How To Use Caper In A Sentence

  • A 'the time we lay there it lowped and flang and capered and span like a teetotum, and whiles we could hear it skelloch as it span. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • Any tartness and capers seemed to have abandoned this dish for a more elegant life, leaving a creamy, flavourless gloop on the plate.
  • The gardener strolled off, his golden gown soon lost in the golden expanse of grass, accompanied by several small animals which capered at his feet, circled his head or hopped off and on his shoulders.
  • The kids stand frozen and slack-jawed, mesmerized by the adults capering around in rented tutus.
  • She suggests a four-stage process: walk into your house; turn the oven up high; prepare two or three ingredients in imaginative combinations (such as poussin, sweet potato and red onions; or cod, courgettes and capers); slap them in the oven, soused with oil and herbs; and retire to a sofa to souse yourself with something even stronger. Sorted For Brill And Whizz
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  • I have a skate wing in a pond of hot, acidulated brown butter with capers, and the flesh also pulls away from the cartilage with no effort whatsoever. Restaurant review: Butley Orford Oysterage
  • Pickron, who had experience in the background-screening industry, soon learned the landscaper was a convicted felon released from prison two years earlier. | news
  • Yotam Ottolenghi's conchiglie with saffron, capers and raisins recipe - Articles related to Organic Bistro delivers fresh homemade meals
  • There I saw the first olive tree ever planted in Australia; the Cork-tree in luxuriance; the Caper growing among rocks, the English Oak, the horse chestnut, broom, magnificent mulberry trees of thirty-five years growth, umbrageous and green, great variety of roses in hedges, also climbing roses.
  • A guy comes up with a caper, he puts together a team, they plan, and then they pull off the heist.
  • The window is called _La frineste deüs caperas_ (_the priests 'window_). Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
  • In front the violin sang a strident tune, and the biniou snored and hummed, while the player capered solemnly, lifting high his heavy clogs. Tales of Unrest
  • At every halting place the natives capered before them and tabored a welcome, while at Kama, where Gelele was staying, they not only played, but burst out with an extemporaneous couplet in Burton's honour: The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • Add tomato juice and wine to the vegetables, simmer for a few minutes then add the tomato and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Capernaum is here condemned with an emphasis (v. 23), And thou, Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The hedgehog caper had somehow affected his pattern of sleep and he was wide awake at six, with nowhere to go.
  • Rockwell, too, is no slouch in the cool stakes, having already teamed up with George Clooney for crime capers, Welcome to Collinwood and Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.
  • Their caper involves a nightlong journey of picking up cash all over town in a purloined bank van with Wayne and Henry posing as bank guards assigned to collect all this money.
  • I like to fly about and cut capers. Little Women
  • It's a terrific caper, beautifully acted by Nolte.
  • Wolf, roe deer and wild boar roam these mountains and in the spring the capercaillie, king of the forest, screams his mating call.
  • I am pleased that at long last the Executive seems to recognise that it is a very effective predator of the capercaillie.
  • These included the strength of the economy, the continued increase in home ownership, the influence of television garden makeover programmes and the shift towards larger and more mature planting by landscapers.
  • A practical nurse brought old red wine, a silver tray of smoked salmon, crumbled hard-boiled egg, capers and lemon.
  • Displays of wealth can also be misleading. Folks can appear wealthy -- but the mansion may be fully mortgaged, the cars might be leased and the landscaper may still be awaiting payment.
  • They go well with the strong Mediterranean flavours of anchovy, garlic, capers, extra virgin olive oil, rosemary and oregano, and Greek cheeses such as feta and halloumi.
  • Stress also brings other high quality ready-made meals to the fore, like smoked salmon, also at home on oatcakes, or as a sort of flat salad with capers and cornichons, or tossed over some more pasta with cream.
  • Add the capers at the last moment before serving. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Scatter the anchovy fillets, olives and capers over the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • They go well with the strong Mediterranean flavours of anchovy, garlic, capers, extra virgin olive oil, rosemary and oregano, and Greek cheeses such as feta and halloumi.
  • Blanc's career as a vertical landscaper is mostly a happy accident. Private Eye
  • It doesn't stop him later that evening from capering madly around the stage, all jack-in-a-box bouncing and extravagant semaphore gestures.
