How To Use Capitol In A Sentence

  • Congress houses most of its collections in three buildings on Capitol Hill.
  • The bust of Thales shown above is in the Capitoline Museum in Rome, but is not contemporary with Thales and is unlikely to bear any resemblance to him
  • A passive-aggressiveness marches through it: On one hand, Capitol doubts its salability and keeps it off the market; on the other, the label constantly attempts to justify its importance by hailing every burp and burble emanating from the recording booth. Pet Sounds : It's Not Rock 'n' Roll, But We Like It
  • Unlike his characters, known for galumphing around European capitols, his team is on a far more appreciable quest of rooting though Washington, Philadelphia and New York.
  • One fan has captured the despair by calling his blog Capitol Punishment. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Democratic leadership sources admitted that a major motivation for keeping the senators at the Capitol is to keep negotiations going and reach a compromise on a proposed public health care option. Obama to the Capitol Hill Sunday
  • Raw milk proponents take cause to capitols, courtrooms as public health officials warn of risk risks of raw milk is spilling into statehouses and courtrooms across the country as proponents of unpasteurized PAU kisan melas to be held in March Dr M S Gill, Director of Extension University, said the university is creating awareness about the need to - Articles related to Report Claims Flowers Lose Aroma Due To Climate Change
  • The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.
  • Bona fides: Longtime activist for Darfur who just returned from a week-long trip in the southern half of the country and briefed President Obama at a White House meeting and Sen. Richard Lugar on Capitol Hill earlier in the day. Celebvocate: George Clooney reps for Darfur
  • A stroll through the California State Capitol (10th and L Streets; 916-324-0333; www. - a neo-Classical confection of Corinthian and other classic columns, parget plasterwork and mosaic floors - makes everything feel like it's in grand order. NYT > Home Page
  • But until 1949 , the capitol hill just pass the National as a sempiternal festival.
  • If Israel accepts the maximist Palestinian proposals: a state on the 1967 armistice lines, removes all Jews from the west bank, and agrees to have east Jereusalem as the capitol of a palestinian state; Hamas and the 1.5 million Gazans it represents will still want to destroy Israel and Hamas would still wage war against Israel. Matthew Yglesias » Israel’s Irrealism on Settlements
  • Government spending is, according to Keynes's construct, a key component in determining aggregate demand, so more spending, even to resod the Capitol Mall or distribute free contraception, drives the economy in the short run. Washington Could Use Less Keynes and More Hayek
  • Like its predecessor, "The Lost Symbol" offers a mini-course in arcane historical detail (did you know that the Capitol once had an eternal flame burning beneath the floor under its rotunda?). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • The vision of her mourning robes and melancholy beauty so deeply impressed Capitola that, almost for the first time in her life, she hesitated from a feeling of diffidence, and said gently: The Hidden Hand
  • I am guessing that tourism overflowing from the Cancun area has helped but it is also the main commercial hub in the Yucatan peninsula and the capitol of the state of Yucatan. Noise in Merida & Progreso
  • So, it is that a lobbyist character just had to figure pivotally in O'Brien's return to comic acting after a hiatus of several years while he was getting his Capitol Hill career going. Hill staffer Sean O'Brien mines Congress for comedy gold
  • NYT Editorial: Bashing federal bureaucracies is a favorite sport among Republicans on Capitol Hill, but their fun should not come at the expense of national security. 07/11/2004
  • The ground or basement story of the Alabama capitol was constructed of traditional masonry consisting of ashlar walls made of locally quarried sandstone.
  • Encouraged by calls from former Vice President Al Gore and leading climate scientist James Hansen for civil disobedience to stop the construction of coal-fired power plants, thousands of individuals from across the United States converged on Washington, DC, on March 2, 2009, to protest the coal-burning Capitol Power Plant and to urge Congress to pass legislation to reduce carbon emissions. Earth Policy Institute: The End of an Era — Closing the Door on Building New Coal-fired Power Plants in America
  • Agents in black suits stood on the steps of the Capitol building to make sure the mass of malcontent demonstrators didn't barge inside.
