
How To Use Carcinoma In A Sentence

  • The clinico-pathological features of this model resemble human peritoneal carcinomatosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • I had ductal carcinoma in situ in the left breast and the right, just, atypia which are cells that you want to keep an eye on. CNN Transcript Aug 23, 2006
  • Transplacental transfer of small - cell carcinoma of lung.
  • It may also have a role in evaluation and surveillance of patients with inoperable carcinomas.
  • The classic cribriform pattern of intraductal carcinoma of the breast is shown here.
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  • There are about 7,000 such maladies, most of them serious, that have few or no drugs to treat them, from adenoid cystic carcinoma, a rare head and neck cancer, to Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which is associated with a tumor that causes the production of high levels of stomach acid. Push to Cure Rare Diseases
  • Crile Jr. and S. O. Hoerr, “Results of Treatment of Carcinoma of the Breast by Local Excision,” Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics 132 1971: 780–82. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Squamous cell carcinoma lesions vary in appearance and usually appear as dull, red lesions with scaling and induration.
  • Bright's disease, and, if he hears the word carcinoma, he will certainly look it out in a medical dictionary, if he does not interpret its dread significance on the instant. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Beginning in 1972 they exposed teratocarcinoma cells to a very strong chemical agent that caused mutations, and then injected the mutated cancer cells into mice to see if there was a genetic pattern to the weird variations that grew out of the tumor; as a control they injected other mice with unmutated teratocarcinoma cells. Vaccinating Against Cancer
  • CPA can evaluate blood supply of hepatic carcinomas, quantitate the tumor vessels preoperatively and provide effective blood information for clinic diagnosis and treatment.
  • The angiographic findings in a case of metastatic meningeal carcinomatosis and a case of primary meningeal sarcomatosis are presented.
  • Metastatic prostatic and transitional cell carcinomas were present in a single obturator lymph node.
  • One came up this year only – the so-called Merkel cell carcinoma polyoma virus, which – the virus is called Merkel cell polyoma virus – which has been found in Merkel cell carcinomas, and every evidence at this stage points to the fact that this is indeed aetiologically involved. Harald zur Hausen - Interview
  • Sarcoma and carcinoma of the thyroid when perforating the trachea may become pedunculated. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Carcinoma of the larynx is a rare malignancy in the paediatric age group.
  • In addition, a microscopic focus of transitional cell carcinoma was seen adjacent to the main tumor.
  • The patient described in this report had every major complication of Caroli disease, including recurrent cholangitis, liver abscess, biliary lithiasis, and cholangiocarcinoma.
  • The most important condition to exclude is colonic carcinoma.
  • Keratin expression is typical of epithelial differentiation in carcinomas and some sarcomas.
  • Peter Tork, best known for his time in The Monkees, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called adenoid cystic carcinoma, according to March 4 reports. Lead Stories from AOL
  • Development of specific cancers, most commonly cancers of the breast, thyroid and endometrium (lining of the uterus) and less frequently, brain tumors and a type of kidney cancer known as renal cell carcinoma PTEN Hamartoma Tumor syndrome
  • Neither a topographical relation nor a morphologic transition was seen between prostatic atrophy and histologic carcinoma or high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia.
  • The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown.
  • The most common clinical presentation of urachal malignancy is hematuria, especially in carcinomas.
  • Prominent nucleoli are seen in the nuclei of this prostatic adenocarcinoma, which is a characteristic feature.
  • A high dose dexamethasone test is used to differentiate adrenal hyperplasia from adrenal adenoma or carcinoma.
  • Trimerbodies were labeled with the near-infrared fluorochrome Cy5 and injected in the tail vein of nude mice bearing MKN45 (stomach adenocarcinoma), HT-1080 (fibrosarcoma), or HeLa PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The clinico-pathological progression pattern was very similar to patients of advanced gastric cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Basal cell carcinomas usually arise from sun-exposed areas of the body.
