How To Use Capsulate In A Sentence
Drugs can be encapsulated into or adsorbed onto the particles, along with cell-specific ligands that can home in on a clinical target.
Immunoproteomics, a powerful tool for studying antigens at the proteomic level, allowed a comparative investigation of the immunogenicity of capsulate and non-capsulate strains of L. garvieae for vaccine development.
Using encapsulated liquid tricyclic, like diolefin, and some kind of catalyst for quick hardening.
Archive 2009-03-01
The book with its various signatures and the exhibition title encapsulate the continuing dynamic of the oral-literate interaction over the Treaty.
Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
In abdominal disease the symptom is particularly associated with rapid enlargement of an encapsulated organ or distension of a hollow viscus.

In the phase 2 study, children use a nebulizer to inhale cisplatin, a standard cancer drug that has been specially encapsulated in protective fatty protein bubbles.
It takes a rather talented and unique skillset to decapsulate and dump eeprom's with microfiber:) Infact, the
Xbox-Scene News
And what I have learned -- I could spend several hours talking to you about it but let me try to capsulate just very quickly.
Remarks By The President And Race Advisory Board
It remains one of my favorite artifacts and seems to perfectly encapsulate emergence of new types of social currencies as a part of a reorganization of our lives around social relationships.
Boing Boing
The poem encapsulates many of the central themes of her writing.
I do not myself consider that the Strasbourg jurisprudence can be so neatly encapsulated.
Mild cleansing compositions - Mild cleansing compositions comprising anionic, nonionic and / or amphoteric surfactants, one or more dyes having a total color, and one or more encapsulated dyes, including microencapsulated dyes, in microcapsules prepared by coacervation, precipitation, polycondensation or other reaction of anionic and cationic components, which encapsulated dyes have a total color different from ... Notable Patent Applications - 05/07/2009
The floating glass divider turns up again to encapsulate a private library and two guest bedrooms.
Also, include either yogurt or encapsulated probiotics in your daily diet.
All of the orchestral color and variety of the original has been encapsulated in his version.
To capsulate photojournalism: photojournalists tell stories with visual verbs.
Archive 2005-07-01
Each device is encapsulated in UL 94V - packaging and combines high-performance common mode noise rejection with an isolated level of 500V DC.
About twelve years ago, I researched a book, a suspense thriller that dealt with far-right extremist thought (which included Clinton hatred) that was encapsulated in the "survivalist" phenomenon.
Deanie Mills: Dewey Wins
The dimensions of this problem are encapsulated in the first sentence of the book: ‘Berlin is a haunted city.’
Definitions are useful only in so far as they encapsulate a particular conception or theory of the phenomena one wishes to study.
First, encapsulate the peeling paint by applying a couple of coats of thick primer.
As with many conventional laminate substrates, the die is wire bonded to the tape and encapsulated with a moulding compound.
Inane cleaned style styracine erratical osteal axograph aerocraft discovered cornfield decapsulate ultraprecision.
Top Headlines from World Press Review
Below are capsulated descriptions of the four most egregious events that took place under the watch of President George W. Bush.
Why Is George W. Bush Above The Law
The soldier and his comrades-in-arms moved deeper into enemy territory, encapsulated in their tank.
But people don’t write or speak in encapsulated single thoughts – they communicate in texts, in paragraphs, in extended discourse.
National Grammar Day 2009: Ten Common Grammar Myths, Debunked « Motivated Grammar
If Apple were looking to encapsulate his wisdom in two words, it could do worse than "speed kills.
How Apple Foot-Dragged to Victory
Inane cleaned style styracine erratical osteal axograph aerocraft discovered cornfield decapsulate ultraprecision.
Top Headlines from World Press Review
Puretag's streamline design offers a glue free label encapsulated flush with the external surface of the hose.
Unfortunately, this made no difference to EPA, which failed to ban the microencapsulated parathion that is so deadly to honeybees. '
Honeybees in Danger
The leaking fuel rods will be encapsulated in lead.
The Belgian band encapsulated the friendly spirit of fraternity that lies at the heart of folk.
First, as mentioned earlier, the portions of the Lexicon that encapsulate plot elements or sketch plotlines bear no comparison with the guidebook in Twin Peaks, whose plot summaries giving "elaborate recounting of plot details" were found to constitute an "abridgement" of the original work.
