How To Use Carbide In A Sentence

  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • Its excellent toughness is due to a fine-grained structure of tough nickel-ferrite devoid of embrittling carbide networks, which are taken into solution during tempering at 570°C to form stable austenite islands.
  • Depending on specific requirements related to their use, hard metals might additionally contain small quantities of chromium, niobium, molybdenum, titanium, tantalum or vanadium carbides.
  • Most tile stores sell grout saws, an inexpensive tool with a wooden or plastic handle and a tip covered with carbide grit.
  • -- Since calcium carbide is only useful as a means of preparing acetylene, it should be bought under a guarantee (1) that it contains less impurities than suffice to render the crude gas dangerous in respect of spontaneous inflammability, or objectionable in a manner to be explained later on, when consumed; and (2) that it is capable of evolving a fixed minimum quantity of acetylene when decomposed by water. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
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  • I bought the end mills from American Carbide, with TiAln coating, since I figured I might use the bit for both alumin (i) um and other metals. Cut-off disk: 1, angle iron: 0 « The Half-Baked Maker
  • Xtools are a fine-looking line of marine tools; as the ISDA blog says, The rust-resistant tools feature tungsten-carbide cutting blades (for cutting braided wire) and foamy, soft-grip ergonomic handles that float. Boing Boing
  • The effective measuresare presented bo avoid zonal segregation of carbide.
  • Bamboo leather have carbide, ecru and zebras three kinds of color, flat crush, lateral pressure two lines can choose.
  • The lime formed by the decomposition of the carbide is loosened from the unattacked portion and taken more or less into solution as sucrate of lime, which is a soluble salt which the glucose or sugar in the treated carbide forms with lime. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The results show that the microstructure of the alloys system is the compound of the acicular martensite and partial residual austenite. From the matrix, the composite carbides were precipitated.
  • Nanostructured chip devices prepared from nanoscale materials (including complex oxides, carbides, borides and nitrides) have been successfully mass produced in kilogram quantities.
  • Each is in turn coated with several layers of graphite, and a silicon carbide outer shell.
  • Cuprous carbide or acetylide is the reddish brown amorphous precipitate which is the ultimate product obtained when acetylene is led into an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • TEM analysis reveals that the precipitation of short-bar-shaped carbides in lower-bainite can prevent effectively from initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks.
  • The positronium in this proposed rocket would be shuttled from the fuel tank to the engine core, where it annihilates, producing two gamma rays that evaporate silicon carbide from the nearby surface.
  • The invention provides a method for soldering aluminum silicon carbide composite and kovar alloy used in microelectronic encapsulation and pertains to the field of metal shell encapsulation.
  • Use a carbide bit and a ring of plumber's putty in the spot you will be drilling.
  • The world learned one morning of a new gas called acetylene, clear, brilliant, cheap, and simply made from calcium carbide. Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
  • The author of the above hypothesis wrote his degree paper on silicon carbide light-emitting diode, that is why the ending of the forth series is the most simple- it is a modern light-emitting diode. Posthuman Blues
  • The sulphur in the gas comes from aluminium sulphide in the carbide, which is produced in the electric furnace by the interaction of impurities containing aluminium and sulphur (clay-like bodies, &c.) present in the lime and coke; this aluminium sulphide is attacked by water and yields sulphuretted hydrogen. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Saint - Gobain Ceramics & Plastics acquires the Brazilian company Casil, first silicon carbide producer in Latin America.
  • The hardness of black silicon carbide is greater than fused alumina but less than synthetic diamond.
  • The phosphorus in the gas comes from calcium phosphide in the calcium carbide, which is attacked by water, and yields phosphoretted hydrogen (or phosphine, as it will be termed hereafter). Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Silicon carbide space - borne mirror was produced by reaction bonded process.
  • It is interesting to note, however, that there are seven carbides and four silicides known in the mineral kingdom and that one of the carbides and two of the silicides were discovered in the People's Republic of China.