  • This protocol applies to carcinomas of the urinary bladder, ureter, and renal pelvis.
  • The doctor explained that, in order of severity, cervical dysplasia is mild, moderate and severe, followed by carcinoma in situ [early cancer that had broken through the cell walls], and then invasive cancer. Patricia Yarberry Allen: What to Do if You Have Genital HPV
  • Unlike carcinomas, metastatic sarcomas generally occur deeper and may not ulcerate the mucosa.
  • However, this patient unfortunately died shortly after transformation of this papillary thyroid carcinoma.
  • Chronic viral hepatitis is the main cause of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma throughout the world.
  • Warren pictures a case of noli-me-tangere, a destructive type of epithelial carcinoma. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • We selected those cases in which the differential diagnosis included regenerative atypical hyperplasia versus esophageal carcinoma and cases of atypical regenerative hyperplasia that were mistaken for carcinoma.
  • The diagnosis of a metastatic follicular carcinoma prompted a repeat computed topographic scan and ultrasound of the larger cystic renal mass to rule out synchronous involvement of the kidney.
  • These authors do not clearly state whether these 14 cases represent true malignant mixed tumors or carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenomas.
  • The microscopic appearances of the prostatic and the colonic carcinomas were distinct from the bladder tumor and therefore posed no problems in the differential diagnosis.
  • Diseases that involve the axial compartment alone include lymphangitic carcinomatosis, sarcoidosis, and lymphoma.
  • Another showed adenocarcinoma esophageal adenocarcinoma tissue components with squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Roubein etal evaluated endosonography in eight patients with resectable carcinoma after pre-operative chemotherapy, and accurately predicted histopathological findings.
  • Patrick Swayze, Joan Crawford, Margaret Mead and Luciano Pavarotti all died from a more common form of pancreatic cancer, called adenocarcinoma.
  • Methods A series of 63 adenocarcinoma of rectum were detected for the expression of VEGF-C and lymphatic vessel endothelial HA receptor? 1, LYVE -1 by immunohistochemical SABC methods.
  • Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
  • The villous adenoma from this patient demonstrated focal high-grade dysplasia but no apparent adenocarcinoma.
  • Objective To summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of breast carcinoma in situ ( CLS ).
  • Ten cases demonstrated durai metastases, and 3 cases showed focal leptomeningeal involvement. cases of diffuse leptomeningeal carcinomatosis were excluded.
  • Most of the experimental mammary tumors are malignant, specifically adenocarcinomas.
  • Antifolates had never been tried in this disease, but if the drugs could stop aggressive leukemias from growing—even if temporarily—might they not at least partially relieve the eruptions of choriocarcinoma? The Emperor of All Maladies
  • In their article, 4 of 5 cases were found to have villous or tubulovillous adenomas adjacent to the highly anaplastic carcinomas but with no obvious transition.
  • Cancer occurs at the site of Barrett's syndrome and in the bronchi of chronic smokers (bronchogenic squamous cell carcinoma). Cellular adaptation to toxicity
  • In my own scientific study, I found that it takes approximately two years for an actinic keratosis to progress to a squamous cell carcinoma.3 Simple Skin Beauty
  • Numerous medical studies only mention tracheotomy -- in which surgeons cut a hole into a patient's windpipe to aid breathing -- as a treatment for a rare form of thyroid cancer called anaplastic carcinoma. Archive 2004-10-01
  • In addition, the cervix and upper vaginal walls should be palpated carefully during the bimanual examination to feel for thickening that might indicate adenosis or clear cell adenocarcinoma.
  • In the present study, we have characterized the genomic changes that may explain the enhanced oncogenicity of the CH-ES1 teratocarcinoma-like hESC line relative to other pluripotent cell lines. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Times's John Diamond, who died last year, sweetened his personal account of carcinoma of the tongue with gentle humour.