* Sean Collins dubs the latest League of Extraordinary Gentlemen book "a funny, creepy, nasty piece of work that encapsulates and articulates many of Alan Moore's most heartfelt themes as explicitly and entertainingly as any book he's ever done.
Everyone’s a critic: A round-up of comic book reviews and thinkpieces | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
The inclusion of the word "justifiable" is clever: it is not, of course, the Left view, but it encapsulates a farily common conservative accusation.
Archive 2009-09-01
The preference in new paint shops is for valves that incorporate an encapsulated ball.
This, as it seems to me, neatly encapsulates the balance which is inherent in the Tribunal's task under the Act.
As is the case with UK law, the aims of Community policy are nowhere encapsulated in its legislative provisions.
Grossly, oncocytomas are well circumscribed, nonencapsulated neoplasms that are classically mahogany brown and in larger rumors have a central, stellate, radiating scar.
Capsulate anaerobes were isolated more frequently from the blood, spleen, liver, and kidneys of infected animals than were non-capsulate organisms.
Feistiness encapsulated on this impressive display of grrrl power.
The Sun
The main research work and contributions include:1. Propose a method to capsulate and abstract the VINCA process.
Yummy is a very technical vinously related wine term that perfectly encapsulates the description of this wine.
For the first few years, People etched their version of reality into our minds by attaching cutesy capsulated biographies to full page color pictures of the most beautiful.
People. People Who Don't Need People
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
The day's most prickly moment surrounded one of this election year's hottest issues, and encapsulated the risky nature of an unscreened, unscripted town hall meeting.
Studied the emulsification technology conditions for the pine nut powder micro encapsulated processes.
That the process involves the FCO in dishonesty, deviousness and dishonour is emphatically encapsulated in the apparent scheme whereby Brussels will delay proposals to scrap Britain's annual £3 billion rebate.
Archive 2007-12-23
The good looks encapsulate a roomy cabin that offers plenty of space for passengers and drivers alike.
For example, constructive type theory and explicit mathematics both encapsulate some form of intensionality.
Set Theory: Constructive and Intuitionistic ZF
Eroticized ritual is expressed in Pound's unique vocalic patterns: in the third line above, for example, the final word ‘clóths’ echoes and encapsulates the heavily stressed o and i of the opening ‘Só thín.’
Studied the emulsification technology conditions for the pine nut powder micro encapsulated processes.
To say that the Earth rotates on its axis once per day and completes one orbit of the Sun each year is to encapsulate but also to simplify the situation.
The teacher can often save lengthy explanation by carefully constructing a diagram or chart which encapsulates the main points of a lesson.
Top golfers were asked to putt while thinking about a word that encapsulated the entire putting motion (such as smooth) instead of words that represented physical aspects of their technique (such as head, knees, and arms).
In the spirit of the new radicalism that my movement will encapsulate, I resolve to declare war on adjectives, too.
The big anti-war marches encapsulated a cynical mood and a sense of disengagement - and these are hardly ideal sentiments on which to build a mass movement.
The meaning of the song in encapsulated in the following lyric:
Archive 2007-01-01
In one encapsulated vitrine, we see a woman with a suitcase leading two children through a forest.
Tracey Harnish: Devastation of the American Dream
Two shirtless boys photographed in a Bronx apartment encapsulate how Rosenthal sees the refugee experience.
It's been a while since I bothered to capsulate him, but his column for the Sunday Times is worth it because it proves -- as if there was any doubt -- that he is such a sanctimonious toady to the Bush administration.
February 2006
While we can always try to decapsulate, there are methods to combat it, and its a very risky process that destroys the hardware.
Xbox-Scene News
The rhyme is scarring, like the mark of a brand, and it encapsulates the scorn that underlay the colonial occupation.
To use my favorite word of the day, you "encapsulate" the mood, the brain-squeezing frustration that has come to mark me as a mother- grieving but true!
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Mommy
The words of the song neatly encapsulate the mood of the country at that time.
This encapsulates what young artists encountered in the 1990s, leaving me with terrific melancholy.
Halfhill also notes that the Cell's architecture is more flexible than Java's sandboxes, because a software cell can encapsulate several processes, or part of a single process.
