carbonated water

  1. effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide
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How To Use carbonated water In A Sentence

  • To reiterate: I hate carbonated water, aka club soda.
  • The biggest brands have long since dispensed with that method, and stir barely gingery syrups into carbonated water. The Spice Is Right
  • This was the first artificially carbonated water, known as soda water or seltzer.
  • A traditional drink is served with the meal: milk mixed with mint and carbonated water.
  • If the pail of water is carbonated, should the subsequent loss of some of the vital health components of non-carbonated water be made clear by law to consumers on the pail itself?
  • Delahaye says, however, that while carbonated water could have been used to mix with absinthe, as a rule only plain ‘flat’ water was employed.
  • Syrup is generally sold to either independent or company-owned bottlers to be mixed with carbonated water and sweeteners, packaged, and distributed to retailers, such as grocery stores, convenience stores, or mass merchandisers.
  • We don't see any reason to avoid carbonated water or seltzer.
  • Out of interest, this historical page on Harrogate Spa explains that Bergonié treatment is electrostimulation of the muscles, Nauheim treatment bathing in carbonated water (in imitation of the natural waters at Bad Nauheim), and cataphoresis a technique claimed to carry therapeutic ions into the body via an electrified pad on the skin. Bartitsu
  • The co-op will continue to sell carbonated and flavored bottled water in plastic containers, but Hoy noted "change comes slowly for people and taking away the nonflavored and noncarbonated water is a first step to bringing awareness of how wasteful it is. Latest Headlines
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