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How To Use Capitulate In A Sentence

  • Even if it wasn't clear enough back when he assembled his "team of rivals" and welcomed Wall Street into his administration, it has been absolutely clear at least since he capitulated to "counterinsurgent" generals and their civilian enablers, and to health care profiteers, that, whatever he may think and feel "inside," Obama is not one of the "good guys. Andrew Levine: Obama Winter and How to Combat It
  • While the most damage and destroy is attribute to the vehicles load recapitulate impaction.
  • The Prussian army invaded Baden, defeated the rebels, and forced the last remnants of the German revolution to capitulate in the fortress of Rastatt on 23 July.
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • The Park Chung Hee clique will capitulate to this peace offensive.
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  • It was the first and last time that management capitulated in the face of a departing mortgage trader.
  • I've written an essay expanding upon my reasons for disesteeming his work, so I won't recapitulate those reasons here.
  • The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
  • There's a well-known tale of a pub in Dundee, famed for its stovies, which reluctantly capitulated to fashion by offering a low-calorie special, of stovies with crispbread.
  • In June 1176 Richard laid siege to Limoges; after a few days resistance Aimar's citadel capitulated.
  • EIIA-Cre mediated ablation of Wwox expression recapitulated the observed defects in normal mouse bone development. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This heroic, nationalist saga has been recapitulated in hundreds of books, articles, and school-texts ever since.
  • Despite its effectiveness, the CWU has capitulated to management demands that originally provoked the strike.
  • You know, recapitulate in your unconscious the dynamics of your father's and my divorce? THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. II: STOP, DON'T STOP
  • Their intention is apparently to use the weather to force the region to capitulate to their demands for regime change.
  • The German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, suggested, in this theory, the idea that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny means that as over the short time span of nine months, a fetus, in the womb, goes through ontogenetic phases of development, it recapitulates the stages of development we see as we go up the evolutional scale -- phylogenetically, that took billions of years to develop. Printing: A Book Review; The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America by Susan Faludi
  • The Lava revisionist group openly capitulated to the Marcos regime and misrepresented it as representative of the national bourgeoisie, as one interested in “noncapitalist development”and as one trying hard to free itself from a U.S. dictated policy of “neocolonial industrialization.” Introduction to Philippine Economy and Politics - Jose Maria Sison CPP
  • Cuba was beleaguered by the Americans under General Shafter; the forts had been destroyed by Admirals Schley and Sampson; General Linares, in command there, had been wounded and placed _hors de combat_; the large force of Spanish troops within the walls was well armed and munitioned, but being half-starved, the _morale_ of the rank-and-file was at a low ebb, and General Toral, who succeeded General Linares, capitulated. The Philippine Islands
  • ‘Each man kills the thing he loves,’ sings Moreau in reedy, exhausted tones that recapitulate the inevitable downward trajectory of every star's career.
  • Of course it helps to have days like this, where one of Microsoft's most audacious business opponents finally capitulated.
  • But, as hostilities begin, these non-military efforts to influence combine with military force until the regime capitulates.
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • An effort without ground action leaves the decision of when to capitulate with the enemy.
  • The conclusion recapitulates and summarizes the main findings of the work.
  • Once Robert is practicing, he'll be able to support a wife, and then Mr. Farthingale will capitulate because he won't have any choice. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • The first is that despite the accuracy and lethality of air-to-ground fire, the introduction of ground forces is still necessary to compel an enemy to capitulate.
  • Finally, let us briefly recapitulate the knowledge argument.
  • The density of the landfall was critical to calculating at what moment the dam would capitulate.
  • Ernst Haeckel coining the phrase ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny to describe the view. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • In less than two hours Cohen capitulated to virtually every demand.
  • It fears that its voters, particularly the younger generation, will desert the party if it is seen to capitulate to a unionist agenda.
  • This time, one of the two opponents capitulated, conceded defeat-to an unprecedented degree.
  • Their forces capitulated five hours after the Allied bombardment of the city began.
  • So, this may be more about their inability to secure a locale than a desire to "capitulate" to the Cheney clan. RSSMicro Search - Top News on RSS Feeds
  • Activating even two potent proto-oncogenes had not recapitulated the full syndrome of cancer in every cell of the mouse. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Thus, he concluded, "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny ", which means the development of the individual embryo repeats its alleged evolutionary history.
