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How To Use Canto In A Sentence

  • Both Mandarin ba and Cantonese baat go back to Proto-Sino-Tibetan *bʀyat but this word is without any reconstructable tone. Mommy, where do tones come from?
  • The word "eight", for example, is pronounced ba with high tone in Mandarin and as baat in Cantonese with middle tone. Mommy, where do tones come from?
  • The five or six cantos, at the opening, have all the milk of human nature that entered into the composition of that miscalled saturnine mind. Purgatory
  • The mostly German-speaking cantons, or provinces, are divided nearly equally between the two religious affiliations.
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
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  • Finally, it's come to my attention that the up-and-coming Canadian boy band B4-4 is fronted by the twin sons of the cantor of my family synagogue.
  • The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
  • It is certain that Byron had begun the fourth canto, and written some thirty or more stanzas, before Hobhouse rejoined him at his villa of La Mira on the banks of the Brenta, in July, 1817; and it would seem that, although he had begun by saying "that he was too short a time in Rome for it," he speedily overcame his misgivings, and accomplished, as he believed, the last "fytte" of his pilgrimage. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • The limitations of the hegemonic strategy employed by Stuttgart were revealed beginning in 1796 when several Black Forest cantons agitated for reform to the ducal political system.
  • [1046] Metellus proper cantos senatorial ordinis ex Hibernia accurse jubet; eorum et variorum, quos ironers defeat, console habet A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Does not the use of the Na-Khi material in those cantos tell its own tale?
  • Indeed, before entering the first of two main spaces devoted to the exhibit, you encounter five 1968 lithographs inspired by the poet Pablo Neruda's epic work, "Canto General," an all-embracing distillation of Latin American history, geography and culture. Siqueiros in Unfamiliar Terrain
  • This innocent-sounding question has stumped mathematicians from Cantor's time to the present.
  • Filed under: Arts | Tagged: blues, cantorial music, JDub, Jeremiah Lockwood, jewish music, The Sway Machinery, WJMF 09 | 2 Comments » 2009 June « The Blog at 16th and Q
  • These Chinese gangs, what the Cantonese called tongs, had been in this country since the discovery of gold in California. The Flower Net
  • He approached a friend and colleague, John Braham, a former cantor, who had been baptized and had become the leading tenor in London.
  • Hither ascended a _cantonnier_ when the new road was made up the valley, and here he found chipped flints of primeval man, a polished celt, a scrap of Samian ware, and in a niche at the side sealed up with stalactite, a tiny earthenware pitcher 2-1/2 inches high, a leaden spindle-whorl, some shells, and a toy sheep-bell. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • Alongside the BiH state elections, there were also elections to the parliaments at entity level and in the Croat-Muslim Federation's cantons.
  • Among my favourites, from two platefuls, were pork in black bean sauce, the chilli spare ribs, the char sui in Cantonese sauce and the chicken wings in garlic sauce.
  • The second CD contains performances of cantorial music and Yiddish songs by hazzanim who were active in Amsterdam.
  • Note 130: Cheng Meibao, Diyu Wenhua yu Guojia Rentong: Wanqing yilai Guangdongwenhuaguan de Xingcheng (Regional culture and national identification: The formation of concept of the Cantonese couture from the late Qing period) (Beijing: Sanlian Shudian, 2006). back Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • As the cantor would be reading about the Temple, I would completely disconnect, planning my summer vacation, celebrating the end of my exams, or just hoping that the fast will go well this year.
  • The Poem therefore (with the exception of the first canto, which is purely introductory) is narrative, not didactic. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • This is what nature has done; as for men, they have hugely painted the lakeward wall of the castle with the arms of the Canton Vaud, which are nearly as ugly as the arms of Ohio; and they have wrought into the roof of the tallest tower with tiles of a paler tint the word "Chillon," so that you cannot possibly mistake it for any other castle. A Little Swiss Sojourn
  • Cantor published a paper on trigonometric series in 1872 in which he defined irrational numbers in terms of convergent sequences of rational numbers.