  • During that time, I took a break to serve as an extern on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
  • The chariot, drawn by four horses, was wreathed in laurel, and the triumphator was attired like the Capitoline Jupiter in robes of purple and gold.
  • One fan has captured the despair by calling his blog Capitol Punishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Senate Budget Chairman Kent Conrad, a North Dakota Democrat, takes his white bichon frise with him not only to the office, but also into the Capitol for floor votes. On Capitol Hill, Anything Goes
  • We're now able to show you the Capitol dome behind me that, just a couple of hours ago, was not visible because of the heaviness of the snow that was coming down.
  • Of course the state where their representative is the long opposer to a bill acknowledging that slaves built Capitol would love to have her. Iowa GOP to Palin: Come to Des Moines
  • It is present in the camouflaged armed national guardsmen who greet members of Congress each day we enter the Capitol campus.
  • Tea Party supporters gathered Thursday on a cold, drizzly day near the Capitol to remind lawmakers of their promises to make big cuts in spending. US Budget Dispute Continues
  • Same with the U.S. Capitol and the Vice-President's residence - only they're pixelated out of focus.
  • Cellini’s Capitolo in Praise of the Prison is clearly made up of pieces written, as escribed above, in the dungeon of S. Angelo, and of passages which he afterwards composed to bring these pieces into a coherent whole. Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • At a ceremony at the Capitol to honor crime victims, Gov.
  • Capitol, climbing out of his autogiro after a quick game of golf, see this link. Boing Boing
  • Chief Justice Roger Taney read the decision in the small courtroom in the Capitol building.
  • During the second half of the 6th century, an enormous Etruscan-style temple (with three rooms or cellae) was built on the Capitoline hill; in the Forum Boarium remains of a large temple have been found with an Etruscan inscription nearby. D. The Regal Period
  • 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money.
  • WORDS OF SIMILAR SOUND: canvas (cloth) principle (rule) canvass (all meanings except _cloth_) principal (chief) capitol (a building) stationary (immovable) capital (all meanings except _building_) stationery (articles) counsel (advice or an adviser) miner (a workman) council (a body of persons) minor (under age) complement (a completing element) angel (a spiritual being) compliment (praise) angle (geometrical) 205. Practical Grammar and Composition
  • But hardly anyone in political circles, including Republican loyalist redoubts on Capitol Hill, believes that right now.
  • A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
  • Once the Denivanian defenses were disabled, the slow, bulky troop transports would take their capitol, with escorts to defend from the remnants of the defense fleet.
  • For not to enumerate all the sacred rites severally and all the gods, whether in the banquet of Jupiter can the lectisternium be performed in any other place, save in the Capitol? The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • A statue of a coal miner adorns the grounds of the state Capitol, and last year the Legislature voted unanimously to name bituminous coal the official rock of West Virginia, saying the "industry remains essential to economic growth and progress in West Virginia and the United States. The Shad Plank
  • they are debating the budget today on Capitol Hill
  • This same senator also once got lost in a Capitol Hill garden after leaving a conference committee on the House side.
  • After last year's debacle over religious symbols in the capitol rotunda, state officials have issued new permanent rules barring all nongovernment displays inside the Capitol campus building. Main RSS Feed
  • It figures for the first time in a Latin episcopal notitia, dating probably from the eleventh century, where it is given under the name of Legionum, between the Bishoprics of Diocæsarea and Capitolias The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In Nevada, orange flames amid fields of green; an army of firefighters beating back a blaze of what is being called the meanest, ugliest wildfire to hit Carson City, the state's capitol. CNN Transcript Jul 17, 2004
  • Appropriately, with his head veiled he had the omens taken on the Capitoline Hill, accompanied by augurs and priests, and received the requested signs.
  • They were remastered from the original Capitol master tapes.
