How To Use Cardiology In A Sentence

  • Advances in cardiology have significantly contributed to this rapid increase. Facts about Trisomy 21
  • The ECG is a fundamental diagnostic tool in cardiology, allowing accurate diagnosis and monitoring of acute and chronic ischemic heart disease. Medical eBooks - Download Free Books
  • It squeezes them like a tube of toothpaste, said Amal Louis, clinical lecturer in cardiology at the Royal Infirmary. Boing Boing: September 23, 2001 - September 29, 2001 Archives
  • Sometimes I'd even start lecturing the new students present about anatomy, histology, cardiology, immunology.
  • Suitable for use in applications that require a stiff shaft and flexible tip, the tubing is used in urology, radiology, neurology, and cardiology applications.
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  • When I was first taught cardiology there was little evidence for the efficacy of secondary prevention after myocardial infarction.
  • Yearly pediatric cardiology follow-up examinations showed no symptoms of heart disease and a normally active child.
  • Gladys was moved to the cardiology ward but again, despite a further battery of tests (including repeating earlier ones) no one could say for sure what caused her pain.
  • Robotics are used in orthopaedics and cardiology.
  • Use of different drugs is well established in cardiology. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Veterinarians Team With Mother Nature for Better Results
  • The conference is the premier annual event in cardiology on the medical education calendar in the region.
  • Professor Black suggested that women tended to be drawn to specialist areas such as geriatrics and palliative care and avoided cardiology and gastroenterology where they would be required to work long hours.
  • The correct person to initiate and oversee coronary rehabilitation is the district cardiologist or physician with an interest in cardiology.
  • Hunt said the deal also will free up significant space at St. Joseph's, located at Third Avenue and Thomas Road, allowing Arizona's largest hospital to expand its other specialty-care programs such as neurosurgery, neurology, cardiology and pulmonology. | news
  • Robotics are used in orthopaedics and cardiology.
  • He was an intensely private man who dedicated his life to the development of the hospital and cardiology in particular.
  • This article describes some of these applications in radiology and cardiology and discusses the potential of microbubbles for therapy.
  • The correct person to initiate and oversee coronary rehabilitation is the district cardiologist or physician with an interest in cardiology.
  • The medical sciences were well developed, with particular success in cardiology, oncology, and laser surgery.
  • Often times when you're on a subspecialty service like cardiology or oncology, the intern on overnight is the only doctor on the floor.
  • The most widely used specialty applications are mental health, dermatology, cardiology, orthopedics, and emergency room/triage services.
  • A turning-point in the history of cardiology is the year 1941, when Cournand and Ranges made known their first experiments with the heart catheter as a clinical method of investigation. Werner Forssmann - Nobel Lecture
  • For example, radiology was big on guidewires, but urology, gastroenterology, and cardiology weren't.
  • Projects spanned a range of specialties - dermatology, psychiatry, respiratory medicine, cardiology, and oncology.
  • This tissue overgrowth can be treated with a technique called septal ablation - pioneered by Michael Fifer, MD, of MGH Cardiology - that destroys the excess tissue, a scenario that mimics the damage that happens to heart muscle when its blood supply is cut off. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Robotics are used in orthopaedics and cardiology.
  • The correct person to initiate and oversee coronary rehabilitation is the district cardiologist or physician with an interest in cardiology.
  • He then joined Groote Schuur Hospital to train in internal medicine and cardiology.
  • The fact that a single walnut meal positively affects postprandial vasoactivity further supports the beneficial effects of walnuts on cardiovascular risk, wrote lead author Berenice Cortés in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology The World's Healthiest Foods
  • In cardiology, perfusion to cardiac tissue can be studied using radioisotopes such as N13 ammonia.
  • Interventional paediatric cardiology mainly involves dilatation of stenotic vessels or valves and occlusion of abnormal communications.
  • He's now in the cardiology unit.
  • Entire categories such as cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, gastroenterology and nutrition, and allergy and immunology are omitted.
  • Administration plans announced so far are "an unnecessarily risky undertaking that will lead to unsafe conditions for our patients," wrote the 193 fellows and resident physicians from numerous specialties at the hospital, including cardiology, pulmonology, pediatrics and emergency medicine. Chicago Hospital Doctors Protest Planned Bed Cuts
  • As for angiocardiography, this method has given strong new impetus not only to cardiology, but also to Werner Forssmann - Nobel Lecture
  • He has authored more than 100 publications in the cardiology literature and book chapters in medical texts.
  • Fields of application include cardiology, emergency medicine, obstetrics / gynecology, radiology, surgery, and vascular.
