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How To Use Carbonate In A Sentence

  • She is also part of a large group of oceanographers and taphonomists of the SSETI project (Shelf / Slope Taphonomic Initiative) examining carbonate preservation and destruction across the shelf and slope regions in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas using submersibles.
  • The B horizon may be colored by oxides of iron and aluminum or by calcium carbonate illuviated from the A horizon. Soil
  • Because the alkali waste mainly contains sodium sulphide, sodium carbonate and some organic matters, which restrict the comprehensive utilization of alkali waste.
  • Throwing a cup of bicarbonate of soda down a septic toilet each week will help to reduce acidity, and encourage the growth of waste-digesting bacteria.
  • Calcite and ankerite are present, but the most abundant carbonate is magnesite.
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  • Next day put them in a saucepan with the same water, plus a half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.
  • The researchers were therefore surprised to discover that foraminiferan tests sampled from the Challenger Deep contained calcareous components, including the dissolved remnants of coccoliths, the calcium carbonate plates of tiny algae called coccolithophores, and planktonic foraminiferan test fragments. Innovations-report
  • The other extreme involves slow weathering of terrestrial carbonates, their dissolution, river-borne transport, and eventual sedimentation in the ocean, and the element's return to land by geotectonic processes. Global material cycles
  • The majority of the carbonates and gypsum are autogenetic with only minor secondary accumulations with depth.
  • Well-preserved Late Cambrian radiolarian faunas were recovered from carbonate rocks of the Cow Head Group of the Great Northern Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland, Canada.
  • These are usually carbonates and oxalates in limestone environments.
  • In addition to the enstatite, forsterite, and PAHs, they are trying to model their spectra using a library containing dolomite (a carbonate), smectite (a clay), spinel/hibonite, pyrrhotite, iron oxide, and elemental carbon grains.
  • The mineralization, consisting mainly of smithsonite (zinc carbonate), iron oxides and galena varied in true width from 2 to 5 metres. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The monthly settling particulate samples provide a data set of seasonal and interannual export fluxes of organic carbon, biogenic opal, calcium carbonate, and lithogenic material.
  • The secret is using magnesium oxides instead of calcium carbonates, the main ingredient in Portland cement, the most common type. The Winners, Category by Category
  • Iron likewise combines with a considerable variety of substances other than oxygen; and some of these compounds, as for instance iron carbonate (siderite), iron silicate (chamosite, glauconite, etc.), and iron sulphide (pyrite), are locally mined as iron ores. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Other alkalis, such as ammonium carbonate, sodium tribasic phosphate, acetone, and various glycols (such as triethanolamine, pH 8 at 1% dilution), are sometimes used.
  • These solid bleaches contain ingredients like perborate or percarbonate - compounds that react in water to release hydrogen peroxide.
  • Eventually (after 14 cigarettes and two of those carbonated malt beverages) the hatred simmers down and turns into pity.
  • To give one example, a red pellet could contain substances such as potassium perchlorate and strontium carbonate, besides pitch as fuel and starch as binder.
  • This compound is hydrolyzed to nitrate and carbonate and the net effect of this reaction is prevention of nitration and oxidative damage.
  • Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda, cream of tartar and salt into a bowl.
  • The sequence comprises Lower Ordovician conglomerates and carbonates overlain by Upper Ordovician to Middle Devonian limestone with occasional phyllite and quartzite.
  • These reef-building rhodophytes are called coralline algae, because they secrete a hard shell of carbonate around themselves, in much the same way that corals do.
  • Acetone is important in the manufacture of artificial fibers, explosives, and polycarbonate resins.
  • Centrally administered neuropeptide Y caused a dose-dependent increase in bile flow that was associated with an increase in biliary bicarbonate output.
  • The steel frame is wrapped in thin sheets of translucent polycarbonate cladding that gently diffuses light like a fragile membrane of rice paper.
  • The fact that the administration of IV sodium bicarbonate has not been beneficial in lactic acidosis is difficult to interpret for several reasons.
  • In addition to carbonates of sodium, especially the hydrocarbonate known as glycolate, the bile apparently contains ammonium sulphate combined with hydrocarbon (taurin); but this results from the transposition of sodium sulphate and gelatine. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • This study found that adolescent girls are failing to ingest the daily adequate intake level, as most adolescents are consuming more carbonated soft drinks than milk.
