How To Use Capuchin In A Sentence

  • Attached to the coat was often a hood, known as a capuchin, which might be pulled over the toque as an additional head-covering on a journey through the storm. The Seigneurs of Old Canada : A Chronicle of New World Feudalism
  • His favorite species for this work are chimpanzees, bonobos, and capuchin monkeys.
  • At the age of 15 he entered the noviciate of the Capuchin Friars in Morcone, where on January 22, 1903 he adopted the clothing of Saint Francis and was called Padre Pio.
  • Human as it sounds, loss aversion appears to be a trait we've inherited genetically because it is found in other primates, such as capuchin monkeys. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The brown capuchin monkey, a seed predator, can recognize which fruits are about to open on a Cariniana micrantha tree, above.
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  • Like, there was this little capuchin monkey named Crystal, and then [after seeing the film] 'Whoa, that's Adam Sandler, ''' laughs Dawson.
  • The annual Franciscan Retreat will take place on Monday 24th May in the Capuchin Friary at 7.30 pm.
  • By 1923, the Capuchin provincial asked Solanus to keep a notebook of special cases and reported healings related to his consultations.
  • A baby Capuchin monkey clings to its mother at the Chiba zoological park near Tokyo, Japan.
  • At the same time, the expert Capuchin let his master see that he held upon his arm one of his victims, whom he was forming into a docile instrument; this was a young gentleman who wore a very short green cloak, a pourpoint of the same color, close-fitting red breeches, with glittering gold garters below the knee-the costume of the pages of Monsieur. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • In a recent experiment with pairs of captive capuchins, Brosnan handed a familiar token (a small rock) to one of the monkeys, then turned her own hand palm up.
  • The last publicized stigmatic was Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk in Italy who gained world recognition as a faith healer and confessor. TOUCH
  • And our next animal up for display is the white-faced capuchin monkey.
  • Wildlife officials adamantly oppose capuchins as pets. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • Born in Tipperary, educated at Maynooth, he joined the Capuchins in Dublin.
  • You will also learn that it's the mission of the Capuchin monks to preserve the remains of the dead.
  • Although the paper specifically compares these behaviours to lekking, it also points out that male chimpanzees, capuchin monkeys and Japanese macaques assert themselves in very similar ways. Male managers as animal show-offs
  • The researchers studied the behavior of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute.
  • His father is in the patriarchal line: he has himself done the cherubs, the shepherd-boys, and now is a grown man, and ready as a warrior, a pifferaro, a capuchin, or what you will. The Newcomes
  • Even the Capuchin priests began protesting about the disorderly soldiers.
  • The last publicized stigmatic was Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk in Italy who gained world recognition as a faith healer and confessor. TOUCH
  • Canonized with great ceremony by the Pope in 2002, Padre Pio was a Capuchin monk.
  • He then found job as a gardener in a Capuchin monastery, a job he held for the rest of his life.
  • Since 1979, the organization has placed 145 capuchins with disabled people. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • Our Mai is planted; if not in the Feuillants Terrace, whither is no ingate, then in the Garden of the Capuchins, as near as we could get. The French Revolution
  • The monthly meeting of the Secular Franciscan Order will take place in the Capuchin Friary, Dublin St. on Thursday, January 29 at 7.30 pm.
  • In 2006, the number of capuchins at the Primarily Primates sanctuary in San Antonio, Texas, soared and the population grew to 130, said executive director Stephen Rene Tello. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • In recent years, researchers have identified an array of unique behaviors found among distinct groups of primate species, including chimpanzees, orang-utans, and capuchin monkeys, and associated them with culture.
  • Numerous primates, including chimps, baboons, black lemurs and capuchins, dip into the jungle pharmacy to combat parasites.
  • St. Pio is certainly one of the most precious jewels of the Capuchin Order.
  • We saw squirrel monkeys, capuchins, spider monkeys, peccaries, kinkajous, coatis, howler monkeys, tayras - a large mustelid that Martyn thought was a tree otter - pacas, night monkeys, giant anteaters and a tapir.
  • He was a member of the Capuchin Order in the Friary Kilkenny.
  • The Capuchin had taken the same precaution, and followed Peregrine into the room, pronouncing benedicite, and crossing himself with many marks of astonishment. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Again, the capuchin monkey cannot be unequivocally assigned to either the typical anthropoid or nonprimate pattern.