  • Modern identity theft is now about elaborate long-term capers that achieve massive payoffs, with the unpaid bills getting dumped in your lap. Internet for Beginners
  • Heck, I'd consider throwing in anchovies and capers, whatever I had in the fridge. Migas
  • Stock you pantry: good drinkable wines, fresh spices (buy small), good chicken broth, bottles of beans, piquillo peppers, capers, anchovies, etc.
  • He would, for example, refer to a crime caper rather than a crime story. Times, Sunday Times
  • We make a not unsimilar spread for Christmas using roasted red pepper, green onion, capers and cream cheese. Recipe for Roasted Tomato, Basil, and Goat Cheese Holiday Spread
  • After having thus repeated ‘the neck’ three times, and ‘wee yen, ’ or ‘way yen’ as often, they all burst out into a kind of loud and joyous laugh, flinging up their hats and caps into the air, capering about and perhaps kissing the girls. Chapter 47. Lityerses. § 4. The Corn-spirit slain in his Human Representatives
  • In 1977, he pleaded guilty to one caper and was sentenced to jail.
  • Barely a minute passes in this gun-crazy crime caper without someone pulling out a shooter or letting off some form of military hardware.
  • As he babysits the babes, he tries to mould them into prim and proper ladies in this fish-out-of-water caper as they in turn teach Roland the art of seduction.
  • I capered clumsily into the mob and drew a squad of ghosts trotting with a fife band. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • There is a mastery at work that elevates it from yet another crime caper to something almost operatic in scope.
  • The bit about not only sugary things tasting good shows Pomelo capering through asparagus-spiked hills. A Tiny Ambassador to Entrancing Worlds
  • Even at Sunday River, despite the publicity surrounding the Godson caper, there have been no other such incidents.
  • Mix with the chilli, capers, parsley and lemon juice. The Sun
  • Although the film is strongly plotted, its leisurely pace and quiet tone take it more in the direction of character study than the rollicking caper promised by the packaging.
  • But he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which was a city of Galilee, but many miles distant from Nazareth, a great city and of much resort. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The artistry of the conman is given an enticing makeover by Sir Ridley Scott in Matchstick Men, an ingenious little crime caper which functions on many levels.
  • It was up in an instant and capering after its prey like an aquatic grasshopper.
  • Silky smoked salmon is garnished with clabbered cream, shaved fennel, caperberries, microgreens, and a stack of warm, ethereal buckwheat blinis.
  • Wire fencing had been used to keep the deer out but this backfired when capercaillies killed themselves by flying into it.
  • Forest fauna include brown bear Ursus arctos, grey wolf Canis lupus, wild boar Sus scrofa, wild cat Felis silvestris, chamois Rupicapra rupicapra, various species of eagle, capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, black grouse Lyrurus tetrix and rock partridge Alectoris graeca. Durmitor National Park, Montenegro
  • If they land as much for sharing the top job, the whole caper will look even fishier. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kate Jackson was a single mother who got caught up in capers with Bruce Boxleitner as the spy code-named Scarecrow. DVD Deals and an Upcoming Favorite » DVDs Worth Watching
  • It's presented on a block of glass strewn with herbs, along with three Armagnac grapes encrusted in cornflakes and a foie gras parfait topped with a capering silver monkey.
  • Another hit was a trio of juicy grilled lamb chops, each with a different accompaniment: preserved lemon-caper gremolata sprinkled over one, a miso-roasted eggplant log with another and a smooth, creamy eggplant spread with the third.
  • The ovary of Speranskia (subtribe Speranskiinae) and Caperonia (subtribe Ditaxinae) is muricate.
  • Frankie did a little caper around the back of the van, on all fours like a demented monkey.
  • In France, they're a vital component of ratatouille, along with peppers and tomatoes; they play a starring role in Sicilian caponata, that combination of aubergine, celery, tomatoes and capers; and they are at their velvety best in southern Italian melanzane parmigiana, the meltingly delicious dish of layered aubergine, tomato and cheese; and, of course, Greeks love moussaka (see today's recipe). Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's aubergine recipes
  • Et misit Jehudah hoedum caprarum per manum amici sui Hadullamitae, ut caperet pignus e manu mulieris; qui non invenit eam. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • I love the sweetness of dried fruit in savory meat dishes, and capers are an olive-phobe's friend, since they provide a similar briny touch in a much smaller package. Capers Are An Olive-Phobe's Friend: Veracruzan Picadillo de Pollo... and a Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
  • She'd capered with Marlins and sharks, had known them by name. Eviction
  • Much imaginative capering ensues as our stroppy young heroine comes of age through the time-honoured route of folly, emergency driving lessons and sexual awakening at the hands of Robert Sheehan the gobby Irish one from Misfits, who plays snoggable townie borrower Spiller as a tearaway in a red biker jacket. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • Followed by a crime caper following the story of a seaman lured into a robbery in the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some animals, such as red squirrels and capercaillie, suffered from swiddening as well as the felling of timber in general.
