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How To Use Canvas In A Sentence

  • Background-position: background image in the canvas element in the targeted space, designated the upper left corner of the image relative to the level of canvas and vertical spacing interval .
  • Twice through the following night was I wakened by the boat being hurled upon her beam-ends by the blows of the seas; but she righted easily, and took scarce any water, the canvas proving a very roof of safety. The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Liberal Democrat canvass returns looked great. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why pay 5p for a plastic bag when you can jazz up a plain canvas tote? Times, Sunday Times
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  • The following year police raided an exhibition of Lawrence's paintings and seized every canvas on which they could descry any wisp of pubic hair.
  • When you pull a needleful through a hole, the wool is correctly positioned on a stretched canvas.
  • A touching painting was the one depicting motherhood made in canvas by K. Kumaran.
  • In her later works, large, amorphous shapes seem to float on the canvas.
  • The council has been canvassing local opinion/local people to get their thoughts on the proposed housing development.
  • A less ambitious painter would have been content merely to bask in the glory that his canvases had earned him.
  • Dairy Crest are suing Mr Rollings for damages, claiming he canvassed for custom while he was still working for them.
  • The top of the picture is a dark pall, through which the canvas shows as almost invisible gold filigree. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Golub, whose large-scale paintings drew inspiration from everything from Greek kouroi to images of male pornography, used a technique that was more sculpture than brushstroke, famously using a meat cleaver to create aggressive peaks on the canvas. Home | The New York Observer
  • The more civilised make up of canvass or "gunny bags" stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal's back. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • Well, then, I'll get the port cable bent and the anchor a-cockbill ready for lettin 'go before touchin' the canvas. A Middy in Command A Tale of the Slave Squadron
  • The times that people used canvas boat have become history.
  • Cover with a thick layer of seaweed, and a piece of old canvas, blanket, carpet, or dry leaves, to keep in the steam.
  • And he aims to ensure he wins in Greece by spending the next month canvassing for votes in rival countries. The Sun
  • A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. Leonardo da Vinci 
  • The lines have been scratched out using a needle, on a canvas smeared with oil colours.
  • He sliced through the canvas to show that a painting was more than just a surface. Times, Sunday Times
  • This screen was made on canvas.
  • However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance. Una Of The Hill Country 1911
  • Each bit has a home, like paint spread thickly across a canvas instead of in globs dropped here and there.
  • The members wore colourful headscarves and patchwork jackets and were carrying rucksacks and canvas bags. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nonetheless, he has used these piano based samples as an interesting canvas on which to work, and his modifications shine through brilliantly.
  • The imitations were produced by the painter and decorator on the canvas he used daily as a decorator, Lincrusta - perhaps better known as modern-day blown vinyl.
  • He ignored Sir Ralph's corpse but lifted back the insignia over the hospitaller's and the canvas sheet which lay underneath.
  • Your only comfort lay in the forced reflection, that, real as he looked, the poor caitiff was but imaginary, a bit of painted canvass, whom no delirium tremens, nor so much as a retributive headache, awaited, on the morrow.
  • It is a canvas bell tent that goes up around a central pole and is secured with guy ropes. Times, Sunday Times
  • You see people leaping out of the way as some great wad of canvas comes hurtling towards them.
  • Mr. Tritle's wish-list for future projects includes great Romantic canvases like César Franck's "Les Béatitudes" and Charles Gounod's epic oratorio "Mors et Vita," as well as 20th-century landmarks like the Britten "War Requiem" and Janáček's Glagolitic Mass. The Master of Many Choruses
  • A healthy living co-ordinator will go to bingo sessions to canvass ideas for a £1 million healthy living centre in Allerton.
  • China and Russia made a race of the women's pair C final crossing the line within half a canvas of each other - China in front.
  • Canvas tents and hastily assembled lean-tos disappeared in favor of nylon tents complete with metal poles and nylon stakes.
  • Phosphor is clearly named for the pale, luminous green that animates a thick, pythonlike convolution which winds up from the bottom of the horizontal canvas and takes several loops around itself before exiting at the top.
