
How To Use Carboniferous In A Sentence

  • The northern margin of the melange is marked by a thrust contact with both the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic sequence.
  • Most coal fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous period.
  • It is thus unlikely that the bulk of the Carboniferous detritus could have been derived by recycling of preexisting Silurian sandstones.
  • The idea that cycads stem from Carboniferous so-called pteridosperms (‘seed ferns’ or seed plants with fern-like foliage) has long been popular with paleobotanists.
  • Carboniferous and Permian strata often contain useful index fossils belonging to this group.
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  • The first was the incumbent wetland flora with origins in the early Carboniferous.
  • The great lycopod and cordaite trees of the Carboniferous and Permian were long gone, although smaller lycopods survived.
  • Carboniferous and Permian strata often contain useful index fossils belonging to this group.
  • Uplift of this magnitude could have occurred during Hercynian times with the stripping of considerable amounts of Carboniferous overburden.
  • Many Devonian species differ from Early Carboniferous species in having quadrate rather than cuneate brachials and in having straight-sided rather than zigzag arms.
  • In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all, Elections 2006/2008
  • Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from North-East Devonshire. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Older Palaeozoic rocks are represented by greenish grey slates from the sides of the Beardmore glacier and by radiolarian cherts; but the most widespread of the sedimentary rocks occurring in vast beds in the mountain faces is that named by Ferrar the Beacon sandstones, which in the far south Shackleton found to be banded with seams of shale and coal amongst which a fossil occurred which has been identified as coniferous wood and suggests that the place of the formation is Lower Carboniferous or perhaps Upper Devonian. Perspective of Antarctica in 1911
  • Carboniferous goniatites as a group appear to be relatively cosmopolitan.
  • The research shows that the Lower Carboniferous source rock is the dominating contributor to the natural gas, and the Permian source rock contribution is subordinate.
  • It is one great sheet of old coral-reef and coral-mud, which is now called the carboniferous limestone. Madam How and Lady Why
  • The group with which we have to deal is called the carboniferous or coal bearing system, and it includes four classes of rocks, viz.: 1, sandstone; 2, shale or bind; 3, limestone; 4, coal and underclay. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • A fluid flow model involving deep circulation of mineralizing fluids beneath the Carboniferous basins was suggested.
  • Most coal fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous period.
  • Early Carboniferous coral faunas of the block have a strong Eurasian affinity, with two recognized coral faunas from two ecological facies having been recognized.
  • On its south side the Oytag arc is thrust over Carboniferous sandstones and limestones that are folded into spectacular nappes.
  • The zimenqiao Formation silicalite of Lower Carboniferous is the country rock of Changkeng Au - Ag deposit.
  • This unique succession of ammonoid assemblages allows unequivocal recognition of European substage-level chronostratigraphy across the mid-Carboniferous boundary interval in North America for the first time.
  • The late Viséan was therefore the time in which the major Carboniferous ammonoid provinces were separated.
  • At the extreme south end, between Kilchattan and Garroch Head, these conglomerates and sandstones are overlaid by a thick cornstone or dolomitic limestone marking the upper limit of the formation, which is surmounted by the cement-stones and contemporaneous lavas of Lower Carboniferous age. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Near the summit grow cycads—stout-trunked, palm-like, cone-bearing trees that evolved in the late Carboniferous, 300 million years ago; they were among the first plants to have both cones and seeds. Birdology
  • The Cretaceous rocks that occupy the southern part of the block between the TLF and fault A are partly overthrust by those of Carboniferous age in a SW direction.
  • In contrast, glacial and periglacial deposits, such as dropstones, were formed at high latitudes; these are notably important in the late Carboniferous and early Permian.
  • The taxonomically diverse goniatites dominated the Carboniferous-Permian ammonoid fauna.
  • They were pioneers in the use of local ores, albeit ironstones from coal measures rather than the celebrated haematites of the Carboniferous Limestone series.
  • Turbidite deposits and westward younging of limestones and evaporites record the development of the foreland fold and thrust belt during the Late Carboniferous Epoch.
  • The commonest pre-Permian formation encountered in boreholes in sheet S is the Carboniferous Limestone.
  • What the hell is the carboniferous period, Lyda, you ask. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • Areas of lower elevation largely consist of post Carboniferous sediments overlying a basement of Cambrian rocks, with significant intrusions of Jurassic dolerite. Tasmanian temperate forests
  • Carboniferous volcanism, occurring at converging plates margins, both at the Appalachian and at the Ouachita margins, was decidedly not tholeiitic.
  • From his first, perhaps best book, "The Immense Journey," he showed a gift for transporting his readers across aeonic expanses—evoking the "croaking gloom of carboniferous swamps" and "the surf on Cretaceous beaches where now the wheat of Kansas rolls. Dispatches From the Natural World
  • Whereas the Early Permian pelycosaur record is extensive, Carboniferous pelycosaur remains are rare and poorly known.
  • The position of the orogenic load during the Late Carboniferous is poorly constrained.
