cardiac glycoside

  1. obtained from a number of plants and used to stimulate the heart in cases of heart failure
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How To Use cardiac glycoside In A Sentence

  • Strophanthus gratus contains the cardiac glycoside [gamma] strophanthin and the alkaloid inoeine.
  • Plants that contain cardiac glycoside can cause changes in the rate or rhythm of your child's heart. Poisonous Plants
  • The development of purified cardiac glycosides, the active principles of digitalis, has been a distinct step forward in the treatment of diseases of the heart.
  • A number of herbs including oleander, adonis, black Indian hemp, black hellebore, lily-of-the-valley, squill, and strophanthus contain an active cardiac glycoside that can potentiate digoxin.
  • All monarch caterpillars eat milkweed, a plant with an acrid latex containing potent cardiac glycosides, causing birds who eat the butterflies to vomit and learn to avoid them.
  • Despite a long history of use in the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, the efficacy of cardiac glycosides has not been established.
  • Plants that contain cardiac glycoside can cause changes in the rate or rhythm of your child's heart. Poisonous Plants
  • Although digitoxin is used widely in Europe, the cardiac glycoside digoxin is widely used in the United States.
  • The wings of the monarch butterfly, for example, contain powerful heart-stopping poisons called cardiac glycosides.
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