  • A tissue paper thin comedy crime caper, it feels like a million movies I've seen before and not really enjoyed.
  • cut a caper
  • Combine in a frying pan with the olive oil, garlic, fennel seeds, capers, sea salt and pepper, and gently stew for 10 to 15 minutes, without actually ‘frying’ or browning.
  • Scatter the anchovy fillets, olives and capers over the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • They lay their eggs on plants in the caper family, like the wild passion fruit bush.
  • *Dans dans* *sings* Pinkee Pinkee Paw Pads * caper caper* Ok u caught me - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He struggled to put a name or face to the voice, but the memory capered at the edge of his recall, out of reach and beyond his grasp. Etched in Bone
  • And so you may be apprised of everything, there will come for you a black horned beast, not overbig, which will go capering about the piazza before you and making a great whistling and bounding, to terrify you; but, when he seeth that you are not to be daunted, he will come up to you quietly. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • In late March she wowed White Party-goers with a surprise performance, and she's just wrapped a lesbian assassin role in a caper dramedy, Gigli, alongside fellow friend-of-friends-of-Dorothy Ben Affleck.
  • Add tomato juice and wine to the vegetables, simmer for a few minutes then add the tomato and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, ye'll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o 'the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird's room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • The closest thing Latinos have is El Guapo's arch enemy - Edward James Olmos - who, at worst, may simply shake his head disapprovingly from his Beverly Hills rumpus room and brandish a microwave chimichanga at the television screen at news of a proposed Congressional Bill aimed at mandating that landscapers work while wearing proof of citizenship like a Flava-Flav clock. El Guapo: WANTED: Latino Al Sharpton
  • This chick lit Cinderella caper is a fun tale especially when the lead character seeks advice from her friend and pros like a hooker instead of a guidebook like THE HOPELESS ROMANTIC’S HANDBOOK. The Importance of Being Married-Gemma Townley « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • There are still 226 plant and animal species and 41 natural habitats under threat in Scotland, including capercaillies, cornflowers, red squirrels, dolphins and butterflies.
  • The dogs, indeed, would caper about, and bark round the opposing parties in a way that was at least inspiriting; but my Sandy Tom brandished his tail and took flying leaps upon no principle whatever; and as to Fatima's tortoise, it never budged from the beginning of the conflict to the end. Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances
  • Et misit Jehudah hoedum caprarum per manum amici sui Hadullamitae, ut caperet pignus e manu mulieris; qui non invenit eam. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • This is the task facing Steven Soderbergh and co, as they bring you the sequel to their crime caper, Ocean's 12.
  • Mix with the chilli, capers, parsley and lemon juice. The Sun
  • Bull's Head stringy fowls, with lower extremities like wooden legs, sticking up out of the dish; of its cannibalic boiled mutton, gushing horribly among its capers when carved; of its little dishes of pastry --- roofs of spermaceti ointment, erected over half an apple or four gooseberries. The Uncommercial Traveller
  • This affects especially ptarmigans, capercaillie, and ground birds. Sapmi~ the communities of Purnumukka, Ochejohka, and Nuorgam climate change case study
  • You can always count on this one for some comedy capers as blindfolded people crash into things.
  • Also absent from the list of toppings are Gorgonzola, feta and blue cheeses, fresh garlic, arugula, zucchini and capers.
  • Add the remaining butter olives, caper berries, and parsley and mix to combine.
  • They had certainly noticed that the rich in these towns around Capernaum were often ready to re - ceive us. The Gospel according to the Son
  • I am also a qualified gardening landscaper so do a bit of that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I guarantee that those who believe we would be enjoying a simpler life by living off the land are the same ones who can't bear to look at a blade of crabgrass without calling their landscaper in a panic. Tyler Hits a Home Run, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He's involved in some sort of organized crime caper.
  • It is a good sign, sir, to see a traveller's horse so capersome of a morning. Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendency.
  • *caper caper, prance prance* Pinkee Pinkee Toe Pads, FTW! Ok u caught me - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Then stir in the capers and olives. The Sun
  • Like the caper white, many of the whites are plain on top, but when they close their wings you see fine traceries, often with yellow highlights.