  • Dr Selden said the Megarachne, a giant eurypterid or sea scorpion, is closely related to a creature called Woodwardopterus, from the Carboniferous Period, found in Scotland and with relatives in South Africa.
  • Carboniferous volcanism, occurring at converging plates margins, both at the Appalachian and at the Ouachita margins, was decidedly not tholeiitic.
  • Related agnathans with external armour occur widely from the Late Silurian to the Devonian, but they all became extinct before the start of the Carboniferous.
  • Between the Carboniferous pelycosaurs and the first Jurassic mammals, the jaw articulation changed.
  • For example, the Lower Carboniferous green volcanic ashes and agglomerates from Oxroad Bay in East Lothian, Scotland contain abundant anatomically preserved plants that were overlooked by those studying the geology.
  • We now come to what are known as the Carboniferous rocks, of which the lower series is known as the mountain limestone, and above it come the "coal measures," containing numerous beds of coal, sometimes of great thickness. Story of Creation as Told By Theology and By Science
  • As I have mentioned before – it took 20 million years to capture and fossilise the forests and micro-organisms of the Carboniferous Period - giving us our coal and oil. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The members of this family are relatively common in Carboniferous faunal communities.
  • Mason has also got a new obsession: the carboniferous period. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • They intrude Upper Carboniferous host rocks (Westphalian B-C), but do not penetrate the Permian units.
  • The northern margin of the fold-thrust belt is composed of sedimentary sequences of Middle to Upper Devonian and Carboniferous rocks.
  • You cannot diet a patient from a book, you cannot make up the human body as you would make up a prescription, – so many parts "carboniferous," so many parts "nitrogenous" will constitute a perfect diet for a patient. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • In this transect, the contact between the Carboniferous strata and the volcanic sequence appears to be an unconformable sedimentary contact.
  • According to these studies, allometric growth is particularly common in Carboniferous and Permian ammonoids.
  • The majority of these flutes commence in the lee of Carboniferous and Permian boulders, indicative of a local subglacial origin.
  • I remember when I first heard of diamictite: It was during a controversy in the 1980s about peculiar rocks in South America (Carboniferous or Devonian, I forget) that everyone had been calling tillite. Geology
  • There are great bifurcations as yet on the structural environment and on the evolution of the Xingmeng Paleozoic orogenic belt in Southeast Inner Mongolia during the Carboniferous Period.
  • The group with which we have to deal is called the carboniferous or coal bearing system, and it includes four classes of rocks, viz.: 1, sandstone; 2, shale or bind; 3, limestone; 4, coal and underclay. Scientific American Supplement, No. 447, July 26, 1884
  • Bayfield interpreted his specimens as belonging to the coral genus Cyathophyllum, while Meglitsky referred the Siberian specimens to Calamites, a Carboniferous genus of vascular plants.
  • Carboniferous to Cretaceous strata are exposed in an extensive series of outcrops along the east coast of Greenland.
  • The Bed G bauxite of Shanxi massif, a paleoresiduum bauxite underlying Bangou Formation of Upper Carboniferous, occurs on the fossil erosion surface of Middle Ordovician of Upper Cambrian.
  • Wilson has worked mainly on Carboniferous faunas collected from surface exposures and boreholes.
  • On the family tree of evolution, it dates back to the beginnings of reptile evolution in the Carboniferous era.
  • There are well source - reservoir - cap rock assemblages and suitable petroleum pool - forming conditions in Carboniferous strata.
  • Indeed, most workers recognized a geographical and temporal gap between Permo-Carboniferous ‘pelycosaurs’ and therapsid synapsids.
  • The similarity between the Carboniferous maturity-depth gradients for these two areas is therefore not surprising.
  • The backstripped tectonic subsidence curves presented here indicate that the Late Carboniferous South Wales coalfield probably formed due to flexural loading in a foreland basin setting.
  • North of the Burd Gol zone there is a small area of interbedded marine mudstone and limestone which reportedly contain Carboniferous fossils.
  • Existing petrological and geochronological data are used to present a new model for Carboniferous collision at the western margin of the Bohemian Massif.
  • The early Permian saw the continuation of the Carboniferous biomes, with polar tundra regions and warm wet tropical swamp forests.
  • The Lower Carboniferous and lowermost Upper Carboniferous stratigraphic sequence is composed of the Culm siliceous shales, the Culm siliceous limestones, the Culm limestones and the upper black shales.
  • South-facing structures in Carboniferous rocks to the north of the facing confrontation zone are interpreted as back thrusts generated by northward underthrusting of the imbricate stack to the south of the zone.
  • The surface structure, especially in the Zilair Nappe and the Carboniferous and Permian sediments that form the frontal structure in the west, is well constrained by field data.
  • The ore-bearing veins have been intruded as open-space fillings along a series of regional fractures believed to have been created by regional doming at the end of the Carboniferous Period.