  • Objective The anti carcinoma pattern of hydroxy camptothecin ( OPT ) is estimated and guided to clinical medication.
  • Objective: To describe and explore the clinical and pathological features of verrucous carcinoma on oral cavity, foot and penis in male patients.
  • These results demonstrate that false negatives are possible with radiological tests for ovarian carcinoma.
  • There, the doctors diagnosed Lacks with stage I epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix, which would require her to have radiation treatments a few times a month. Health-Care Injustice
  • Actinic cheilitis may evolve into invasive squamous cell carcinoma if not treated. WebMD Health
  • The development of cell culture techniques permitted investigators to establish cultures of embryonal carcinoma cells (EC cells) from murine testicular teratocarcinomas. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • The hcg level—the hormone secreted by choriocarcinoma—had turned out to be its real fingerprint, its marker. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • She retired only when carcinomatosis was diagnosed.
  • The results show that coil use did not affect the risk of HPV infection, but was linked to a markedly lower risk of cervix cancer for both major types of the disease -- reducing the likelihood of developing squamous-cell carcinoma by 44 percent and adenocarcinoma or adenosquamous carcinoma by 54 percent. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Although integration of oncogenic HPV is an important event in the pathogenesis of the majority of cervical and some vulvar carcinomas, HPV alone is insufficient for the evolution of these tumors.
  • And finally, as Min Chiu Li had seen with choriocarcinoma, perhaps one needed to continue chemotherapy not just for weeks and months as Frei and Freireich had done, but for month after month, stretching into two or even three years. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Despite progress in the classification of renal tumors, a small subset of renal carcinomas remains unclassified (ie, renal cell carcinoma, not otherwise specified).
  • And intriguingly it found the increase in a kind of lung tumor called adenocarcinoma was higher in the U.S. than in Australia even though both countries switched to so-called milder cigarettes at the same time. New York News, Weather, Sports & Traffic -
  • Diagnoses were confirmed for 51 invasive colorectal carcinomas and 12 adenomas.
  • This becomes especially important when there is limited biopsy material from a distant metastasis that shows a small cell carcinoma and a colonic biopsy specimen that reveals a villous adenoma.
  • Objective To evaluate the tumor-suppressive effect of heated ADM-Lipiodol, which is injected via hepatic artery, in VX2 hepatocarcinoma rabbits.
  • Back in February of this year, he had what's known as squamous cell carcinoma. CNN Transcript May 23, 2008
  • Squamous cell carcinoma and tumors of lymphoid tissue are the main malignancies of the pharynx.
  • Treatment of basal cell carcinoma includes different forms of surgery, radiotherapy, photodynamic therapy, topical fluorouracil, and imiquimod
  • Intraperitoneal carcinomatosis is cancer that has spread throughout the peritoneal cavity.
  • As for the skin cancer, as it says, An examination of his skin in February, which he repeats every few months, discovered on his leg a non-invasive form of skin cancer, called a squamous cell carcinoma, which was "destroyed" earlier this month using liquid nitrogen. Andrew Sullivan's contest: Make videos about McCain's old age.
  • Bile-duct tumors that develop within the liver and the distal biliary tree are referred to as intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas, respectively. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Treatment of verrucous carcinoma is surgical.
  • On histological review, it was felt that these two tumours were more consistent with hepatocellular carcinoma than cholangiocarcinoma.
  • Methods We used the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) to examine 40 oral squamous cell carcinomas for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at APC.
  • It can identify if those diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ — often harmless — are in danger of it spreading. The Sun
  • Recent studies show that DES daughters have a greater risk for a more common vaginal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma.14 You may also have adenosis—columnar cells where the usual squamous cells should be—around the cervix. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Cancer in the upper part of the oesophagus is called squamous cell carcinoma.