  • Pearls are composed partly of the mineral substance calcium carbonate (chemically the same as marble) and partly of a tough, horny substance of organic nature called conchiolin. A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • This process employs potassium carbonate as an absolvent and can be uniquely integrated with the power plant steam cycle by using the waste steam or low-quality steam from the power plant. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • When heated this produces methane gas and a solid residue of sodium carbonate.
  • Strontium is recovered from two strontium minerals, strontianite (strontium carbonate) and celestite (strontium sulfate). Strontium
  • ‘Marble’ is a general term for any kind of limestone or other carbonate rock that has been metamorphosed.
  • Use a good grade of naphtha, isopropyl alcohol, or butyl cellosolve on polycarbonate domes.
  • This bonds to the CO2 to form droplets of sodium carbonate, which is collected at the bottom of the towers and passed onto subsequent stages that separate and collect the CO2. Could CO2 be the green fuel powering tomorrow's cars?
  • As carbonate rocks weather, the insoluble fractions are introduced into the cave deposits.
  • Forget the carbonated stuff right off the bat.
  • Tubes closely resembling those of pogonophoran worms are preserved in cold-seep carbonate at the Marmorito locality in the Italian Apennines.
  • Some polymers, such as most polyimides and polycarbonates, are not photosensitive and are typically processed using photoresist patterning and reactive ion etching.
  • The co-op will continue to sell carbonated and flavored bottled water in plastic containers, but Hoy noted "change comes slowly for people and taking away the nonflavored and noncarbonated water is a first step to bringing awareness of how wasteful it is. Latest Headlines
  • The vast pool is contained in the so-called carbonates, which are limestone rocks that contain crude, but which have so far resisted efforts at commercial production. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Provide pots each containing a white powder: flour, salt, bicarbonate of soda and sugar.
  • Dolomite, a calcium magnesium carbonate rock, can be found beneath the soil surface.
  • Fresh calcium carbonate growth solutions were prepared each day and stored in sealed containers.
  • The second Expedition failed to find gold, but brought back argentiferous galena in copper-stained quartz, and possibly in the ochraceous red veins seaming the Secondary gypsum; with silicates and carbonates of copper: select specimens of the latter yielding the enormous proportion of forty per cent. The Land of Midian
  • If the white grout between tiles has become discoloured or black, simply apply a paste of bicarbonate of soda with a soft toothbrush.
  • The Podolia ash beds consist largely of clay minerals accompanied by a variety of primary volcanogenic crystals and secondary sulphides, sulphates, oxides, carbonates, and silicates.
  • An alkalizing substance that could alter serum or plasma pH, or concentration of bicarbonates, or carbon dioxide may not be given within 24 hours prior to post time of a race in which the horse is entered.
  • Further changes in the proposed combined baryta-soda method for juice purification consist in using powdered soda carbonate 90-92°, upon beet cossettes as they leave the slicer, before entering the diffusor. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • Combine the butter, sultanas, currants, sugar, mixed spice, cinnamon, ginger, bicarbonate of soda and water in a saucepan.
  • Chemically, chalk is largely calcium carbonate, he argues, and so should yield carbon dioxide if immersed in an acid.
  • Out of interest, this historical page on Harrogate Spa explains that Bergonié treatment is electrostimulation of the muscles, Nauheim treatment bathing in carbonated water (in imitation of the natural waters at Bad Nauheim), and cataphoresis a technique claimed to carry therapeutic ions into the body via an electrified pad on the skin. Bartitsu
  • _ -- Chrysocolla, which appears to have been green carbonate of copper, or malachite (green verditer), was the green most approved of by the ancients; there was also an artificial kind which was made from clay impregnated with sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) rendered green by a yellow dye. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Gelatine contains six atoms of hydrocarbon joined with two of ammonium carbonate, a group which is separable by chemical action into five of carburetted hydrogen with ammonium carbonate (leucin or gelatine milk), C_ {5} H_ {10}, CO_ {2}, NH_ {3}, and into one of carburetted hydrogen with ammonium carbonate (glycin or gelatine sugar), CH_ {2}, CO_ {2}, NH_ {3}. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • If the bicarbonate is used, and heat is applied gradually, steam and carbonic acid are given off at a comparatively low temperature, and the carbonate is left; at a higher temperature (about 800° C., or a cherry-red heat) the carbonate fuses attacking the quartz, and giving off more carbonic acid; as the heat increases, and the attack on the quartz (which of itself is infusible) becomes complete, the whole mass settles down to a liquid sodium silicate, which is sufficiently fluid to allow the gold and lead to settle to the bottom. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • In this case, the beer is fully fermented, then filtered to remove the yeast, then carbonated and stored in a tightly sealed keg, ready for immediate drinking.