  • The capuchin is a New World monkey, brown and cute, the size of a scrawny year-old human baby plus a long tail. Monkey Business | Impact Lab
  • He was professed in 1965 in the Capuchin Order, a religious order dedicated to following the traditions of St. Francis of Assisi.
  • For bird species we can cite the red and blue macaw, the brown-throated parakeet, the king vulture, the white bellbird, the hummingbird, and capuchin bird.
  • In June, for example, two thousand Irish pilgrims each paid around €1,000 to fly to Rome for a week for the canonisation of Italian Capuchin stigmatist Padre Pio.
  • His favorite species for this work are chimpanzees, bonobos, and capuchin monkeys.
  • He had long ago sought out and met Father Pio de Pietraicina, the Italian Capuchin monk who suffered the stigmata of Christ's crucifixion.
  • The researchers said capuchins are well-suited subjects for study since they are relatively large-brained primates, skilled problem solvers, and a close evolutionary neighbor to humans.
  • Beth Preiss, a specialist in captive wildlife regulatory matters with the Humane Society of the United States in Gaithersburg, Maryland, also is not a fan of capuchins as pocket pets. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • The last publicized stigmatic was Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk in Italy who gained world recognition as a faith healer and confessor. TOUCH
  • The main point of the Chen and Santos experiments is to show that capuchins can learn to engage in a wider variety of behaviors that look like human economic transactions.
  • Animal rights activists have been talking about scenes of a capuchin monkey chain-smoking cigarettes in The Hangover Part II. 'The Hangover' Sequel Features Same Crude Humor but New Location
  • Ladies formerly wore cloaks as their chief over-coats; they were used with some changes of form under the successive names of roquelaus, capuchins, and cardinals.
  • Mantua-makers also made all sorts of loose garments, cloaks, cardinals, capuchins, etc.
  • My field work has involved observations of the dietary behavior of various species of howler monkeys, spider monkeys, capuchins and tamarins as well as woolly spider monkeys.
  • Midway in the story the head lama of the Shangri-La "lamasery" tells Conway the story of a Capuchin monk who, traveling from Peking south-west by Lanchow and the Kokonor for some months, accidentally stumbles onto the valley of the Blue Moon where Shangri-La is located. Phayul Latest News
  • Among the primate species are red howler and wedge-capped capuchin.
  • Perhaps Walt Disney and Madame Tussaud were inspired by places like this, but the Capuchin crypt will not remind you of their worlds, for in spite of all the talk about the great lengths the monks have gone to in order to create lifelike effects, it feels like somewhere that fell into disuse long ago. Boing Boing
  • Nolasco: and therewith from Carmel mount the children of Elijah prophet led by Albert bishop and by Teresa of Avila, calced and other: and friars, brown and grey, sons of poor Francis, capuchins, cordeliers, minimes and observants and the daughters of Clara: and the sons of Ulysses
  • A quick Internet search reveals a thriving trade in just about every species of primate, from capuchins to chimpanzees.
  • There is also a capuchin pigeon with a feathery topknot.
  • Again, the capuchin monkey cannot be unequivocally assigned to either the typical anthropoid or nonprimate pattern.
  • Even though my passion for the hunt has largely run dry, isn't it heartening to know that in this day and age, we still have the ability to conjure up our own sets of imaginary flying monkeys, whether they're celestial baboons attempting to steal one's thoughts, or, as I like to think of them, winged capuchins tinkering with the PPM of our city's water. Martin Marks: In Soft Water
  • Instead of waking up in a Las Vegas hotel room to find a baby, the hung-over buddies wake up in a Thai hotel room to find a capuchin monkey. A Towering 'Tree,' Out on a Limb
  • In the catacombs of the Capuchin crypt beneath Chiesa di Santa Maria della Concezione, Rome, the bones of 4000 monks are arranged in Baroque patterns on the ceilings.
  • Our data set was comprised of eight species: a Platyrrhini, the white-fronted capuchin monkey, two cercopithecoids: the Barbary macaque and the hamadryas baboon, four hominoids and an outgroup sequence.
  • The monastic orders gladly accept this heavy peasant earthenware, which is easily fashioned into a Capuchin or an Ursuline. Les Miserables
  • They trained capuchin monkeys, which are native to the forests of South America, to exchange a token for food.
