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How To Use Capitol hill In A Sentence

  • Congress houses most of its collections in three buildings on Capitol Hill.
  • The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.
  • Bona fides: Longtime activist for Darfur who just returned from a week-long trip in the southern half of the country and briefed President Obama at a White House meeting and Sen. Richard Lugar on Capitol Hill earlier in the day. Celebvocate: George Clooney reps for Darfur
  • But until 1949 , the capitol hill just pass the National as a sempiternal festival.
  • So, it is that a lobbyist character just had to figure pivotally in O'Brien's return to comic acting after a hiatus of several years while he was getting his Capitol Hill career going. Hill staffer Sean O'Brien mines Congress for comedy gold
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  • NYT Editorial: Bashing federal bureaucracies is a favorite sport among Republicans on Capitol Hill, but their fun should not come at the expense of national security. 07/11/2004
  • During that time, I took a break to serve as an extern on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
  • 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money.
  • But hardly anyone in political circles, including Republican loyalist redoubts on Capitol Hill, believes that right now.
  • A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
  • they are debating the budget today on Capitol Hill
  • This same senator also once got lost in a Capitol Hill garden after leaving a conference committee on the House side.
  • But the budget plan for fiscal 1998 that Clinton sent to Capitol Hill last week eliminated most of that dip.
  • But then this president seems to feel he ought to be able to act pretty much as he pleases anyway, never mind those fuddy-duddies on Capitol Hill.
  • This lack of genuine relationships with other human beings is characteristic of the unreality of Capitol Hill.
  • At one point, Karenna, 36, -- an active and out-front part of her father's 2000 presidential campaign -- seemed the most likely of the four Gore kids (more on the others later) to follow her dad and grandfather to Capitol Hill. Karenna Gore Schiff separation aired as forthrightly as her parents'; also, catching up with the other Gores
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Washington Post: Supreme Court questions bad legal advice in plea bargains, won't hear Utah cross case Washington Post: Capitol Hill power player Fred Upton switches ideological gears as his clout grows Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Perhaps it is time for CUFI and other Christian Zionist allies of Israel to create a firestorm of adverse criticism on Capitol Hill against the Obama 'Israel agonistes' strategy. Israpundit
  • Ed came to the United States, Tatiana stayed in the Soviet Union, and the two were symbolically "remarried" in a 1982 Capitol Hill ceremony with Sen. Bob Dole and Rep. Jack Kemp to embarrass communist officials. Love etc.: Russia House lovebirds marry in Moscow
  • FOR all the recent posturing Capitol Hill, financial reform is coming.
  • In January, the Chamber arranged to “fly-in” some representatives from small businesses to Capitol Hill and “lead” them to a pre-arranged series of anti-CFPA meetings. Think Progress » As Chamber Builds Up Political Operation, Treasury Officials Express Frustration With Group’s Distortions
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • The companies convinced us that they had some juice on Capitol Hill, that they could sell this settlement.
  • The House is a re - conceptualization of an row house unit in Capitol Hill, Washington DC.
  • It is a slick piece of work, more like a product of Madison Avenue than staid Capitol Hill.
  • But then he steps into more uncharted -- or unbriefed -- waters: Question: And the corollary question that's emerged on Capitol Hill and elsewhere is, if it is murder, do you then shut down in vitro fertilization clinics? July 2006
  • He omitted it on applications to be a legislative assistant on Capitol Hill.
  • On one kiosk in the physical show a brief view of a crucifix covered with ants by Wojnarowicz was called sacrilegious by Republican leaders on Capitol Hill, and others, and the Portrait Gallery decided it was too much of a distraction to the overall themes of the show. Portrait Gallery gets huge online bump
  • Conrad Cheek Jr., who many Hill staffers know as the baritone hawking Street Sense newspapers around Capitol Hill. HUFFPOST HILL - Steve King, Golden Voices And Smelly New Hampshire
  • If he has been less than popular on Capitol Hill, he has juice where it counts.
  • She then came up to Capitol Hill, as you mentioned, and got a pretty lukewarm reception.
  • Later today, the White House car czar Edward Montgomery testifies on Capitol Hill.
  • As Democrats on Capitol Hill are trying to avoid a brewing intra-party battle over treatment of abortion in health care reform legislation, a top presidential adviser is reiterating that President Obama remains opposed to legislation that contains language preferred by more conservative Democrats in Congress. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 16, 2009
  • We have all grown more familiar than we probably like to acknowledge with Israel using its channels to Capitol Hill and in America's pro-Israel community to "outflank" an American administration -- and virtually always to the right.