  • Union Carbide's American chairman, Warren Anderson, has never been brought to justice and is listed as an "absconder" by the court. BP is just a symptom of a dangerous addiction to oil
  • To remove soil-derived particulates on the tooth surface, all enamel surfaces were abraded to a depth >100 [mu] m with acid-cleaned, tungsten carbide dental burrs.
  • Part of the Sandvik Group, Dormer's expertise lies in the manufacture of superior round tools - drills, taps, cutters, reamers and thread milling cutters - in Solid Carbide and HSS.
  • Most of these defects can be avoided by using granulated carbide, which is more uniform in size and shape, or by employing a granulated and "treated" carbide which has been dipped in some non-aqueous liquid to make it less susceptible to the action of moisture. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Titanium can reduce carbon in austenite by forming very stable carbides.
  • Carbide of 1 inch mesh and above shall not contain more than 5 per cent. of dust, such dust to be defined as carbide capable of passing through a mesh of one-sixteenth of an inch. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • All carbide blades can be resharpened professionally, yielding an extremely long working life.
  • By now our carbide lamps were providing only a pathetically small amount of illumination.
  • The taste of fruit ripened using Ethyril gas in a ripening chamber is said to be much better than the fruit ripened with carbide.
  • The exceptional tool performance of sintered carbides results from their very high hardness and high compressive strength.
  • Boron carbide is one of the two most commonly used materials in the manufacture of the ceramic ballistic-protective plates used today by America’s frontline troops. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1122
  • In his celebrated electric furnace he succeeded in liquefying substances such as lime and magnesium oxide; in this way he produced calcium carbide and a whole series of other carbides, in pure and crystallized form, from which it was found that carbides were the most heat resistant of all chemical compounds. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1910 - Presentation Speech
  • Broken raw WC particle still keeps raw shape eutectic carbide is severely smashed during thermal cycling.
  • Several ferrite formers also function as carbide formers.
  • Chromium is included in these alloys, at levels from 1.4 to 4% to ensure that the irons will solidify with carbides to counteract the graphitizing effect of nickel.
  • The morphology and distribution of carbides in RE-modified semi-steel have been studied using the method ofopticalquantitative analysis. The carbide network can be broken by proper RE addition.
  • To alleviate this problem, small quantities of elements which are stronger carbide formers than chromium, such as titanium or niobium are commonly added.
  • Therefore, the content of low carbon martensite and volume fraction of undissolved carbide in the structure hardened files can he increased and their toughness and working life have bee...
  • The large volume fraction of primary and/or eutectic carbides in their microstructures provides the high hardness needed for crushing and grinding other materials.
  • In early December last year, a shock Radio 4 newsflash announced that the chemicals giant Dow was finally accepting full responsibility for the Union Carbide disaster that devastated Bhopal in 1984.
  • It is made of hydrogel and a metal carbide and sticks to many surfaces. The Sun
  • The store stocks candles, flashlights, carbide and hurricane lamps, solar-powered attic fans and much more.
  • On December 3rd, 1984, in Bhopal, India, a leak from a methyl isocyanate gas tank in a Union Carbide plant sent out a dense poisonous cloud that killed 23,000 people — many of them that night, others soon after. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Annealing embrittles the steel by the formation of carbides at the grain boundaries.
  • A tappet on the bell of an equalising gasholder depresses a lever which causes water to flow into a funnel, the outlet of which leads to a generating chamber containing carbide. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Separate from the mass any unslacked carbide remaining and return it to the containers, adding now carbide as required. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Another use for acetylene, which is only dependent upon a suitably lowered price for carbide to become of some importance, consists in the preparation of a black pigment to replace ordinary lampblack. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Carbide an 'absconder' in 1992 for not ever appearing in court in the Bhopal hearings. The Times of India
  • The remainder enters into solid solution in the ferrite with the non-carbide forming elements nickel and silicon.
  • On attaining a critical dispersion parameter, the strength of the steel reaches a maximum, and as the carbide dispersion slowly coarsens, the strength drops.
  • This is the hope of engineers at Swansea University where work is being conducted to develop a new kind of biosensor made of graphene grown on a silicon carbide substrate using silicon sublimation. The Engineer - News
  • The barrier may be a thin film containing at least one of a nitride, oxide, boride, silicide, carbide and aluminide.