  • In addition, these mangrove forests shelter a large number of species in certain groups such as 42 species of birds, including Pelecanus occidentalis, Columbina sp., and Fregata magnificens; carious mammals such as crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and jaguar (Panthera onca), and reptiles like Iguana iguana. Manabí mangroves
  • Yet, something is wrong with these beasts, disturbing deformities that make no sense: a parrot with no feathers, a pair of Capuchin monkeys conjoined at the hip, a jaguar cub with the dentition of a saber-toothed tiger. Altar of Eden by James Rollins: Book summary
  • He was a Capuchin, which meant a life of asceticism and poverty.
  • Unfortunately in the U.S., many monkeys purchased as pets do not get the care and attention they deserve throughout their 30 - to 40-year lifespan," said Megan Talbert, executive director of Helping Hands, explaining why the organization does not embrace the idea of capuchins as pets. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn Lifestyle News, Fashion Trends, Interior Design and More -
  • His career started late, and followed twelve years, 1598-1610, as a Capuchin monk at S. Barnaba, Genoa.
  • Regency wraps have many strange and wonderful names but are basically capes (shawls, mantles, pelerines, capes, cloaks, capuchins).
  • One day, however, she suddenly disappeared, and Dorothy does not know if she left the capuchin group voluntarily or was killed by a predator.
  • Materials are deliberately unostentatious, in keeping with the austere spirit of the Capuchin order, which conceives the church as a welcoming open house, rather than an aloof, overpowering monument.
  • Scientists believe the monkeys rub the bugs on their fur to ward off mosquitoes, a behavior documented in capuchin monkeys but never in the nocturnal owl monkeys.
  • Groups of male capuchin birds attract females with sounds like the whine of some outer-space cicada insect crossed with a sick cow: ‘mmmmmmmm-WOW!’
  • On Christmas Eve 1896, he entered St. Bonaventure Monastery, headquarters for the St. Joseph Province of the Capuchins in the United States.
  • The last publicized stigmatic was Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk in Italy who gained world recognition as a faith healer and confessor. TOUCH
  • I have spent many hours here photographing the cock-of-the-rock, the brown capuchin monkey and many insects, including long-legged flies.
  • By the time we've finished considering what it takes for the male Gelada baboon to attract a mate (a lot) -- or, for that matter, what is required of the male moth, Capuchin monkey, lyrebird or any of the other sexual suitors on display here -- no one will be thinking about what any of it means for human sexual enterprise. Calls of the Wild
  • His favorite species for this work are chimpanzees, bonobos, and capuchin monkeys.
  • What we've shown is that capuchin monkeys look remarkably like us; making rational decisions in many of the same settings that humans get right, but also make many of the same mistakes we make.
  • Woolly monkeys and howlers, spider monkeys and capuchins, tamarins and marmosets scramble around one another reaching for the fruit.
  • These were the marimondes (Ateles belzebuth), and those bearded monkeys called capuchins, which must not be confounded with the weeper, or sai (Simia capucina of Buffon). Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • For a time I had considered not shaving my legs and becoming what we called crunchy and almost took a job the year after college to study capuchins and squirrel monkeys in Guyana, where I would have had to bathe in the river and pick my food from the trees. Between Expectations
  • We used the owl monkey, the tufted capuchin, and the spider monkey (A. belzebuth) as representatives of subfamilies of Aotinae, Cebinae, and Atelinae, respectively.
  • Midway in the story the head lama of the Shangri-La "lamasery" tells Conway the story of a Capuchin monk who, traveling from Peking south-west by Lanchow and the Kokonor for some months, accidentally stumbles onto the valley of the Blue Moon where Shangri-La is located. Phayul Latest News
  • Individuals were drawn from two large, well-established social groups of captive brown capuchins from colonies at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center and paired with a partner.
  • There are over 50 species of mammals present including opossums, bats, primates such as capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella), squirrel monkeys (Saimira sciureus), howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) and Guianan saki (Pithecia pithecia), giant ant-eater (Myrmecophaga triactyla), carnivores including jaguar (Panthera onca), puma (Puma concolor), and ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), ungulates and rodents including the capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). Guianan mangroves
  • In the capuchin monkey world of illiberal politics and "instinct for fairness", that's definitely a recipe for flung poo. Libertarian Redistribution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I have spent many hours here photographing the cock-of-the-rock, the brown capuchin monkey (far right) and many insects, including long-legged flies.