  • Initially, I quailed at the thought, but with the encouragement of my friends and the realisation that this would finally expose my genius outside of the blogosphere, I capitulated.
  • You know, recapitulate in your unconscious the dynamics of your father's and my divorce? THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. II: STOP, DON'T STOP
  • Most mainstream politics have capitulated to the normalization of a state of indefinite, vague and continuous low-level war.
  • Hmm… Since ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny I don't think there actually is a completion of the quest.
  • Hair follicle regeneration recapitulates embryonic development.
  • He also implied the Russian Government of Vladimir Putin should now capitulate to Chechen demands for independence.
  • To recapitulate, Young differs with me profoundly on the question of whether we should support the resistance, and hope for their victory against the army of occupation.
  • So, to recapitulate: he says he didn't know what was in the resolution because he wasn't paying close attention.
  • Let's just recapitulate the essential points.
  • The density of the landfall was critical to calculating at what moment the dam would capitulate.
  • The Company refuses to capitulate on its demands for four separate enterprise agreements to cover the different sections at Joy.
  • Most of them being in the age group of 50 and plus gathered to recapitulate the golden days of their study period in the college.
  • On 20 June it capitulated, the garrison of 23,000 men surrendering, with vast quantities of stores.
  • Our victories in the culture wars, eloquently recapitulated by Ethan Porter in Democracy last summer "V-Day in the Culture Wars," Issue #17, have perhaps made us lax. Elbert Ventura: Making History
  • Much like in E. Haeckel's quip 'Ontogenesis recapitulates phylogenesis'. Valerie Tarico: Christian Belief Through the Lens of Cognitive Science: Part 4 of 6
  • Participants recapitulated their major arguments and group discussions highlighted recurring themes and issues.
  • Guerin's family wanted her off the beat, but her editors capitulated to her demands.
  • By then he and the BBC were refusing to capitulate as Mr Campbell unleashed a ferocious assault.
  • In less than two hours Cohen capitulated to virtually every demand.
  • Jesus said that one must be born again (recreated/remade/recapitulated) before they can even see the kingdom of God, because they are dead to it, blinded by sin, unable to perceive. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Two - Grace, Salvation, and Redemption | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Firstly it paints itself as the victim, having to "capitulate" to demands that it clearly wishes the public to think of as unreasonable. Fast Company
  • A final series of surrenders followed as hungry Lakota bands capitulated at military posts along the upper Missouri and Yellowstone.
  • The management and board, smelling a big ugly scene, capitulated and accepted the union.
  • The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.
  • The bottom line that is in keeping with the title of the essay - not only can this particular macroevolutionary process be studied experimentally, it can be understood and the corresponding macroevolutionary process recapitulated in a controlled setting. The Panda's Thumb: Arthur Hunt Archives
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.
  • The council capitulated and had the paper bank moved to a ‘safer’ site - the car park near Acomb Park shops.
  • The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
  • However, if a thematic rather than diachronic approach is chosen, historical events have to be recapitulated to explain the setting of individual subjects.
  • Naturally, her coolness served only to intensify his ardour, but it was two years before she capitulated.
  • The argument is rather simple so let me recapitulate.
  • The bishops, instead of promising succor or suggesting comfort, recapitulated to him all the instances of his maleadministration, and advised him thenceforwards to follow more salutary counsel. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part F. From Charles II. to James II.
  • Can anyone get more obscure than biologists and paleontologists, who reflect for thirteen syllables on whether or not ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny?
  • It would have been easy for York to totally capitulate but they showed great spirit to launch a determined fightback.
  • Naturally, her coolness served only to intensify his ardour, but it was two years before she capitulated.
  • We haven't just gone for a compromise, we've given in, capitulated and sold ourselves into slavery.
  • A final series of surrenders followed as hungry Lakota bands capitulated at military posts along the upper Missouri and Yellowstone.
  • After the Japanese capitulated, the surrender ceremonies for Ocean and Nauru Islands were carried out on her quarterdeck.
  • To recapitulate, the adjective lists used in this study were generated from a rigorous pilot study and were matched for emotionality, imaginability, word frequency, and word length.