  • January 15th, 2010 at 12: 03 pm calavzma says: here are just a few people who have parlayed celebrity into political careers off the top of my head al franken (as mentioned above) good old arnold the governator jesse ventura was a professional wrestler kevin johnson is a former nba player now mayor of sacramento … california’s state capitol those guys all got where they are through television somehow Think Progress » New York Post claims Lou Dobbs will not run for political office.
  • But the budget plan for fiscal 1998 that Clinton sent to Capitol Hill last week eliminated most of that dip.
  • Many came to work at the House of State during the trying 1930s. Among them were skilled sheet metal workers who refaced the capitol's copper dome.
  • It had two summits; that on the south retained the name Tarpeian; [12] the northern was properly the Capitol. Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome $b to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a great variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquiti
  • The quake left a visible crack in the state Capitol in Olympia, about 60 miles southwest of Seattle.
  • Uh hunh, and if you are just an ordinary citizen in D.C., not the daughter of a senator, will the DC Metro Police, Capitol Police and FBI show up if you are carjacked? Senator's daughter is carjacked
  • Groups of legal immigrants have started to demonstrate at the Capitol to express their demands for restoration of cuts relevant to them.
  • But then this president seems to feel he ought to be able to act pretty much as he pleases anyway, never mind those fuddy-duddies on Capitol Hill.
  • The Capitoline hill, which Virgil means by "arx" a conspicuous object from the river just below the Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
  • In time the hill became covered with public edifices, of which the grandest was the Temple of "Capitoline Jupiter. Outline of Universal History
  • But that changed when Democrats took over the House in 2007: As part of a larger program to "Green the Capitol," they decreed that the cutlery should be composted along with the food. In the House, compostable utensils replaced with old-fashioned plastic
  • This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
  • At one point, Karenna, 36, -- an active and out-front part of her father's 2000 presidential campaign -- seemed the most likely of the four Gore kids (more on the others later) to follow her dad and grandfather to Capitol Hill. Karenna Gore Schiff separation aired as forthrightly as her parents'; also, catching up with the other Gores
  • The quake left a visible crack in the state Capitol in Olympia, about 60 miles southwest of Seattle.
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Washington Post: Supreme Court questions bad legal advice in plea bargains, won't hear Utah cross case Washington Post: Capitol Hill power player Fred Upton switches ideological gears as his clout grows Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Protesters of a proposal that would defang public employee unions have called the Capitol the "people's house," and at night the label feels especially apt. - News
  • He also gave orders that a newly completed statue of Jupiter, originally destined for the Capitol, should be put up at once in the Forum in front of the rostra. CONSPIRATA
  • Perhaps it is time for CUFI and other Christian Zionist allies of Israel to create a firestorm of adverse criticism on Capitol Hill against the Obama 'Israel agonistes' strategy. Israpundit
  • Ed came to the United States, Tatiana stayed in the Soviet Union, and the two were symbolically "remarried" in a 1982 Capitol Hill ceremony with Sen. Bob Dole and Rep. Jack Kemp to embarrass communist officials. Love etc.: Russia House lovebirds marry in Moscow
  • FOR all the recent posturing Capitol Hill, financial reform is coming.
  • the gold dome of the Capitol
  • By night the dictator had the knights occupy in advance the Capitol and the remaining points of vantage, and at dawn he sent to Mælius Gaius Servilius, master of the horse, to summon him pretendedly on some other errand. Dio's Rome, Volume 1 (of 6) An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek during the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus: and Now Presented in English Form
  • Not only is the audio devoid of any racial slur, but the scene at Cannon clearly shows the congressmen coming down the steps completely unobstructed, and with a clear path to the Capitol. More video of the Carson/Lewis affair. | RedState
  • In January, the Chamber arranged to “fly-in” some representatives from small businesses to Capitol Hill and “lead” them to a pre-arranged series of anti-CFPA meetings. Think Progress » As Chamber Builds Up Political Operation, Treasury Officials Express Frustration With Group’s Distortions
  • I was at the march for immigration reform on the mall yesterday (which was packed from the capitol to the national monument). Think Progress » While Giving Obsessive Coverage To The Tea Parties, Media Ignored Larger Anti-War Rally
  • D' Annunzio's in Rome, boisterous, warmongering, minacious, getting everyone riled up like a squawking parrot on a pirate's shoulder - remember Capitoline Hill?