  • Cantona was never one to berate or cajole teammates, but on the pitch or training ground he was a huge, charismatic figure who inspired fellow players.
  • Dishes clang, waiters shout, children laugh and people chatter away in expressive, nine-tone, high volume Cantonese.
  • In more peaceful times he had assisted many of the ladies of the cantonment in childbirth.
  • There is great emphasis placed upon the aesthetic properties of food in Cantonese cuisine, and there is a lot of attention paid to contrasting colors, textures, tastes and scents of each dish. Tigers & Strawberries » Yin and Yang
  • His formative student years were spent in Paris as a pupil of d' Indy at the Schola Cantorum, though he learnt more from the impressionism of Debussy and Ravel.
  • The scrutiny of the three Swiss branches of the Israeli banks is at an early stage and has not reached the level of that of Credit Suisse, which received a target letter from the Justice Department in July, or of HSBC Holdings, a major European bank, and Basler Kantonalbank, a Swiss cantonal bank, said the people briefed on the matter. Exclusive: U.S. tax-evasion probe turns to Israeli banks
  • Penang is one of those businesses owned by Chinese Malaysians, so the cuisine is highly representative of those groups, which include the Cantonese, Fujian, Teochew and Hakka peoples, among others. NJ Dining: Penang
  • The book could not have come at a worse time for Sarkozy, whose ruling right-of-centre UMP party is facing an onslaught by the extreme-right Front National in cantonal elections today. Book on Nicolas Sarkozy reveals what he really thinks about his ministers
  • In the last-named genus, _C. rotundifolia_ has been found with polypetalous flowers in a wild state in the mountains of Canton Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Company ships were forbidden to carry opium, thus avoiding difficulties with the Canton authorities.
  • The administration of the governmental system is organized through the levels of nation, region, department, arrondissement, canton, and commune.
  • (Taste, July 9): A bitter debate surrounded the announcement of the Bollingen Prize to the profascist and anti-Semitic Ezra Pound for" The Pisan Cantos, "judged by a panel of highly regarded poets to represent the best poetry of 1948. Art Stands Apart From the Artist
  • I've celebrated Mass with the Catholics and served as a choir director and cantor.
  • The island is situated at the mouth of the Canton River, and is separated by about sixty miles from the Around the World in 80 Days
  • Following the Roman conquest the settlement was made into the cantonal capital of the region and was enclosed within a series of perimeter walls defining an irregular octagon in plan.
  • Criscantoi Vaz was a sturdy-spirited man of much presence, of great sagacity, of considerable quiet strength. KING OF DREAMS
  • Mr. Goetschel is the official animal lawyer for the Swiss canton of Zurich, a sort of public defender who represents the interests of pets, farm animals and wildlife.
  • Women's participation in political institutions also shows inequality: On the communal, cantonal, and federal levels, women represent one-third of candidates and only one-quarter of those elected.
  • Plus bas, (en français!) nous vous donnerons quelques autres informations (oubliées) sur l'origine du conflit yougoslave et l'une des occasions manquées les plus dérangeantes d'empêcher le conflit: le projet de "cantonisation" signé par tous les protagonistes yougoslaves début 1992. Dedefensa
  • Executed on large sheets of sheepskin parchment, each extraordinarily delicate ink line drawing illustrates one canto or section of Dante's poem.
  • Cantor drew a rough sketch of his apartment on a napkin.
  • The 23-year-old marketing coordinator for BHS Corrugated certainly hit the mark when we "glimpsed" her at the Blue Hill Tavern in Canton. Undefined
  • Some cantons, such as those of eastern Switzerland and Geneva, Neuchâtel, and Valais, apply their own stricter limits, however, and national average yields are about the same as in France.
  • Must have been Canton River, the year he lost his ship. London River
  • The answer is chilling: many clergy persons in many churches and some rabbis and cantors participate.