Scientists are now developing an encapsulated form of vinegar that they hope will be just as effective as ordinary vinegar.
A lifelike Abraham Lincoln offered wisdom for the ages and carbonless encapsulated paper worked like magic.
Can the Shanghai Expo compete with world's fairs of the past?
Yet he manages to encapsulate his misunderstandings into bite-sized pieces that can be digested and turned into new misstatements by other entertainment writers as well.
In the module strategy, the IDE disks and controller are encapsulated in a small module or block so that they can be configured either alone on desktop or side-by-side in a rack for high density storage.
Microscopically, the tumor nodules were unencapsulated and had a well-defined expansile margin that compressed the adjacent hepatic parenchyma.
Ms. Wolf presented a capsulated version of the ten steps that, in the past, have marked the transition to a fascist form of government.
What? Me Worry About Martial Law?
Probably one of the most exciting aspects of dendrimers is their demonstrated capacity to encapsulate small molecules for controlled release.
In a kind of visual coda that seems to exist outside the novel's spatial and formal boundaries, the hallucinatory episode encapsulates the unconscious primacy of the visual and the belated helplessness of narrative in the face of it.
Co-work with hardware engineer and customer to provide well-defined API to encapsulate the hardware registers operation to a hardware abstraction layer.
The chairman's short statement encapsulates the views of the committee.
I think that encapsulates the true spirit of the proud sporting tradition of this country.
Consume a supplemental source of probiotics, such as fresh yogurt or encapsulated Lactobacillus and Bifidus bacteria, every day.
A climate model is an executable theory of the climate; the model encapsulates climatological theories in software so that they can be simulated and their implications investigated directly.
2009 November 15 | Serendipity
The cylindrical UO2 pellets are stacked and encapsulated in thin walled tubes of zirconium alloy, both ends of which are sealed by resistance welding using zircaloy end plugs. 19 such fuel pins are assembled to form a fuel bundle for PHWR 220 MWe.
India Press Release
One pellet was completely encapsulated and did not react with the polyurethan e binder.
When Tri-Tech won a contract to manufacture encapsulated coils for valves on buses powered by natural gas, it knew the components would require superior protection against the elements.
Certain record labels encapsulate an era which leaves an imprint in one's psyche.
The leaking fuel rods will be encapsulated in lead.
The other paintings, while excellent, don't encapsulate the title concept as effectively as that little sleeping dino - in my 'umble opinion.
Color and Light Book
Shonibare uses this microcosmically to depict his own life experiences, and macrocosmically to encapsulate what he conceives to be the hybrid, eclectic relationship between the West and the Orient.
Fritz Haber was a German chemist whose work encapsulates both the wonder and the horror which science can uncover.
It's a stream-of-consciousness outpouring that attempts to capsulate portions or fragments of the 'Haleigh Cummings' Homicide Case. ' Current News - Top Stories
There are typically iSCSI stacks on both ends of a storage network configuration that encapsulate SCSI block commands into Ethernet packets for transmission over the IP network.
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
The fairing is a clamshell structure that encapsulates the satellite as it travels through the atmosphere.
NASA Watch: February 2009 Archives
Applied to almost anything spriggy and floral, it supposedly encapsulated everything that is fussy and backward-looking about British style.
Two modes for the "asy" device are currently supported: slip Encapsulates IP datagrams directly in SLIP frames without a link header.
The KA9Q Internet Software Package by Bdale Garbee
The lower, tendinous portions of these muscles help to encapsulate the knee joint, and the central component of the quadriceps forms the strong patellar tendon, connected to the knee cap.
My point here is that being motivated by a desire to maintain a relationship (the central motivation of a trustworthy person on the encapsulated interests view) may not require one to adopt all of the interests of the truster that would actually make one trustworthy to that person.
Carbon-coated iron nanoparticles consist of iron encapsulated in carbon, which may be directly used for drug absorption.
High availability FSM package encapsulates HA state management, data synchronization and consistency check function for all call processing modules.
They had adopted the advantages of the new military system encapsulated in the popular conscript army, as Russia, Austria, and, particularly, Prussia undertook military reforms in response to battlefield defeat.
This 1956 British-made film is a more capsulated version, and ends before the story really carries us to Australia.