  • Softies Leather corals lack the hard calcium carbonate skeleton of stony corals.
  • Though most scientists believed that corals were programmed to produce only the aragonitic form of calcium carbonate, he said, the team’s work reveals that corals are far more flexible and able to vary at least a portion of their skeleton to growth favored by seawater chemistry. Thompson: "Remarkably Similar" « Climate Audit
  • Satisfy your thirst with flavored, sparkling, carbonated or bottled water.
  • By theory, [20] 50 grams of quartz will require 88.5 grams of the carbonate, or 140 grams of the bicarbonate, to form sodium silicate, which is a glassy, easily-fusible substance, making a good slag. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Hard water which can be softened by adding sodium carbonate is called permanent hard water.
  • With sulphuric acid it forms a salt that is as stable on heating as the sulphates from gadolinite or cerite and, like these, can be completely decomposed by heating with ammonium carbonate.
  • Mylonitic limestones are particularly useful rocks for studying deformation mechanisms and fabrics in carbonate rocks.
  • The dissolution of limestones in weak acid is now a standard palaeontological laboratory technique, and has been used extensively to isolate phosphatic microfossils of all types from Paleozoic carbonates.
  • They fizzle when they should sizzle and have all the zing of carbonated water gone flat.
  • That tillites were found closely associated with carbonates was cited as additional evidence of huge fluctuations in global climates.
  • Mosquito and ant bites can be relieved by the application of a moist bicarbonate of soda paste.
  • It's an otherworldly site, fringed with dunes and studded with bone-white calcium carbonate spires called tufa towers.
  • He said the alternative to the current excise duty on mineral water would be imposing tax on non-carbonated drinks which unlike water, were not a necessity.
  • In these most ancient parts of Mars, we have found that running liquid water altered the original mineral structures in some of the basaltic, olivine-bearing rocks into carbonate-bearing rocks. SETI Institute: Life at the SETI Institute: Adrian Brown -- The Time for Mars is Now
  • He's a particular fan of San Pellegrino, the naturally carbonated water from northern Italy.
  • Other carbonates, i.e., ankerite, siderite, witherite, strontianite, may form if the respective metal cations are available.
  • The classic mode of skarn formation involves high-temperature contact metamorphism wherein a silicate magma is intruded into a carbonate-rich sedimentary rock such as a limestone.
  • Sponges have an internal skeleton composed of needle-like elements called spicules, which can be composed of calcium carbonate, opaline silica, or fibres of the scleroprotein spongin.
  • A method of producing lithium aluminosilicate (LAS) ceramics, which uses a mixing powder of lithium carbonate, aluminum oxide, and silicon oxide as a raw material powder.
  • Over the last century, antacids were developed based on the hydroxides and carbonates of the group II and III metals, as well as the bicarbonates of the alkali metals.
  • The cold solution is added to 1-1/4 parts of the above valerianic acid; the mixture is warmed for some minutes (not too long or too much) in a water-bath, and then mixed with a little water, by which means the impure valerianate of amyloxide separates, which is washed with water and carbonate of soda. The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
  • It occurs in all kinds of minerals, such as oxides, carbonates, nitrates, sulfates, and phosphates.
  • In over-the-counter (otc) strengths, these substances are injected to carbonate and/or indicate heartburn, tizanidine picture indigestion, and hepatotoxic stomach. Wii-volution
  • Huntsman holds global leadership positions in MDI diphenylm ­ethane diisocyana­te, polyuretha­ne catalysts, epoxy adhesives, epoxy powder coating systems, aerospace composites ­, electrical insulating materials, textile effect chemicals, polyethera ­mines, ethylene and propylene carbonates­, and maleic anhydride. ­.. The Full Feed from
  • England (following Brooke and Miller, 1852) these designations have been reversed, calamine being used for the carbonate and smithsonite for the silicate. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Oriental alabaster, the alabastrites of the classical writers, is a translucent marble (calcium carbonate) obtained from stalagmitic deposits; because of its usually banded structure, which gives it some resemblance to onyx, it is also called onyx marble, or simply, though incorrectly, onyx. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Acidic proteins are known to trigger carbonate precipitation via matrix mediated processes in microbialites.
