How To Use Capitalism In A Sentence
The state has also passed laws that are inimical to the short-term interests of particular capitalists, but necessary in the longer-term interests of capitalism itself - for example, health and safety legislation.
The Russian Revolution itself was but one episode in the transition from capitalism to socialism.
Many people confuse the workings of capitalism that lead to lower costs and greater profits with free trade.
It's said that only the united power of industrial workers can crush capitalism.
Liberal proponents of American Values praise the freedom that opens the floodgates to gay marriage and pornography; conservatives, the liberty unleashing that locust plague called unrestrained capitalism; neo-conservatives the license for lying, murderous Machtpolitik.
Founding Fathers vs. Church Fathers
This is the basic economic pattern of patriarchy, which is a different thing to capitalism.
Japan's unique form of capitalism, based as it is on huge industrial groups called keiretsu, is beginning to fade.
Japan's Young Slackers
As Third World capitalism develops, the working class is destined to play its classic revolutionary role.
But the latest tradition in American capitalism is self-reward the CxOs with lots of bonuses no matter how they do, while laying off and exporting American jobs.
Think Progress » FACT CHECK: Combating Global Warming Does Not Require ‘Economic Castration’
The dialogue between Gandhi and Nehru on industrialism, socialism and capitalism dates back to 1928.
Florence, with it alchemically transforming art and catalysing capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
He has called capitalism 'an economy of exclusion by an idolatrous system of money'.
Times, Sunday Times
Class fractions are a fundamental feature of corporate capitalism and can become particularly potent fault lines.
Andrew Carnegie has been called the patron saint of compassionate capitalism.
Do you agree with those who contend that capitalism is so individualistic that it fails to protect the collective good?
Much of his work deals with the theme of innocence corrupted by capitalism.
For he really did believe capitalism controls the proles not by physical oppression but by bread and circuses, by cultural debasement - or ‘dumbing down’ as we now nervously say.
The case has pitted traditional morality against international casino capitalism.
I implore the May Day protesters to worry about real problems, rather than just labelling everything as an evil of capitalism.
It shows how uninterested capitalism is in preserving, prolonging, or improving human life.
The expansion of Western capitalism incorporated the Third World into an exploitative world system.
Is it a critique of capitalism or a cry against alienation?
Times, Sunday Times
The free marketeers like to assure us that there's an indissoluble link between capitalism and democracy.
I think its sad that the whole thing could have been a great opportunity to take the model of second life, and put a knife into the vampire capitalism that curses second-life, demonetize and thus democratize the platform.
Well That Was Quick
I think liberal capitalism is a great social good.
Times, Sunday Times
Certainly, few thinkers of the past two centuries have presented a more powerful critique of capitalism 's destructive power.
Times, Sunday Times
The social democrats gambled on bourgeois democracy and the stability of capitalism.
Guvernul imprimă bani, prevede sistemul sociale stabile, sistemul de piaţă stabilă, impune reguli de joc echitabile, asigură bănci, şi aşa mai departe. venituri din muncă datorează guvernamentale pentru asigurarea unui sistem stabil şi furnizarea de servicii sociale Capitalismul este incapabil de a furniza, cum ar fi poliţia, drumuri, pompieri, şi aşa mai departe. »2004» August
The twentieth century has demonstrated that it is impossible to tame capitalism by means of social reformist policies.
The club sold its soul to the devil of capitalism, and whilst the short term gains were success, admiration, a growing international fan base and kudos, that avenue of hedonism has finally delivered the bill.
The move away from national capitalisms to a more uniform system based on market disciplines has contributed to the undermining of the legitimacy of governments in Europe.
It wouldn't be the first time capitalism proved able to adjust to new realities.
Times, Sunday Times
The culture of old capitalism was to be replaced by something new.
Times, Sunday Times
American neo-conservatives and their Republican outriders have worked tirelessly for 50 years to promote this hocus pocus, which offends not only the first principles of humanity, but of what we know about capitalism.
Growth is about so much more than just the top rate of tax | Will Hutton
How do these groups work in the interests of global capitalism?
The City, in short, was placed on the same platform as Wall Street, thus creating the paradigm known as Anglo-Saxon Capitalism.
Robert Teitelman: Big Bang, Now and Then
The basic charge is that these men, critics of capitalism, were racists and elitists.
But, there have been enough wrinkles in recent events to suggest that we are not simply seeing the standard food chain of capitalism in action.
SYDNEY (AFP) —A cartoon on the front page of Australia's national newspaper Thursday neatly illustrates an irony admitted by the government: communist China could save capitalism.
People discover they are capable of things they had hardly dreamt of, and realise talents and potentials previously crushed by the grind of capitalism.