Archive 2009-02-01
The term seems apt: it encapsulaties the structure of the object (it is articulated -- composed of units and decomposable back to those units); and it encapsulates the process of its enaction (it has been articulated -- not simply composed as an abstract structure but manifested in a concrete form).
Archive 2008-08-01
The scene brilliantly encapsulates the humour and humanism at the heart of Rosenthal's work.
The word ‘until’ does in my view have as its normal English meaning a meaning which is sometimes encapsulated in the rather tautologous phrase ‘unless and until’.
Recorded in Seattle partly during last year's anti-capitalist riots, it opens with three songs which seem to encapsulate the inarticulate, ultimately directionless rage of that protest.
Captivated by the breathtaking scenery, his sensitive response to nature encapsulated his impression of the roar of the waves rolling into the cavern and the cries of the seabirds.
RTP is a user-level protocol that provides a way to encapsulate data into packets time-stamped with enough information to allow the proper playback of audio.
And you sense a composer who's a songsmith to his fingertips - able to encapsulate important emotions into two-minute forms.
Times, Sunday Times
All of the orchestral color and variety of the original has been encapsulated in his version.
And finally, this one, which nicely encapsulates a certain type of far-left paranoia.
manslaughterer" because he is frum and the Gedolim said he must be innocent (because he is frum!). honorable Dov Bear already went to town, but I have something specific to add, as this episode really encapsulates this slithering haredi's dishonesty to the core.
The Kvetcher
It encapsulates Jamaica's colonial past perfectly, as the fish (salted cod) would have been transported south in ships coming to collect sugar, while ackee, a savoury fruit, was introduced from West Africa.
Inane cleaned style styracine erratical osteal axograph aerocraft discovered cornfield decapsulate ultraprecision.
Top Headlines from World Press Review
It is therefore impossible for anyone to decrypt/decapsulate that email after the timer expires.
Vanish Gives Your Message An Expiration Date | Lifehacker Australia
This series of alloys plays a very important role in both the lamp industry and electronics, where glass-to-metal seals in encapsulated components are important.
I hope that others of you will join the chain with your own capsulated thoughts on important issues of the day, and will speak to what overriding elements -- Compassion?
Speedlinking 8/7/07
Recently, scientists have been able to encapsulate pharmaceutical-grade olive oil in a blend with vitamins, minerals and herbals.
When this happens, the bacteria become encapsulated in tiny tubercles (round lesions) usually in the lungs which may be seen on a chest X-ray.
Unfortunately, this made no difference to EPA, which failed to ban the microencapsulated parathion that is so deadly to honeybees.
Honeybees in Danger
One pellet was completly encapsulated and did not react with the polyurethan e binder.
I dreamed I lived in a tight little world where bulleted lists of goals encapsulated each day.
* To me, however, Gordon Brown's barmiest idea was the one encapsulated in a headline on the Sky News website two months ago, during the deluge in the north of England. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Two lines of the song neatly encapsulate Gregg's romantic philosophy.
The awkward nature in which he attempted to execute the action seemed to encapsulate his lack of incisiveness, in stark contrast to the intelligence and skill of his strike partner Suarez.
These developed in the alimentary tract of the cockroaches into larvae, which, like the trichina, were distributed into the muscles of the insects where they become encapsulated.
Physiology or Medicine 1926 - Presentation Speech
Instead, the titanium is simply encapsulated in fibrous tissue.
Wooden bones
She clasped me in her arms and the coldness encapsulated me like a fog.
We have parallel universes often between Democrats and Republicans, and that lying pretty much cap and capsulated it.
CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2008
Additionally, the acceptance that Murray was 'dispensable' (this isn't exactly the right word, but Murray and I struggled to find the word that encapsulated this idea): if Murray stopped, the performance would go on just fine without him.
Irish Blogs
Wonderfully encapsulates the complex manner in which the term spirituality has taken on various meanings within the Christian tradition … Those who are interested in learning more about the major movements in the Christian tradition are sure to find this book a wonderful introduction into learning more about thinkers who have ardently longed to attain wisdom.
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I will not quote them verbatim, because they appear to me to be admirably and correctly encapsulated in paragraph 2 of the headnote to the report, which I do quote.
