How To Use Capacitate In A Sentence

  • And these advocates, incapacitated by miscalled seminaries for alluseful endeavor, become defenders of the faith and prosecutors of all and each and any who fix their hearts on such simple and Godlike things as friendship and equality. Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers
  • The microscope capacitates small objects to be observed.
  • A serious fall incapacitated the 68-year-old congressman.
  • The need for a single police service that is capacitated to fight and defeat crime. Address by ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe to NEHAWU Securities Function
  • A successful attack would incapacitate military training camps.
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  • He later added: ‘The pathologists say there was no evidence Robert struggled, which suggests Robert may have been incapacitated in some way.’
  • The Defendant would then pay the incapacitated person that amount, less any pension contribution if he or she was in the pension scheme and less tax and National Insurance.
  • A real man, I used to say, no matter how sickly or incapacitated, should pick up a case by its handle and carry it like a man.
  • Officers also carry CS spray which stings, irritates, and incapacitates the suspect.
  • Have been severely incapacitated by latest pregnancy symptoms so apologies for absence.
  • It's a video litany of natural disasters, of wind and rain and snow and donder and blitzen, punctuated with images of lesser vehicles incapacitated by the elements, while Hummers sail serenely through. Patt Morrison: Hummer? No, Bummer!
  • I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch. The Days Before Yesterday
  • The reason for the application was that the existing worker had suffered a heart attack and is currently incapacitated.
  • They assert that the student has been incapacitated by the power differential, and must be in need of their protection.
  • It is indeed refreshing to see politically unaligned individuals beginning to contribute soberly in this crucial public debate in the interest of what the ANC seeks to achieve: a strong and coordinated criminal justice system that is capacitated to effectively fight all kinds of crime within the country. ANC Today
  • Without these heuristical shortcuts, we'd be incapacitated going through all information in the world. Comments for Antworten zum Universum
  • There's also a reference to what they call a miraculous event that occurred during the weekend after Terri's feeding tube was removed and -- "Which fundamentally alters the manner in which Terri's claims are to be viewed by the federal courts when Congress, in bipartisan and dramatic fashion, thundered the message that the United States of America must stand for life, accuracy and fairness and in the process afforded an incapacitated woman," that apparently a reference, that miracle reference apparently to Barbara Weller, a lawyer who happens to be a friend of the parents, who said over the weekend that Terri Schiavo apparently tried to mouth the words "I want to live. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2005
  • They probably incapacitated the flight crews, then took over the controls and steered the aircraft into their targets, the experts said.
  • I will tell the jury that he was mentally incapacitated or driven by emotion alone and hadn't a clue of how to deal.
  • In 1963, he suffered the first of several strokes which finally incapacitated him.
  • There was no formal role for a queen to be regent in England when king was incapacitated.
  • He is married to Aggie, incapacitated with a broken leg, like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.
  • His injury incapacitated him for playing basketball.
  • But in Deus Ex I'll spend two hours trying to make sure I incapacitate the person trying to kill me for failing to execute a hostage that's far from innocent. The Authorship Conflict
  • He's under orders not to sink us so the best he can do is to try to incapacitate us as much as possible. SAN ANDREAS
  • In his incapacitated state the bogus lawman fell gratefully back onto the grass.
  • Sap mechanic changed from "Incapacitate" to "Sap". This will allow more humanoids that were previously immune to Sap to be vulnerable to Sap, but still immune to Gouge.
  • The accident left me incapacitated for seven months.
  • And if someone is incapacitated and unable to make decisions for themselves, woe betide another person who might make a wrong decision for them.
  • Such an informal check on the Court could give the public some assurances that law clerks are not running an incapacitated justice's office.
  • Nor does Chertoff blush at "incapacitating" the innocent: "… we have arrested and successfully prosecuted a number of people … for acts that perhaps were not terrorist in nature but allowed us to incapacitate someone who we had reason to believe was a terrorist.
  • But now when an Egyptian simpleton is tortured by the hands of a Libyan officer - a government representative - in an official police station for a prolonged period of time with the intention of torture and homicide, and when the guy is shipped back in a pile to spend the rest of his life incapacitated - when all of that happens, will we see thousands of Islamists demonstrating in his defense? Global Voices in English » Egypt: What’s good for the goose is NOT good for the gander
  • And one does not have to be a lawyer to understand that inviting such a person to sign a legal form, especially without first taking careful steps to make sure they're not incapacitated, is highly unethical. Balkinization
  • Cathine also stimulated the production of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate - a chemical messenger within cells) in uncapacitated sperm whilst inhibiting it in capacitated sperm.