Growing disorder, eruptions of violence and decades of insecurity have accompanied each rebirth of capitalism in the past.
As we explain on page 8, what has happened is a classic example of the boom to bust cycle built into capitalism.
Marx sharpened and deepened this concept, and then used it to explore capitalism's class relations and internal dynamics.
Mansfield†™ s lecture is a reading from the first chapter of his book, which argues that manliness†"what he defines as sexual rapacity, an appetite for war, a general bull-in-a-china-shop heedlessnessâ€" is preferable to the namby-pamby faggotistical mores being pressed on us by radical feminism and the castratory mandates of late capitalism / twenty-first-century bureaucratic culture.
Harper's Magazine
For now we can proceed in terms of dealing with a fundamental social order which can be usefully described as disorganized capitalism.
Capitalism, with all its trappings, is the dominant financial model for the entire world.
Think Progress » Cornyn Hypocritically Accuses Democrats Of ‘Hysterical’ Reaction To Right-Wing Judicial Activism
For Smith, then, nature becomes internal to capitalism in such a way that the very distinction implied by using these terms is eroded and undermined.
We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out.
It is the vast labor pool that global capitalism has tapped into that is the new leviathan.
That kind of oligarchic "free market" perversion of capitalism, as practiced by hack GOP pols like Bush and preached by wingnut media hacks like Limbauh, and not capitalism
CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
I do not accept the argument that it is capitalism that has atomised us, hence creating a society where people feel little obligation to their fellow citizens and where bad manners proliferate.
This financial bonfire is our Reichtag fire, and our real Fuhrer, Paulson, is requesting emergency dictatorial powers to save the nation from nonexistent, unbridled capitalism.
The Highway Robber State « Blog
In the book Szaky argues for a new approach to business, an “eco-capitalism” based on a “triple bottom line.”
Revolution in a Bottle How TerraCycle is Redefining Green Business
Above these foundation stones compassionate capitalism rises like a beacon.
They are alienated, in the Marxist sense, from the product of their labours and this cannot be changed without revolutionary upheaval and the overthrow of capitalism.
Um artigo brutal no Guardian sobre o futuro do capitalismo, Capitalism's future on trial, que estabelece um paralelo claro e directo entre os correntes problemas da união europeia o não à constituição, os problemas orçamentais e os deficits de estados membros - este problema que tanto nos afecta e a ideia presente do capitalismo enquanto a mão invisível que estrutura os mercados e beneficia a longo prazo toda a sociedade.
Capitalismo Europeu
To win, the Left needs to discredit and defeat the very idea of capitalism, individualism, and personal freedom.
For example, saying that you hate capitalism is a powerful credential indicator to another anti-capitalist.
What is more, the closer a nation approximates to the American model - a highly advanced and technologically developed form of modern capitalism - the greater the rate of mental illness amongst its citizens.
One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work.
Surely the spread of democratic capitalism can only benefit American prosperity?
Decades of massive immigration had combined with corrupt government and the raw capitalism of the era to create horrific slums.
First is the fact that his capitalist society seemed to consist of mechanisms and relationships with universal effects throughout capitalism.
Capitalism is colour-blind and gender-blind, and does not discriminate based on religious belief or sexual orientation.
Industrial capitalism was indeed expanding productive power and creating a sharp division between employers and employees.
But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism.
In the liberal state, and competitive capitalism, it is the system of representative institutions.
A group of four men and women burst into a bank with a chorus of ‘Down with Capitalism!’
The cause of their poverty was seen to be 'dependent capitalism', and the remedy the socialization of the private ownership of the means of production.
The term crony capitalism is socialism trying to blame capitalism.
Capitalism may work manifold miracles, but they don't include meeting essential social needs such as housing and health care.
As opposed to the jingoist neocons who want to export the wonders of American capitalism, abortion, liberalism, and Starbucks all over the face of the earth.
Matthew Yglesias » All Presidents Engage With Tyrants
Western Marxists deem that the contemporary capitalism is a national capitalism which is different from non-monopoly capitalism and it enters a new capitalist era.
Moreover in the double demise of an earlier capitalism and colonialism, the rise of transnational globalism had made this cultural space even more paradoxical.
This is a seismic change because it means the age of liberal internationalist capitalism is coming to an end.
Times, Sunday Times
I begin with the most obvious, and certainly the most important, change that falls under this rubric: the replacement of socialism by capitalism in almost all the formerly socialist countries.
It is the price we pay for fifty years of political and intellectual stagnation, a time when the political dynamic of capitalism was detoured and frozen onto a cold war sidetrack.
Ultimately, this is how we need to think about dealing with global capitalism.