  • She was in her studio again, painting onto a large canvas.
  • Jones received medical attention on the canvas and spent the night in hospital for observation.
  • Liberal Democrat canvass returns looked great. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the works were created in the top-floor studio, which was piled with half-finished canvases.
  • This is most notable in the new sense of a journey across the paintings, from dawn to bright daylight to night, revealed after the removal of the dark varnishes on the canvases by Muller and Delacroix.
  • These big, freely painted, heavily collaged unprimed canvases together form something of a spiritual marching band, though they mostly seem to follow the beat of Jean-Michel Basquiat.
  • Retailers, mainly garages and newsagents, have already privately canvassed staff on whether they would be willing to work on the Sabbath.
  • At first sight, his canvases resemble palettes and drop cloths rather than finished compositions.
  • In one canvas palace, beautiful people loafed around on pouffes, while those outside had to make do with slightly damp grass.
  • A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. Leonardo da Vinci 
  • He was a clothworker by birth and his colleagues used to ask why dealing in canvas, or ``floorcloth'', as it was known, gave him a right to talk about art as well as counting the cash Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG
  • Fabrics include canvas in different weights, linens, cotton and silk poplins, piquets, silk canvas, shantung, cotton jersey and all the classic ‘suit’ fabrics.
  • The more civilised make up of canvass or “gunny bags” stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal’s back. First footsteps in East Africa
  • All the miracle of sails; the steady foresail; the sensitive jibs; the press canvas delicate as bubbles; the reliable main; the bluff topsails; topgallants like eager horses; the impertinent skysails; the jaunty moonraker, were just canvas stretched on poles. The Wind Bloweth
  • Using the services of a telephone research company in Southend, his company has canvassed voters in marginal seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • On your walk you will probably see mallards, grebes, canvasbacks and coons and perhaps snapping turtles and white pelicans.
  • It was generally worked in silk, crewel or filoselle, and was used for all the ordinary canvas work such as tidies, table covers, bureau covers as well as other furniture or piano spreads.
  • Here a tarp, short for tarpaulin, is a waterproof sheet of canvas or heavy duty plastic that you throw over things to keep the rain off. What Mexican Food Are You? and 3 Others
  • He was wearing a navy blue suit complete with a black tie and carried a small canvas bag.
  • There may also be the faint patter of drizzle on canvas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The canvas has often been compared to a snapshot, but to Sussman it looked more like a painted film still, art's first cinéma vérité moment.
  • I put that head back where it used to be and fold that canvas up the way it used to be.
  • Every four years, when Michael Bloomberg runs for Mayor, the Big Apple is transformed into a winter wonderland where it's Christmas all year round — at least for the consultants, ad salespeople, canvassers, caterers, and hangers-on whom the mayor employs. Quantitative electioneering
  • The canvas went on to take a popular prize. Times, Sunday Times
  • Picrochole thus in despair fled towards the Bouchard Island, and in the way to Riviere his horse stumbled and fell down, whereat he on a sudden was so incensed, that he with his sword without more ado killed him in his choler; then, not finding any that would remount him, he was about to have taken an ass at the mill that was thereby; but the miller's men did so baste his bones and so soundly bethwack him that they made him both black and blue with strokes; then stripping him of all his clothes, gave him a scurvy old canvas jacket wherewith to cover his nakedness. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
  • Earlier this week, police canvassed patrons of a rural general store and a doughnut shop northwest of the city, where two calls were made to Cecilia's home from pay phones on the morning of her disappearance.
  • "We were hopeful when we were going round Walcot canvassing, " he said.
  • Instead of staying indoors, healthily watching a black and white screen – Grandstand, Hancock, Terry and June – they were out canvassing, attending ward meetings, collecting ministers' autographs, drafting position papers and generally behaving in a way unbefitting to young persons. The Ed Balls roadshow: enough to make you weep
  • By canvassing text votes, it gives Afghans a blast of popular democracy as well as promoting unity between tribes and ethnic factions. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be recalled that Seurat was a pointillist who filled his canvas with dots.
