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capital cost

  1. the opportunity cost of the funds employed as the result of an investment decision; the rate of return that a business could earn if it chose another investment with equivalent risk

How To Use capital cost In A Sentence

  • There were considerable savings both on the capital cost of power stations and on their operating costs.
  • In future, much of this will pass to the bottlers, who will therefore incur extra capital costs, such as for adapting equipment, and will have to pay for the stamps upfront.
  • The real economic benefit conveyed by the right to print the accepted global currency is called seignorage, which results in part from the lower capital cost Americans derive from foreigners 'willingness to hold dollar cash. The Dollar and the Market Mess
  • Granted, it would take a while to amortize the capital costs, but with a guaranteed market like the Pentagon, that was a sucker bet. T2©: RISING STORM
  • But as usual, Ian, the problem really is cost and it's not just the capital cost, it's the operational cost.
  • Capital cost is shared out per acre farmed, while other costs are shared out per acre worked in the year.
  • First, by minimizing conversion capital costs while backing out of expensive oil we conserve both capital and consumer resources.
  • For a thermal power station the capital costs are apparently very similar, and the thermal power station would release more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • These forecasts should consider the effects of each option on the revenue as well as on the capital costs of the completed project.
  • By the empirical research method, the cross section analysis was made on the correlation between the capital cost and the capital structure by adding enterprise scale variable.
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