  • This is no cartoon caper - the Disney is in the detail. The Sun
  • Originally from France, black olive paste is more commonly known as tapenade, and is a puree of black olives, capers, garlic, anchovies and olive oil. From Warehouse to Your House
  • *caper caper, pranse pranse pranse,kitteh toepads danse danse danse*…. Iz abonm… abomilnal… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Who is AC going to fight anyway? over zealous walrus smackers? evil penguin capers? over active krill give me a gorram break. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Aquaman pilot swims to WB Network
  • Children capered around in awe of all the soldiers with weapons, and guests and dignitaries kept a respectful silence during the formalities.
  • Mel Gibson's rants, he flew off the handle while accusing his baby mama of having an affair with the "tree man" (aka the landscaper). Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
  • Among the 102 species of birds are spotted eagle Aquila clanga (VU), golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, capercaillie Tetrao urogallus, hazel grouse Bonasa bonasia, eagle owl Bubo bubo, black woodpecker Dryocopus martius, three-toed woodpecker Picoides trydactilus and Alpine chough Pyrrhocorax graculus. Pirin National Park, Bulgaria
  • Then add celery, green onion and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ask your landscaper to use it too.
  • Mash the anchovies and capers into a paste using the side of a knife, adding the shallot and olive oil as you do. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Asia Field, you will feel your eyes are not big enough to take in the camels, yaks, fallow deer, sika deer, blue sheep and springbok capering in all directions.
  • Before Jacob went to sea and was miscalled Yawcob by sailormen, he dwelt in dark woods, capered up jungle trees, and swayed vaingloriously from jungle boughs.
  • That kind of maneuverability, once enjoyed only by pro landscapers, is likely appealing to today’s ruralpolitans. Most Influential Home Products of the Decade, Part IV: Wood-pellet stoves and zero-turn-radius mowers
  • Add garlic, capers and cayenne pepper and sauté for two minutes.
  • He's involved in some sort of organized crime caper.
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap, that it was nane o’ the Auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the Laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the Major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the Laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the Laird himsell, if no better. Wandering Willie’s Tale
  • Or perhaps it refers to a curved knife for harvesting grapes (parra = cultivated grapevine) or doubtfully caper (alcaparra). Machetes y guaparras
  • Add anything from meatballs to crumbled feta and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or boil them with capers, samphire, mace, nutmeg, spinage, endive, and a rack or chine of mutton boil'd with them. The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
  • The red snapper we had chosen came to the table deboned and butterflied, where it was served onto our plates with a garnish of endive, radicchio, lemon wedges and capers.
  • Top with finely diced tomatoes, fried capers and a drizzle of olive oil and serve alongside the meatballs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flatbread was a ritzy variant on pizza with a thin, frangible crust held together by a liberal serving of melted Brie, and sensibly strewn with cubes of smoked salmon and capers.
  • Hire a professional landscaper to come in and remove the existing lawn and install stone or concrete paving stones.
  • It almost had me siding with the ones who are dead against all these capers. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • The Rosmarino starts with the rosemary vodka, dry vermouth and a hint of Pernod, served ice cold with a caper berry.
  • The area is faunistically rich, including European brown bear Ursus arctos, wolf Canis lupus, European otter Lutra lutra, wild cat Felis silvestris, eagle owl Bubo bubo, and capercaillie Tetra urogallus. Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
  • Secondly, those same non-native species are ecologically inappropriate in Europe and underscore various environmental problems such as habitat loss for native flora and fauna affecting capercaillie and black grouse to name two.
  • So, I capered off with Zak to dig up irises, coral bells, foxglove, primroses, violets, bugleweed, forget me nots and foamflower from our huge perennial beds. Tigers & Strawberries » Green Gold
  • Add tomato juice and wine to the vegetables, simmer for a few minutes then add the tomato and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Discreetly, in the vicinity of the snake's tail, the mouse capered. On Deadline
  • Mix with the chilli, capers, parsley and lemon juice. The Sun
  • And thou, Capernaum -- (See on [1263] Mt 4: 13). which art exalted unto heaven -- Not even of Chorazin and Bethsaida is this said. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Peperoni imbottiti, sweet local peppers filled with capers, olives, breadcrumbs and basil. Times, Sunday Times
  • For more variety, in the order abovesaid, sometimes dissolve an anchove or two, with some of the broth it was stewed in, and the yolks of two eggs dissolved with some verjuyce, wine, or juyce of orange; sometimes add some capers, and hard eggs chopped, as also sweet herbs, _&c. The accomplisht cook or, The art & mystery of cookery
  • This caper is gonna make for a long day at the office for the good folks at the RNC/McCain press operation. Zing the Bling… - Swampland -
  • When buttery soft add chilli, oregano, tomatoes and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Footage of the caprine capers attracted more than 6m views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other Cantabric species that seasonally spread into this ecoregion are the Cantabrian chamois (Rupicapra parva) and the highly endangered capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus). Northwest Iberian montane forests
  • One of the best things a houseguest ever did for me was go out after a huge party I had and bring back a bag of bagels and lox and cream cheese and capers to mitigate the hangover.