  • The Geraldton City Council will canvass its electors on a proposal to amend local burning by-laws.
  • Ironically, Wade starts off by cleaning the windshield and then uses a blow dryer to apply an even coat of dust to his canvas.
  • The sail was clewed up, and in a few seconds I was clinging to the sliding gunter royal mast, and gathering in the canvas, while the captain was denouncing me for a lubber, for not accomplishing impossibilities. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • The canvas in which the woman, wearing a pink dress and greenish fichu, is set against flowered wallpaper (private collection, Fig.13) was made explicitly as a gift for Gauguin.
  • The sky hung low, a cloudy canvas with swirls of dark purple and stormy greys.
  • Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards.
  • A wind dead aft, blanketing more than half the canvas, is called a lubber's wind. All Afloat A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways
  • The artist may have neglected to size the canvas properly, or may have used odd substances like charcoal which is incompatible with oil paint.
  • These exquisite works are now available in masterfully reproduced limited editions on canvas that capture all the detail and rich vibrancy of the originals.
  • The Broward County Canvassing Board was able to identify a vote for president in essentially 1 out of every 4 of the ballots that the canvassing board looked at that had started out as an undervote or nonvote. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Gore Legal Legal Team Holds News Briefing - November 30, 2000
  • That's why the zip on my stripy canvas clothes cover came out asymmetrical.
  • When realistic treatment in modelled stucco had been carried as far as it could be carried, the fashion changed again, and a portrait painted on flexible canvas was laid over the face of the mummy. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Bali painting unique, mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the theme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits, with rich local color.
  • A new blindfolding arrangement, consisting of two sets of blindfolds plus a canvas bag over the head, was tried out on the pastor, who reported that he couldn't see a thing.
  • Hemp, or _Cannabis sativa_, from which we possibly derive the modern term canvas, was known to the ancients and used by them for rope and cordage and occasionally for cloth. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • The oil-on-canvas scene captures the town's main thoroughfare when it was still a two-way street.
  • The times that people used canvas boat have become history.
  • Most artists' canvases are linen (made from flax, Linum usitatissimum), a greyish brown cloth which is strong and hard-wearing.
  • She's also got a backpack on her shoulders and canvas straps hanging from her legs, the telltale sign that electrodes are attached to both calves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just select the “Pick Color” tool and CTRL+ left-click on any one of the shades in the Palette or the canvas window and then CTRL+ left-click to use this new 3rd shade without losing the 2 earlier shades. Sharpen Your MS Paint Skills | Lifehacker Australia
  • And in the dusty biscuit-making place of the potters, among the felspar mills in the furnace rooms of the metal workers, among the incandescent lakes of crude Eadhamite, the blue canvas clothing was on man, woman and child. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • Eakins did this as he was painting, for there is no underdrawing on this canvas.
  • Victoria would be called shanties -- huts built of wood and canvas -- some of the larger of them being labelled "Saloon," "Eating-house, A Boy's Voyage Round the World
  • A carry-over from winter, the freshest styles are cut to reveal the toes, and come in soft canvas and slouchy leather.
  • Even a cursory glance is enough to show that Picasso had several changes of mind while he was working on the canvas.
  • The stables turned out to be remarkably solid structures for a travelling circus, made mostly of wood with canvas roofs.
  • Our bedrolls were back with the rest of the troops, but we opened up the musette bags we carried, which contained extra socks and underwear, toilet kits, a blanket and half a canvas pup tent.
  • The exhibition featured bobbin lace, patchwork and quilting, cross stitch, canvas work embroidery, macramé, and even miniature furniture.
  • Neil Webster was sitting in a canvas director's chair with an air of fascinated satisfaction. DEAD BEAT
  • An 'if you'll b'lieve it, she won't talk picters nor make any sence she got back -- only, jest after she got back, she said she didn't see any use o' her goin 'on dobbin' good canvas up with good paint, an 'makin' nothin 'but poor picters; an' she cried some .... Aladdin & Co. A Romance of Yankee Magic
  • The paintings have the appearance of palimpsests, with rubbed-out passages, and residues of paint and turpentine streaming down the canvas.