  • Its lingua franca is Cantonese, a dialect that has six tones compared to the four tones of standard mandarin Chinese.
  • The Treaty of Nanking, which ended the First Opium War in 1842, ceded the island of Hong Kong to Britain, required the Chinese to pay $21 million indemnity, and opened the so-called treaty ports of Shanghai, Canton, Amoy, Foochow, and Ningpo to foreign trade. The Last Empress
  • The mother's abandonment of the stance of a nostalgic exile is signified by her farewelling her parents at their graveside in Cantonese; she had greeted them on her arrival in Japanese.
  • 4 According to the Apostolic Constitutions the woman deacon is ordained ‘according to her worthiness’ into a ministry of the lower clergy (subdeacon, lector, cantor).
  • If the proposal passes, it could start supplying new textbooks in dialects next year, says Ivo Berther, a cantonal official. Swiss Effort to Save a Language Opens a Rift
  • Sinitor Jones calls wan iv his thrusty hinchman to his side, an 'says he:' Mike, put on a pig-tail, an 'a blue shirt an' take a dillygation iv Chinnymen out to Canton an 'congratulate Mack on th' murdher iv mission'ries in China. Mr. Dooley's Philosophy
  • The most famous kick that Cantona ever delivered wasn't a sublime chip or a match-winning penalty, but a two-footed karate kick.
  • Furthermore, Dante's work is divided into three canticles (the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise) and each canticle is then divided into thirty-three cantos.
  • The city has a long and bloody history of religious cantonisation and gang warfare. The Mumbai Atrocities
  • Liturgical worship was increasingly performed by clergy, with the cantors, for the laity; and the clergy were more heard than seen.
  • It emphasizes democracy, decentralization, and the sovereignty of individual cantons, which give much autonomy to individual communities.
  • On Saturday, Cantores Olicanae will present a concert of choral music at St Margaret's Church, Queen's Road.
  • The literal translation of the term for anorexia in both the Cantonese and Mandarin dialects would be something along the lines of “the disorder of loathing to eat” or “the disease of disliking eating.” Crazy Like Us
  • Indeed, the new contradictions not only affected the conception of set and logical concepts, they also came to include the notion of definability and its relation with a fundamental issue: the structure of the mathematical continuum and in particular whether the continuum can be well-ordered and whether Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis (CH) holds. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • Of course, many Cantonese-speakers learn Mandarin as a second language, so bilinguals are not rare, but it is quite unlikely that a Cantonese person who also knows Mandarin would speak Mandarin with her nieces.
  • The conjecture is confirmed by the name thunder-besom which is applied to mistletoe in the Swiss canton of Aargau, for the epithet clearly implies a close connexion between the parasite and the thunder; indeed The Golden Bough
  • In this work, Moritz Cantor has discovered, Feuerbach introduces homogeneous coordinates.
  • Dressed in women's attire and a nose-pin errantly positioned on one nostril, 38-year-old Shahzadi adjusts her 'dupatta' (scarf) over her head as she enters the office of Cantonment Board Clifton, a provincial government bureau that recently hired her. Global Issues News Headlines
  • On a whim, she would make pizza with Cantonese sausage, steak with hoisin sauce, and sushi with roast pork.
  • The outstanding representatives were Lingnan style, Cantonese (Guang) Embroidery, faience (painted porcelain), sculpture, and canton music.