  • I, and these my fellows, for love o 'thee, good Fool, thy quips, thy quirks, thy songs and antics capersome. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • The word tapenade comes from tapeno, the Provençal word for “capers.” SARA MOULTON’S EVERYDAY FAMILY DINNERS
  • Marcella explains why: The tart corrective of the capers is just what the carrots need to add a little zip to their otherwise passive sweetness. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The fresh salmon, which is cured on the premises, made for an excellent sandwich with whipped cream cheese, red onions and capers.
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • Whatever, it set the howler monkeys capering in their giddiest branches, and jabbering almost as much as Jack.
  • Kevin tells of dropping off a group of climbers for some ice training in the Cairngorms before showing an 80-year-old man his first capercaillie.
  • They took over a fish and chip shop, where they mugged and capered while the locals waited long-sufferingly for their grub.
  • Caper films and crime thrillers just don't try and keep the audience on a piece of string this long.
  • {77} Here is the head of a Frenchman [_shews the head_], all levity and lightness, singing and capering from morning till night, as if he looked upon life to be but a long dance, and liberty and law but a jig. A Lecture On Heads As Delivered By Mr. Charles Lee Lewes, To Which Is Added, An Essay On Satire, With Forty-Seven Heads By Nesbit, From Designs By Thurston, 1812
  • Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest.
  • The Alps are one of the last strongholds for the central European population of the threatened capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), which consists of increasingly isolated populations. Alps conifer and mixed forests
  • The 1947 film noir detective story, now available on DVD, has a lot more potential for interpretation than your average caper, and a look that stands the test of time.
  • Now he may face the full 10 years, plus punishment for the grave-robbing caper.
  • We have the capercaillie and golden eagle as icons of Scotland and people associate more closely with these birds, which are more common but not endemic.
  • Peter took out his card, and followed the gay frotteur, up and down the room, in the faint hope of placing it in his hand; but the man, by twirling, and capering, and harlequinade, always eluded his pursuit. Paris Lions and London Tigers
  • So, I capered off with Zak to dig up irises, coral bells, foxglove, primroses, violets, bugleweed, forget me nots and foamflower from our huge perennial beds. Tigers & Strawberries » Green Gold
  • Just don't expect a ‘post-modern’ crime caper in the Quentin Tarantino vein.
  • Desperate to purge the aftertaste, I devoured the accompanying capers, but it didn't work.
  • Stir olives, capers and lemon into the fennel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heat the grapeseed oil in a small saucepan and fry the capers until they are crisp and have opened like a flower. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if you want a quality crime caper, then this is for you. The Sun
  • He makes big plays and his ability to play up in the box would be a definite asset in Dom Capers' zone blitz scheme.
  • Also absent from the list of toppings are gorgonzola, feta and blue cheeses, fresh garlic, arugula, zucchini and capers.
  • She had not promised her support in any of the capers - but she had listened. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • He knew little, even less than Watteau and far less than Boucher and Fragonard, about the myths versified by Ovid and depicted by the flighty polychromatic cloud-scapers of Versailles.
  • I ordered the tuna salad with cherry tomatoes, sugar snaps, new potatoes, black olives, red chard and vinaigrette of baby capers and fresh herbs.
  • In a large bowl, lightly mix the olive oil, garlic, chilli, capers, lemon juice, lemon zest, sea salt and pepper.
  • An interesting new blog is Chiral Capers Observations of Japan in matters cultural, photographical and theological. Archive 2009-02-01
  • I had to work my way up from scams to hustles to grifts to short-cons to swindles to long-cons to heists to inside jobs to stings to capers to scores.