  • Get out of my way, you beggar!" he cried, pushing past Capitola and hurrying from the house. The Hidden Hand
  • She has a stress squeezer in the shape of the Capitol dome, even a family of giant stuffed white tigers sent from Las Vegas by Siegfried and Roy. Gabrielle Giffords making steady recovery progress
  • On the Capitol flagpole, the Lone Star flies below the American flag, emblem of the few brief years when slaveholding Texas was its own republic.
  • There was a secret service agent that was helping me with first aid - he's now the chief of the Capitol Police.
  • First he gets kicked out of two different militaries, then he illegally commandeers an army base, and then he loses the capitol of the world.
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • A sumptuous Russian sleigh drawn by two splendid black horses, with a statuesque driver in ebony handling the ribbons, attracted the attention of the crowd as it dashed down the avenue and paused near the capitol steps. Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
  • The companies convinced us that they had some juice on Capitol Hill, that they could sell this settlement.
  • The House is a re - conceptualization of an row house unit in Capitol Hill, Washington DC.
  • It is a slick piece of work, more like a product of Madison Avenue than staid Capitol Hill.
  • Capitol's entry in this year's Sinatra sweepstakes is the least exciting for serious fans but may be the most exciting for newcomers to the ring-a-ding fold. Tony Sachs: 11 Years After His Death, "New" Music From Frank Sinatra
  • Sir Peter Blake's original collage image was revamped to insert the faces of US label bosses from Capitol Records Photo: Record Collector Magazine/PA The list also includes the famous banned "butcher" sleeve which was briefly issued in the US Beatles sleeve featuring the faces of music executives in place of the Fab Four has been declared the world's most valuable record cover. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Soldiers bivouacked inside the half-built Capitol building, the unfinished dome leaving them open to the night skies. Michael Giltz: The Civil War Rages On...In Books, Music and DVD
  • Inside his office an hour later, Boehner, taking long drags on his ever-present Camel cigarettes (he is exempted from the Capitol's smoking ban while in his office), explained that it was almost impossible to pull off the vote. The rise, fall and rise of John Boehner
  • But then he steps into more uncharted -- or unbriefed -- waters: Question: And the corollary question that's emerged on Capitol Hill and elsewhere is, if it is murder, do you then shut down in vitro fertilization clinics? July 2006
  • He omitted it on applications to be a legislative assistant on Capitol Hill.
  • On one kiosk in the physical show a brief view of a crucifix covered with ants by Wojnarowicz was called sacrilegious by Republican leaders on Capitol Hill, and others, and the Portrait Gallery decided it was too much of a distraction to the overall themes of the show. Portrait Gallery gets huge online bump
  • M. O'BRIEN: See, we don't cover it very often, but in darkened rooms, in the basement of the Capitol, these things get kind of hashed out, and we'll see how it goes. CNN Transcript Nov 18, 2005
  • When you get back, take a short stroll on the Riverfront Promenade, which begins on the east side of Tower Bridge at the foot of Capitol Mall.
  • My family and I awoke, greeted by a spectacular show of autumn colors while our Capitol Limited Amtrak train coasted alongside a meandering river somewhere outside Martinsburg, West Virginia. Archive for » 2008 » October : Sustainablog
  • Usually we can count on the irascible Democratic Congressman Jim Moran (VA-8) for entertainment whenever he decides to open his mouth, but this time the irascibility was a tag-team effort with his wife LuAnn Bennett who both caused a scene on Inauguration Day at the Capitol. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • To appease his uncles, cousins, and younger siblings, King Rham crafted five different duchies instead of the original three set by Phendarm (for Rham’s four brothers and a royal duchy around the capitol) and more than a score of earldoms among them. The Codex Continual » Kharndam Guide: The Phendarm Protectorates
  • Legislators appear at state capitols or in Washington, DC, every year as representatives of their constituents.
