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How To Use Carbine In A Sentence

  • They shouldered responsibility, faith and idealism along with muskets, carbines and courage.
  • The paper roll of caps in those toys were the descendants of those used during the U.S. Civil War on some Sharps breechloader carbines used by the Union Army. Mpls Update: the Covered Wagon – The Bleat.
  • The only gun I know that can be made full auto by filing the sear is the old M-1 carbine. The Volokh Conspiracy » President Calderon’s claim about “assault weapons”
  • Seventy-five city policemen and Mississippi State Police officers armed with carbines, submachine guns, shotguns, service revolvers and some personal weapons, responded to the call.
  • Charlie raised the carbine to his shoulder and sighted on the cowboy with the rifle.
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  • The boy came in through the back carrying Russell's blanket roll and carbine and put them down on the passenger bench.
  • The introduction of the percussion lock in the early 19th century did little for the design of the military pistol and it was being replaced by the carbine by mid-century, pistols being reserved solely for issue to senior NCOs.
  • Udine police, would jam on his brakes so suddenly that we would almost go through the wind-shield if a carbineer held up his hand. Italy at War and the Allies in the West
  • The most common Arisaka models one comes across today at shows are the long rifles, short rifles, and carbines.
  • A queer shavetail with a carbine in a foxhole at Iwo Jima, he went on the become an ex officio judge of the annual poetry contest at the Japanese Imperial Court. Seidensticker’s Passing
  • About a hundred yards away on a small sand spit thein effectual pop of a carbine.
  • I will go with those who agree that the .30 M1 carbine is a fun plinker. Fun Guns
  • You'll notice in my data that I never reached the factory-specified velocities, firing either carbines or rifles.
  • To answer your question, in my opinion, a carbine is generally not quite as accurate as a longer rifle but it is plenty accurate for deer hunting and often may offer the hunter better maneuverability and lighter weight to their advantage; especially in your case. I'm a quadriplegic and want to hunt whitetail again. For accessibility I am looking at carbine rifles.
  • In answer, many departments, individual officers and armed civilians have turned to semi-automatic rifles or carbines in either pistol calibers or .223 for use as tactical long guns.
  • Pistol-caliber semiautomatic carbines are light and handy, particularly easy for smaller or weaker people to deploy.
  • One of the most distinctive, interesting and fairly common models of the Carcano is the Cavalry carbine.
  • Some people think fighting with a sniper rifle is somehow entirely different than fighting with a carbine, handgun or a shotgun.
  • But as the war progressed the bolt action rifle was increasingly supplemented, or replaced, by carbines and by a variety of other automatic and semi-automatic firearms.
  • You can expostulate with a London bobbie, you can argue with a Paris gendarme, you can on occasion reason mildly with a New York policeman, but not with an Italian carbineer. Italy at War and the Allies in the West
  • The Puma rifles, not carbines, are already drilled and tapped for tang sights.
  • Mainly there are modern weapons in the game - weapons that were present-day in 1978: knives, pistols, shotguns, carbines, sniper rifles.
  • A large part of Beretta's advertising campaign has been the ability to convert the Neos from a pistol to a light carbine without any tools, however, so far there has been no word on availability or price of this upgrade.
  • Fixed - butt the AR- 70 rifle butt can also be unloaded, for a special carbine folding butt.
  • Once hailed as the ultimate home-defense firearm, pistol-caliber semi-automatic carbines never caught on as well with the police or the general public as it did with gun writers.
  • If the carbineer (ph) were going to crack this case, they needed to know everything about the family business. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2005
  • He hitched up his gunbelt, checked the Colt in his shoulder holster, and reloaded his carbine.
  • I reached down for my carbine so that I could take out the rest of the crew and safely exfiltrate this tomb. Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile
  • The 7th Cavalry, with single-shot carbines, was quite simply outgunned by the Indians who had repeating rifles.
  • Armalite offers a comprehensive line of .223, .243 and .308 caliber rifles and carbines.
