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How To Use Capitation In A Sentence

  • Incentives may be aimed directly at individual doctors such as capitation payments, caps on fee-for-service income, and target payments for screening set proportions of a population.
  • Fee-paying schools do not receive capitation and related supports - unless they are Protestant schools.
  • CNN: Ukraine general arrested in decapitation case POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 23, 2009
  • Secondly, they retained 25 percent of capitation monies outside the formula system for discretionary allocations.
  • Capitation based budgets in England were first introduced for health authorities and then, through the fundholding scheme, for general practices.
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  • The big fear in Canada, following a particularly gruesome incident, is random decapitations on intercity buses.
  • But a capitation could be apportioned by population quite easily; if it applied to every person (citizen or not, all levels of income) with no exceptions, it would in fact by definition already be apportioned. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Census of Enumeration”
  • And I think we are past the point where what I would call a decapitation strike would take this movement down. CNN Transcript Sep 23, 2006
  • The school received a lot of their money through capitation grants from the Department of Education.
  • Officials don't want a decapitation of the regime that would leave no counter-party for negotiation.
  • Their choices include nations that have swarms of malaria-infested mosquitoes, bad TV, deadly climates, decapitation issues, French people, bland food and other signs of inhospitableness. Driving the Rich Into the Sea
  • Animals were killed by decapitation and destruction of the brain and spinal cord.
  • By combining several regional groups of physicians, they were able to negotiate capitation payments for large patient populations.
  • Jim's figurative decapitation could thus be regarded as a literal interpretation of this ideal of racial unconsciousness.
  • a frightful crime of decapitation
  • Police at the scene of the accident said the woman was lucky to avoid decapitation.
  • The changes will require funding from INSET. capitation and staffing budgets.
  • Doctors receive capitation of £13.85 per patient.
  • A monthly capitation fee is paid to profit making companies.
  • His brutal decapitation raises similar issues that this article addresses, issues that we hoped to never have to reconsider.
  • In fact, the word "capital" in the context of punishment was coined to describe execution by decapitation, derived from the Latin word caput, which means "head. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • One official, Bassam al-Husseini, called the decapitation "an act of God. Hullabaloo
  • As no formula for capitation funding had been developed fundholders were given budgets on a historical basis.
  • But since the only requirement of apportionment is that a direct tax or capitation can only to three-fifths of a slave, and since we no longer have slaves, it no longer has any effect. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • When I first heard Pentagon newspeak refer to assassination as ‘decapitation,’ I naturally thought of Charles I and Louis XVI.
  • But yes, when not having a choice and just being plain evil, decapitation and dismemberment is the entertainment of the day! Weekly
  • The state would pay the salaries of teachers, capitation fees for every student and fund the construction of schools.
  • Some districts are gaining monies as a result of the change to capitation funding and others are losing.
  • A monthly capitation fee is paid to profit making companies.
  • Aid workers would be flowing into the area right now if they didn't fear decapitation.
  • He is serving a life sentence in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder and decapitation of his victim.
  • Millipedes were killed by disarticulation, often through decapitation, using the clypeus as a lever. Archive 2009-01-01
  • In single provider markets, purchasers could use this information to adjust further the capitation rates.
  • An increase in capitation grants to schools of only €50 per pupil would meet the annual insurance costs.
  • In those days, providers expected that they would eventually be paid by "capitation" -- receiving the same amount of money for each patient no matter how much care or what kind of care the patient needed. Projo Local News
  • But it’s funny – when you give this to a (very conservative) tax prof, he hopes to see a revolution in capitation jurisprudence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • As a warrior from the days of capitation, let me offer some lessons learned from the bad old days when our medical group had several large capitated contracts. Victoria Rogers McEvoy, M.D.: Will Global Payments Improve The Health Care System?
  • Furthermore, because these patients are not registered, capitation payments to primary care trusts may be reduced leading to a loss of health care for local people.
  • 'The next page is a scalping, and then we go to decapitation and finally disembodiment.' Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Consequently, budgets based on capitation formulas may discourage doctors from taking on patients with complex health needs who would be expected to make high use of healthcare services.
  • The end result was the further coercion, co-option and decapitation of the movement.
  • Sara says: he hopes to see a revolution in capitation jurisprudence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • What makes this tax a poll tax/capitation is that it is a per head tax on every person in the land ($750) which is then adjusted on income. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Chances Courts Would Strike Down the Individual Mandate
  • Stalin had determined on the decapitation of the nations he had conquered.