From A I can ping the tun device on B, and from B I can ping the tun device on A. That ping will actually travel over the socket connection, i.e. the ping packet will be encapsulated within a UDP or TCP packet and sent between A and B. The problem with this very simple VPN is it's missing the security - it is what is known as a cleartext tunnel.
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The business logic encapsulated in the software to run manufacturing businesses has become much more sophisticated than what it used to be, he says, yet the implementation time is much shorter, as well.
His presence and delivery of the lines encapsulated all my expectations of how Macbeth would act.
This clever wheeze encapsulated both the best of Brown and the worst: it commanded the moral and political high ground in being seen to clamp down on non-declaration of income.
We steam the placenta and dehydrate it and capsulate it.
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Parents and teachers should also closely cooperate with each other to arm children with the " spirit of citizenship " so as to help them grow learning to help others and share rather than being encapsulated in strict egoism.
It is encapsulated in Galileo's quip that the Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.
Lead paint, which existed mostly on the window frames and in acoustic tile, were carefully removed, and the asbestos is being either removed or encapsulated.
In Maori terms, these ideas may be encapsulated by the term mana whenua: authority of, and over, traditional lands.
The encapsulated wasp egg then melanizes, a process most likely mediated by phenol oxidase released by crystal cells.
A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.
Entamoeba histolytica can be found in two forms or stages, the active (motile) trophozoite which actually causes the physical illness, and the dormant (encapsulated-form) cyst by which the disease is spread.
Different Frame of Reference
The article introduces the fragrance therapies available both at home and abroad and the development of fragrant health-care textiles by using micro- capsulate technology.
Grossly, the spleen was mostly decapsulated, and microscopic examination showed a pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
An academic expert, Carl Johansen, professor of entomology at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington, called the microencapsulated methyl parathion "the most destructive bee poisoning insecticide ever developed.
Honeybees in Danger
Her statement encapsulates the prevailing mood of optimism in this sprawling settlement.
It summarizes and encapsulates material drawn from the history of Western art.
Her statement encapsulates the prevailing mood of optimism in this sprawling settlement.
It is an endearing trait, for it encapsulates the exquisite torture endured by so many football fans at this time of year.
To encapsulate his humanitarianism in this immensely accessible ribaldry is a triumph of serious intention within comic means.
It contains four ferrocenes encapsulated within the cavity of 1b and provides evidence that indeed multiple ferrocenes can be encapsulated in the interior of the positively charged host.
For Biden, the story encapsulated all the "phoniness" of the endless debate of America's role overseas.
An Inconvenient Truth Teller
We therefore encapsulated hairpin ribozymes inside 200-nm vesicles to test for surface effects.
After waiting for about half an hour, my translator and I are ushered down a long corridor, past a security door, and through a windowless conference room filled with brand-new imported office furniture still encapsulated in amniotic plastic sacs.
In a Ruined Country
A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.
Matt Lee's gallery of matchboxes from the subcontinent highlights the lovely art that adorns these little bits of ephemera: "The random and disparate juxtapositions of the imagery encapsulate the mix of historic, mythological and contemporary visual culture in India.
Boing Boing
A simple capsulate would be to say "If you worked for it, earned it, then you get to keep it.
The Austin Daily Herald
Semiconductor integrated circuit is usually encapsulated in the shell of integrated circuit, in order to protect integrated circuit from being damaged by external machinery and chemistry corrode.
Previous clinical studies using high doses of encapsulated vitamin E suggested this vitamin has an important role in slowing disease progression. [81,82]
So let's encapsulate such continuously updated sample into Sample class: class Sample def initialize (wanted) @wanted = wanted
Taw's blog
These sculptures managed to encapsulate a whole range of dualities: culture/nature, male/female, soft/hard, animate/inanimate.
All shrouds must fully encapsulate the rear braces and the secondary roll-cage hoop on the sides and top; when viewed from the rear, the shroud must cover the complete visible roll-cage structure.
Huget encapsulated the worst of parochial nationalisms.
Spain: why prosperous Catalans may beat rebellious Basques to the exit
Sprung's title encapsulated the reaction to Westen by keepers of the neoliberal Beltanschaunng, or Beltway worldview, such as Fareed Zakaria and Jonathan Chait, who, as I showed at length right here, mocked what Chait called "Westen's lengthy, attention-grabbing... parody of liberal fantasizing.