  • While nickel and copper do not affect hardenability nearly as much, they segregate to graphite nodule sites and do not form detrimental carbides.
  • However, upon cooling this steel, the carbon again enters into combination with a definite proportion of iron (the carbide "cementite," Fe3C), and accumulates into small crystals which can be seen under a good microscope. The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • The silicon carbide epitaxial layer may have a thickness and a doping level so as to provide a charge in the silicon carbide epitaxial region based on the surface doping of the blocking layer.
  • The charcoal is then sprayed with calcium, which creates calcium carbide, then heated further under intense pressure and treated with a phosphate solution. Wooden bones
  • Cuprous carbide, however, is very unstable and prone to oxidation; so that, given the opportunity, it combines with oxygen or hydrogen, or both, until it produces the copper acetylide, or acetylene-copper, which is explosive -- a body to which Blochmann's formula Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The fine grains, crack deflexion and grain bridging are main toughening mechanisms of silicon carbide ceramic.
  • According to Sarangi, Union Carbide's own medical director, Dr Vipin Avashia, had originally telexed confirmation that sodium thiosulphate could work as a detoxicant, but later sent another telex advising against its use. Headlines
  • To alleviate this problem, small quantities of elements which are stronger carbide formers than chromium, such as titanium or niobium are commonly added.
  • The emphasis then shifted to testing materials and fuels (metal and ceramic oxides, carbides and nitrides of uranium and plutonium) for larger fast reactors. Fast neutron reactors (FBR)
  • Caro has seen one specimen of (bad) carbide which gave a spontaneously inflammable gas although it contained only traces of phosphine; its inflammability being caused by 2.1 per cent. of hydrogen silicide. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Other organic bodies containing sulphur are decomposed in the same fashion, and it has been suggested by Ditz that if carbide could be obtained at a suitable price, the process might be made useful in removing sulphur (_i. e._, carbon bisulphide and thiophen) from crude benzol, in purifying the natural petroleum oil which contains sulphur, and possibly in removing "sulphur compounds" from coal-gas. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The results revealed that the non homogeneous distribution of the carbide caused the "zonal structure" appeared in the joint of drill rod which is hardened and high temperature tempered.
  • An explosion in the Union Carbide chemical plant in Bhopal, India, released a deadly gas called methyl isocyanate, which is used to make pesticides. Undefined
  • Today's silicon steels use MnS as the grain growth inhibitor, but other compounds, such as carbides, oxides, or nitrides, are also effective.
  • The dark grains are pearlite, separated by white films of iron carbide (cementite). The Working of Steel Annealing, Heat Treating and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel
  • Tim aimed the carbide tip into the cylinder core directly over the keyway. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • Now that was the new technology and they were just starting to use electric lights to project the magic lanterns instead of the carbide lamps.
  • The results revealed that the non homogeneous distribution of the carbide caused the "zonal structure" appeared in the joint of drill rod which is hardened and high temperature tempered.
  • Joining titanium-carbide cermets to high-temperature alloys has been accomplished by vacuum diffusion, and gives a weld stronger than thee cermet.
  • Universal Carbide Tip works great on rugged terrain.
  • His actions are machined from pre heat-treated 4140 bar stock using all carbide tooling.
  • Based on what we know about the unusual geometrics of solid state borides (boron is next to carbon in the Periodic Table), it's just a matter of time until we find weird C-C bonding in carbides.
  • Some essential rules for the application of coated carbide tools are proposed, and a typical example is chosen to show the optimization of the cutting conditions of a coated carbide tool.
  • Certain strong carbide formers, notably niobium, titanium and vanadium, have effects on tempering out of proportion to their concentration.
  • Instead, single silicon carbide crystals are formed by the condensation of supersaturated vapor.