  • In 2006, Davidson lured Sergey Brin to Capitol Hill for a trip that even Brin described as a disorganized, last-minute venture. In the Plex
  • The decision, by Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski, is likely to trigger a vigorous lobbying battle, arraying big phone and cable companies and their allies on Capitol Hill against Silicon Valley giants and consumer advocates. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Thursday, May 6, 2010
  • Chemical and agribusiness trade groups have mounted an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill.
  • The big-ticket item, and the part that will generate the biggest cost overruns, is the Capitol Hill / U-District tunnel.
  • She was dressed in what she calls her Capitol Hill uniform: a navy blue suit with a conservative straight skirt and a beige blouse, finished off with panty hose, sensible short-heeled navy pumps, and discreet gold jewelry. At First Sight
  • However, his arrival on Capitol Hill is likely to elicit a lukewarm reception.
  • The US attorney general faced another round of tough testimony on Capitol Hill today.
  • Just a short time ago, Capitol Hill Police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider said that they were investigating what they called a plausible explanation. CNN Transcript May 26, 2006
  • But with his term drawing to an end, and a souring relationship with Congress, his stature on Capitol Hill has diminished. Paulson Wants Rest of TARP Funds From Congress
  • A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
  • He can placate all those prying legislators who keep embarrassing MLB with hearings on Capitol Hill.
  • There's a buzzword humming on Capitol Hill and it is coming up in discussions from economic development and microfinance, to U.S. safety and security, to population growth and global health. Donna E. Shalala: U.S. Must Take Leadership to Make Mother's Day Every Day
  • What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
  • As always the President kept a weather eye on the Capitol Hill.
  • A legend on Capitol Hill, he was famous - his critics say infamous - for bringing huge amounts of federal "pork barrel" projects back to Alaska.
  • The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill.
  • Roosevelt was never able to dominate the veterans on Capitol Hill.
  • Until the recent House action, however, every plan to address the shortfall had been a non-starter on Capitol Hill.
  • As you know, I have spend most of week up on Capitol Hill covering the Congress.
  • While lesser men, perhaps those not dubbed the "brainiest" man on Capitol Hill by congressional staffers, might worry about accountability, Frank considers it an affront, given his personal and professional record. Top Democrats in Denial - Jonah Goldberg - Townhall Conservative
  • Gates said closing the controversial facility will require help from Capitol Hill.
  • Now, three governors whose states are among the hardest hit are pressing lawmakers on Capitol Hill and the administration to take action.
  • 3,000 city officials descended on Capitol Hill to lobby for more money.
  • I don't think I've ever read the phrase "Capitol Hill" in any of his books. NPR Topics: News
  • The Massachusetts Democrat noted that a meeting on Capitol Hill on Thursday will be interrupted for a "photo op" at the White House with congressional Democrats and Republicans as well as Bush. sheesh aka Puck Mule Palin (20: 39: 33): News
  • To front on France for having the "Gaulle" to question the whole rush to war thing, Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) symbolically renamed French fries and French toast "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" at the Capitol Hill cafeteria, burning France like it was 1944. John Wellington Ennis: Freedom Tower: Screw the Name, Just Build it Already
  • However, his arrival on Capitol Hill is likely to elicit a lukewarm reception.
  • There have been rumblings of impatience and dissatisfaction on Capitol Hill recently that lawmakers are using the arms procurement bill as a political power-struggle tool.
  • On Capitol Hill today, three former CIA directors voiced their concerns about the possible creation of a national intelligence czar.
  • On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, Democrats are hailing what they call a defeat for the Bush administration. CNN Transcript Jun 29, 2006
  • Just, do the research, if you do not know about hollywood. keywords: myron fagan capitoline hill Brad Pitt visits Capitol Hill 3: 29 Actor Brad Pitt held a press conference on Capitol Hill with Speaker - Articles related to Pitt investigates LaBeouf in Riptide?
  • Equally, if a mixed up bloodline is reason enough not to have a Parliament, what are those folks doing on Capitol Hill? Liberal Democrat - Because of immigration, there is no England
  • Masha and Nancy Grace were on Capitol Hill to try and get legislation called Masha ` s Law passed. CNN Transcript May 3, 2006
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • But Mr Specter 's decision nevertheless changes the dynamic on Capitol Hill.
  • A Democratic Capitol Hill aide said it's too early to tell whether Congress will go along with the proposal.