  • Research is also being carried out in England into the possible use of tasers, which fire darts connected to a wire that carries an electrical current powerful enough to incapacitate the target.
  • While I applaud the government's social grant initiatives, I think we need to begin to capacitate people in rural areas to produce food, otherwise what government says will be palliatives.
  • He's under orders not to sink us so the best he can do is to try to incapacitate us as much as possible. SAN ANDREAS
  • Only a dead or incapacitated carabiniere would allow his gun to be taken from him. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • The behaviour of this rascally sycophant incensed me so much, that one day, when I was beleaguered by him and his hounds in a farmer's house, where I had found protection, I took aim at him (being an excellent marksman) with a large pebble, which struck out four of his foreteeth, and effectually incapacitated him from doing the office of a clerk. The Adventures of Roderick Random
  • A serious fall incapacitated the 68-year-old congressman.
  • According to the central bank law, a member of the bank's board of governors cannot be replaced unless he or she has been proven to have committed a crime, has been incapacitated or voluntarily resigns.
  • A real man, I used to say, no matter how sickly or incapacitated, should pick up a case by its handle and carry it like a man.
  • It is indeed refreshing to see politically unaligned individuals beginning to contribute soberly in this crucial public debate in the interest of what the African National Congress seeks to achieve: a strong and coordinated criminal justice system that is capacitated to effectively fight all kinds of crime within the country. Response to Fivaz-Njenje\'s Sunday Times article
  • Designed like a flashlight, this light saber (also dubbed a barf beamer and a puke saber) is intended to totally incapacitate its targets by emitting multiple light frequencies and colors that confuse the brain, resulting in symptoms ranging from discomfort and disorientation to temporary blindness and nausea. John W. Whitehead: Compliance Weapons: One Step Closer to a Police State?
  • If an individual's incapacity prevents him from aspiring to a normal range of employments, he is treated as permanently incapacitated.
  • When she could see things clearly again, Marc's opponent had incapacitated him with a paralysing half-nelson. LAST SHOT
  • The Commission's current IT infrastructure is ready and capacitated to provide a stable platform to support the next national and provincial elections in 2009; and voter education will be done in a visible and concerted manner. Speech by Ronald Mofokeng during the consideration of reports of SCOPA on the Department of Home Affairs, the Government Printing Works and the Independent Electoral Commission
  • Labyrinth while nearing incapacitated stoned is a real trip and Jennifer Connely is fucking * hot* Top 10 Movies to Watch Stoned/High » Scene-Stealers
  • And we're searching now what would need to take place if the governor would be incapacitated.
  • When it comes to conflicts of interest among states holding veto power, the Security Council is incapacitated.
  • As in the case for the forearm, attempts to immediately incapacitate an adversary by directing thrusts or cuts to leg muscles may not have been particularly effective.
  • Her lawyers have said she was so incapacitated she could not sign her name and had to use a thumb print as a signature.
  • If the ones who opted to capacitate SSH changed their default password, they were defence to attack. RTFM: Jailbroken iPhones get iRickrolled due to weak SSH access ...
  • I also had a couple of ciders and that together with the bright sunlight most likely brought on the terrible headache that incapacitated me in the evening.
  • Just in so far as they have adjusted themselves to live in and overcome the opposition of the body-tissues of a certain species of animals, _just to that degree they have incapacitated themselves to live in the tissues of any other species_. Preventable Diseases
  • Better to disappear silently, presumed incapacitated or dead. EVERVILLE
  • Depending upon a turn we will be required to sense learners in an array of activities which will capacitate Archive 2009-11-01
  • ECS as good as a Episcopal Diocese of Long Island put over $200K in to renovating a space to capacitate AFC to offer protected as good as cool preserve during a site. Archive 2009-11-01
  • As his company lies incapacitated by dehydration, as weather and geography prevent resupply from helicopters while the company is pinned down by North Vietnamese troops, the captain orders the medics—called "squids"—to pull the IVs from the wounded in order to hydrate the "effectives"—functioning soldiers—so that they can survive the next assault by the enemy and continue the mission. Twelve Months of Reading
  • Shock often manifests itself as conversion hysteria, where the mind causes the body to be incapacitated.
  • It may be that this indicates a greater readiness on the part of the courts to mitigate the lack of legislation on the treatment of incapacitated patients.
  • Once he comes up on an opponent, he can lay out most enemies with punches or headbutts, even triggering a spinning attack to incapacitate thugs.
  • This instruction capacitates us to understand the problem
  • It seems likely that the law will need to be changed in this respect and proposals were made by the Law Commission some years ago that would provide for proxy consents for the incapacitated.