The anti-capitalism of the protesters on the streets of Seattle represented not the old dream of human liberation, but a fear of the future and a determination to flee back into a mythical past.
The initial usage of the term capitalism in its modern sense has been attributed to Louis Blanc in 1850 and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1861.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Non-Contradiction of Rand’s Capitalism
For many, eco-capitalism is the new big thing.
Times, Sunday Times
I would say, China will be like a fragile humpty dumpty sitting in the middle of fence and fall into preys of modern colonisation/capitalism.
Global Voices in English » China: The Founding of a Republic
Critics of popular capitalism argue that it is a programme for increasing inequality and poverty.
Much of the final stretch is a rather clumsy critique of'global capitalism '.
Times, Sunday Times
INDEXED shirts = adventures in turnkey capitalism.
It’s Friday!
This reading certainly invites us to look at Timon as an early modern critique of the growing and rapacious power of capitalism, which robs the aristocracy of its idealized form of patriarchy, based upon oligarchic, homosocial bonds.
It is nevertheless the set of attitudes which eventuated in the development of modern capitalism.
We are ready to accept liberal capitalism but with the ambition of achieving social, humanist goals.
The Great Depression of the 1930s -- the last time the term rightly applied -- was industrial capitalism's worst calamity.
You Call this a Depression?
No matter how much you talk about global effects or global capitalism, some people are very alienated and isolated in this world.
Such views, however, stemmed more from Mitchel's hatred of capitalism and landlordism than from any coherent socialist ideology.
When Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul took the stage at a recent GOP event here, he extolled the virtues of capitalism, worried about deflation and urged people to check out the national debt clock online.
In Kentucky race, Rand Paul and Jack Conway divided on strategy
At the beginning of this book we observed the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
Texas's success in leading California—and every state in the union—in job growth stems from what I call "cowboy capitalism.
California vs. Texas: Debating Their Economic Policies
The local elections in England show how limited democracy is under capitalism.
The national consolidation of American capitalism set the stage for its extraterritorial expansion.
What is the mechanism that brings capitalism crashing down?
One might say that fascism is really corporate control of politics, which is the sense in which Moore is using the term capitalism, so in fact democracy would then be the opposite of capitalism.
Anis Shivani: Is the Opposite of Capitalism Democracy? A Review of Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story
One of the clearest indications of the trend of modern capitalism has been the erosion of bourgeois democracy on a world scale.
The terrible events of 1505 were almost nothing compared to the barbarities of the Atlantic slave trade and colonialism which would come later as capitalism grew stronger.
Despite this, Marxists have spent more than a century mining his texts in order to piece together otherwise disparate, and often gnomic, comments and asides on capitalism and nature.
The overthrow of capitalism would usher in the socialist society.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
Thanks also to global capitalism, that freedom is not going away.
Christianity Today
Overthrowing capitalism and landlordism , and establishing a nationalized and democratically planned economy, is the only way to develop the productive forces.
That appetite might well grow if the world economy falters again and capitalism gets the blame.
Times, Sunday Times
The connections between global capitalism and the culture-ideology of consumerism must be laid bare.
Modern functionalist approaches continue to emphasize that state intervention is best explained by an impersonal logic of the development of advanced capitalism.
Los Angeles has long been one of the critical pulses of the economic and cultural condition of twentieth-century capitalism.
Others had pointed to the moral bankruptcy of capitalism.
Democracy and its Critics - Anglo-American democratic thought in the nineteenth century
What Lenin did not abandon in return was his fundamental antipathy to capitalism.
The other source of antiestablishment sentiment is the way capitalism operates.
Times, Sunday Times
Alongside the political arguments about inequality, Wall Street corruption and the failures of George W Bush, Moore argues that capitalism is also fundamentally unchristian.
We started by observing the global conflict which exists today between socialism and capitalism.
Opinion is divided on how to date both capitalism and the industrial revolution.
They fear that global capitalism could slide into even greater instability, and slump.
And he knows that the economic power of capitalism supplants the dictatorial power he envisions for himself.
Do the people of AdBusters, the people who sport their black spot logo and the people who support this type of action realize that capitalism and corporatism and the buying and making of goods is what keeps America going?
Against the background of all this shameless capitalism, a rather undignified saga rumbles on in the local press.
Talk about the ugly face of capitalism!
The Sun
His master explanatory variable is market capitalism and his dependent variable is peasant rebellion.
Central to many of the protests against it is a trilogy of discontents about the idea of capitalism, the process of globalization, and the behavior of corporations.
They saw it as a chance to create a third force between capitalism and Communism.