  • In what lobbyists are calling a harbinger of possible upheaval on Capitol Hill, many who make a living influencing government have gone from mostly shunning Democrats to aggressively recruiting them as lobbyists over the past six months or so. Archive 2006-08-13
  • The U.S. Congress lies on Capitol Hill.
  • The 35-year veteran of Capitol Hill can not brag that he knows how to pass bills through the Senate.
  • No one in Capitol Hill can in good conscience say that the people of this country do not deserve the same type of access to healthcare that they have as elected officials. Reid invited Clinton to Hill after consulting with WH
  • What is the perception there on Capitol Hill amongst the congressmen and the senators?
  • Olmert spoke to a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill today.
  • Chemical and agribusiness trade groups have mounted an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill.
  • On Capitol Hill, Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer of New York described the job numbers as "shocking" and said they call for "a strong, deep and effective stimulus package.
  • Q Some folks on Capitol Hill say that that's the problem, that if the result is foreordain, then that starts the fight, that there will be a floor amendment and you've got an early showdown on this issue -- Dee Dee Myers Press Briefing
  • The president made his first trip to Capitol Hill since his inauguration a week ago, aides said, to listen to concerns from Republicans who have been threatening to oppose the measure over what they call insufficient tax cuts and excessive spending. - News Articles
  • The economic agenda now pending on Capitol Hill includes all three of these burdens, so it's no wonder that employers are being supercautious before they add to their payrolls. The Jobless Stimulus
  • Clinton ventured to Capitol Hill Tuesday night enjoying the highest public approval ratings of his presidency.
  • A former Harvard instructor, Barney Frank twice won the title "brainiest", "funniest," and "most eloquent" member of the House in a survey of Capitol Hill staffers. American Thinker
  • Just, do the research, if you do not know about hollywood. keywords: myron fagan capitoline hill Brad Pitt visits Capitol Hill 3: 29 Actor Brad - Articles related to Pitt investigates LaBeouf in Riptide?
  • He made his first trip to Capitol Hill since his inauguration a week ago, aides said, to listen to concerns from Republicans who have been threatening to oppose the measure over what they call insufficient tax cuts and excessive spending. Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • The 35-year veteran of Capitol Hill can not brag that he knows how to pass bills through the Senate.
  • Hulse spends several paragraphs noting the desire of the freshmen Republican to "spoil for a fight" to reduce deficits, rather than to accept the half-hearted compromises that have been the norm on Capitol Hill. Jonathan Weiler: New York Times Acts as Press Secretary for House GOP Freshmen in Deficit Fight
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • He also said that he "just about gags," when he hears Republicans on Capitol Hill "lambast" Democrats and President Obama as "big spenders and socialists. Patricia Lesko: Bill Clinton Stumps For Dingell In Michigan
  • He will go to Capitol Hill Tuesday to press them further.
  • John A. Kitzhaber D, vice chairman of the NGA's Health and Human Services Committee, referring to the rancorous debate over health care that persists on Capitol Hill. Governors differ on extent of flexibility for Medicaid
  • At first the deal got plenty of criticism, from environmentalists and pro-business conservatives alike, and little traction on Capitol Hill.
  • They asked us to put on a two-day seminar in Capitol Hill in '75, excuse me, on what we called anticipatory democracy. Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave
  • the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill
  • Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away from Capitol Hill, deep within the cave-like laboratories of the infamous research centre that gave birth to the A-bomb, scientists have begun work on a new, highly classified project.
  • It is a slick piece of work, more like a product of Madison Avenue than staid Capitol Hill.
  • The lobbying rules in Congress are aimed at slowing down what is known as the "revolving door" between working on Capitol Hill and working as a lobbyist, where one is paid to peddle influence. Former aide to Sen. John Ensign indicted by feds
  • Though Bush publicly denounced the leak, an unnamed Republican aide on Capitol Hill told the New York Times that the underlying White House strategy was to “slime and defend, ” that is to “slime” Wilson and “defend” Bush. Printing: Why U.S. Intelligence Failed, Redux
  • What was needed now was a major legislative victory that would change the atmosphere of political resentment and resistance on Capitol Hill.
  • Now, other politicians on the campaign trail and on Capitol Hill are scrambling to get on the economic insecurity bandwagon.
  • The numbers belie the claims being made on Capitol Hill that Democrats were dragged into signing off on what one lawmaker described as a "sugar-coated Satan sandwich," with the creditworthiness of the United States on the line.
