How To Use Carbon copy In A Sentence
It has the plastic seperator for carbon copy checks.
To her annoyance Holly pushed the carbon copy on to Rain's desk and went away with the other.
She is a carbon copy of her sister.
In the days before xerox machines, a carbon copy was the best way of replicating a piece of writing.
But the site is a carbon copy of the original - set up by sophisticated criminal gangs often based in eastern Europe.

It was a carbon copy of an attack 18 months ago.
The robbery is a carbon copy of one that took place last year.
The robbery is a carbon copy of one that took place last year.
The print on some of the photostat and carbon copy sheets has faded and these items are particularly flimsy.
Please keep the original contract and give the carbon copy back to me.
Mozer is a carbon copy of Jane Pryce: same policies, same ideas.
She's a carbon copy of her mother.
Backup tapes, paper files copied for storage offsite, or temporary workspaces - known as ‘hot sites,’ with a carbon copy of the destroyed network - are all options.
Would you like a carbon copy of the tally sheets for Hatch No.3?
The new Bernard's is not a carbon copy of the original.
In a squall she heeled over; water rushed in through the gunports of the top-heavy hull and, in a carbon copy of the Mary Rose disaster a century earlier in the Channel, the pride and joy of the royal fleet went down like a stone.
I make a carbon copy of my documents.
There was a doghouse built as a miniature carbon copy in the side yard, and Emily saw a black lab huddled inside of it.
History suggests that colleges of cardinals appointed by one pope do not elect a carbon copy as his successor.
With Mitchell finding some long touches, Pocklington extended their lead with a carbon copy second for Pears from another close range line-out, Mitchell again converting.
She's a carbon copy of her sister.
She is a carbon copy of her sister.
Volkswagen Passat CCVolkswagen Passat CC, the first four-door coupe from the German manufacturer received the "red dot Design Award 2009 - Best of the Best", which represents one of the most coveted awards that a designer can win for a creative product. okay SO WHY DIDNT MERCEDES GET IT BEING THAT THIS IS A CARBON COPY CLS WITH A VW ENGINE IN IT. News
Sending e-mail with a carbon copy to the whole project team is temptingly easy, but beware of its overuse.
Martin emitted a long, low whistle of incredulity, then proceeded to resurrect and read a carbon copy of "The Palmist.
Chapter 29
Some of the dream pool levels, or planes, are a carbon copy of the real world.
Simplest way to defrag is to use Carbon Copy Cloner, SuperDuper!, or Disk Utility and put a bootable backup onto another HD and then reverse the process.
Discussions: Message List - root
The same punch was to determine the following bout when Ali Funeka produced a carbon copy performance of his stablemate Vetyeka, blowing away Dumisani Mofu in the fourth round of their junior lightweight scrap.
That particular trip was more or less a carbon copy of the previous one.
That is to say, a facsimile, a carbon copy, a wisp of a ghost of a shadow of a bagel.
All day long, she had been dealing with the clones, the carbon copy popular masses.
He was as near as dammit to being a stylistic carbon copy of Hell.
I pick my jaw up off the floor and muster my reply, which I hope is a carbon copy of his quiet smile.
The full frame video is a carbon copy of years past, with adequate and average colors, definition, and detail.
The best & fastest way of defragging: clone your system disk to another drive using diskutility/restore or 'Carbon Copy Cloner'.
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You keep the top carbon copy the receipt and we have the carbon copy.
Please send your proposal with a carbon copy.
She's a carbon copy of her mother.
She's a carbon copy of her sister.
Always use the "bcc" (blind carbon copy) field for listing all the e-mail addresses.
IOL Technology