How To Use Carboy In A Sentence

  • · A secondary fermenter - often referred to as the carboy, this should be a glass bottle that can hold at least 1-5 gallons. Xml's
  • Patrick opened a filing cabinet drawer and removed a full bottle: 200ml beakers made great glasses, there was a carboy of distilled water, and every laboratory had an ice machine. Naked Cruelty
  • At each station a composite vertical series of five 3 liter water samples were taken above the photic zone and placed in a carboy, mixed, and a 500 ml sample drawn off and fixed with Lugol's solution.
  • And even as the liquid flew through the air I knew it for what it was -- undiluted sulphuric acid, two gallons of it from the carboy. CHAPTER XLIX
  • When I pour the pints of flocculated yeast left in the bottom of my carboy down the sink, I feel a twinge of regret. Archive 2008-10-01
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  • Only two months were left of our field season, and that was spent largely on cross-country skis, hauling sleds laden with carboys full of seawater.
  • Stainless steel containers, and glass bottles and carboys (larger containers) are best.
  • For experiments using the six natural resource assemblages, we collected the water i n 20 - L polyethylene carboys, and immediately screened the water through an 80-p.m mesh to remove other zooplankton.
  • Presumably, he wished the carboys to float; but he had neglected the extra weight of the stoppers!
  • Then you transfer the wort to a glass carboy, preferably, although you can use a plastic bucket with a well fitting lid (this is a bad idea but some people do brew this way) and you pitch the yeast.
  • And when, this morning, I saw the steward struggling with a five-gallon carboy of sulphuric acid, I never dreamed the use he intended for it. CHAPTER XLIX
  • I left the shop with flaked maize, Briess 6-row pale malted barley, Briess flaked rye, Weyermann rye malt, a 3-gallon carboy, three packets of Pasteur Champagne yeast, a hydrometer, and a thermometer. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • We're again buying 25-litre carboys of drinking water.
  • Tue, 02/02/2010 - 13: 20 - Geraldo A blackboy is like a carboy only it's full of black tar heroin. Crooks and Liars
  • Fill the carboy just to the neck, but not so full that bubbles from residual fizzing will reach the mouth.
  • I threw in a package of champagne yeast, air-locked the carboy, and left it. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • Many wines spend considerably more time in wood than the legal minimum and are sometimes aged in 20-l / 5-gal glass carboys, or garrafoes, before bottling.
  • The large show carboys in the window, containing coloured water, became the familiar sign of the chemist and druggist.
  • Presumably, he wished the carboys to float; but he had neglected the extra weight of the stoppers!
  • Now cork the carboys with solid rubber stoppers - no holes or airlocks - or stopper the barrel with a solid silicone bung.
  • He has been afloat for three days at a stretch, unable to land safely on any of those rocky islands, trapped on the boat, using a bucket for his latrine, running short of gas, putting life jackets on the carboys of drinking water in anticipation of shipwreck, and then finally limping back to Bahia without having captured a single chuckwalla—which for him represents the penultimate indignity. The Song of The Dodo
  • It doesn't take long to mix it and put it into the standard 23 litre plastic carboys.
  • I left the shop with flaked maize, Briess 6-row pale malted barley, Briess flaked rye, Weyermann rye malt, a 3-gallon carboy, three packets of Pasteur Champagne yeast, a hydrometer, and a thermometer. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • Then you transfer the wort to a glass carboy, preferably, although you can use a plastic bucket with a well fitting lid (this is a bad idea but some people do brew this way) and you pitch the yeast.

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