  • BLAKEY: Again, the American College of Cardiology says that these defibrillators are 99 percent effective at avoiding sudden death from arrhythmia, which is what apparent the doctors believe the vice president is suffering from. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2001
  • If your child has received care from physicians in other specialties such as otolaryngology, gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmonary medicine or neurology, the Airway Center coordinator will ask you to fax the related medical information. How to contact the Center for Pediatric Airway Disorders
  • Fields of application include cardiology, emergency medicine, obstetrics / gynecology, radiology, surgery, and vascular.
  • One file catalogues the names, addresses, birth dates, Social Security numbers, heights and weights of over four thousand cardiology patients, along with each medical procedure they underwent.
  • The listing of aortic atresia as cyanotic is arguable, according to my pediatric cardiology associates; I have never chosen to include it as such in my annual lectures to medical students, but perhaps I should reconsider.
  • Neurology is like cardiology was 20 years ago in that it is just starting to do more with less, Jacobson explained.
  • Medications used in cardiology, especially antiarrhytmic digitalis and amiodarone, cause ocular disturbances producing chromatopsia (yellow or green tint), blurred vision, and corneal microdeposits or deposits of lens during amiodarone treatment.
  • Also, unlike oncological chemotherapy, invasive cardiology or neurosurgery, for example, psychopharmacology is hardly rocket science.
  • The American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association and American Medical Association have established specific goals for treatment that may require patients to take one or more antihypertensive medications to achieve the desired blood pressure readings. Bruce A. Barron: Million Hearts Program and the New York Blood Center
  • The correct person to initiate and oversee coronary rehabilitation is the district cardiologist or physician with an interest in cardiology.
  • He became a senior registrar in cardiology at St Mary's Hospital, London, at the relatively young age of 30.
  • Newer types of triage include mental health, cardiology, obstetrics, and nurse triage.
  • The data are collated centrally at the department of medical cardiology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary.
  • Three examples lifted from last Sunday's Times: a director of marketing at a biotech company (Stanford undergrad, Harvard MBA) married a consultant to the aerospace industry (Stanford undergrad, Harvard MPP); a vice president at Goldman Sachs (Yale) married a director of retail development for a financial software firm (Hofstra); and a third-year resident in cardiology (Yale undergrad) married a third-year resident in pathology (Columbia undergrad, summa cum laude). The tea party warns of a New Elite. They're right.
  • The centre will initially manage outpatient calls from departments such as general surgery, urology, gastroenterology, cardiology, rheumatology, and dermatology.
  • The clinician programme on offer will include cardiology, oncology, neurology, urology and a wide range of other procedures.
  • Entire categories such as cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, gastroenterology and nutrition, and allergy and immunology are omitted.
  • Projects spanned a range of specialties - dermatology, psychiatry, respiratory medicine, cardiology, and oncology.
  • The most widely used specialty applications are mental health, dermatology, cardiology, orthopedics, and emergency room/triage services.
  • The practical implications of this ancestry for my grandfather was that he was denied tenure at Johns Hopkins, where he had established the first clinic in cardiology in the United George A. Akerlof - Autobiography
  • The scan was scrutinized by a specialist in adult cardiology, who discovered a small hole in the infant's heart.
  • Until recently, the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association classified anginal lesions into types A, B, or C based on the severity of lesion characteristics.
  • RBM is actively developing multiplexed diagnostic tests to detect the presence of complex diseases and conditions in areas of unmet medical need such as neuropsychiatry, nephrology, immunology and cardiology. Health News from Medical News Today
  • When I was first taught cardiology there was little evidence for the efficacy of secondary prevention after myocardial infarction.
  • Five students had experience in cardiology or intensive care.
  • The Artis zeego is part of the Artis zee® family of interventional imaging in cardiology, radiology, and surgery. syngo® DynaCT Cardiac, available with all Artis zee systems, uniquely supports cross-sectional 3D images of the beating heart via rotational angiography. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • I cannot say about other spheres, but in cardiology, which is my province, this atmosphere contributed to accelerated study of such acute problems as atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, sudden death and arrhythmia and facilitated introduction of new methods of diagnosis and therapy. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - Nobel Lecture
  • After 11 years of internal medicine and cardiology, he opted for a career in occupational medicine.