  • The monophonic chants exhibit considerable variety, both in the alternation of participants – priest, readers, cantor, soloists and choir – and, particularly, in musical, texture: the delivery of text on a single pitch, then more ornamental recitation patterns – formulas specific to the beginning, middle and end of a phrase – and finally actual melodies. Archive 2009-04-01
  • _Primo Libra di Messe_ on the _canto fermo_ of the hymn _Conditor alme siderum_ is published in modern notation in the _Anthologie des maîtres religieux primitifs_ of the _Chanteurs de Saint Gervais_. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • In 1526, a letter that he sent to a conference of the Swiss cantons called to organize opposition to the spread of Zwinglian doctrines again stated his objections to Sacramentarian doctrine. Desiderius Erasmus
  • The vaudeville star Eddie Cantor called Linkletter the best ad-libber in radio. TV's 'People Are Funny' Host Art Linkletter Dies
  • The conjecture is confirmed by the name thunder-besom which is applied to mistletoe in the Swiss canton of Aargau, for the epithet clearly implies a close connexion between the parasite and the thunder; indeed "thunder-besom" is a popular name in Germany for any bushy nest-like excrescence growing on a branch, because such a parasitic growth is actually believed by the ignorant to be a product of lightning. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • Also, for many years he anaesthetised patients for consultant colleagues at Wincanton Memorial Hospital.
  • During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries increasingly smaller oligarchies came to power in the Swiss cantons but were overthrown in 1798 in the wake of the French Revolution.
  • This wooded and beflowered park was laid out in the heart of the cantonment in 1864.
  • Also if there is any cloistered person who has begun his week of being hebdomadary, and falls into such sickness that he cannot celebrate the same, the cantor is to say or celebrate three masses. Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino
  • Objective : To analyze G 6 PD gene mutation in 168 Cantonese G 6 PD deficient male infants.
  • The lines remind me of cantorial chant, but Hovhaness has probably made it all up, since it doesn't lie all that far away from his usual solo-against-strings melodies.
  • These were, in the Portuguese version, per pale argent and vert, two roses dimidiating as many fleurs-de-lis, in dexter canton a dove volant argent.
  • The question arises: what have American cantors done with this information concerning the antiquity - and ubiquity - of Jewish liturgy?
  • Shoot at his campaign windows and blame Crist? cantor is NOT a rising star. A top House Republican to endorse Rubio
  • So if the lessor be evicted [foreclosed??] of a part of the land demised, by a stranger on title paramount, it operates as a suspension of the rent pro Canto, and the rent is apportioned and payable only in respect of the residue. lb. News
  • While Eric Cantona is showing off his extra large ball (in deodorant form), I think @waswasere has a point: "It is deeply irresponsible of Channel 4 to show" The Quiet Man "before the watershed. Watch John Wayne in The Quiet Man: live!
  • We came into the Canton River, or the Chu-Kiang as it is called, by the The Mutineers
  • King of Great Britain, and that the other in company with him was a prize he had taken; that he was going into Canton River to shelter himself against the hurricanes which were then coming on; and that as soon as the monsoon shifted he should proceed for England. Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
  • KRISTOF: ... and that means that he is from the southern province of Guangdong, and he lives in what used to be called Canton, but now everybody refers to as Kwangchow, and ... China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power
  • Li Yen is the signature restaurant of The Ritz-Carlton and has the snug atmosphere of a private Cantonese club, albeit one enlivened with the bright, cascading notes of a yang quin, or traditional hammered dulcimer, and the chatter of prosperous Chinese families spinning their lazy susans. Kuala Lumpur Update
  • Just imagining Cantor and Boner in spandex and sequins with glorified flashlights dancing through the chambers. Think Progress » Missouri Lawmaker’s Argument Against Repealing DADT: It Would Be A ‘Cultural Affront’ To Terrorists
  • The Australian flag of course features the British union flag in the canton, a flag which signifies, intrinsically, the union of the English, Irish and Scottish nations.
  • The road, after passing up by the S. side of the river through olive groves and "maquis," arrives at the Col and Maison de Cantonniers de Itinerary through Corsica by its Rail, Carriage & Forest Roads
  • Bel canto is a good basis for both opera and lieder.
  • Eric Cantor said he fears this EPA action will lead to what he call bureaucracy run amok. CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2009
  • The Somerset town of Wincanton was officially 'twinned' with the Discworld city of Ankh-Morpork in 2002. The Discworld Comes to...Somerset?
  • The quest to free Ireland begins Book V and the successful slaying of Grantorto is in the final canto.