Jim Sleeper: Guess Who Obama Was Channeling in Kansas
The words of the song neatly encapsulate the mood of the country at that time.
Dosages range from 1 gram of fresh or dried herb 3 times per day to 170 grams of encapsulated extract 3 times per day.
They encapsulate the pride and hubris of the nation's bright, new, free market future.
The gelatinous pattern consists of numerous encapsulated organisms and little inflammation.
The main alternative drugs include pentamidine, amphotericin B and amphotericin B encapsulated in liposomes.
Chapter 6
The semiconductor chip, the die pad, and the connection pads are encapsulated in a package body such that the lower surfaces of the die pad and the connection pads are exposed through the package body.
I can't think of a performance that encapsulated the essence of being dumped so vividly.
The research team fed the encapsulated protein to haemophilic mice for an extended period.
The Hindu - Front Page
Capsulate bacteria cause the majority of community-acquired pneumonia presenting to hospital world-wide, at all ages.
Gross examination of the specimen showed an encapsulated mass that weighed 500g.
Currently, there were thirty-seven red spheres creating a thin crescent that nearly encapsulated the eleven closely packed blue spheres.
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Since his first election in 1992, Stupak was one of the most conservative Democrats in the House of Representatives, a moniker encapsulated by his staunch support for gun rights -- not a surprise, since his district covered Michigan's rural upper peninsula or "Yooper," where 60 percent of households have guns (about twice the national average).
Robert J. Spitzer: Bart Stupak's First "Profile in Courage" Moment
The teachings of Zen were encapsulated in very short anecdotes, koans, intentionally absurd, with unexpected moral lessons.
In one miskick his and Chelsea's evening was encapsulated.
You can "encapsulate" much the > same way a stored procedure does with CFCs.
ColdFusion Talk (CF-Talk) Mailing List RSS Feed
The term forest bathing is just a way to encapsulate the concept.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The micro-encapsulated fish-liver oil was prepared and embed with microporous starch as supporter and zein as wall layer and oleic acid as plasticizer.
The workflow solution encapsulates system interfaces and normalizes host data to create a 360 degree view of the customer.
It has areas of trackless wilderness that stretch as far as the eye can see, indeed if there is a country that encapsulates all that is wild and free in terms of wildlife is Zambia.
This story encapsulates scenes from his childhood.
It is encapsulated in Galileo's quip that the Bible teaches how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.
In light of the large impact of our financials from the Microsoft settlement I would like to step back for a moment and capsulate these results to give you a better sense of our ongoing cash flows. Home Page
The poem encapsulates many of the central themes of her writing.
All one really needs for this sort of reciprocity is a general sense of exchange, which can easily enough be capsulated in a plethora of positive laws and customary rules of etiquette, without any Golden Rule at all.
Archive 2005-06-01
This transformation encapsulates the larger changes in shôjo manga in the 1970s, when authors used melodramatic conventions received from earlier shôjo magazines and novels, to create stories that explored the psychological interiority and sexual agency of girls.
License Request Day: The Rose of Versailles
Glutamine is administered orally in bulk powder or in encapsulated form.
In an admirable phrase Montesquieu encapsulated the moral taste that the student leaders represented and on which they played: “Men, although they are individually rascals, are collectively a most decent lot: they love morality.”
The slender piece of shrapnel was being isolated and encapsulated by what appeared to be the same kind of calcification process that isolates TB bacilli in the lungs.
The Eternal Mercenary
Dewar, who came to embody the thrifty character of the nation, had a vision which is encapsulated in those first six sonorous words.
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
Some patients are given a capsulated drug called psoralen (a plant extract) combined with artificial ultraviolet spectrum sunlight.
The micro-encapsulated fish-liver oil was prepared and embed with microporous starch as supporter and zein as wall layer and oleic acid as plasticizer.
Fortunately, there are three pieces that brilliantly encapsulate the Pleasure Dome experience.
It shows how design has transformed life over the past 100 years and it encapsulates the contrasting philosophies of style versus substance that is causing such heat and fury.
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
These books betray a nostalgic admiration for a diplomatic style long out of favor, a style encapsulated in Talleyrand’s admonition to his junior diplomats: “Above all, gentlemen, not too much zeal.”
Charm Offensive