  • Bob has been totally incapacitated, as far as his professional life is concerned because of this.
  • A successful attack would incapacitate military training camps.
  • Bob Sura is still out . As is — surprise, surprise — the chronically incapacitated Derek Anderson.
  • Was she forced to become a chiropractor because so many of her yoga clients were overdoing it and leaving her centre incapacitated?
  • A successful attack would incapacitate military training camps.
  • Research is also being carried out in England into the possible use of tasers, which fire darts connected to a wire that carries an electrical current powerful enough to incapacitate the target.
  • All that is really at issue is how quickly Dempsey becomes incapacitated. COLDHEART CANYON
  • This largely incapacitates the biological function.
  • His injury incapacitated him for playing basketball.
  • And the press would pile on, painting a picture of a luckless, incapacitated campaign, powerless to avoid its approaching doom. O: A Presidential Novel
  • He said he should "capacitate" these units if there is to be any significant breakthrough in the fight against crime. Mail & Guardian Online
  • A successful attack would incapacitate military training camps.
  • During their three spacewalks they completed the installation of the laboratory, deployed communications equipment, installed a docking port and practiced techniques for rescuing an incapacitated spacewalker.
  • We hope that municipalities will be capacitated to carry out their functions and that the model will be shared with other district municipalities,’ Ramphele said.
  • While women remain liberated and autonomous in many respects, some - primarily those in families and middle-age - remain incapacitated.
  • He is already eighteen years old and is capacitated to vote.
  • They assert that the student has been incapacitated by the power differential, and must be in need of their protection.
  • ‘That's what you get to when you recognize that you're part of an industry that's high power and successful, but at the same time, overcapacitated to a fare-thee-well,’ says he.
  • And the second bomber was injured or at least was incapacitated by that first attack, and his bomb didn't go off.
  • The report stated that the pilot and passengers were probably incapacitated as a result of altitude hypoxia due to the aircraft being unpressurised and their not receiving supplemental oxygen.
  • She incapacitates him through her revelation of the secret of his birth at a moment when he should have been at his strongest.
  • I am a little drunk, but in no way incapacitated.
  • Many stepped up when wounds incapacitated their leaders.
  • The condition, which he contracted more than three years ago, frequently incapacitates him.
  • The Christian Brothers took the case in an attempt to prevent the commission making public findings against deceased, former, incapacitated or untraced members and in cases where the passage of time was considered too great.
  • In his incapacitated state the bogus lawman fell gratefully back onto the grass.
  • In most cases the parents are physically incapacitated through drugs or drink or mentally and emotionally destroyed by having suffered themselves as children.
  • Those physical injuries incapacitated her for her former job, but it was not suggested that they incapacitated her wholly.
  • But it is small, under-resourced and under-capacitated. Address by ANC President Jacob Zuma at the Leadership Magazine's 'Tomorrow's Leaders' Convention
  • The court then on that material finds that he was not after all incapacitated and you have irreconcilable judgments of the court.
  • However, it said, South Africans did not have to have their patience tested further by an under-capacitated and ill-maintained power that had taken carte blanche to execute the load shedding exercises in the arbitrary fashion that it often did. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Governments contingency have a correct infrastructure as good as aptitude to capacitate successful media preparation preparation initiatives. Literacy News 217th Edition
  • By this time my father was totally incapacitated by his illness.
  • Her mother has been incapacitated by a fall.
  • She did not seem to mind the cloying saccharine smell as she briskly walked past rows of incapacitated men, they heads so filled with the narcotic fumes that it was a miracle that they were still alive.
  • Kupelo said those who complied with legislation governing the custom in the Eastern Cape would be further "capacitated" with training and recognition of their practices, while those who continued to disregard the act would be "severely punished". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Extracted or ejaculated sperms are capacitated (a biochemical and structural change in the laboratory), to isolate motile and healthy sperms prior to fertilization process. Increasing the odds of a successful Blastocyst culture In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • He gave up his business interests in 1958, when he was partially incapacitated by coronary thrombosis.
  • Once a patient is extremely incapacitated, there is little medical motivation to aggressively treat such infections.
  • The aim of the programme was to reintegrate people who were temporarily incapacitated into the workforce.
  • People driving within the legal limit can be really incapacitated and have their driving seriously impaired, especially at lunchtime.
  • ‘He was incapacitated in his chair in his room at the nursing home, at the end they had to move him around with a hoist,’ he said.
  • Rubber bullets are designed to incapacitate people rather than kill them.