The bacon-flavored themes probably aren't purposefully repetitive, but that's OK because these seemingly unrelated story lines share a common bond: They are each part of what might be called piggish capitalism-an economic theory that mixes subsidization, consolidation and deregulation and that now endangers us all.
In These Times
Capitalism, with its chameleon-like qualities, must adapt quickly.
For long, misuse of the environment was treated in the Soviet Union as something that happens under capitalism but not under socialism.
Second, the development of advanced capitalism produced both a large oligopolistic business sector and a large oligopolistic labour union movement.
Morales built his campaign on promises to nationalize natural resources and "decolonize" the economy, code words for rolling back the rules of gringo-sponsored capitalism.
Calculated Contradictions
The diversity of political systems and of economic records in developing countries suggested that international capitalism was not the sole deciding factor.
The welfare state seemed to confirm the reformability of capitalism and the viability of a third way between capitalism and socialism.
This is a time full of lessons for those who day to day languish under the oppressive yoke of capitalism.
It is also caught between the worst of two political systems: a corrupt, crippled and haltingly reactive Russian Federation and carpet-bagging capitalism.
If anything, from an institutional point of view, Silicon Valley is — counterintuitively — a textbook example of 20th century capitalism.
‘All my adult life, I was branded by officials as ‘an exponent of the right’ who wanted to bring capitalism back to our country,’ he wrote.
He is very good on revolution and ideology and writes extensively on capitalism and socialism and the rise of the Soviet Union.
The profits from capitalism are redistributed to millions of people through collective investment trusts.
Much the same point may be made about the representative assemblies of advanced capitalism.
This was as real an investigation into homelessness as Dynasty was a searing critique of rampant capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
Capitalism has metamorphised our desires, we cannot go back, we cannot reindustrialise.
Sonic Truth
Hence the relative attraction of a centrally-planned, lowest common denominator mediocracy with just enough capitalism to be plundered and wasted on their ever failing social engineering schemes and flawed political theories.
We could also look to another source, the father of modern capitalism, Adam Smith.
But by the 1930s, Keynes became more concerned about the damage that the nonproductive rentier was doing to capitalism.
His philosophy of pragmatic capitalism and backslapping politics were viciously attacked by members of the Northern black elite.
It is a cynical camouflage for problems caused by the boom and bust rhythm of capitalism, and the bosses' insistence that profits come before people.
But boardroom fights, shareholder lawsuits and even fratricidal competition are the stuff of capitalism. Let the law take its course.
Utopian rhetoric about worldwide democratic capitalism is being replaced by the more pragmatic project of globalisation in one country.
The further capitalism developed the more compelling the Marxist analysis became.
∑ Reject all forms of hierarchy including capitalism, party communism, patriarchy, white supremacy, colonialism, and so-called representational politics;
Rochester IMC
He is the author of numerous books and pamphlets on capitalism, industry and the enterprise culture.
We are ready to accept liberal capitalism but with the ambition of achieving social, humanist goals.
Social democracy would give us the benefits of both capitalism and socialism without their faults.
The development from liberal to advanced capitalism has two characteristics.
Capitalism is co-opting social forces, such as surrealism, that once were nobly subversive.
There was no longer any feasible alternative to open, free democratic capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
Between these two books, with their rather different views of disaster, one can obtain a surprisingly broad political education into the philosophical unpinning of global corporate capitalism and its perennial alternative, cooperative civic society.
Dale Pendell: The Disaster Twin-Pak, Plus Zeitoun
Or, any interventionist component quickly becomes recommodified and rechanneled down one of global capitalism's many distributive streams.
Because such a policy did nothing to break the chain of capitalism worldwide.
And upon that assumption capitalism was based.
Moreover, he believes that the infotech revolution poses a particularly acute, existential challenge to capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
What DO they teach in art schools these days? art collegia delenda est et tu, capitalism
Giorgio Morandi at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Banks are simply sitting on cash in spite of the taxpayer bailouts — an example of crony capitalism at its best.
Yet from about 1500, mercantile capitalism began revolutionizing European societies, as expressed by the scientific and commercial spirit of the Renaissance.
Therefore many people have imagined their defense of laissez-faire capitalism to be similar to that of the neoclassical economists.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Although the United States leads the pack by many measures, it's bested in this category by the micronation of Singapore, not only because of the Asian country's manageable size, but also thanks to its uniquely successful brand of state capitalism.
Overall Ranking
For instance, state capitalism , as stipulated, is to be put into practice gradually.
And today we're in the badlands of cowboy capitalism, uncovering what the varmints have done to our retirement savings.