  • Fifteen of the enemy were shot down by the party, and the captain returned with a sword and a Minie carbine, of which he had relieved a ressaldar of the 8th Our Soldiers Gallant Deeds of the British Army during Victoria's Reign
  • Through the lens Sharpe could see the carbines slung on their shoulders, and on each horse there was an obscene lump behind the stirrup where the rider had strapped a netful of forage for his mount. Sharpe's Eagle
  • Hmm havock has reminded me of something.. besides ye old rugger 10/22 which is as common as shite over there, there is also a ruger 9mm semi auto carbine that uses the mag from the Ruger 9mm pistol but I don’t know how popular the model is. Cheeseburger Gothic » Quick gun question.
  • The report was far louder than that of either carbine or escopette; and an ejaculation from Rube, as he saw the effect of the shot, followed by his usual ominous whistle, told that the old trapper was not disposed to make light of this new piece of ordnance. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • But he'd never had call to use the carbine holstered before him on the saddletree and he wasn't sure he could hit anything with it if he tried. Ishmael
  • Having a short, light, accurate little carbine chambered for the same cartridge and possibly using the same magazine as your service pistol must have been comforting to the local gendarmerie.
  • But as the war progressed the bolt action rifle was increasingly supplemented, or replaced, by carbines and by a variety of other automatic and semi-automatic firearms.
  • Several buildings were examined and stores of grenades, Russian and Chinese machine guns, automatic carbines, uniforms and military equipment, including a tonne of ammunition, were found.
  • All four Crusader Blue tanks engaged the enemy on both sides of the road with coax,.50-caliber, and M240 loader's machine guns, M4 carbines, and M9 pistols.
  • This young predikant with more of prudence, and perchance more of honour, recollected next morning that though, as he had truly said, he had no more weapons in the house, he had a beautiful mauser carbine hidden in his garden. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • When it rained or snowed, the little carbine was compact enough to fit under your slicker and to tuck up under your arm.
  • From an engineering viewpoint, many of his mechanical solutions have been recognized as precursors to later designs as modern as the BAR, the Browning machine gun, M1 rifle and M1 carbine.
  • By simply changing the barrel or adding a bipod the AUG can change from a conventional rifle to an assault rifle, carbine, or light machine gun.
  • He received a pardon from the governor after eight years' imprisonment. In 1940, Williams created the M-1 carbine.
  • These included a shortened carbine, a sniper rifle, a belt-fed light machine gun, and a heavy-barreled squad automatic weapon.
  • A white man stepped through the door, wearing a black skintight suit and carrying an M4 assault carbine.
  • A carabiner is the mountaineer's clip; a carabineer is a soldier wielding a carbine. Reader Rants and Raves
  • There stood eight CIA operatives, dressed in black, holding various submachine guns and assault carbines.
  • They thrust their carbines into the bucket holsters on their saddles and dragged out their long straight-bladed swords.
  • A cross-belt might carry his carbine or contain an ammunition pouch.
  • Dave, That little carbine is a handy little gun for it intended purpose. Imagine This: If old guns could talk, what stories would they tell us?
  • Shah's camp, two miles distant, to learn the state of affairs; another to Tehran, to purchase ammunition and bring out some fifty carbines and pistols from the Mission stores; and a third was despatched to an Afghan friend, Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • Normally, I would prefer real wood for stocking a levergun, but this saddle carbine is very attractive and will withstand any type of weather.
  • The infantry of both armies in the Civil War for the first time used muzzle-loading rifled muskets, while cavalry with breech-loading carbines fought dismounted.
  • Since they provided their own weapons, the variety was large, from carbines, fowling pieces, buccaneers, muskets and fuzees.
  • The pistol-caliber carbine, with its light recoil and mild report, offers an intimidating appearance when seen by a burglar at gunpoint.
  • If the family is in the safe room and the intruders are kicking down that door, the carbine, rifle or shotgun comes into its own.