  • The Government should prescribe uniform guidelines to all the colleges regarding the minimum required infrastructure, along with maximum capitation fee and other fees.
  • Also, while Congress can impose a national capitation or property tax [ "direct tax"], to do so it must be "apportioned" which in point of fact means that the tax cannot be imposed. California Progress Report
  • Their history is one long saga of decapitation and disembowelment, usually because of dissatisfaction with the current government. A Guide to (Aargh! Chop!) Merrie England
  • For instance, he said, providers can share in more of the savings and can potentially get the money as monthly per-beneficiary payments, a format known as capitation. Health-Care Initiative Draws Fire
  • Nasreen's outspoken stance on what she calls the inherent misogyny of conservative Muslim society in Bangladesh has sparked protests, riots and warrants for her arrest as well as a cash reward for her decapitation by religious fundamentalists. Baithak
  • Mark N.: But a capitation could be apportioned by population quite easily; if it applied to every person (citizen or not, all levels of income) with no exceptions, it would in fact by definition already be apportioned. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Census of Enumeration”
  • The front page had a story about a large group of physicians threatening to drop out of the largest health plan because of a proposed change in payment from fee for service to capitation.
  • The department's capitation grant to each of the State's 3,200 primary schools is based on the number of pupils, with €133.58 given to school boards for every child enrolled.
  • This was the third night for David, here, and I now knew that he could only be killed by decapitation followed by submersion in running water until his body turned to ash and floated away. Crossed
  • Art1, sec9, C4: “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to betaken.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Was the Individual Mandate a “Republican Idea”?
  • I have 3 bludgeonings scheduled for Thursday, a routine decapitation on Friday, and I'll be "shunting" all weekend! Pretty/Scary
  • Hunters must dispatch snakes with a shot or knife blow to the head - decapitation is not recommended by animal welfare groups.
  • Anyway, a capitation is unconstitutional if it is not apportioned among the states according to the census. The Volokh Conspiracy » 13 States File Suit Against Health Care Reform
  • Primary-care physicians are increasingly interested in capitation arrangements, where they would be paid based on the number of people who register as clients for their services. Till Debt Do Us Part
  • No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
  • It's about as big as it gets, I guess, when you remember, Paula, that the war began with an attempt, what they called a decapitation attempt, a bombing of what they thought was a bunker that Saddam -- there was one other attempt like it in a restaurant in a part of the city. CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2003
  • STEPHEN GREY: Yeah, I'm not sure quite where you lost me there, but I was just saying that there's this parallel war, and 373 is involved in what they call decapitation operations. Democracy Now!
  • Receivers of direct taxes - taille, capitation, and vingtiemes - also profited from the fiscal system.
  • France had various experiments with monarchy, even after the decapitation of Louis XVI.
  • Article I and the Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution only authorize four types of taxes -- excises, imposts, capitation taxes, and income taxes -- and specify that Congress is the branch with power to levy these taxes. Ken Blackwell: Avoiding the Danger of a "Clean" BBA
  • And Mel Gibson does pass muster as a filthy freedom fighter with a talent for decapitation.
  • In fact, the word "capital" in the context of punishment was coined to describe execution by decapitation, derived from the Latin word caput, which means "head. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • In contrast, a country susceptible of being a target for political decapitation will try to protect itself.
  • Healthcare organisations in the United States have used financial incentives, such as ‘specialty withholds’ and capitation payments, to reduce referrals to specialists by gatekeepers.
  • However, to give credit where credit is due, “Evil Breed” does manage to stumble on an innovative way to prevent a “spot-the-wires” moment at the one hour, two minute twelve second mark by only filming the decapitation from the neck up. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • For example, with University College Cork, undergraduates pay a €750 registration fee and €65 capitation fee.
  • Millipedes were killed by disarticulation, often through decapitation, using the clypeus as a lever. Archive 2009-01-01
  • No one can look at a young pinnula at this epoch and observe the evident capitation of each ramentum, the inflexion of its apex, so that the head is brought into contact with the frond, without suspecting that they have the same relation of _cause_ to the appearance subsequently of the thecae or capsules. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • These policies usually mandate low levels of capitation on the total amount that can be allocated for these services.
  • The agency pays member plans a set fee, called a capitation, for each patient they sign up.
  • Oregon also increased capitation payments to encourage primary care providers to screen their patients for substance abuse disorders.