  • Below the trees, a layer of tall herbs and coarse grasses grows to 2 to 3 m in height, including Caperonia palustris, Echinochloa colona, Hibiscus asper, Hygrophila auriculata, Sorghum purpureosericeum, and Schoenfeldia gracilis. Lake Chad flooded savanna
  • Barrie Rutter is in his element as a Sir John whose artificial belly means he can hardly get up or sit down, yet is always ready to caper at a lady.
  • Stir through the capers and add lemon juice to taste. The Sun
  • Anyway their latest caper is to offer to purchase LFA (Less Favoured Area) Sheep Quota from any producer willing to sell it.
  • He capered and cavorted growing louder by the moment, so that it was a fair bit before the French player's quiet protestations could be heard.
  • Citron grills octopus until it's sultry and smoky, then adds opaline orbs of cod cheeks to soak up a rich black-currant-and-caper broth.
  • The capers are usually pickled in a white wine vinegar to preserve them.
  • For this reason, I think that olives and capers also go very well with fish, thus making this salsa a perfect topping for a Mexican fish dish such as a tostada or a taco. Fish tostadas, Veracruz style | Homesick Texan
  • In my twenties, working as a landscaper, there were few other products around. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first movie, made in 1969, was the quintessential British caper film of the 1960s.
  • As the garden is usually the last project on the list, the landscaper must negotiate a newly decorated, newly floored area to work on the site.
  • This certainly isn't Dark Knight territory, but for Ritchie, who brings such a unique sensibility to albeit modestly produced double-crossing capers, that is marked success by most accounts. RocknRolla Gets Early Praise - Guy Ritchie Confirms Sequels «
  • Add tomatoes, olives, capers, and thyme; season with salt and white pepper to taste.
  • He liked to pet and romp with her, to carry her on his back and caper around like the friskiest of ponies. Apples, Ripe and Rosy, Sir
  • The clown was capering under the lamp, waving his fists exultantly above his head.
  • It'll be a real hoot to see the neighbors gawking, gasping and going completely bonkers over your capricious little caper.
  • This is no cartoon caper - the Disney is in the detail. The Sun
  • Birds include species of swan goose Anser cygnoides, crested honey buzzard Pernis ptilorhyncus, black kite Milvus migrans, hawk owl Sunia ulula, rock ptarmigan Lagopus mutus, hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia, capercaillie Tetrao urogallus and great bustard Otis tarda. Lake Baikal Basin, Russian Federation
  • If Kolkka's caper was at least inventive, Rooney's clap has already proved imitable. Which football teams have been referenced on album covers? | The Knowledge
  • The absurdities he is guilty of, the capers he cuts, excite our philosophic risibility. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest.
  • Were one asked what aspects of Hamlet does Forbes-Robertson specially embody, I should say, in the first place, his princeliness, his ghostliness, then his cynical and occasionally madcap humour, as where, at the end of the play-scene, he capers behind the throne in a terrible boyish glee. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • When fully incorporated, add the capers, parsley, the vinegars and the water.
  • It was dark by then and a few drunken students were capering about.
  • Scatter the anchovy fillets, olives and capers over the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, ye'll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o 'the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird's room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird's whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • Dirty boys capered like shadows at the edge of the performance, aping the musicians' gestures.
  • The amazing thing about this Midnight Louie cat crime caper is that the feline is on his third life of books, but the writing magician Carole Nelson Douglas shows her skills by keeping the frolic fresh, funny and fun. Cat in a Sapphire Slipper-Carole Nelson Douglas « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Followed by a crime caper following the story of a seaman lured into a robbery in the City. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, ye’ll no hinder some to threap that it was nane o’ the auld Enemy that Dougal and my gudesire saw in the laird’s room, but only that wanchancy creature, the major, capering on the coffin; and that, as to the blawing on the laird’s whistle that was heard after he was dead, the filthy brute could do that as weel as the laird himsell, if no better. Redgauntlet
  • I wandered down the main road, past the heavy hydraulic vehicle barriers, no-trespassing notices, cameras, and some landscapers making a racket with a leaf-blower.
  • Grilled chicken breast with capers, olives, and artichoke in marinara sauce.
  • This miracle was wrought in Capernaum, where most of Christ's mighty works were done, Matt. xi. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The resemblance of "chevron" to "chèvre," the French word for "goat" and our word for a kind of cheese that comes from goat's milk, is no coincidence, as that word derives from "caper" as well. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day

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