  • That was for a single incident of adeno carcinoma (a lung lobectomy with complications requiring a second surgery to remove mrsa fluid congealed in my chest cavity). Think Progress » Insurer Denies Life-Prolonging Treatment To Five-Year-Old Boy With Cancer
  • Other cancers -- In rare cases, patients with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome (NBCCS) develop other cancers, such as rhabdomyosarcoma and Wilms’ tumor (cancer of the kidneys) Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
  • Another common skin cancer is squamous cell carcinomas, representing 15 percent of all new cases.
  • The infiltrating glands of this colonic adenocarcinoma demonstrate less differentiation than the adenomatous polyp, although they still resemble glands.
  • An example of a tumor is labeled ‘carcinoma of the mamma gland’ and stained with red aniline.
  • He spoke too fast for my brain, using words like fistula, ileostomy, and carcinomatosis. The Memory Palace
  • The more uncommon pure choriocarcinomas may be explained by overgrowth of the adenocarcinoma by the choriocarcinoma and alternatively by de novo choriocarcinomas arising in HCG-producing cells normally present in the stomach.
  • The goal of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Andrology Program is to achieve a full understanding of pediatric andrology in relation to the anatomy and physiology of gonadal formation, maturation, and future fertility and carcinoma formation. Pediatric Andrology Program and Research
  • The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown.
  • For squamous cell carcinomas of the oesophagus, histological differentiation grade has no significant effect on survival.
  • Distinguishing sarcomatoid mesothelioma from sarcomatoid carcinomas and other sarcomas may be difficult.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma was dominant , followed by undifferentiated cell carcinoma, olfactory neuroblastorma and malignant lymphma.
  • Differentiation between the echinococcal cyst and hepatocellular carcinoma on CT images evoked diagnostic difficulty before operation.
  • Almost 95 percent of breast cancers diagnosed in men are invasive ductal or unclassified carcinomas.
  • Aflatoxin causes a mutation by changing one G to a T; if the liver cell starts proliferating out of control, a hepatocarcinoma develops. The Cancer Killer
  • When it occurs, choriocarcinoma is thus a double tragedy: an abnormal pregnancy compounded by a lethal malignancy, birth tipped into death. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Treatment of basal cell carcinomas with cryotherapy can also be successful, but healing may take weeks, and success depends on the skill of the cryotherapist.
  • Overall, late metastases to the spleen were seen more often in melanomas, choriocarcinomas, and breast carcinomas.
  • Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, the most frequent form of brain metastasis in prostate cancer, has a grim prognosis.
  • Mesothelioma is a rare form of carcinoma that occurs in the mesothelium lining lungs, abdomens and hearts.
  • Results: The chief presentation of branchiogenic carcinoma was isolated mass existed in the branchial vestige, sometime recurrent nerve involved.
  • The commonest malignancies are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
  • Sputum cytology showed atypical cells suspicious of bronchogenic carcinoma.
  • Pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis (PLC) is a term that refers to tumor growth in the lymphatic system of the lungs.
  • Background: Multiple squamous cell carcinomas ( SCCs ) frequently arise in the aerodigestie tract.
  • Cho IH, Oh MA, Kang ES, et al. (2008) Tetraspanin TM4SF5 mediates loss of contact inhibition through epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human hepatocarcinoma. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Colonoscopy is an invasive procedure than examines the entire colon and can be used to obtain biopsy specimens of adenomas and carcinomas and to excise adenomatous polyps.
  • Analysis of the tumour revealed a rare and aggressive type of cancer called choriocarcinoma. The Sun
  • Undifferentiated carcinomas with osteoclastic - like giant cells carry a similar prognosis to ductal adenocarcinoma.
  • This increased incidence of gastric carcinomas seems to be related to local factors.
  • Additionally, mucinous cystadenocarcinomas often have papillary projections and mural nodules that may correlate with areas of malignancy.
  • The other 3 cases were carcinoma in situ or intraductal carcinoma of breast.
  • Objective: To discuss the effective method to treat carcinomatous pleural effusion with BCG - CSN.