  • I suppose the right will point out that decapitation is not on the list. Think Progress » A list of ‘reliably documented’ techniques
  • To say that I was at ease on this trip would be exaggeration, the more as the zaptie-bimbashi talked freely to his subordinate about us, and vented his rage at being obliged to make such a journey for two beastly infidels, to whom the only grateful service he could render was decapitation. The Autobiography of a Journalist
  • No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. Think Progress » Did Jindal Bribe Louisiana’s Attorney General To Force Him To Join Frivolous Health Care Lawsuit? (UPDATED)
  • The invasion was seen as a decapitation exercise.
  • There's the 20 per cent tax credit for the childcare expenses of parents, and a promise to fund childcare and pre-schooling through a €1,200 capitation grant.
  • No one can look at a young pinnula at this epoch and observe the evident capitation of each ramentum, the inflexion of its apex, so that the head is brought into contact with the frond, without suspecting that they have the same relation of _cause_ to the appearance subsequently of the thecae or capsules. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The outcome of this special operation is called a coup d' etat or a political decapitation.
  • As this passage indicates, the white supremacist denial of black success effects a symbolic decapitation, or, more properly, psychological mutilation.
  • No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census of Enumeration herein before directed to betaken. The Volokh Conspiracy » “The Census of Enumeration”
  • The man fired a single bullet, and the decapitation of St Michael prevented him from suffering the same fate.
  • Lower arrows point to complete removal of the left and right uncinate processes of the third cervical vertebrae suggestive of complete severance of the spinal column leading to full decapitation (HK43 Burial 350). Zombie Attack at Hierakonpolis
  • This will be a special grant over and above capitation and other supports.
  • The concentrated battleground of the drug war has been on domestic soil, with America's so-called interdiction efforts spreading the fight across the world, from poppy-rich Afghanistan to the coca-nurturing Andes to the most brutal battlefield of them all, Mexico, which saw more than 5,600 drug-related murders last year, including several that involved publicly displayed decapitations Main RSS Feed
  • It starts off with a discussion of the pain involved in vaginal depilation and ends with demonic decapitation. Night of the Demons; F; The Horde
  • Her question was whether the health reform would pay doctors on a fee-for-service basis or whether there would be "capitation" - in which doctors are paid so much per patient regardless of how much care they provide. Indybay newswire
  • In the case study, the movement to a formula-based capitation system has had a profound managerial effect.
  • The decapitation attempt succeeded in causing panic among top officials and in spreading a belief that many of them had been killed.
  • It was just the problem of citizenship and capitation that made Philo take the diplomatic mission to Rome and produce the correlative historical works.
  • Male initiation rites among the Asmat no longer involve decapitation.
  • As no formula for capitation funding had been developed fundholders were given budgets on a historical basis.
  • The Constitution required that any capitation tax be apportioned, meaning that every person in a given state had to pay the same amount. Why the ObamaCare Tax Penalty Is Unconstitutional
  • Among the early missile strikes two days later was an apparent attempt at decapitation of the enemy leadership.
  • In Britain the problems associated with capitation grants were recognised in the early 1920s and were subsequently abolished and replaced with a block grant.
  • There was no addressing of the real costs involved through the extension of staff grants for example, or through capitation grants for the under twos.
  • Study suggested that the paying model of global budget and capitation will be helpful to promote health system reform.
  • There are also reports of an estimated 8,000 recent drug slayings and dissolvings (in acid), decapitations and kidnappings. The Mex Files
  • If not indicated otherwise, all animals used for gene and peptide expression profiling or receptor radioautography were sacrificed by decapitation under isoflurane anesthesia (Abbott, PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The serf also paid a variety of dues to the lord: the annual capitation or head tax (literally, a tax on existence), the taille (a tax on the serf's property), and the heriot (an inheritance tax).
  • Students will need to have been working in summer jobs that pay 10 per hour to pay the costs of going to college plus the increase in capitation fees.
  • Every briefing included satellite pictures showing precision attacks on targets selected for decapitation strikes.
  • Green-eyed monsters reared their ugly heads long enough for the Captain to attempt decapitation.
  • An Iraqi official called the decapitation an accident. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2007
  • The war began in March with US forces launching a "decapitation attack" aimed at the country's president.
  • Doctors receive capitation of £13.85 per patient.
  • The footage seemed irresistible to television, which kept replaying it, although not the grisly decapitation.
  • Recently President Bush signed a national security directive giving Cabinet agencies until early August to come up with plans to function if a so-called decapitation attack occurs. CNN Transcript May 31, 2007
  • A 1997 "yowie" print photo is shown, and a "yowie hunter" tries to connect the mystery animal to a puppy's decapitation. Yowie Story

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