  • His conviction comes almost a year to the day after he appeared at a Capitol Hill briefing that dramatized the epidemic of undertreatment of pain in this country.
  • Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales takes to Capitol Hill to testify today, it's worth keeping in mind what this whole imbroglio is really about. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • Until the recent House action, however, every plan to address the shortfall had been a non-starter on Capitol Hill.
  • For thirty - two years Capitol Hill has been my home.
  • He would say, well, I am -- we ` re waiting -- at the time, this was when the battle on Capitol Hill was going on between Garfield and Conkling over the collectorship in New York. Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield
  • The agency got the kid - glove treatment on capitol hill.
  • On Capitol Hill, senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot.
  • And AFAIK (I am in no wise well-versed in the intricacies of this monstrously large bill -- neither, I suspect, is anyone on Capitol Hill), the subsidies are "rebated" when you file your tax return -- i.e., pay full-price up front, and we'll send ya a check once a year. Main RSS Feed
  • Report Abuse Even if this bill passes, by the end of October the construction season particularly insofar as infra- Washington Post: Supreme Court questions bad legal advice in plea bargains, won't hear Utah cross case Washington Post: Capitol Hill power player Fred Upton switches ideological gears as his clout grows Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It is likely to spark a massive fight on Capitol Hill.
  • The rest of the day I'll spend wandering the halls of Congress with my shillelagh and shamrocks, doing my best impersonation of St. Patrick as I try to drive the snakes out of Capitol Hill. The Green They Steal, the Greed They Wear ...a St. Patrick's Day Lamentation
  • It is hoped that the incoming administration will inject some life into Capitol Hill.
  • The U.S. Congress lies on Capitol Hill.
  • WASHINGTON (CNN) – Minnesota Senator-elect Al Franken's arrival on Capitol Hill some eight months after Election Day has set off a message battle in anticipation of the 2010 midterm elections. Senate Republicans highlight Franken's arrival in new Web video
  • I just don't think personally that Capitol Hill can daily micromanage a war in a situation like this.
  • Denizens of the Seattle blogosphere and loyal readers of this site will recall the dustup which ensued when Capitol Hill’s Victrola Coffee & Art decided to turn off its free 802.11 wireless service on weekends. Free Coffeehouse Wireless Redux: University Zoka | Seattle Metblogs
  • That was the message on Capitol Hill today where Federal Reserve Governor Edward Gramlich warned of what he called a worsening fiscal outlook. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2004
  • This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill.
  • Workers in biohazard suits push a cart of equipment into government offices on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday.
  • On Capitol Hill, Democrats seized on the Fed chairman's remarks to criticize Republicans for what they described as intransigence during the debt ceiling negotiations. NYT > Home Page
  • -- a flood of emails, faxes, and phone calls deluged Capitol Hill offices. Jonathan Rintels: Stunning Development on Capitol Hill: Public Nearly Wins!
  • The 5 p.m. embargo gives the Pentagon plenty of time to dispense the information to Capitol Hill and other agencies.
  • Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is back on Capitol Hill today.
  • On Capitol Hill the number of policemen on active duty was doubled.
  • We begin with a late night rejection of the auto bailout on Capitol Hill.
  • But the budget plan for fiscal 1998 that Clinton sent to Capitol Hill last week eliminated most of that dip.
  • If times are even testier than usual, it is undoubtedly because the government itself is divided, with a Republican finishing a first term in the White House and the Democrats in control of Capitol Hill ... Elections Past
  • The story fed by his enemies in the Agency is that dedicated career intelligence officers have been replaced by Capitol Hill hacks.
  • Given the growing interest on Capitol Hill, the hot topic at the conference was reform of the patent system.
  • The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday.
  • The tide on Capitol Hill appeared to be turning against the Gallegly amendment.
  • Corporate lobbyists have swamped Capitol Hill in an attempt to win over members of Congress to their respective explanations.
  • Congress is Thune's first elective office, but he arrived on Capitol Hill in 1997 with experience in several jobs that gave him a solid grounding in federal, state and local government.
  • A greater challenge for the enviros will be sustaining public interest in the trench warfare that will continue on Capitol Hill and in federal agencies now filling up with former oil, mining, auto, timber and biotech lobbyists.
  • The agency got the kid - glove treatment on capitol hill.
  • Already on Thursday morning, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley went on the offensive against what he described as a do-nothing climate on Capitol Hill. Reuters: Press Release

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