  • The search for a magic bullet, a single drug to cure an ill often fails, and modern medicine is catching on and using combination therapies in cardiology and oncology. Dr. Richard Palmquist: Veterinarians Team With Mother Nature for Better Results
  • Stress can also cause blood vessels to open too wide, allowing plaque buildups to break off and clog the arteries, according to Joep Perk, a professor of health sciences at Sweden's Kalmar University and spokesman for the European Society of Cardiology. Happiness may help your heart
  • Constant noise could evolve into a trigger for a heart event," said Martin Halle, a professor at the University of Munich who is also part of an initiative to promote healthy workplaces for the European Society of Cardiology. Loud Workplaces May Increase Health Problems
  • The correct person to initiate and oversee coronary rehabilitation is the district cardiologist or physician with an interest in cardiology.
  • He established the department of cardiology at Osmania Medical College in 1960, rising to become the college's principal.
  • One file catalogues the names, addresses, birth dates, Social Security numbers, heights and weights of over four thousand cardiology patients, along with each medical procedure they underwent.
  • The clinician programme on offer will include cardiology, oncology, neurology, urology and a wide range of other procedures.
  • This article describes some of these applications in radiology and cardiology and discusses the potential of microbubbles for therapy.
  • Concentrating on psychophysiological medicine, the four divisions cover aspects of cardiology, gastroenterology, transplant surgery and the menstrual cycle respectively.
  • Just as in the rest of medicine -- cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, etc., the field of psychiatry is ever changing and our knowledge base is rapidly expanding. Rosalie Greenberg: Psychiatry and the Media -- a Strange and Strained Relationship
  • Patients from a large private cardiology practice who were discharged from the hospital following a coronary event were included in the analysis.
  • Bryan Donohue, chief of cardiology at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Shadyside, calls the intima "the governing intelligence" of vascular health. Your Risk of Heart Disease
  • A growing number of vets are becoming specialists in cardiology, oncology or orthopaedics. Times, Sunday Times
  • This collaboration involves researchers with complementary expertise, ranging from molecular genetics and biostatistics to sociology and cardiology.
  • People have tried doing this in cardiology in New York state and it was a failure. Health Care Follow-Up, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Participants were identified and recruited from outpatient clinics in cardiology and care of the elderly and from hospital wards.
  • The problem both of these horses had involved a disease called guttural pouch mycosis, or a fungal infection in the guttural pouch," said Herb Maisenbacher, an assistant clinical professor of cardiology at the university's veterinary medical centre. Headlines
  • The field of cardiology was largely limited to the stethoscope, the electrocardiogram, and the autopsy suite.
  • AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY CONFERENCE: Crestor lowers risk of deep-vein clots 'Polypill' slashes heart attack and stroke risk
  • This series features joint presentations by CHOP specialists in maternal-fetal medicine, fetal-neonatal-pediatric surgery, neonatology cardiothoracic surgery, pediatric cardiology and radiology. Fetal CME Dinner Lecture Series
  • Cardiac electrophysiology is now an established specialty within cardiology.
  • After 11 years of internal medicine and cardiology, he opted for a career in occupational medicine.
  • After this she was not strong enough to work in interventional cardiology and devoted herself to clinical and diagnostic cardiology.
  • All lectures are open to our colleagues in maternal-fetal medicine, obstetrics, pediatric cardiology, radiology and neonatology. Fetal CME Dinner Lecture Series
  • It looks like a true game-changer in terms of the utilization of anticoagulation therapy," said Ralph Brindis , a cardiologist at Kaiser Permanente's Northern California operations and the past president of the American College of Cardiology. Study Gives Lift to Drug That Cuts Stroke Risk
  • Many mobile terminals and monitoring center compose a telecardiology system to implement teleconsultation and telemonitoring.
  • The Reddys are running for St Teresa's cardiology ward for infants in Our lady's Hopsital for Sick Children in Crumlin
  • Recently, a fully insured friend of mine was referred for a cardiology consultation.
  • Regency, which is just an hour's drive from Singapore and has 218 beds, offers a wide spectrum of speciality care such as orthopaedics, general surgery, internal medicine, cardiology and obstetrics, and gynaecology. Nst online
  • Sometimes I'd even start lecturing the new students present about anatomy, histology, cardiology, immunology.
  • She plans to go to medical school and specialize in either fetal cardiology or pediatric orthopedics.
  • However, the question of long-term patency awaits a planned, five-year angiographic follow-up, according to Steven Goldman, MD, of the Tucson VA Hospital in Arizona, who reported the results here at the American College of Cardiology meeting. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Our chief of cardiology is personally reviewing every (heart attack) death. Baylor hospital leads way to lower heart failure readmission rates
  • The Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment is pleased to sponsor this three-day multidisciplinary educational forum for clinicians in obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine, prenatal radiology, neonatology, pediatric cardiology and genetic counseling, scheduled March 16-18, 2011, in Philadelphia. Professional Resources

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