  • Originally the lands were fiefs of the Holy Roman Empire, the city municipalities owning the Emperor for their lord, and the great family of Hapsburg, in whom the Empire became at length hereditary, was in reality Swiss, the county that gave them title lying in the canton of A Book of Golden Deeds
  • One intention of this article is to analyse the Russian cantos in Don Juan and to test the validity of Gilenson's claim about the extent to which Byron was aware of Russian history.
  • One was East Harlem's Rep. Vito Marcantonio, a Depression-era communist in all but party card, who crusaded for the poor of all colors. The Mecca of Black America
  • Fred Wah from Breathing My Name With a Sigh are origins magnetic lines across an ocean migrations of genetic spume or holes, dark mysteries within which I carry further into the World through blond and blue-eyed progeny father’s fathers clan-name Wah from Canton east across the bridges still or could it all be lateral craving hinted in the bioplasmic cloud of simple other organism as close as out under the apple tree? Fred Wah
  • 943 I omit the rest of this canto, which is mere repetition. Ramayana. English
  • It is to establish clear blue water between their principles and ours; and it is to develop and proselytize a coherent and creditable liberal alternative to the economic vandalism now to be canvassed at us by Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and their ilk. David Coates: Sanity in a Time of Madness
  • I recall the soprano in Ann Patchett's Bel Canto making the comment that she never allowed people to see/hear her practice. Archive 2008-09-01
  • For the Canton government, the situation was a test of both its sincerity and its strength.
  • The white cross on a red background comes from the flag of the canton of Schwyz, which has a red background symbolizing holy justice and a small representation of Christ on the cross at the upper left corner.
  • In 1874 Georg Cantor worked out a system of degrees of infinity that solved the problem once and for all and greatly increased mathematicians' understanding of infinity and set theory.
  • Then check out trumpeter Frank London's Invocations, which tackles that most intense of Jewish music traditions, cantorial singing, through London's horn.
  • Hammer is a devout Orthodox Jew and the son of a synagogue cantor.
  • Another series of simple devices are termed subordinaries, and these include such as the canton, the gyron and the label.
  • Jerusalem, was a cross counter patent cantoned with four little crosses or, upon a field azure, displaying thus metal upon metal. Ivanhoe
  • Confederate authorities should do nothing to ensure their Jewishness, since matters of worship and education will be exclusive privileges of the constituent cantons.
  • CARVILLE: Well, I think that the -- the House leadership -- I think the House leadership, I think that Cantor comes across as a kind of affable guy. CNN Transcript May 8, 2009
  • The Swiss were divided between "Republicans" who were in favour of a centralised government, and "Federalist" who wanted to restore autonomy to the cantons.
  • An entire chapter is devoted to cleavages, and another to infinity, beginning with Zeno's paradoxes and leading up to Cantor's transfinite cardinals.
  • By Graeme Fletcher, National PostNovember 27, 2009 4: 03 AM The X1 is the latest in BMW's growing range of business sedan for those who have made it and is affectionately called tai sai ngan ( "big small eyes" in Cantonese) because - Articles related to Land Rover Debuts New 2010 Range Rover Sport Autobiography Limited Edition at the 2009 Los ...
  • It's difficult to say what the current development could mean in the long term, but many people are overwhelmed by Zug's rapid development from a farming town into a global village," says Barbara Gysel , president of the Social Democrats in the canton and member of the cantonal parliament. Swiss Region's Boom Breeds Discontent
  • Doctor Cantor washed clotted black blood from Tribe's face and applied iodine to the cuts.
  • Rose shows his roots in Bloch's ‘Hebrew Rhapsody,’ but he never distorts the music by imitating cantorial wailings, as some cellists have done in this work.
  • Future contracts will cost more or less, depending on trends in tuition costs, Cantor said.
  • That was why he had tried to reach Cantor by phone and arrange a meeting in some neutral territory.