In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
Whether it does so will depend on whether Prime Minister Cameron can resist the pressures for easy short-term political point-scoring and apply the same rigorous, tough-minded approach to reforming the institutions of capitalism and the Big Society that he has brought to cutting government spending down to size.
How Britain Can Lead the World
For MG, his clash with the cosmopolitan forces of capitalism and Communism are merged--they are both the grinning face of the devil, and they are absorbed & subsumed in the person of some ancient deicidal tribe.
Philocrites: That 14th-century religion.
Men who see the misery and despair produced by capitalism think with joy of the days to come when the misery and despair are replaced by gladsomeness and hope.
The Common Sense of Socialism A Series of Letters Addressed to Jonathan Edwards, of Pittsburg
But he also had it in for Western capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
Will the struggles against global capitalism go forward on the program of socialist internationalism or will they be diverted into the blind alley of reactionary nationalism?
I am appalled that so few serious business leaders stand up to defend business and capitalism in a coherent way.
Times, Sunday Times
Combined with what the late Ernest Mandel called "extra-economic" factors (such as pliant labor leadership and peaceful trade unionism, establishment of the Bretton Woods international monetary system, Cold War ideology and the suppression or pacification of any possible dissent, and relative decline in the price of oil and other raw materials in the immediate post-WW II period), the New Deal and other government-sponsored reforms ushered in a period of rapid economic expansion that came to be known as the "golden years of US capitalism," which lasted until around 1970.
In advanced capitalism neo-Marxists argue that the factors responsible for recruiting people into organized expressions of discontent broaden.
Same with dogmatic laissez faire capitalism (whose Gawd is some omnipotent Invisible Hand whose wisdom is infallible) ....
The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
What price popular capitalism when house prices exclude the young from home ownership?
Times, Sunday Times
Something will be very wrong, however, if the assumptions of the kind of free-market capitalism - sometimes called 'neoliberal' - that has appeared triumphant since 1989 are not re-examined in this 20th anniversary year ...
Archive 2009-01-01
The King of financial arbitrage capitalism is the financial arbitrageur.
Economically, capitalism has transformed societies.
Globalisation undermined the nation state system upon which capitalism is historically based.
Her manipulation of capitalist power relations by drawing on her status as a millionaire in order to acquire access to the stokehole epitomizes what he refers to as a ‘compromise with modern industrial capitalism at…key points’.
Capitalism, democracy, individualism, gender equality, and secularism are Western notions that have been adopted in Asia.
But historians will be uncomfortable with Gleason's frequent recourse to terms like the frontier, corporate capitalism, and industrialization as explanatory or heuristic devices.
Any way you look at it, trying to talk sense to a stroker is like trying to sell capitalism to a terrorist.
Such are the murky origins of modern Russian capitalism.
Times, Sunday Times
On the other hand, if a woman artist speaks of militarism, imperialism, war and capitalism, she is still frequently rapped on her knuckles for inauthenticity, for transgressing into areas beyond her area of competence.
While some doubt whether late capitalism can ever be sufficiently "greened" to forestall climate change and other global calamities, many embrace the notion that a more widely held environmental ethic can be an important component of moving the current paradigm toward something more just and sustainable.
Randall Amster: Peace is the New War
America's cowboy capitalism asks its worker-citizens to be hardworking, self-motivated, innovative, and, surprising as it may strike its critics, civil.
The most frustrating thing about the debate Bill Gates has started is that the term creative capitalism is so vague.
Creative Capitalism
This was, indeed, a radical undermining of neoclassical economics as an ideology defending capitalism.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Marx and his followers were convinced that capitalism would destroy itself.
The development of Capitalism meant that a smaller and a yet smaller number of men commanded the means of production and of distribution whereby could be printed and set before a large circle a news-sheet fuller than the old model.
Belloc Speaks - The Free Press
Second, women are oppressed by both capitalism and by patriarchy.
Critical Social Research
Unless the real recipient of the foundation's beneficence is capitalism itself, which will now teach even poets a good lesson in the imperatives of market discipline?
Mojaheds of the Islamic Revolution beseeched the youth of Iran not to waste their lives for the sake of ‘liberalism and capitalism’.
Washington Post Shills for Terrorists « Blog
Bird vigorously pushed a heady mix of laborism and state capitalism that came to be known locally as milk and water socialism.
That is, once socialism replaced capitalism, classes would be abolished and class struggle would cease.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
That goes a long way toward explaining why results for “socialism” and “capitalism” are nearly statistically independent, I had the impression they were being asked in contradistinction to each other.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Reactions to Words Without Context
This contrast underscores the insulation which the Indian economy had enjoyed from the vicissitudes of world capitalism.
Capitalism works because people protect their own property and it is unarguable that the easy name belongs to me.