  • Siegel recalls that "He's So Fine," their first effort with the sublime girl group The Chiffons, was thought "too trite" for even b-side status by their label Capitol. Michael Sigman: 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' at 50: A Song for the Ages
  • Conrad Cheek Jr., who many Hill staffers know as the baritone hawking Street Sense newspapers around Capitol Hill. HUFFPOST HILL - Steve King, Golden Voices And Smelly New Hampshire
  • Juno, too, was entreated by the matrons, first, in the Capitol, then on the nearest part of the coast, whence water was procured to sprinkle the fane and image of the goddess. Tacitus on Mythicism
  • If he has been less than popular on Capitol Hill, he has juice where it counts.
  • Yet, we do hear of British aristocrats making overtures to Rome, and even dedicating offerings on the Capitol of the world's pre-eminent city.
  • She then came up to Capitol Hill, as you mentioned, and got a pretty lukewarm reception.
  • For archeologists like Matt Stolper, Professor of Assyriology at the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, each tablet is a priceless treasure -- a small window into Persepolis, the capitol of ancient Persia. Trita Parsi: Obama and the Persian Treasures in Chicago
  • The first posits an attack on Washington, possibly the Capitol, which was believed to be the target of the 9/11 jet that crashed in Pennsylvania.
  • Later today, the White House car czar Edward Montgomery testifies on Capitol Hill.
  • Capitol; a woman who illegally gave an eagle feather to Sen.
  • As Democrats on Capitol Hill are trying to avoid a brewing intra-party battle over treatment of abortion in health care reform legislation, a top presidential adviser is reiterating that President Obama remains opposed to legislation that contains language preferred by more conservative Democrats in Congress. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 16, 2009
  • We have all grown more familiar than we probably like to acknowledge with Israel using its channels to Capitol Hill and in America's pro-Israel community to "outflank" an American administration -- and virtually always to the right.
  • As these were largely independent, that Constantinople survived at all was largely because its enemies were as suspicious of each other as they were eager to recapture the Byzantine capitol.
  • Benjamin Latrobe, the “Father of American Architecture” who designed the U.S. Capitol, saw whites performing the Virginia Jig and called it “the excess of detestability.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • As I said before, the three-cella plan implies the Capitoline triad. The Etruscan temple, now with more yummy detail
  • As he dashed from the Capitol, Emanuel told reporters he would communicate the issues raised in the meeting to President Obama. Obama aides head to the Hill to assess health care reform status
  • In 2006, Davidson lured Sergey Brin to Capitol Hill for a trip that even Brin described as a disorganized, last-minute venture. In the Plex
  • The decision, by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, is likely to trigger a vigorous lobbying battle, arraying big phone and cable companies and their allies on Capitol Hill against Silicon Valley giants and consumer advocates. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Thursday, May 6, 2010
  • Chemical and agribusiness trade groups have mounted an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill.
  • During the Wisconsinian glaciation, most of the northern hemisphere was covered with ice up to 2 miles thick as far south as Des Moines, Iowa where the state capitol was built on the terminal moraine, which is hundreds of feet thick. The Volokh Conspiracy » SuperFreakonomic War of Words Over Warming
  • Heading south on Highway 45 just outside of Huntsville, the Death Capitol of Texas, one might see vultures circling the dark piney woods that surround the little town.
  • The big-ticket item, and the part that will generate the biggest cost overruns, is the Capitol Hill / U-District tunnel.
  • She was dressed in what she calls her Capitol Hill uniform: a navy blue suit with a conservative straight skirt and a beige blouse, finished off with panty hose, sensible short-heeled navy pumps, and discreet gold jewelry. At First Sight
  • However, his arrival on Capitol Hill is likely to elicit a lukewarm reception.
