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car pool

  1. a small group of car drivers who arrange to take turns driving while the others are passengers

How To Use car pool In A Sentence

  • SeveraL people at their factory have a car pool to save money.
  • The study also showed that ride sharing had spread to the Internet in the form of ‘Car Pool’ message boards where the ‘Road Robbers’ set up their swaps.
  • To save gas, many people joined the car pool.
  • Several people at our factory car pool to save money.
  • F . Car pool is recommended to save energy.
  • Your friend car pool with you not to save gas but to save time.
  • Let's car pool to the stadium, so we can save on gas.
  • Speed in all lanes rose sharply when the car pool lanes were opened to all vehicles at 7pm. Times, Sunday Times
  • In our yearly bid to help you along with your office or party Oscar pool, here are the odds-on faves in the official categories, at least according to our readers.
  • Walk, bike, use transit or car pool wherever possible.
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