  • From his first, perhaps best book, "The Immense Journey," he showed a gift for transporting his readers across aeonic expanses—evoking the "croaking gloom of carboniferous swamps" and "the surf on Cretaceous beaches where now the wheat of Kansas rolls. Dispatches From the Natural World
  • If this occurrence of a true hexapod insect from the Middle Silurian be really established, taken in connection with the well-defined Coleoptera from the Carboniferous, the origin of the entire group of terrestrial arthropoda is necessarily thrown back into the Cambrian epoch, if not earlier. Darwinism (1889)
  • The layer upon layer of carboniferous fruit.
  • Calcareous microgranular and porcellaneous tests evolved in the Carboniferous, and calcareous hyaline tests in the Permian.
  • The early Carboniferous Northumberland Basin, NE England, is one of the northernmost basins that developed in the foreland of the Variscan orogenic belt.
  • The Carboniferous was the age of lycopods and amphibians, as the The Elements of Geology
  • As I have mentioned before – it took 20 million years to capture and fossilise the forests and micro-organisms of the Carboniferous Period - giving us our coal and oil. Leaders TV Debate – Law & Order Summary SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • carboniferous rock system
  • The early Permian saw the continuation of the Carboniferous biomes, with polar tundra regions and warm wet tropical swamp forests.
  • In the middle Devonian the first collembolans made their appearance, and by the Pennsylvanian, or late Carboniferous, winged insects were present, including the first mayflies and cockroaches.
  • Fossils of the group are mostly Cenozoic, though some Permian and Carboniferous fossils are also known.
  • Since the industrial revolution, humans have been releasing into the atmosphere fossil carbon dioxide, which was fixed way back in the Carboniferous period, a couple of hundred million years ago, and this has been extracted as oil and coal and we burn it. Rebecca Novick: Global Warming: The Un-tellable Story
  • Coal mining waste or spoil tips are, on the other hand, composed of fairly benign carboniferous sedimentary rocks that could be suitable for viticulture. Corrections and clarifications
  • Also, material from the earliest Carboniferous (early Tournasian) of France reveals a possible endosternite, gut trace and lamellate gills.
  • Several igneous dikes and sills have been intruded into this sedimentary sequence, the largest of which is the Great Whin Sill, a quartz-orthopyroxene dolerite of late Carboniferous age.
  • Calcareous microgranular and porcellaneous tests evolved in the Carboniferous, and calcareous hyaline tests in the Permian.
  • We found one book about life before the dinosaurs called, "WHEN BUGS WERE BIG," which is actually all about the carboniferous period, and then at the grown-up library, we found another couple that are written for teens that tell the whole story of Earth's pre-dinosaur history. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • The very name Carboniferous originated in the fact that the rocks of this geologic period contain productive coal beds in so many parts of the world. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • The polarity of the postulated Carboniferous subduction at Alexander Island is unknown.
  • Seed-ferns or pteridosperms evolved rapidly in the Carboniferous; the first conifers are known from the Upper Carboniferous.
  • Culm grassland is a distinctive habitat type which forms on clay soils overlying carboniferous rocks known as Culm Measures, and is restricted to south-west England and south Wales.
  • Overlying elastic material derived from the volcanic rocks is estimated to be of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous age.
  • The commonest pre-Permian formation encountered in boreholes in sheet S is the Carboniferous Limestone.
  • During the Carboniferous the climate was hot and humid, and there were extensive swampy forests dominated by giant tree ferns and conifers, club mosses, and horsetails.
  • Most coal fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous period.
  • Coal - bearing strata in the Wangguanzhuang exploration area belongs to Permo - Carboniferous North China type coal - bearing formation.
  • The bulk of underlying rocks (slates and greywacke to greenschist facies) are marine Silurian, Devonian and Carboniferous sediments of the Hodgekinson Basin and Broken River Embayment. Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site, Australia
  • * Starting about 340 million years ago, we might almost call the Carboniferous the amphibian equivalent of the age of dinosaurs. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • All that chemistry can tell us is the amount of "carboniferous" or "nitrogenous" elements discoverable in different dietetic articles. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • Most coal fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous period.
  • Calamites, -- _Calamites arenaceus_, -- a name, however, which seems to have been bestowed both on this Oolitic plant and a resembling Carboniferous species. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • Permian, to the Carboniferous, which is the bottom or landing of the Time and Change
  • Related agnathans with external armour occur widely from the Late Silurian to the Devonian, but they all became extinct before the start of the Carboniferous.
  • The sequence ends with Upper Carboniferous continental-facies molasse deposits, including redbeds and coal-bearing strata.
  • New palaeomagnetic data from Lower Carboniferous granitoids of the orogenic root of the eastern Variscan belt show a polyphase palaeomagnetic record.
  • The results demonstrated that the Lower Carboniferous of Chaobei area is a set of littoral facies deposit, mainly limestone, a few sandstone and mudstone, ten microfacies can be identified.
  • Coal strata are nearly confined to the group termed the carboniferous formation. Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation
  • Culm grassland is a distinctive habitat type which forms on clay soils overlying carboniferous rocks known as Culm Measures, and is restricted to south-west England and south Wales.

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