  • Maybe, just maybe, your strong sentiment against Cantonese is the result of your subconscious racist attitude towards Chinese people? Global Voices in English » China: Considering Han chauvinism
  • He only beat one other finisher at Wincanton last month but was classy over hurdles and shouldn't be taken lightly. The Sun
  • Gaza is also divided into three separate cantons.
  • Teaching tends not to take this linguistic diversity into account: instruction mostly takes place in standard Mandarin putonghua/普通话, sometimes with intervention in the dominant local dialect, especially if it enjoys a certain prestige, such as Cantonese and Minnan. Ten Things I Think I Know (Part 1) « Ken Wilson's Blog
  • Vincenzo Bellini Milan, Italy, 1831Boasting the famous Casta Diva aria, Norma is the ultimate bel canto tragedy about a druid priestess who, secretly, has two children and an erring lover, with catastrophic results. Top 50 operas
  • Prussian troops cantoned in the neighbourhood of Hamburg. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Maybe "tomorrow" one of those medical geniuses we kept consulting -- and paying -- would crunch all of those voluminous sheets of data they kept asking us to provide and figure out how a kid who spoke English and had words in Spanish, Cantonese and Tagalog at the age of three, now could not utter a word. Barbara Fischkin: Hillary Said the Word -- An Autism Mom Finally Feels Acknowledged
  • Throughout his speech, Mr. Obama made repeated references to Republican plans and ideas, and even used a phrase similar to that employed by House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia when he talked about American's getting their "fair shake. Obama's Bid to Spur Growth
  • Mr. Goetschel is the official animal lawyer for the Swiss canton of Zurich, a sort of public defender who represents the interests of pets, farm animals and wildlife.
  • Canton tepoy holds my _aquarium_, and another, beside the most frequented of the lounges, the last number of the most weighty of North The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 3, September 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Cantor was barely able to utter this single word, so full of suspense, desire, triumph, and some deviousness.
  • He describes his play as an oratorio in 11 cantos, in reference to Dante's Divine Comedy and its depiction of hell.
  • He's just finished rehearsing the Act One finale of the Metropolitan Opera's new production of Rossini's "Le Comte Ory," a lesser-known bel canto work that he calls "a really great French pastry made by an incredible Italian chef. Bringing Fresh Eyes to the Opera
  • Cuius animam gementem, with its soft martial rhythm and bravura high D-flat, its ariosi redolent with Italian bel canto, Mozart, and Gluck. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: ten to one says eric cantor is the next cancervaturd legislator embroiled in a scandal involving a male prostitute and meth. he has that look. Think Progress » Cantor backtracks on his bluff, says he’ll show up to health care meeting with Obama.
  • A mother and her children in a farming commune in Canton.
  • Switzerland was still controlled by cantonal oligarchies who would cede very little of their sovereignty to the Federal Diet or Federal Directory.
  • When I am around people under 18, or working as a cantor in a Christian church, I either hide it or take it off as a sign of respect toward another's sacred space.
  • The cantor's solo is the most passionate, heartrending music of the liturgical year.
  • Drawn up by another Liberal Democrat leader, Lord David Owen and US envoy Cyrus Vance, the plan envisaged Bosnia being divided up into 10 autonomous provinces or cantons largely along ethnic lines.
  • And in another canton was the following similar legend: --- The Antiquary
  • This was a romaunt in four cantos upon the already familiar episode of Francesca, that "lily in the mouth of Tartarus. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • One promising arrangement could be a confederation of independently governed areas or cantons, to be established in the territory between the Jordan and the Mediterranean.
  • Some waterfront areas like Canton, where there has been a fourfold increase in property values, are blossoming.
  • Cut to a Broadway theater, where the blackfaced hero sings ‘Mammy’ in a style at once cantorial and operatic, at an energy level that is overpowering.