  • He saw the lean brown face, picked out by the white light, as a carbineer swung his short-barreled rifle out over the rail -- and the man in the surf-boat knew by that face what was coming. Never-Fail Blake
  • All our .30 Carbine ammunition of the time had non-corrosive priming.
  • Island, and the carbineer company of our regiment, were thrown out as skirmishers. History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • Ok then lets say it has to deliver above 2000 joule of energy on target at 100 yards and has to have a premium bullet .. 30 carbine out 30-30 in 223 out 22-250 in barely etc.. a 22-250 will do the job with barnes-x and a good shot .. Is Your Bullet Big Enough?
  • The men carried plasma carbines, which were better suited than were rifles to the close combat inside the corridors of space stations and starships.
  • The interrogating carbineer who is invested, during such preliminary enquiries, with quasi-judicial functions -- being permitted to assume the role of prosecuting or defending counsel, or to remain sternly unbiased, as he feels inclined -- desired to learn how he had come by this jewel. South Wind
  • Soon the men of F Company that were detailed to serve in the carbineer company joined us; they had been on the skirmish line all the forenoon, but became somewhat mixed when the firing commenced, and were ordered to report to their respective companies. History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • The boy came in through the back carrying Russell's blanket roll and carbine and put them down on the passenger bench.
  • We must make room for one more extract, in which he figures in conjunction with his friend the sbirro or gendarme, who before being invested with a uniform, and armed with carbine, pistols, and sabre, has frequently been a lazzarone himself, and usually preserves the instincts and tastes of his former station. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 341, March, 1844
  • The boy came in through the back carrying Russell's blanket roll and carbine and put them down on the passenger bench.
  • The 2d Rhode Island, which was at the head of the column, was now ordered to send out skirmishers; also the carbineer company, Captain History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • What was needed was a carbine or a short-barreled rifle that would fire an intermediate-weight cartridge and was capable of full automatic fire.
  • Carbines were only $21, and by this time Winchester had developed their takedown system which made gun carrying handier for railroad travelers.
  • the trim brass-mounted carbine of the ranger
  • The Dragoon dropped the carbine and fumbled for his sword which hung from its wrist strap.
  • A carbineer also fired after him from the saddle, but Ailsa Paige
  • Lee Harvey Oswald was considered responsible for assassinating the president with a 6. 5mm Italian carbine from the Texas School Book Depository. Five Best Super Bowl Quarterbacks | myFiveBest
  • I go for a drive with one of those proscribed by the grogshop-keepers of Castleisland the muzzle of a double-barrelled carbine peeps ominously from the "well" of the car. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • After a thought, Thyrenea unlimbered her MA carbine.
  • In Detroit, where forty-three people died in race riots in 1967, the police already had five armored vehicles but were stockpiling tear gas and gas masks and were requesting antisniper rifles, carbines, shotguns, and 150,000 rounds of ammunition. 1968 the Year that Rocked the World
  • One of such newly developed weapons for airborne forces of Nazi Germany were light carbines that could use standard ammunition.
  • I will go with those who agree that the .30 M1 carbine is a fun plinker. Fun Guns
  • They knew that our rifles once empty, the lazo could be used beyond pistol-range; and by such men, with far surer aim than either carbine or escopette! The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • Italy, is no place for misunderstandings; the knife decides promptly who is right or wrong, and only two weeks ago I was warned not to cross the district without a carbineer on either side of me. Old Calabria
  • He joined in with automatic fire from his carbine and threw grenades at the enemy, whose attacks were accompanied by bugles, whistles, flares and supporting mortar bursts.
  • While you can look for a lot more PDs to swap shotguns for rifles and carbines, the wave of the future may be stocking each vehicle with shotgun and compact auto rifle.
  • Some mended their saddles, or were wiping out an old carbine or a clumsy escopette. The Rifle Rangers
  • A carabiner is the mountaineer's clip; a carabineer is a soldier wielding a carbine. Reader Rants and Raves

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