right, and pressing the oscillator button with your other hand. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • He's in a bad mood today?you need to choose your moment carefully.
  • Well, I dunno," said Grandpa Walker, facetiously, balancing a good-sized morsel of food carefully on the blade of his knife, "that depen's on wuther ye're willin 'to take pot-luck with us or not. The Flag
  • The array of large telescopes is "listening "carefully to the universe. Christianity Today
  • You had to tread carefully with all river men, they were a bristly lot. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • They fully recognize the need to proceed carefully.

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