  • The positive rate of ER in breast carcinoma was 58.82% (50/85), ER didn't express in fibroadenoma of breast.
  • The temporal transition of a mucosal cell from a normal state to dysplasia and eventually carcinoma can be explained by the multistep theory of carcinogenesis.
  • What took me a long time actually to remember is that bronchial adenomas share the same parentage with oat-cell carcinomas.
  • Therefore the relation between the ICAM-1 expression and the clinical course seems to be of diagnostic interest for colonic carcinoma.
  • The COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib brand name Celebrex led to a 62 percent reduction in non-melanoma skin cancers, which includes basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. Daily Dispatch: Multiple social identities may be theme of 2011; USA Today buys electronics review site
  • Acute myelopathy in patients with cancer may also be caused by irradiation, paraneoplastic necrotizing myelitis, ruptured intervertebral disc and meningeal carcinomatosis with spinal cord involvement.
  • Six years later, a fine-needle aspirate of a cervical vertebra showed malignant cells consistent with metastasis from a primary lung carcinoma.
  • Conclusions:VX2 breast carcinoma model in rabbit was established successfully. Intramammary injection of tissue mass suspension is the best method.
  • Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC ) to the right atrium occurs rarely and may lead to lethal perioperative complications.
  • It is currently believed that most colorectal carcinomas start as benign adenomas that undergo malignant transformation into adenocarcinoma.
  • The risk of gastrointestinal carcinoma in familial juvenile polyposis. Juvenile Polyposis
  • Simple indicators of colorectal carcinoma would help to rationalise and improve the efficiency of the investigation of iron deficiency anaemia.
  • The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown.
  • They knew that such an approach could theoretically work, because in 1989, working with a mouse tumor different from teratocarcinoma, Boon's group identified a tumor-specific antigen that they called P1A in mice. Vaccinating Against Cancer
  • Objective : To evaluate the clinical value of Auto Cyte PREP Thin - layer Cytology Test for cervical carcinoma screening.
  • Furthermore, they suggested that such neuroendocrine carcinomas might be of endodermal rather than neuroectodermal derivation.
  • Other studies have failed to show a relation between serum cholesterol and colorectal carcinoma.
  • Biopsies revealed she had stage 2b of the rare cervical adenocarcinoma cancer. The Sun
  • In the patients with carcinoma, the biopsy specimens were taken from noncancerous mucosa adjacent (usually proximal) to the cancer.
  • The intraoperative appearance suggested peritoneal carcinomatosis, and the patient underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy.
  • No patient had primary hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Objective To explore the gut bacteria changes in intraoperative colonic irrigation for treatment of acute obstructive left colonic carcinoma, and investigate the feasibility of one-stage anastomosis.
  • She continued to practise here, despite further radical surgery for a separate primary carcinoma.
  • The skin cancer vaccine for children ages 10 to 12 would protect against squamous cell carcinoma, the second most common form of skin cancer, butwould not protect against the more deadly vaccine, the skin cancer vaccine targets papillomavirus, which can trigger the development of cancer cells. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder is the second most common urogenital cancer.
  • In a discovery and training phase, exhaled breath of 14 individuals with bronchogenic carcinoma and 45 healthy control subjects or control subjects without cancer was analyzed.
  • They identified mutant genes in patients with a form of esophageal cancer known as esophageal adenocarcinoma EAC and a precancerous condition called Barrett's esophagus. Breaking News: CBS News
  • Due to the proximity of and propensity for renal cell carcinoma to spread to the adrenal cortex, this possibility should be excluded.
  • The latter can lead to end - stage liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Examinations should be carried out to exclude tuberculosis, bronchial carcinoma and intrabronchial foreign body.
  • This is the gross appearance of a parathyroid carcinoma.