  • Faced with ideas that negated their newly claimed identities, they neither argued nor capitulated, but simply left - thereby definitively sifting such ideas out of their religious beliefs.
  • The boneheads, after being taken through a superdreadnought and through a library by Lensmen as telepathic as themselves, capitulated to Civilization immediately and whole-heartedly. Masters Of The Vortex
  • The first emblems in human history, Paradin argues, were preserved by heraldry and his own work recapitulates this allegorical genealogy.
  • Douglas had one more special save to make as Spencer refused to capitulate, bustling his way into the box but it would not really have mattered as time ran out.
  • This time I dare not capitulate, terrified that she will not accept my apology. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • If ontogeny really did recapitulate phylogeny, then phylogenetic relationships might be determined directly by reference to ontogenetic sequences.
  • The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.
  • To recapitulate: check-kiting consists in issuing an unbacked check that the conspiring banks ‘back’ with an endless string of further unbacked checks.
  • Faludi used a biomedical analogy -- the concept the ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny --- that the stages of development of a fetus recapitulate the evolutional stages from single celled micro-organism to fish to amphibian to reptile to hairy mammal. Printing: Hillary Clinton-- Victim of the War on the Feminine, Just like the 9/11 Victims
  • At 32-0 down at the break, the Wasps could have capitulated, but they lost only by two tries to one in the second half to suggest that huge reverses are not going to again be a weekly occurrence.
  • After this he protects the important squares with his king, but still capitulates as a consequence of complete zugzwang. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, eventually, Pirenne capitulated with ill grace.
  • Capitulate, or antiphone will stamp his feet and maybe even hold his breath. Another debate? Democrats... CNN...
  • Since then, the union leadership has capitulated to DaimlerChrysler's demands for wage concessions and other give-backs.
  • I think that Bernstein is wrong to celebrate the transformation of university literature departments into cultural studies departments, because that is already to capitulate before the establishment of 'culture' as an exitless quarantine for ideas.
  • The club eventually capitulated and now grants equal rights to women.
  • They are not sincere, he says, and he does not even bother to recapitulate their arguments or try to refute them.
  • He recapitulated the resolution demanding better conditions which had been passed in the conference.
  • I keep hearing about how they "capitulated", but I see no evidence thereof. Madkestrel: Today in 1876, the United States ordered
  • All the outer states capitulated to the Republic except for the most easterly islands which proclaimed a Republic of the South Moluccas.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean in particular recapitulates the symbology of the ancient mystery religions.
  • However, the insurer's executives say Goldman refused to accept prices from other dealers and eventually AIG had to "capitulate". CJR
  • In betraying his supporters, Zelaya capitulated, meaning he'll support coup d'etat authority. Honduran Accord Solidifies Coup E'Etat Rule
  • However, the market women received enormous popular support and the municipal government was eventually forced to capitulate.
  • She eventually capitulated to Thayer's insistence that she take on the managing editorship of his magazine.
  • Macmillan's CEO stood his ground, and explained his thinking in an open letter, and Amazon was forced to "capitulate" and return Macmillan books to the store. Fast Company
  • He recapitulated the resolution demanding better conditions which had been passed in the conference.
  • There are other significant discrepancies between police and media reports and the known facts, but there is no need to recapitulate those here.
  • This moment, recapitulated in the Introduction to all three extant versions of the Ages, is accomplished ontotheologically in the first, and mythopoeically in the second, which in fact describes its own first distant beginning toward a revelation 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • * The only thing worse than surrendering preemptively is surrendering immediately after you draw a line in the sand: for no reason I can see, the Obama administration has capitulated to the mindlessMiranda-haters on the right. Some Obama Grumbling « Gerry Canavan
  • I won't try to recapitulate his entire argument.
  • Moving from fiction to social commentary in “The Servant in the House,” Du Bois recapitulated the dogged struggle out of slavery by black labor, taking as departure point his own experience waiting tables at a Minnesota resort on Lake Minnetonka the summer after graduating from Fisk University. DARKWATER
  • On 29 May there was a bombshell - the Belgian army had capitulated, reducing further the perimeter around Dunkirk.
  • Shortly after the June 30 deadline, the unions capitulated.
  • Ernst Haeckel using the phrase ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • Facing huge public pressure, one of the most arrogant of Europe's leaders is fixing to capitulate.