  • The geology of the Karaburun Peninsula suggests that the nappes may have been thrust from north of the Mesozoic Karaburun carbonate platform.
  • In the Carbonate Woodland Zone the pinyon – juniper woodland canopy overtops and spans the existing sagebrush and mountain brush communities. Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
  • Lithium carbonate is the primary treatment for bipolar disease, especially mania.
  • All carbonates are soluble with effervescence in dilute acids; some, such as chalybite and magnesite, require the aid of heat. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • South, east, and west walls are polycarbonate panels filled with aerogel insulation.
  • nucleation," in which the particular chemistry of the Mentos candy interacts with the chemistry of the carbonated Diet Coke, causing the carbon dioxide gas, or CO2, to suddenly come out of suspension in the liquid and make a break for freedom. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • The sirupy liquid thus obtained is then mixed with 80 to 100 grammes of pulverized calcium carbonate (calcspar), dried for fifteen minutes at 40 to 60° C., and after standing for one to two hours the dish and its contents are weighed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • This depth scale allowed alignment of the carbonate, TOC and core MS records from the slightly expanded cores with the downhole records.
  • These companies added carbonated water to the syrup and bottled it.
  • Carbonic acid readily betrays its presence through solutions of the alkaline earths such as baryta and chalk, in which its passage produces an insoluble carbonate, and consequently makes the liquid turbid. Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884
  • The carbonates are washed repeatedly with a dilute solution of sodium carbonate, thus removing any coloration from the precipitate.
  • The sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter carries sodium with bicarbonate in an electrogenic mode.
  • Cool beverages like juice can be soothing; avoid carbonated or citrus drinks, however, because carbonation and citric acid can be painful on raw areas.
  • The ocean surrounding Australia is home to several species of sea urchins, which form elaborate exoskeletons made from carbonate minerals.
  • Mix together the flour and bicarbonate of soda then beat into the spicy butter mixture, adding enough milk to make a smooth dough.
  • Computers are sealed in a polycarbonate cover and are ruggedized to withstand weather, temperature and physical abuse.
  • For acid-base reactions, sodium carbonate, sodium tetraborate, benzoic acid, potassium hydrogen phthalate, and potassium hydrogen iodate make up the complete list.
  • In most cases the basanites intrude Triassic cherts and carbonates.
  • Itchiness caused by a nettle rash, heat rash, allergy rash, or a rash that results from a viral infection may be relieved by a paste of bicarbonate of soda and water.
  • Most pure metals, when freshly cut to expose a new surface, are lustrous, but most lose this luster quickly by combining with oxygen, carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide to form oxides, carbonates or sulfides.
  • The age of the carbonates can be clearly determined, and some very old ones had been found on certain asteroids and meteorites.
  • Coca-Cola Enterprises, the bottler in parts of Western Europe, could see stronger sales of noncarbonated drinks in Europe. Stock Shopping Around the House
  • The crystalline cake of acetone sodium bisulphite, which separates on standing, is well pressed, to free it from impurities, decomposed by distillation with dilute sodium carbonate, and the aqueous distillate of pure acetone dehydrated over calcium chloride. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • The most abundant oxidised ores are the carbonates, malachite and chessylite; the silicates, as also the red and black oxides, occur less abundantly. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Polycarbonate is a tough material but not hard.
  • As a preventative measure, don't drink anything carbonated while you eat Korean barbecue.
  • I anxiously await the final volume, which will cover principally borates, carbonates, and sulfates.
  • The enzyme is regulated by bicarbonate and involved in sperm maturation.
  • The researchers injected mice with a tagged form of bicarbonate -- an alkali more commonly seen in baking soda -- that occurs naturally in the body and balances acidity, Brindle said.