  • The dwar - ven capitol city had two entrances: Northgate and Southgate. Flint, the King
  • The US attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on Capitol Hill today.
  • Just a short time ago, Capitol Hill Police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider said that they were investigating what they called a plausible explanation. CNN Transcript May 26, 2006
  • Another twist in the saga of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, she now says she's sorry about that little curfuffle (ph) with Capitol police. CNN Transcript Apr 7, 2006
  • Fast Times at the Capitol Complex yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Fast Times at the Capitol Complex'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: A neutered Senate and a forceless mainstream media provide no checks and balances on a power-crazed president.' Fast Times at the Capitol Complex
  • But with his term drawing to an end, and a souring relationship with Congress, his stature on Capitol Hill has diminished. Paulson Wants Rest of TARP Funds From Congress
  • We will now return to what we call the South, but what was known for many years as the "Main" Building, the old plan of grand structures to face the East, just as the capitols at Washington and Raleigh, were faced under the influence of orientalization was soon abandoned, and the European plan of a quadrangle -- in old times a veritable prison in which the students were locked at night, giving rise to the expression "being in quad," was adopted, probably at the suggestion of Dr. Caldwell and Prof. Harris, who were educated at Princeton. Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians
  • A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
  • The small section of Southard Avenue that lay between St. James and Capitolian was my world. Wait Till Next Year
  • He can placate all those prying legislators who keep embarrassing MLB with hearings on Capitol Hill.
  • Saturnius, from the ancient city of Satur'nia, of which it was the citadel; it was afterwards called the Tarpeian mount, and finally received the name of Capitoline from a human head [11] being found on its summit when the foundations of the temple of Jupiter were laid. Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome $b to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a great variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquiti
  • There's a buzzword humming on Capitol Hill and it is coming up in discussions from economic development and microfinance, to U.S. safety and security, to population growth and global health. Donna E. Shalala: U.S. Must Take Leadership to Make Mother's Day Every Day
  • What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
  • A smaller, lower battle flag will fly in front of the capitol, beside a monument to slain Confederate soldiers.
  • The statue shares space with dioramas, glassed-in scenes of the Capitol in various stages of its construction.
  • Jupiter was added to the originally female Capitoline Triad by outsing the Virgin form of the Goddess, Jeventas, leaving Juno and Minerva as Jupiter's two female partners. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Another contestant and early favorite, Javier Colon, released two albums for Capitol Records and another after the label dropped him. How The Voice Found Its Singers
  • We celebrate with her when she is returned to the bosom of her family and her town folks, and when, one day, she climbs the steps of the U.S. Capitol to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
  • She could see the two wedges the support ships were making for the Capitol ships - a defensive screen.
  • At the highest point in town is the cupolaed state capitol, and directly in front of the state capitol is a statue of George Washington.
  • As always the President kept a weather eye on the Capitol Hill.
  • By age 35, he was a state assemblyman, occasionally evading security alarms to eat peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches with his daughter on the roof of the state Capitol.
  • A legend on Capitol Hill, he was famous - his critics say infamous - for bringing huge amounts of federal "pork barrel" projects back to Alaska.
  • The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill.
  • Roosevelt was never able to dominate the veterans on Capitol Hill.
  • But if you go to the Capitol today, you will see the room where Washington was to have been buried, and that's where they store the catafalque, which is used in national mourning. Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation
  • Every year everyone would drive to the State Capitol, and we'd have ourselves a good ol'fashioned Donatin’ Day.
  • If you recall, it wasthis very same friendly, polite, even warm individual who this past July hadCindy Sheehan, 27-year veteran analyst of the CIA Ray McGovern, Rev. Lennox Yearwood and 50 othersinConyers anteroom, who were there to discuss Impeachment, arrested and taken outby the Capitol Police then "processed" for six hours. Conyers Tells Rob Kall: Impeachment Not Off the Table; A You Tube Video
  • Until the recent House action, however, every plan to address the shortfall had been a non-starter on Capitol Hill.