  • You see, he oh-so-kindly sums up the plot as a prelude to each canto, so even if you find yourself thinking "guess you had to be there," as you try to understand some of the more archaic lines and references (while the notes are too busy telling you that "bloudy" is Telecommuter Talk
  • Scattered throughout the country, most of them are in full duties, the rest hold part-time positions, but all are cantorially employed. Cantors: American Jewish Women.
  • Sun brought his little navy up to Canton and bombarded Lu's yamen.
  • With its mandarin collar, snug fit and side slit, the qipao -- called a cheongsam in Cantonese -- is no longer daily wear, but it lives on as a look for special occasions. The Qipao Keeps Up
  • Una volta capito il problema mi sono sentita molto, molto meglio - a parte l'ira funesta nei confronti della loro incompetenza, almeno era un problema obiettivo con una soluzione semplice - a differenza, per esempio, del tipo seduto accanto a me che aveva un nome simile a quello di una lista dei sospettati dell'FBI e non aveva idea di come si sarebbe risolta la sua situazione. The return of the emigrant, Part III: The ugly
  • Essentially a lyric soprano with coloratura capabilities, she was at home in both Mozart and Richard Strauss, as well as in bel canto and verismo.
  • Cantor ended uncertainty by saying it will pay performance bonuses at the end of the year to the families of victims, waiving a rule that employees must work to the end of the period.
  • So cano = ‘I sing’ and canto = ‘I sing over and over, croon, chant’ like a child or a drunk, while ago = ‘I do, drive, push’, and agito = ‘I do or drive repeatedly, shake, stir up’. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jactitation:
  • On August 1, 1291, three Alpine cantons swore the oath of confederation, an act that later came to be regarded as the foundation of Switzerland.
  • Another staple entree is the black moss seaweed called fat choy, which is a pun on the New Year's greeting, gung hay fat choy in Cantonese. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Le cortesie, l'audaci imprese io canto "-- the northern Ariosto sang bravely the _arme_ and the _audaci imprese_; less confidently the _amori_ and the _cortesie_. A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • The cathedral precentor sits opposite the dean - whence the name for the two sides of the choir: decani and cantoris (‘of the singer’, i.e. the precentor).
  • Bolzano's theories of mathematical infinity anticipated Georg Cantor's theory of infinite sets.
  • The collection for parish choirs, congregations and cantors features new compositions by Liam Lawton and Kiltimagh born composer Ronan McDonagh.
  • After redecorating, the joint reopened earlier this month, with a new chef - poached from the Cantonese restaurant next door - and new partners.
  • Moreover, in "Szomorú Napok" will be found some of Jókai's most original characters, notably, the ludicrous, if infinitely mischievous, political crotcheteer, "Numa Pompilius;" the drunken cantor, Michael Kordé, whose grotesque adventure in the dog-kennel is a true _Fantasiestück à la The Day of Wrath
  • The word "sampan" literally means "three planks" in Cantonese, from the words sam (三, three) and pan (板, plank). [ Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • In Holland, France, the Scandinavian countries, and a handful of Swiss cantons, women did gain access to at least some fields of legal practice around the turn of the century.
  • That he united the functions of _cantonnier_ and _garde_ did not occur to me. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • If this should happen, you will almost certainly be able to find the word glossed in at least one other place earlier in the canto. The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • Lord Carrington, the British foreign secretary, hoping thereby to preserve a white cantonment, floated the idea of partitioning South Africa just before Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
  • He called his poem a "romaunt," and his valet, poor Fletcher, a "stanch yeomán," and peppered his stanzas thinly with _sooths_ and _wights_ and_ whiloms_, but he gave over this affectation in the later cantos and made no further excursions into the Middle Ages. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • As Danielle Gardner, whose brother Douglas Gardner worked at Cantor Fitzgerald and died in the World Trade Center, wrote in a remarkable essay published in 2005, I have learned about the whacked-out phenomenon I term trauma envy. The Truth About Grief
  • Now here he is, CANTor and the rest of republican lames acting like they support the Iranians. House expected to vote on Iranian resolution
  • It wouldn't be a stretch to call Castile and Okolski, who train at the Arctic Figure Skating Club in Canton, the hard-luck team of the pairs competition when nationals kicks off its 10-day run today at the Spokane Arena in Washington. - RSS
  • Cantonal police units and a nominal confederate police, initially aided by an international contingent, should maintain public order and ensure peaceful relations between diverse cantons.