  • The deal combines the Cott, the largest private label carbonated soft drink company, with the top private label juice manufacturer in the United States, Cott said in a release. Boston Business News - Local Boston News | Boston Business Journal
  • Not only that, but the fracture zones were partially coated with a carbonate mineral that fluoresced a pastel bluish-white and phosphoresced a pale greenish-white.
  • In the end, the natural-history collection earned the approval of some of America’s top scientists, including Silliman, who praised Wood’s thoroughness: “Mr. Wood was indefatigable for many months in completing the herpetology of China; the conchology is fully represented,” and there are “some remarkably fine carbonates of copper, both nodular and radiated.” The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • Combine bi-carbonate of soda and water in a small bowl and add to the butter mixture and immediately pour all the liquids into the dry ingredients and mix together.
  • Otoliths consist of calcium carbonate, mainly in the form of aragonite, and organic matter called otoline.
  • They also point out a particular substance called polypropylene, as opposed to polycarbonate, that may be too much to remember at this hour of the morning, but polypropylene less likely to actually have the bisphenol A leech out. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2007
  • After reduction , manganese is extracted by sulfuric acid and high purity manganese carbonate is obtained after impurity removal from the solution and reaction with ammonium carbonate.
  • Classes of polymers used in integrated optics include acrylates, polyimides, polycarbonates, and olefins.
  • Most pure metals, when freshly cut to expose a new surface, are lustrous, but most lose this luster quickly by combining with oxygen, carbon dioxide or hydrogen sulfide to form oxides, carbonates or sulfides.
  • It occurs in all kinds of minerals, such as oxides, carbonates, nitrates, sulfates, and phosphates.
  • Sodium carbonate, which is often added to commercial bleaches, increases the alkalinity of the wash-water solution. HOME COMFORTS
  • The water is clear, colourless, palatable, odourless, mildly mineralised, and contains hydro carbonates of sodium and small quantities of fluorine.
  • Health Department wants state lawmakers to make it illegal for bodegas to sell "alcopop" - premixed, carbonated, flavored malt drinks with alcohol content as high as 12%. NY Daily News
  • They contained pyrites, carbonated iron-ore, traces of sulphuretted silver (glasserz), and grey copper-ore (fahlerz). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Carbonated alcoholic drinks, or spirits mixed with fizzy drinks can also affect how fast alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream.
  • People have probably been turned on by this sort of thing since the first caveman saw the first cavewoman eat the first carbonated dinosaur.
  • Many people find it hard to distinguish the taste of one kola-nut-flavored carbonated beverage from another.
  • However, algae that secrete calcium carbonate, such as coralline red algae and an abundant calcifying green alga known as Halimeda, are almost always significant contributors as well. Coral reef
  • Mix together 250g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture.
  • A PepsiCo Inc. spokeswoman said the smaller Pepsi bottle size "brings our carbonated soft-drink brands in China in line with the majority of China's noncarbonated beverages. The Incredible Shrinking Bottle
  • Plenty of daylight makes it to the interior space thanks to a simple polycarbonate clearstory, and the interior is finished with plywood and pegboard to hang all of your gardening tools. Beautiful Garden Studio Built from Reclaimed Fence | Inhabitat
  • · Magnesium oxychloride or sorer cement (obtained by calcining magnesium carbonate, achieving much higher strengths than OPC, but is attacked by water). Chapter 4
  • Boil the cotton for six to eight hours with a carbonate of soda lye at 1° Tw. in a kier at ordinary pressure, then wash well, wring, or, better, hydro-extract. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Mounted directly on the polycarbonate shade, the rings are available in anodized aluminium, matt brass, copper or stainless steel.
  • Based on the company's prior Elan Form cases, the Elan Form Etch features high-quality leather with an etched pattern on the rear and an overstitch accent, bonded to a two-piece polycarbonate case featuring Griffin's EasyDock design, allowing the ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • A selection of carbonate and sulphide samples were analysed to determine their composition, and also to correlate any changes in composition with colour zonation identified in transmitted light or under cathodoluminescence.
  • Sift the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt into a large bowl. 2.
  • A pound of baking soda yields 10.6 ounces of anhydrous sodium carbonate, which is equivalent to 12.4 ounces of monohydrated sodium carbonate.
  • This selection of carbonated and still waters cam be found on most supermarket shelves.