  • The upper part, "E," is a small reservoir in which water is put; this water is released in small quantities through the tube at the right, and, flowing into the lower part of the lamp, comes in contact with the calcium carbide, which is in the receptacle "P"; the gas thus generated is held in the reservoir "G," and when sufficient pressure has been created is forced out through the burner "B. The Great Round World and What Is Going On In It, Vol. 2, No. 5, February 3, 1898 A Weekly Magazine for Boys and Girls
  • Starting from a specific temperature, carbon atoms migrate to the surface and form a monoatomic layer on the - still solid - silicon carbide. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Formation mechanism of sintering cemented carbide pockmarks is studied.
  • The Union Carbide Company used methyl isocyanate in manufacturing Carbaryl (carbamate) pesticides. Use Your Knowledge of Environmental Studies to Influence Society
  • The corrosive mechanism of different medium on silicon carbide materials and the phases constitute of corrosively formed materials were analyzed.
  • Each time the bell falls and the tappet strikes the pawl, one compartment of the carbide containers discharges its contents down the shoot _K_ into the generating tank _B_. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • While admitting that cordierite has low heat resistance when compared to silicon carbide, he feels that the material's limitations are offset by the total system’s approach.
  • Based on what we know about the unusual geometrics of solid state borides, it's just a matter of time until we find weird C-C bonding in carbides.
  • The barrier may be a thin film containing at least one of a nitride, oxide, boride, silicide, carbide and aluminide.
  • Titanium can reduce carbon in austenite by forming very stable carbides.
  • Now our company has managed to develop the collet chuck and guide bush of carbide with wear-resistant weld in good precision.
  • Certain strong carbide formers, notably niobium, titanium and vanadium, have effects on tempering out of proportion to their concentration.
  • During the Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • The movable carbide chamber _D_ has its upper perforated part half filled with carbide, which is pressed upwards by a spring _D'_. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Using stream inoculation technology can restrain the emergence of the molybdenum carbide and composite phosphide eutectic and increase the percentage elongation of the casting obviously.
  • Therefore, the metastable equilibrium between iron and iron carbide should be considered, because it is relevant to the behavior of most steels in practice.
  • A normal graphitizing anneal in the austenitic temperature range is recommended where undesirable amounts of carbide are present.
  • Most companies fabricate the chips by laying down a material called gallium nitride on wafers of sapphire or silicon carbide. The Quest for Cheaper, Better Lights
  • Among the materials now under study are titanium- or nickel-based alloys and silicon carbide ceramic reinforced with carbon fibers.
  • His teleport was somewhat haphazard, and thus Justin fell on his backside as the fiery plume died away, leaving only Timothy's unflappably resilient carbide armor remaining where once the entire pack had been.
  • Although PM has solved the problem of carbide segregation and crassitude fundamentally, it has complicated technics and extortionate cost, so restricts its application.
  • The structure is martensitic on cooling in air but the carbides can be precipitated and the steel softened by very slow cooling from 840°C.
  • Borides, carbides, oxides, and nonmetallic particles in the melt are scavenged and then concentrated in localized regions within the cast structure.
  • With some steels, the enriched austenite does not precipitate carbide, but remains as a film of retained austenite.
  • How stable the carbides are depends on how the element is partitioned between the cementite and the matrix.
  • Tool materials may be high-speed steel, cast alloy, or tungsten carbide.
  • When those two substances are mixed together the hydrogen of the water leaves its original partner, oxygen, and the carbon of the calcium carbide leaves the calcium, uniting together to form that particular compound of hydrogen and carbon, or hydrocarbon, which is known as acetylene, whose formula is C_2H_2; while the residual calcium and oxygen join together to produce calcium oxide or lime, CaO. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • My carbide light was very dim by now so I stopped to fettle it.
  • The tappet _O_ attached to the bell of the gasholder come in contact with a pawl when the gasholder bell descends to a certain level and thereby rotates a pinion on the protruding end of the axis which carries the carbide containers _J_. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • There was a narrow track from the road down to the farm and in the dark with only carbide lamps on the fire engine they went off the track and got stuck.
  • There is, however, one particular type of generator in which as a matter of fact the carbide is the moving constituent, viz., the Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • When the metastable path is followed, the rich carbon phase in the eutectic is the iron carbide; when the stable solidification path is followed, the rich carbon phase is graphite.