  • Amazon had posted a note on its site on Sunday saying that it would ultimately "capitulate" to Macmillan's demand for higher prices on e-books. Crain's New York Business - Breaking News Feeds
  • When you two have quite finished the Tim Simpson aggro memoirs, I'll recapitulate on why we're here, having breakfast on me! THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • When you two have quite finished the Tim Simpson aggro memoirs, I'll recapitulate on why we're here, having breakfast on me! THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • In Hesiod's poem, as understood in Renaissance mythography, the myth of the birth of Venus recapitulated in little how the universe sustains itself through a lucky harmony of opposed elements.
  • To recapitulate, the nation-state favours national identity, while the communist state favours class, since nations are conceived to be in transition and a temporary phase to be overcome.
  • The story of the Union has been told on several occasions and there is no need to recapitulate it.
  • Which I write not in any sorte to capitulate with your Lpp; for wthout any consideration at all, I am redie to yealde upp this bargaine, rather then by reteyning thereof to harbour in your noblest thoughts the least ill conceipt of mee or my proceedinges. The Forest of Dean An Historical and Descriptive Account
  • In Japan the supreme warlord or Shogun, who had capitulated to the western powers, was overthrown and the Meiji Emperor restored to full authority in 1868.
  • The rigidity and adamancy to continue with the strike action until management appears to capitulate leads to a dead end.
  • Proponents think that if the alliance expands to include Georgia and Ukraine, the West will have "gotten the better of Russia," while to exclude those nations would be to "capitulate" to Moscow. Forging a New Partnership
  • Recall that the central theme of monism is the so-called biogenetic law stating that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
  • Let's recapitulate the main ideas
  • The heart of the work is its central set of variations, but it's the slow introduction, which is recapitulated as the fourth of the fifth sections, that casts a shadow across the entire work. Schubert: Fantasy in C; Sonata in A, etc – review
  • To recapitulate: this story has a long way to run, that much at least is clear.
  • Noting that the bill shows the president "capitulated" to Republican interests, she voiced concern about Obama's "pattern" of saying one thing and acting differently. HuffPost TV: Arianna Talks Tax Cut Deal On 'Morning Joe' (VIDEO)
  • But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.
  • The final tenth chapter recapitulates the similarities between leaders of human and simian societies, and provides a speculative discussion of the inevitability of war.
  • Finally, the local rulers capitulated and in 1900 Tutuila and the island of Aunu'u was formally ceded to the United States. American Samoans lack U.S. citizenship; 5th in a 21st Century American Colonies series
  • Though to say phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny is obviously wrong. Cheeseburger Gothic » Snip snip.
  • The conclusion recapitulates and summarizes the main findings of the work.
  • As we will see below, phylogeny is to some extent recapitulated in embryological development, but it does not recapitulate the adult forms. Haeckel had a point - The Panda's Thumb
  • Just so you know what this is about, I will recapitulate the details.
  • In the face of such toughness, the Soviets capitulated and released the five British arrested.
  • Rhonda stands by her demand, and Philip capitulates, reluctantly agreeing to a December wedding.
  • It might be superfluous to recapitulate the debate between traditional Marxist-Leninists and neo-Marxists such as Immanuel Wallerstein - that would require in itself a separate inquiry.
  • He has gladly capitulated to a constellation of race-hustling poverty pimps in an repellent effort to hang on at all costs.
  • As a result, the taxmen have now finally capitulated in the Brontë Society's case and agreed to give it the VAT exemption on all its income.
  • It will shortly be put up for sale under the terms already communicated to you, which, to recapitulate, call for a very minimum of publicity.
  • Does adult fracture repair recapitulate embryonic skeletal formation?
  • The enemy besieged in a few strongholds capitulated on the condition that they would be granted to return home voluntarily.
  • This hint was enough: the old man capitulated without another opposing argument, and consented to what he termed the ruin of his youngest son. Mark Hurdlestone Or, The Two Brothers
  • But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.
  • Hall believed that children recapitulate stages of human evolution as they grow from infants to adults.
