- white-flowered annual European herb bearing triangular notched pods; nearly cosmopolitan as an introduced weed
How To Use Capsella bursa-pastoris In A Sentence
- Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
- Annual herb (Capsella bursa-pastoris) of the family Cruciferae (mustard family), indigenous to Europe but now a nearly cosmopolitan weed in temperate regions.
- Blooming in the lawn areas were Calystegia sepium, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Crataegus sp., Matricaria matricarioides, Solanum dulcamara, Taraxacum officinale, Trifolium pratense and T. repens.