
[ UK /kæpɹˈɪʃəsnəs/ ]
  1. the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment
    I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory
  2. the quality of being guided by sudden unpredictable impulses
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How To Use capriciousness In A Sentence

  • As it was, this random capriciousness on his part ended up providing me with my main home address for the next 16 years.
  • Robert Burton threw light on the "capriciousness" and accidentally of this kind of (apparent) amorous preference when he wrote that "it is impossible, almost, for two young folks equal in years to live together and not be in love;" and further he says, sagaciously: Primitive Love and Love-Stories
  • Recognising the fluidity and occasional capriciousness of perception, Leonardo delighted in it, contriving not only rebuses or visual puns, but also optical illusions and even demonstrations of anamorphosis.
  • The Romans, intuitively, seemed to know better, for they named it after the goddess they feared for her vengefulness, capriciousness and cruelty.
  • Then I did meekly remind her of her flirtatious preferences for the young beef-witted London chaps, and her incertitude and disdainful capriciousness towards myself, who was not a beetlehead or an obtuse, but a cultivated native gentleman with high-class university degree, and an oratorical flow of language which was infallibly to land me upon the pinnacle of some tip-top judicial preferment in the Calcutta High Court of Justice. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Not more surprised than alarmed, China Aster thought of taking steamboat to go and see Orchis, but he was saved that expense by the unexpected arrival in Marietta of Orchis in person, suddenly called there by that strange kind of capriciousness lately characterizing him. The Confidence-Man
  • Aster thought of taking steamboat to go and see Orchis, but he was saved that expense by the unexpected arrival in Marietta of Orchis in person, suddenly called there by that strange kind of capriciousness lately characterizing him. The Confidence-Man
  • But love must be a pleasure, and if I do not find in it the satisfaction of what you call my capriciousness, but which is really my desire, my life, my love, I do not want it; I prefer to live alone. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • And I like to think there's still a little of that capriciousness to my choices.
  • Associated Press Even before this case, India's tax system had a formidable reputation for capriciousness. Taming the Indian Taxman
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