  • For carbonated drinks, Pepsi has about 31% market share in China, but the company has a low penetration in noncarbonated drinks, where Tingyi is strong, according to analysts. Tingyi in Talks to Buy Pepsi's China Bottling Unit
  • Bicarbonate of soda is a popular remedy for powdery mildew because it is a relatively safe substance and it is cheap to use.
  • This stratal geometry is common in temperate carbonates.
  • The application of an active nano - calcium carbonate in tire was experimentally investigated.
  • What prolonged boiling and the aid of bicarbonate of soda leave almost intact the fly's grubs quickly turn into fluid, even as the flesh worms fluidify hard-boiled white of egg. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • (malachite and chessylite), and carbonate of magnesia (magnesite), are common. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Under such conditions biogenic carbonate may be replaced by phosphorite (as off the coast of South Africa beneath the Benguela Current).
  • When calcium carbonate is heated it decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.
  • He cut the brown syrup down with so much water that the honey sloshed around like decarbonated Coca-Cola. Sugarexplosion
  • The plant provides a wide range of products although its output is dominated by the bulk production of soda ash and smaller quantities of soda bicarbonate.
  • Share for private label carbonated soft drinks declined significantly in early April. Coke Gains At Expense Of Pepsi
  • We there found some fine specimens of blue carbonated copper mingled with sulphate of barytes and quartz; but we could not ourselves judge whether the ore contained any argentiferous fahlerz, and whether it occurred in a stratum, or, as the apothecary who was our guide asserted, in real veins. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The alternatives are then dialysis with a low-bicarbonate or acetate dialysate, or treatment with hydrochloric acid.
  • The three-dimensional preservation of pellets and fossil remains in the limestones suggests that the carbonate muds were rapidly lithified, and that the limestones record minimal time averaging.
  • The pain of gastralgia is sometimes allayed by using half a teaspoonful of subcarbonate of bismuth, and repeating the dose, if the attack is not relieved. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • Add mashed bananas and combine flour, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder and fold into butter and egg mixture.
  • Hitherto native strontianite, that is, the 90 to 95 per cent. pure carbonate of strontium (not the celestine which frequently is mistaken by the term strontianite), has not been worked systematically in mines, but what used to be brought to the market was an inferior stone collected in various parts of Germany, chiefly in Westphalia, where it is found on the surface of the fields. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • Side projections haven't benefitted down bad, some tingling, and i can no primarily cialis imperial levitra libidus viagra yohimbe anything carbonated, but sarcastically kernicterus it. Wii-volution
  • The blade is polycarbonate, and is reinforced with deep ribs that add a huge amount of strength without excess weight.
  • Some other minerals that are occasionally observed in the ore are magnetite, actinolite, rutile, the tourmaline group, chlorite group, mica group, garnet group, and iron-calcium-magnesium carbonates.
  • Calcareous soils are freely drained soils containing free calcium carbonate within the profile.
  • Uraninite occurs with cobalt, nickel, arsenic, and silver minerals in a carbonate gangue at the Solitaria mine, Jaguel district, Argentina.
  • What worked for medium levels of intensity was a 500 g/hl dosage of sodium and potassium bicarbonate. John Tepper Marlin: Green Edge 2: Organic Wine-Making
  • Mention of this substance is made in (Proverbs 25: 20) -- "and as vinegar upon nitre" -- and in (Jeremiah 2: 26) The article denoted is not that which we now understand by the term nitre i.e. nitrate of Potassa -- "saltpetre" -- but the nitrum of the Latins and the natron or native carbonate of soda of modern chemistry. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • It will dissolve to some extent in water containing carbon dioxide, just as will calcium carbonate, and waters containing it are called chalybeate waters. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The hard component was often formed from calcium carbonate, as found in shellfish, but other durable defences were provided by chitin (a complex carbohydrate) in crustaceans and insects.
  • The minerals of the oxide zone are smithsonite (zinc carbonate) and calamine (hydrous zinc silicate), which yield minor amounts of zinc and are especially productive at Leadville, Colorado. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Do not drink iced, carbonated or caffeinated beverages and avoid alcohol and milk with meals.
  • The stacked taillamps are vertical in orientation; there is a clear acrylic and polycarbonate lens covering three individual lamps: the top is a clear backup light; the middle is an amber turn signal; the bottom is the red stop lamp.