  • As you know, I have spend most of week up on Capitol Hill covering the Congress.
  • The Presdient leaves the Capitol for the reviewing stand down by the White House mid afternoonish, of course to watch the parade. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2005
  • While lesser men, perhaps those not dubbed the "brainiest" man on Capitol Hill by congressional staffers, might worry about accountability, Frank considers it an affront, given his personal and professional record. Top Democrats in Denial - Jonah Goldberg - Townhall Conservative
  • Sterling Capitol withdrew its plans to build an all-seater stadium last week due to the Government's decision to hold a public inquiry into them, which would have delayed the development.
  • Before I discovered the truck, I hadnt noticed the brand name of the unglamorously packaged one-dollar pound cakes stacked in a freestanding display at the end of the bread aisle at Shoppers food market: Capitol Cake Company. Let Me Eat Cake
  • If one wasn't too choosey, there was plenty of work for experienced pilots in this Miami, the unofficial capitol of South America, and the two men would sometimes disappear for a week or more only to slip back into their seats, loaded down with $100 bills. May You Live in Interesting Times
  • Gates said closing the controversial facility will require help from Capitol Hill.
  • Hallelujah for script that schizophrenically mixes upper and lower case, and for the two dot umlaut-like trema over the i, and the acute accent mark over the final e in the word naïveté, and for the proper use of the word capitol, which has but a single proper use. A paean to the inauguration: "Hallelujah... for being smart again. And sexy again. And optimistic again."
  • With diplomas in hand the class of Capitol Diamond High leaves the field with smiles.
  • Now, three governors whose states are among the hardest hit are pressing lawmakers on Capitol Hill and the administration to take action.
  • 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money.
  • The four-day nonstop party honoring Queen Elizabeth II and her half century on the throne drew to a close today in the British capitol.
  • I don't think I've ever read the phrase "Capitol Hill" in any of his books. NPR Topics: News
  • The Massachusetts Democrat noted that a meeting on Capitol Hill on Thursday will be interrupted for a "photo op" at the White House with congressional Democrats and Republicans as well as Bush. sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin (20: 39: 33): News
  • To front on France for having the "Gaulle" to question the whole rush to war thing, Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) symbolically renamed French fries and French toast "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" at the Capitol Hill cafeteria, burning France like it was 1944. John Wellington Ennis: Freedom Tower: Screw the Name, Just Build it Already
  • Italy was to be crowned at the Capitol: Corinne -- poet, writer, improvisatrice, and one of the most beautiful women in Rome. Selections from _Corinne_
  • Most significantly for Democrats, the election results may portend a backlash against the no-new-taxes mantra that's ruled the Capitol since Gov.
  • Accompanied by motorcade, a vintage 1957 bus drove Parks across the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge, named for the famed slavery abolitionist leader, to the U.S. Capitol.
  • Capitol itself and it will make its way eventually to the Rotunda -- but a lot of people, Tom De Frank, as we review the Ford presidency don't necessarily recall the tumultuousness of the U.S. foreign policy crises that were still unfolding then. CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2006
  • Cops had not actually "ringed" the Capitol; only most, not all, of the student body had protested. Howard Schweber: Sarah Palin, the First Amendment, and Santa Claus
  • The cautiousness is a change from Sago, but in some ways Manchin is playing the same role: comforter-in-chief to a state whose identity is so linked with coal that a statue of a miner graces the grounds of the Capitol. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • However, his arrival on Capitol Hill is likely to elicit a lukewarm reception.
  • In that year the census was taken, and owing to the seizure of the Capitol and the death of the consul, the "lustrum" was closed on religious grounds. The History of Rome, Vol. I
  • During the summer months, she plays co-principal horn and is a featured soloist with the Capitol City Band.