  • Mahindra was chairman of Union Carbide in India when deadly plumes of the gas methyl isocyanate began leaking out of a pesticide factory shortly after midnight on Dec. 3, 1984. 7 former Union Carbide officials sentenced to 2 years for Bhopal gas tragedy
  • One of the cases Lu cited involved calcium carbide, iron alloy and coking factories spread throughout a region straddling the borders of four north-central provinces: Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi Shaanxi.
  • Warren Anderson, the American then-chairman of Union Carbide, was among the accused but he was not named in the verdicts after the Bhopal court declared him an "absconder". My Sinchew -
  • He subsequently used the furnace to volatilize many substances which had been regarded as infusible and to prepare many new compounds, particularly carbides, silicides and borides; in 1891 he discovered carborundum. Henri Moissan - Biography
  • The barrier may be a thin film containing at least one of a nitride, oxide, boride, silicide, carbide and aluminide.
  • It is the strongest structural material and is used to make parts for electrical circuits, cutting tools, cermets, and cemented carbide.
  • If carbides are allowed to agglomerate or form grain-boundary films during heat treatment or in service at elevated temperatures, they can seriously impair ductility and cause embrittlement.
  • The feature of machining harden steel by means of EHM are: it can utilize the carbide tool to machine the harden steel in engine lathe.
  • Ceramic rotors (bottom left) and silicon carbide mirrors increase speed in modern galvanometers.
  • The results show that the hardness has relation to vanadium carbides boundary.
  • One of these was a genuine old-fashioned miner's headlamp called the carbide lantern. Making Light: Making light under difficult conditions
  • A compound known as silicon carbide, also known as carborundum, is one of the hardest substances known.
  • Caro has seen one specimen of (bad) carbide which gave a spontaneously inflammable gas although it contained only traces of phosphine; its inflammability being caused by 2.1 per cent. of hydrogen silicide. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The countries have argued that Chinese restrictions on the export of several raw materials—bauxite, coke, fluorspar, magnesium, manganese, silicon carbide, silicon metal, yellow phosphorus and zinc—gave Chinese companies an unfair advantage by keeping the price of domestic raw materials low compared with prices in other parts of the world. China Loses Trade Appeal Over Its Curbs on Exports
  • Chlamydomonas strains were transformed according to the silicon carbide whisker method of DUNAHAY 1993, with the following modifications.
  • Saint - Gobain Ceramics & Plastics acquires the Brazilian company Casil, first silicon carbide producer in Latin America.
  • A tungsten-carbide button with a reverse imprint of the rifling grooves is pulled through a blank by a hydraulic press. Roll Out the Barrel
  • The production practice shows that addition of a proper amount of phosphoric acid for bricking of silicon carbide tray of the re-distiller is favorable for extending lifetime of the re-distiller body.
  • Scientists have developed a way to make T-shirt fabric reinforced with boron carbide, which is the same material used to strengthen military tanks. The Newest in Bulletproof Tech: T-Shirts | Impact Lab
  • Surface coatings of various materials, typically other metals, alloys, and metal carbides or nitrides, can be applied using these processes. Alternatives for significant uses of hexavalent chromium in Massachusetts
  • It was for the first time that we were able to get the adulterant (carbide pieces) in bulk quantity.
  • If it may be assumed that the other silicides in commercial calcium carbide also behave in this manner it is plain that hydrogen silicide cannot occur in crude acetylene unless the gas is supposed to be hurried out of the generator before the alkaline water therein has had time to decompose any traces of the hydrogen silicide which is produced in the favouring conditions of high temperature sometimes prevailing. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • The ensuing investigation determined that the catastrophe was caused by a leak of methyl isocyanate, an ingredient used to manufacture carbamate pesticides at the nearby Union Carbide factory. The Fruit Hunters
  • This category breaks down into three subsets: oxides (alumina, zirconia), non-oxides (carbides, borides, nitrides) and composites (combinations of oxides and non-oxides). The Pressure Is On For Ceramics

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