  • Pre-clinical pharmacology studies suggest that MORAb-028 binds to GD2, a cell surface ganglioside that is expressed on cells associated with carcinoma and a subset of other cancer types. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Despite an overall slight decline in head and neck cancers in recent years, cases of a particular form called oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) have increased sharply, particularly in the developed world. Reuters: Top News
  • The patient, a 37-year-old woman with a history of breast carcinoma, presented clinically with acute thyroiditis.
  • On February 14, with his condition deteriorating weekly, Graham wrote to his friend and collaborator the surgeon Alton Ochsner: Perhaps you have heard that I have recently been a patient at Barnes Hospital because of bilateral bronchogenic carcinoma which sneaked up on me like a thief in the night. . . The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The nonsalivary tumours can be divided into low-grade adenocarcinomas and intestinal type adenocarcinomas.
  • After evacuation of all pleural fluid, a previously described score was used to grade the extent of pleural carcinomatosis score.
  • Along with an invasive cancer, there will also be ductal carcinoma in situ DCIS, which are the precancerous cells that are still contained in the ducts. Susan M. Love: Breast Cancer Surgery -- Ignorance of Anatomy, Not a Dearth of Guidelines
  • The lab currently studies the hypoxia signaling, prolyl hydroxylases and cancer, specifically breast and renal cell carcinoma.
  • Cinacalcet is a calcimimetic agent that is approved for the treatment SHPT in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis and for the reduction of hypercalcaemia in patients with parathyroid carcinoma and with primary HPT for whom parathyroidectomy would be indicated on the basis of serum calcium levels (as defined by relevant treatment guidelines). Latest News from SYS-CON MEDIA
  • Another small preclinical study demonstrated improved tumor response for human rectal-carcinoma xenografts treated with PDT under hyperbaric oxygen.
  • The tissue type plasminogen activator antigen concentrations in both oesophageal carcinomas and stomach carcinomas were similar to those of the normal tissues.
  • Hodgkin's lymphoma and most metastatic carcinomas typically progress through nodes in anatomic sequence.
  • At the edge where the 2 tumors collided, nests of invasive carcinoma were intermixed with sheets of lymphoma cells.
  • The histogenesis of small cell carcinoma of ovary is unknown.
  • In the larger FUTURE II trial,6 rates of grade 2 or 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or adenocarcinoma in situ were 1.3 in vaccinated women and 1.5 in unvaccinated women, an efficacy of 17%. Is 70% Good Enough?
  • Objective To uncover the effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin on the invasion of choriocarcinoma cells.
  • Ninety-five percent of all malignant gastric tumors are adenocarcinomas; the remaining 5 percent include lymphomas, stromal tumors, and other rare tumors.
  • This can progress to bile duct destruction, biliary cirrhosis, and sometimes cholangiocarcinoma.
  • These embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells could be grown on feeder layers of irradiated fibroblasts. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • No pathologic or radiologic features were associated with the finding of invasive carcinoma at excision.
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma has become one of the most common malignant tumors worldwide.
  • Cryotherapy for renal carcinoma and brachytherapy for prostate carcinoma will be discussed, as well as patient care, expected outcomes, and current research.
  • Consecutive case study research of carcinoma in situ of cervix employing local escharotic treatment combined with nutritional therapy. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • The following is a list of terms used to describe the shape, size, color, consistency, or other characteristics of pathological conditions. millet seed miliary tuberculosis pea-sized plum-sized orange-sized tumors melon-sized pear breast cancer porridge atherosclerotic material napkin rings colon cancers popcorn calcium of hamartoma soupy creamy cheesy discharges anchovy paste word salad schizophrenia oyster ovaries hydatid mole chicken breast rickets cauliflower tumor osteochondroma potato nodes sarcoidosis onion-peel sign Ewing's tumor hard-baked spleen Hodgkin's disease apple-jelly nodules cutaneous tuberculosis strawberry nevus cavernous angioma peau d'orange carcinoma of the breast bacon spleen sago spleen amyloidosis Swiss cheese ventricular septal defects coffee ground emesis gastic bleeding chocolate cysts ovarian endometriosis sugar icing liver chronic perihepatitis port wine urine porphyria corkscrew esophagus diffuse esophageal spasm doughnut kidney bipolar fusion of renal anlagen forkful Colles's fracture VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VIII No 1
  • Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of ALAR radiotherapy lotion in the prevention and treatment of radiodermatitis in the radiotherapy of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
  • Carcinomas that arise from the biliary duct epithelium are rare.