  • For higher risk sports - such as basketball, racquetball and handball - Boldt recommends sports goggles with polycarbonate lenses.
  • This beach is famous for its "star-sand," made up of tiny sea animals called foraminifera, which are formed from single-celled protozoa that produce calcium carbonate shells. Breathtaking Beaches © Corbis Cleopatra's Beach Sedir...
  • In the plasma, the bicarbonate concentration comprises the second largest anion fraction, with chloride being the largest anion fraction.
  • In these situations, acetazolamide may be needed to decrease proximal bicarbonate and sodium reabsorption, thereby reducing the serum bicarbonate level.
  • These groups are the silicate minerals, carbonate minerals, oxides, sulfides, and halides.
  • The stable isotope composition of the first and second stages of the worm tube carbonates is similar to that of carbonates from modern petroleum seeps.
  • The roughly-prepared coating is imported in two forms, called lac-lake and lac-dye, which contain about 50 per cent of colouring matter, combined with more or less resin, and with earthy matters, consisting chiefly of carbonate and sulphate of lime and silica. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • True verdigris is actually a coating of cupric carbonate formed by weathering on copper, brass and bronze from age.
  • In making this test the student must remember that sulphur and, in fact, all oxidisable bodies similarly deflagrate, but it is only in the case of carbon compounds that carbonate of potash is formed. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • To get rid of red wine stains on furnishings and carpets don't apply salt - use carbonated soda water instead.
  • Here we find its counterpart in this large mass of stone; only the clay here, mixed with a portion of lime is petrified, and the fissures filled up with carbonate of lime; thus forming the septaria, or cement stone. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Under magnification, these altered surfaces do not exhibit the naturally occurring corrosion layers, such as red cuprous oxide and green, basic copper carbonate, that might be expected.
  • And there was a rather workaday sticky steamed pudding with a bicarbonate of soda sub-taste which seemed to have lost most of its toffee sauce.
  • -- After extracting the peat with solution of carbonate of soda, it still contains ulmin or humin. Peat and its Uses as Fertilizer and Fuel
  • Pancreatic juice for example contains a high concentration of sodium ions, and variable concentrations of chloride and bicarbonate ions.
  • The barite ore is massive and occurs within residuum derived from carbonate units.
  • Bicarbonate of soda, the mild alkali which is added to some cakes and biscuits and peanut brittle, promotes browning.
  • The toxic parts of oil paints: Vandyke red, ferrocyanide; iodine scarlet, mercuric iodide; flake white, lead carbonate; cobalt violet, arsenic — all those beautiful compounds and pigments that artists treasure but turn out to be deadly. Diary
  • Plenty of daylight makes it to the interior space thanks to a simple polycarbonate clearstory, and the interior is finished with plywood and pegboard to hang all of your gardening tools. Beautiful Garden Studio Built from Reclaimed Fence | Inhabitat
  • Carbonate particles removed from the ‘factory’ zone fed the onshore shoals and beach deposits.
  • Carbonates of many of the metals, such as carbonate of lead (cerussite), carbonate of iron (chalybite), carbonates of copper A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • In this study, the levels of reactive carbonyl compounds in commercial carbonated soft drinks were found to be astonishingly high. High-fructose corn syrup fights back | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Freebase cocaine is essentially pure cocaine that is made today by preparing an aqueous solution of cocaine HCI and adding ammonia or bicarbonate to alkalinize the solution and precipitate alkaloidal cocaine. 6 The "freebase" formed is nonwater-soluble, does not decompose. with heat and can be crushed, and mixed with tobacco and smoked. Cocaine Toxicity
  • In bulk, titania is an opaque white, a fortunate property enabling the phasing-out of toxic paints based on lead carbonate. Monkey metallurgical magic
  • But drinking two or more noncola carbonated drinks a day, they found, did not increase the risk. Too Much Cola Can Cause Kidney Problems « Isegoria
  • Standard bicarbonate measurement is a technique used to determine the presence of a metabolic acid-base imbalance.
  • I resolved to get up at 7am and scrub everything in the house with a homemade paste of bicarbonate of soda and white vinegar.
  • Centrally administered neuropeptide Y caused a dose-dependent increase in bile flow that was associated with an increase in biliary bicarbonate output.

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