  • Leather is a key material for the season, along with parachute silk, cotton poplin, cotton canvas and shining silk.
  • The Slingshot also features a canvas roof panel.
  • This work was executed by painting the canvas the texture of wood, so that the figure seems like a sculpture.
  • Flickers of reds, yellows and orange emerge from the depths, and the strange ovoid canvases reflect the surface while hovering over it.
  • And in the past few weeks, something completely different has emerged: ballpoint on canvas, seas of tiny reptile-like scales, swirling away in the artist's characteristic fashion.
  • Below, a couple of men were sewing the "bricklayer's" body in canvas preparatory to the sea burial. Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
  • Out spreads the canvas -- alow, aloft-boom-stretched, on both sides, with many a stun 'sail; till like a hawk, with pinions poised, we shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleave the brine. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
  • A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. Leonardo da Vinci 
  • In this show, which featured a range of traditional mediums (oil, watercolor, acrylic or encaustic on canvas, linen or paper), the surfaces are gridded into small squares, and a linear configuration fills each box.
  • My ball mouse on my special 'mousepad' (a book made of canvas) tracks flawlessly ALL the time and never ever gets dirty (inside), and with PS2Rate it's smoother than a USB optical mouse and uses fewer resources. Kevynwight Diary Entry
  • Leslie, the older one, had tied a white canvas sack around his shoulder.
  • ‘The firm which makes them fills the stout canvas covers with kapok, a substance like silky cotton wool.’
  • The interaction of public and private law in Australia canvasses a range of proposals for reform to the child welfare system in Australia.
  • Dr Hutchison said the division's approach to date had been to canvass local doctors and look at ways it could improve access to medical services in Geraldton for the benefit of the whole community.
  • I walk over to the speakerphone to shut it off and turn back to the canvas.
  • Teniers's distance from the rustics he painted is illustrated by his canvas, in the Brussels Museum of Art, of his visit with his wife to a country fair on his estate, De Drij Toren.
  • A canvass was set up on the easel, paints on the table alongside.
  • We need a piece of canvas that weathers well.
  • There is at least a tacit nod to the unprepared canvases of Color Field paintings.
  • They spent the night under canvas.
  • The artist mixes water with oil sometimes, so that, as the two liquids separate out on the canvas, a speckled effect of marbling is achieved.
  • They hung the canvas walls with curtains and an oil painting of a fruit bowl. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there was a scattergun effect even in the more efficient Conservative campaign where millions were spent on direct mail and telephone canvassing of the swing voters.
  • With thick dribbles of paint streaming down the canvases, a certain symmetry is achieved.
  • From each and every canvas I saw that the model surveyed the viewer, resisting centuries of admonition to ingratiate herself.
  • There are paintings on acrylic, canvas and handmade paper done with poster colours, watercolours, oil paints and even pens.
  • It adds character to a blank canvas and is cheap in the grand scheme of things. The Sun
  • The floor is filthy, there are piles of rubbish in the corners and the canvas of the ring itself is stained with blood.
  • Now I saw the canvas awnings pulled down over the armourer's workshop, the storehouses shut up to keep the goods from damp, the great oak doors of the stable closed.
  • The dusty canvas that covered it was worn through in several places, leaving small holes in the fabric.
  • A filternetwork provides a canvas on which icons representing synthesis primitives are patched together to create a processing or synthesis chain.
  • He kept the heat on Hungary right to the line finishing a mere canvas behind.
  • Every inch of the canvas is worked to its ultimate conclusion, with the foreground and background given the same intensity of observation and attention.
  • The need for the anticipated infrastructure is reflected in various decisions, which I canvassed in Nikolovski, supra.
  • The website of the anti-Japanese China Federation for Defending Diaoyutai posted a photo that showed protesters in Chengdu holding a red and yellow canvas banner that called for Japan to be "wiped off the face of the earth. China Allows Rowdy Anti-Japanese Protests Over Territorial Disputes
  • They painted the mural-like canvas that stretches along one whole wall.
  • What do you expect an artist to put on his canvas?