  • Red lesions may also be due to desquamative gingivitis, erythroplasia, haemangiomas, orofacial granulomatosis, Crohn's disease, sarcoidosis, Wegener's granulomatosis, and neoplasms such as carcinoma and Kaposi's sarcoma.
  • Furthermore when fragments of the epidermal carcinomas, arising from papillomas induced in cottontail rabbits by oncogenic hydrocarbons, were exposed to the Peyton Rous - Nobel Lecture
  • A cystoscopic biopsy of the midline anterior wall of the bladder revealed a mucinous adenocarcinoma, which was treated by wide partial cystectomy.
  • The changes in the excitation spectrum can be related to the degree of invasiveness of the carcinoma.
  • The diagnosis was revised to carcinoma of the lung with metastases to the adrenals.
  • Potential causes for excessive uterine bleeding during menstruation or metrorrhagia (ie, intermenstrual bleeding) may include hyperplasia or adenocarcinoma.
  • Only a few of the patients from this surgical or autopsy series displayed coexistent subdural hematomas or meningiomas, and only 2 had coincident leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.
  • Objective To study the relationship between tumor suppressor gene PTEN , P 16, P 15 and primary cervical carcinomas.
  • For positive controls, sections containing rectal carcinoma and normal mucosa were employed and for negative controls the primary antibodies were excluded.
  • Objectives To explore the clinical effects for peritoneal colostomy in the treatment of anorectum carcinoma.
  • Rarely, there are frankly carcinomatous areas.
  • Blocking UVB helps reduce sunburn and protect against the more common (but far less deadly) forms of skin cancer called squamous and basal-cell carcinoma. A Warning On Sunscreen
  • Results:The tumor size decreased, the perirenal edema area became clear and bleeding in operation reduced in 33 cases of renal carcinoma.
  • The carcinoma consisted of nests of tumor composed of a relatively monomorphic cell population with round nuclei, evenly distributed chromatin, and scanty cytoplasm.
  • Carcinoma of the oesophagus usually extends by local invasion and lymphatic spread.
  • Cigar smoker: In 1893, Cleveland, a longtime cigar smoker, complained of an ulcer on the roof of his mouth, which later proved to be a carcinoma.
  • The bilateral nephrectomies were performed for angiomyolipomas and renal cell carcinomas, and the pink papules were angiofibromas.
  • He did have a cancerous lesion known as a squamous cell carcinoma removed in February. CNN Transcript May 23, 2008
  • Therefore the relation between the ICAM-1 expression and the clinical course seems to be of diagnostic interest for colonic carcinoma.
  • The success rates of peritoneal carcinomatosis formation were 100% (12/12), 91. 7% (11/12) and 58. 3% (7/12), respectively, for Groups A, B and C (P = 0.019, A versus C; P = 0.077, B versus C; P = 0.500, A versus B, Fisher's exact test). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In addition to the causes enumerated, inflammation of osseous tissue, or osteoid carcinoma, has been found at the seat of a spontaneous fracture. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Other primary epithelial tumors of the urachus include villous adenoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and, rarely, squamous cell carcinoma.
  • Almost all oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas caused, in the majority of cases, by smoking and drinking.
  • This case highlights the continuous spectrum of pulmonary mucinous cystic neoplasia from benign mucinous cystadenoma to malignant mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, and the probable existence of a 'borderline' mucinous cystic tumor. BioMed Central - Latest articles

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