  • There have been rumblings of impatience and dissatisfaction on Capitol Hill recently that lawmakers are using the arms procurement bill as a political power-struggle tool.
  • On Capitol Hill today, three former CIA directors voiced their concerns about the possible creation of a national intelligence czar.
  • At a ceremony at the Capitol to honor crime victims, Gov.
  • On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, Democrats are hailing what they call a defeat for the Bush administration. CNN Transcript Jun 29, 2006
  • He's willing to let TV reporters into the chamber for special events and high-profile debates on a case-by-case basis, and he will let them have "stakeout" locations in heavily trafficked parts of the Capitol. C-SPAN denied cameras in the House of Representatives, again
  • That feature most symbolic of entrance, the triumphal arch, is to be found only at the foot of the Capitol, where the ancient texts place it.
  • The Wisconsin State Capitol bulged with thousands of union members, including teachers, Thursday protesting Wisconsin Gov. Teachers Union Under Assault, Fights Back In Response To Limiting Bill
  • Tarantia, many-spired capitol of the Hyborian kingdom of Aquilonia lay to the north, Messantia; rough-hewn capitol of Argos lay to the south. Conan Fan Fiction!
  • Cardinal Parizzio, and Paul III appointed him judge of the Capitol, papal abbreviator, and referendary of both signatures. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Just, do the research, if you do not know about hollywood. keywords: myron fagan capitoline hill Brad Pitt visits Capitol Hill 3: 29 Actor Brad Pitt held a press conference on Capitol Hill with Speaker - Articles related to Pitt investigates LaBeouf in Riptide?
  • He describes the decorations of the Capitol and how "not in one's flightiest dreams has there been so much marble and china, gold and bronze, so many painted gods and goddesses. Gore Vidal's 'Lincoln'?: An Exchange
  • Equally, if a mixed up bloodline is reason enough not to have a Parliament, what are those folks doing on Capitol Hill? Liberal Democrat - Because of immigration, there is no England
  • The use of capitol punishment is used pretty much only in regressive third world countries. Think Progress » Flag-Burning Amendment One Vote From Passage
  • So the nation's Capitol also will be receiving a lot of muddy brown ornaments including a hip flask decorated in decoupage. It'll Be a Sad Christmas if Wyoming Can't Rustle Up Some Ornaments
  • Dion Cassius of the same thus, "He commanded all to bring the didrachm yearly to Jupiter Capitolinus. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • The monument is located between the Capitol building, which houses the state legislature, and the building that houses the state Supreme Court.
  • We find lacustrine marls on the sides of the Esquiline Hill where it slopes down into the Forum, and fresh-water bivalve and univalve shells in the ground under the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius on the Capitol; while on the face of the Aventine Hill, overhanging the Tiber at a height of ninety feet, is a cliff of travertine, which is half a mile long. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Masha and Nancy Grace were on Capitol Hill to try and get legislation called Masha ` s Law passed. CNN Transcript May 3, 2006
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • It is _Rome_ that lies stretched out there upon her hills, in all her visible greatness and claims to reverence; it is Rome with her Capitolian crown, forth from which the Roman matron steps, and with no softer cushion than the flint, in the dust at the rebel's feet, kneels '_to show_' -- as she tells us -- to show as clearly as the conditions of the exhibition allow it to be exhibited, DUTY as mistaken, -- '_as_ mistaken,' -- _all the while_ between _the child_ and _parent_. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • The melancholy chief was a magnification of a figure incorporated into Crawford's earlier tympanum frieze of the Senate wing at the United States Capitol.
  • But Mr Specter 's decision nevertheless changes the dynamic on Capitol Hill.
  • “All persons attending the inaugural swearing-in ceremonies should be prepared to wait in long lines to be screened through security, and spend many hours outdoors, both before the event and for the length of time it may take for people to leave the Capitol grounds following the end of the ceremonies.” Ban on Strollers for Inauguration - The Caucus Blog -
  • A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.

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