  • These vibrant color fields have an affinity with the spiritual-esthetic aura of Mark Rothko's canvases.
  • The skysails were already furled; men were furling the royals; and the topgallant-yards were running down while clewlines and buntlines bagged the canvas. CHAPTER XXXIII
  • Two walls of the gallery are covered with her canvases, awash with deep blues and cheerful yellows.
  • A new Daily Echo survey, which canvassed opinion across a wide cross-section of residents, reveals housing tops the list of local wishes by a mile.
  • Here, the canvas leaves part of the vertical stretcher bars of blond wood exposed at the left and right.
  • Subsequently I cleaned up the images in PhotoShop, printed the collage on canvas art paper, and had the work framed as Christmas gifts for my mother and sister.
  • Here, three metal rods ran across a corner of the gallery, each supporting a large pulley wheel and a piece of canvas strap
  • This startling creation is the 'day bed', made from anodised aluminium and plastic canvas. Times, Sunday Times
  • He helped her close the cases up, and then he secured the canvas straps as tight as they would go.
  • Life is a canvas. Every action of ours is a stroke of paint and at the end, how beautiful our painting is will depend upon all our strokes, all our actions. RVM 
  • He owed his success largely to the votes of the Anglican clergy, who came in droves to support him, but his ‘colloquial facility’ was an asset in his canvass of the residents.
  • Art hung on the walls, actual semi-fluid pigment manually applied to a canvas substrate.
  • Many of Imelda's shoes are now in a museum, including the pair of simple canvas espadrilles she was wearing at the time she had to literally run from the palace to escape the revolt.
  • The tent is canvas with wooden poles and ropes to hold it together. Times, Sunday Times
  • When her neighbour's house was flattened in airstrikes she fled again and now lives in makeshift tents sculpted out of tree trunks and beige canvases. Times, Sunday Times
  • His soft leather boots were caked with mud as he pulled them off, and his new canvas smock and pants were heavy with rain.
  • She was in her studio again, painting onto a large canvas.
  • This was not the fluid, precise canvas of the Cal victory.
  • Using a paintbrush, apply a thick coating of the mixture; with a piece of spare canvas, rub the sealant deeply into the canvas.
  • If a painter wishes to paint a sombre portrait, he first covers the canvas entirely with a dull brown colour.
  • Now the Bush administration says that a government canvass of laboratories has turned up more than 60 stem cell lines.
  • Our lounger features a deeply padded, machine washable, canvas seat that is supported by its steel frame.
  • I would think that people would be all over this as a violation of property or vandalism or sign of the degeneracy of Europeans, but instead, we're going to argue about the "audaciousness" of a white canvas, without even knowing what is on the other two canvases that form the rest of the painting. "When I kissed it, I thought the artist would have understood."
  • They enforced the necessity of uniform assentation, in order to lull the Mirabeau party, who were canvassing for a majority to set up D'ORLEANS, to whose interest Mirabeau and his myrmidons were then devoted. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 6
  • The canvas featured an erect penis and a crucifix with what appeared to be semen dripping from it.
  • Wearing a camel coat he was canvassing voters as they went to cast their ballot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Underneath some shabby canvas tarps on the cargo deck were stacked a dozen bulky mattresses and twenty thick pine boards.
  • Shirker " the appearance is greatly filler cloth sits bag, outer use more coriaceous or canvas.
  • Poets have warned about the ‘waste land’ and artists have painted their deep misgivings on numberless canvases.