  • We've all seen it, papers that could not have been written by an eighth grader, using words such as capitulate and manipulate, when the child cannot even spell cap and man correctly in person! Archive 2006-05-01
  • You remember back in the summertime, there was that big dustoff between sheriff Tom Dart of Cook County, Illinois, and Craigslist over the erotic services section and Craigslist finally capitulated, took all those ads out. CNN Transcript Oct 23, 2009
  • To recapitulate five hours of evolution in a few moments, he speeded up the table display. THE BROKEN GOD
  • By Monday, well before the deadline for abidance, their first flank capitulated.
  • You are NOW to know, that upon this very morning, an embassy from the willow-wearers all -- or, to speak indeed more germanely to the matter, of the BASKET-BEARERS [22], waited upon their beautiful enemy with an ultimatum and manifesto in one, importing first a requisition to surrender; then, in case of refusal to capitulate, the announcement that HYMEN having found in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 56, No. 345, July, 1844
  • This time I dare not capitulate, terrified that she will not accept my apology. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • Once Robert is practicing, he'll be able to support a wife, and then Mr. Farthingale will capitulate because he won't have any choice. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.
  • recapitulated," the whole history of his animal ancestors. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • The three had capitulated to his advances, not without calculation. SPLITTING
  • Let us recapitulate, since the steps Socrates is taking are so important for his critique of poetry (it is noteworthy that at several junctures, Socrates generalizes his results from epic to dithyrambic, encomiastic, iambic, and lyric poetry; 533e5-534a7, 534b7-c7). Plato on Rhetoric and Poetry
  • We used to learn in high-school biology that ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’: The development of each individual human being resembles the evolution of the species.
  • “Ontogeny recapitulates phytogeny” has fallen by the wayside. The Muse in the Machine
  • To recapitulate five hours of evolution in a few moments, he speeded up the table display. THE BROKEN GOD
  • We had prepared very well all week showing aggression and determination yet on the day capitulated so easily in the second half.
  • The lambada is also from northeastern Brazil, and she capitulated to the current fad with two lambadas, but the rhythm is staid compared with most of her other material.
  • In embryology, we see that ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’; that the human embryo goes through phases in development that reflect evolutionary changes from earlier vertebrates such as fish.
  • Hilyard, of the popular kind of eloquence, which -- short, plain, generous, and simple -- cuts its way at once through the feelings to the policy, Warwick briefly but forcibly recapitulated to the commons the promises he had made to the captains; and as soon as they heard of taxes removed, the coinage reformed, the corn thrave abolished, the The Last of the Barons — Volume 07
  • In a statement on the Kindle Community website, Amazon says it must "capitulate" to Macmillan's demand to charge Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • After a few months of picketing, Blumstein capitulated and hired 35 black clerks. The Volokh Conspiracy » Bruce Bartlett’s Attack on Libertarianism
  • Haeckel maintained not only that all vertebrate embryos evolved from a common ancestor, but also that in their development ( "ontogeny") they replay ( "recapitulate") their evolutionary history ( "phylogeny"). Evolution News & Views
  • Let's just recapitulate the essential points.
  • This alone had made it possible to seize ocean bases from which to launch the final attack and force her metropolitan Army to capitulate without striking a blow.
  • So great was the demoralization that formidable fortresses capitulated to mere cavalry units.
  • Hall, the foremost child psychologist in the United States, argued that the child recapitulated the stages of evolution of the human race, from pre-savagery to civilization.
  • Am I wrong to refuse to capitulate to this tawdry behaviour?
  • I shall not recapitulate Cook's voyages; the first fitted out by the British Government was made in 1768, but Cook did not touch upon Australia's coast until two years later, when, voyaging northwards along the eastern coast, he anchored at a spot he called Botany Bay, from the brightness and abundance of the beautiful wild flowers he found growing there. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • The various forces converged in April 1945, and the Berlin garrison commander capitulated on 2 May.
  • June 19 -- French Minister of Colonies announces that on May 24, after heavy fighting, French colonial troops forced the Germans to capitulate at Monso, Kamerun, after taking position after position; the French captured many prisoners, including considerable numbers of white troops, and large amounts of stores; French troops continue an offensive movement toward Besam, southeast of Lomis. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
  • How many countries would capitulate to the overwhelming demands of the document?
  • Their forces capitulated five hours after the Allied bombardment of the city began.
  • While South Africa did bowl extremely well, the manner in which Pakistan capitulated had more to do with indifferent strokes than unplayable deliveries.

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