  • Comey and Ashcroft both agreed to kill the program, and the only reason Card and Abu Gonzales were sneaking to his hospital bed was to try to dupe an ill, incapacitated man into changing his mind and "overruling" the acting Attorney General Balkinization
  • A preincubated, capacitated sperm suspension was gently added to the freshly ovulated oocytes to give a final motile sperm concentration of 1 x [10.sup.6] / ml.
  • Instead I lay incapacitated, overwhelmed by the sensation I am now able to give the name micropsia.
  • For those of you who are not familiar with this product, it is a less-than-lethal stun gun with two metal prongs designed to incapacitate an assailant with a shock of high-voltage, low amperage electricity while you flee to safety.
  • The plaintiff's case at trial was simply that she was totally incapacitated.
  • They include incendiaries, poison gases, herbicides and other types of chemical substances that can kill, maim or temporarily incapacitate.
  • During the catamenial period, _i. e._, during one week out of every month, a woman should abandon intellectual or physical labor, either because she is already incapacitated for it, or because she will be so ultimately, if she does not take the precautionary rest. The Education of American Girls
  • In March 1917 he received one of those wounds named affectionately by Tommies as a ‘Blighty’ wound - bad enough for you to be sent back home but not bad enough to keep you incapacitated for ever.
  • The finding against us was that the worker did not show to the satisfaction of the review officer that he was incapacitated at the point in time he was seeking wages, workers' compensation payments and nothing more.
  • Would our feeble eyes, therefore, become stronger -- would our narrow views of things be enlarged -- should we be better capacitated to understand his projects -- could we with more certitude divine his plans, enter into his designs -- would our exility of judgment be competent to measure his wisdom, to follow the eternal order he has established? The System of Nature, Volume 2
  • Marcellus was struck down sick and incapacitated when a galactic storm struck the outer planets, creating destruction and havoc.
  • In order to improve spending of its housing budget, the department needs to ensure that, particularly, municipalities are properly capacitated to manage their housing budgets.
  • The organized system of plunder and anarchy, exercised under different forms more or less sanguinary, produced no permanent result beyond an incontestible proof that the versatility of the French nation, and its puny suppleness of character, utterly incapacitate it for that energetic enterprise without which there can be no hope of permanent emancipation from national slavery. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 7
  • And in fact, we have a number of incidents in Russia lately where people were either assassinated or poisoned or administered some drugs which incapacitated them.
  • Today we look at claims that in Queensland, the regime that looks after the most vulnerable people, the infirm elderly, and incapacitated adults, is failing.
  • He slipped her a 'roofie' then when she became incapacitated, took her back to her room, raped her, which resulted in a pregnancy. Jokers to the right
  • Sap mechanic changed from "Incapacitate" to "Sap". This will allow more humanoids that were previously immune to Sap to be vulnerable to Sap, but still immune to Gouge.
  • I cabbed it out to Cnoc an Óir, my bike being incapacitated at the time, and met up with Pa and Our Si.
  • To his right a drunkard with a grease-clogged beard reeled about with a woman in an even more incapacitated state clinging to his arm. SACRAMENT
  • The battle was over, and the only knight preventing his retreat was incapacitated.
  • Knocking the man to his knees with blow to his head, Carl struck out a second time, using the gun handle again to incapacitate the last of his would be assailants with a hard blow to his skull.
  • Following the dissolution of the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) and the incorporation of its functions into the SAPS, government needs to pay particular attention to ensuring the SAPS is capacitated to respond more effectively to priority crimes. ANC Today
  • Foremen acknowledged that they routinely allowed men to take breaks in the open air to recover from spells of light-headedness, and that even the hardiest and brawniest laborers suffered headaches and nausea that could incapacitate them for a full shift or even days on end. Colossus
  • The accident left me incapacitated for seven months.
  • Next morning I became ill, with violent pains and headache, which incapacitated me for some days, during which time a lubra named Moira sat beside me, apparently anxious to do what lay in her power to ease my sufferings. Adventures in Southern Seas A Tale of the Sixteenth Century
  • During this time the sperm is undergoing a process of maturation called capacitation without which it is incapable of fertilising an ovum. iii) The ovum and capacitated sperm meet in the fallopian tube.
  • Rubber bullets are designed to incapacitate people rather than kill them.
  • These writers used to meet regularly to thrash out literature, politics or whatever else was the topic of the day - a preparation that capacitated them to accomplish new heights in writing.
  • Because Chlamydomonas is a multiple-fission alga, a cell that is growing vegetatively may yield daily two or more daughter cells, all of which need to be incapacitated by UV treatment to prevent colony formation.
  • I don't appear to be completely incapacitated by incipient Alzheimer's (or is it Retired Raver's Mind-Rot?) after all, then.

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