  • The brilliant white chalk has served for generations as a canvas on which we project our national story. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hidden away in the English countryside, these simple shelters, made of coppiced hazel and willow covered in army-surplus canvas and other easily sourced natural materials, are part of a fine tradition of independent and ecologically savvy homemaking. Junkitecture and the Jellyfish theatre
  • Her face leaped out of the canvas, her eyes were wide and dark, with the same green undercast he'd seen in Eve's. DOLL'S EYES
  • Life is a canvas. Every action of ours is a stroke of paint and at the end, how beautiful our painting is will depend upon all our strokes, all our actions. RVM 
  • It is a canvas bell tent that goes up around a central pole and is secured with guy ropes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I now have some code for doing properly scaled svgs on gnome-canvas. Planet GNOME
  • We spent two nights under canvas with the horses tethered nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • WORDS OF SIMILAR SOUND: canvas (cloth) principle (rule) canvass (all meanings except _cloth_) principal (chief) capitol (a building) stationary (immovable) capital (all meanings except _building_) stationery (articles) counsel (advice or an adviser) miner (a workman) council (a body of persons) minor (under age) complement (a completing element) angel (a spiritual being) compliment (praise) angle (geometrical) 205. Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Katz's forte is history of ideas, on a grand canvas with bold strokes of broad brushes.
  • Led by a police band, crowds of marching people will be canvassing support for this cause or that cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the afternoons she lay on the bed with the canvas bag beside her.
  • The boys spent the night under canvas.
  • The set of bronzes by Degas in their spare solidity are arranged in front of two of his mistiest canvases and look all the bolder for that.
  • The banks will canvass shareholders' opinions next week. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the places in which Dawg lives is Chiapas State where the term "gringo" is considered a racial epithet so when you are looking around down there for Dawg to buy me some cerveza, please refrain from canvassing locals for the "fat gringo from Alabama often seen hanging out in the barrio plaza" or they might think you are disdaining me. S.O.S.E. Security - Chapala
  • Use a handsaw and miter box to cut four pieces of L-shaped edge molding to fit around the canvas.
  • The plumages of hand-reared mallards, baldpates, blue-winged teal, shovellers and ring-necked ducks develop more slowly although pintails, redheads and canvasbacks appear similar.
  • The voyage for me is almost over: I am in sight of port: like a good shipman, I have already sent down the lofty spars and housed the captious canvas in preparation for the long anchorage: I have little now to fear. Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • I cannot think of another artist whose canvases convey so clearly quite what a blessed existence the painter believes he leads.
  • The oil on canvas of The Knitting Lesson evokes similar sentiments of simple joys, maternal protection, guidance and love.
  • The young artist showed me his recent canvases.
  • The collapsible wood and canvas bed is assembled from three basic folding X-frame stools.
  • Life is a canvas. Every action of ours is a stroke of paint and at the end, how beautiful our painting is will depend upon all our strokes, all our actions. RVM 
  • Luan Nel, occupying most of the space at the Goodman, shows an extensive body of oils and watercolours on paper and canvas.
  • It felt like the perfect canvas to indulge my love of recording droning noises in G minor. The Sun
  • He insists more than his teacher that we recognize the physical presence of elements that are alien to canvas, yet takes extra care to make that presence ambiguous.
  • The video was looped, so that every few minutes the shadows passed by again and the ducks paddled across the canvas.
  • I remember one evening at the fair grounds we all sat on the tailgate of Papa's truck and watched the men roll out the canvas and place the poles.
  • Evolving from his conceptual art background, his remix of tropes from Rosenquist, Picabia and Polke created canvases where high art references and pop trash collided. This week's new exhibitions
  • Interwoven through the armature was a continuous white canvas ribbon emblazoned with the Blogs Stories
  • The canvas is almost 5 feet tall, and it shows her in a light turquoise satin and chiffon dress with short diaphanous sleeves.
  • They winterized tents with anything they could find, from canvas tarps to plywood, and small coal burners kept the insides warm.
  • Painted in red, the brawny, no-frills vehicle with a canvas top advertises its military credentials with elan.
  • Using the services of a telephone research company in Southend, his company has canvassed voters in marginal seats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hourglass repeats this brushwork in more, colors, including green and lavender, and with shorter, thinner strokes that in their numerousness convey a feeling of frenzy that's amplified by the uneven diagonal sides of the canvases.
  • The show's central fixture and namesake is a 22-foot-wide cartographic wonder from 2004 that's divided into four nearly identical white-on-black canvases depicting Calgary, Charleston, Kansas City and Philadelphia as geographic neighbors. Getting Up Guide: New Yorker's Alex Ross; first ladies of dance

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