  • Br. Benedict Joseph was solemnly professed as a Capuchin friar on September 1, 1955. Three priests
  • He was ordained a priest in the Capuchin order in 1946 and was given the religious name of Lucian.
  • In the catacombs of the Capuchin crypt beneath Chiesa di Santa Maria della Concezione, Rome, the bones of 4000 monks are arranged in Baroque patterns on the ceilings.
  • Being a humble Capuchin priest, he suffered until his death, but helped and cured many people.
  • The drink was called cappuccino after the Capuchin order to which d' Aviano belonged.
  • The Italian clergy, especially the Capuchins, were another barrier to French influence in Tunisia.
  • So I decided to do something constructive,’ said the Capuchin priest, who celebrates 40 years in the order this year.
  • The Capuchins had first begun in 1525 when Matteo da Bascio, a lone member of a Franciscan friary in the Marches of Ancona, sought a return to a stricter observance of the mendicant life and an urban ministry to the poor and the sick.
  • In our wide territory, different kinds of ducks can be found such as: golden-coloured ducks, red shoveler, pintails, capuchin pigeon, and whistling ducks.
  • For those who don't know Brother Metal, the Capuchin monk who sings with a heavy metal band, you should take a look at this article about the band putting out their second album. Friday Pix
  • Mammals although not as numerous as birds, include species such as paca (Agouti paca), mantled howler monkey (Allouatta palliata), white-throated capuchin (Cebus capucinus), pygmy anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), Central American otter (Lutra annectens), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (feeds on leaves in A. bicolor and L. racemosa forests), northern raccoon (Procyon lotor), crab-eating raccoon (P. cancrivorus) [can be found both on the ground and in the canopy consuming crabs and mollusks], Mexican anteater (Tamandua mexicana). Moist Pacific Coast mangroves
  • The most striking gain was made by the various Franciscan Orders, among which the Capuchins grew from about 22,000 brothers in 1650 to nearly 33,000 in 1754.
  • Our small ships can drop you off on a pristine beach in Costa Rica, with no footprints in sight, where you'll seek out white-faced capuchins in the jungle.
  • He had long ago sought out and met Father Pio de Pietraicina, the Italian Capuchin monk who suffered the stigmata of Christ's crucifixion.
  • Female capuchin monkeys refused a treat offered for good work if other monkeys received better treats.
  • My field work has involved observations of the dietary behavior of various species of howler monkeys, spider monkeys, capuchins and tamarins as well as woolly spider monkeys.
  • He entered the novitiate of the Capuchin Friars at the age of 15.
  • The nine primates include howler monkeys Alouatta seniculus, night monkeys Aotus trivirgatus, titi monkeys Callicebus torquatus, black uakari Cacajao melanocephalus, weeper capuchins Cebus olivaceus, and white-faced sakis Pithecia pithecia. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • Beth Preiss, a specialist in captive wildlife regulatory matters with the Humane Society of the United States in Gaithersburg, Maryland, also is not a fan of capuchins as pocket pets. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • Here one would read The Furrow, The Capuchin Annual, The Messenger of the Sacred Heart, and one might wear the green scapular.
  • My next dream travel destination is the Capuchin catacombs in Palermo. Boing Boing: December 19, 2004 - December 25, 2004 Archives
  • One of the major events to take place in the month of June was the Canonisation of Padre Pio - a Capuchin monk with a huge Irish following.
  • The last publicized stigmatic was Padre Pio, a Capuchin monk in Italy who gained world recognition as a faith healer and confessor. TOUCH
  • a warrior, a pifferaro, a capuchin, or what you will. The Newcomes
  • It is about time to see the castoffs from people who got capuchins because of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Night at the Museum," he said, calling the phenomenon Hollywood's "pet of the month. Pet capuchin monkeys can turn on their owners, experts warn
  • Izzy was the product of a lesbian divorce," Colleen says of a white-faced capuchin monkey named Isadora. Can a Howard woman keep a bunch of monkeys in her house?
  • The sermon of the Capuchin is an unparalleled composition; [34] a medley of texts, puns, nicknames, and verbal logic, conglutinated by a stupid judgment, and a fiery catholic zeal. The Life of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending an Examination of His Works

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