  • There are a few others who aren't quite weird enough, such as Cantor's Giant Soft-Shelled Turtle, the Long-eared jerboa, or Pink fairy Armadillos, but they're definitely strange. Archive 2008-08-01
  • It's the reason the Pentagon plans to cantonize them Israeli-style by enclosing neighborhoods with barricades and walls and require special IDs for entry. Jonathan Cook's "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations"
  • That night we slept at Herisau, the largest town in the Canton, and here I was to part with Spruner. Scenes in Switzerland
  • The reader will easily see that Byron is here meant, who, after a little velitation of no great promise, now appeared as a serious candidate, in the first two cantos of 'Childe Harold'. The Works of Lord Byron: Letters and Journals. Vol. 2
  • Pieces that exhibit small, careful brushstrokes are in general considered typical of Peking, while those that display a palette and brush technique strongly akin to famille rose porcelain of the period are considered to be Cantonese.
  • It's a succour to those seeking shelter from the blunt drama of the economy, a role that bel canto has taken on before. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the stranger did not appear to notice that a place was being shown him, and walked past the pew and up the little steps that led to the stalls on the cantoris side. The Nebuly Coat
  • Si en algo nos parecemos es en triste soledad yo no le canto'i cantando que es mi modo de alumbrar. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • Since 1999 she has been a regular cantor at St Patrick's Cathedral & is a freelance singer for weddings & other ceremonies
  • As elsewhere in Canto 2, here the occasion for elegy is young male loveliness dead betimes: "Thou art gone, thou lov'd and lovely one,/Whom youth and youth's affection bound to me" (st. 'A darkling plain': Hemans, Byron and _The Sceptic; A Poem_
  • Her husband, cantor at a local Orthodox church, informed the police who arrested him.
  • Georg Cantor was born in Russia of Danish - Jewish parentage.
  • _Schabecyge_ or _Chapsigre_ cheese (made in the canton of Glarus) and found that the principal ingredient which gives it so strong a perfume is the _trifolium odoratum_, or _meliot odorant_. A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium
  • Caro Max: Fa di tutto per iscriturare la Sidonia, altrimenti io non canto ne "Don Giovanni," ne "Norma," ne altri. Chapters of Opera Being historical and critical observations and records concerning the lyric drama in New York from its earliest days down to the present time
  • Prosecutors also are investigating several smaller cantonal banks in Switzerland, according to people familiar with the matter. Offshore Banks Subject of Grand Jury Probes
  • It made the job easier by defining one-third of it as Greater Jerusalem while expropriating Palestinian land to expand existing settlements, build new ones, add new roads for Jews only, and erect the Separation Wall falsely claimed for security to disguise its real land-grab purpose plus another way to cantonize Palestinians in isolated areas cut off from all others and effectively enclose them in large open-air prisons. A Review of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe
  • Other algorithms such as Jukes-Cantor or Tamura-Nei produced identical tree topologies.
  • The word "kumquat" comes to us from a Cantonese word meaning "golden citrus fruit. Undefined
  • The book is divided into six cantos, describing the plan of the city, the monuments and the technological marvels of those days.
  • During the 1st century ad a special courier service with swift horses was set up to bring fresh lychees from Canton north to the imperial court.
  • Bloch found his inspiration for this work in Jewish life and finds his musical material in the form of cantorial chant and Yiddish folk song.
  • Guess Cantor was too busy twitting away so don't ask him what the President said. Obama invokes Kennedy's 'character of America'
  • The Jewish Theological Seminary first began admitting openly LGBT students to its rabbinical and cantorial programs in 2007.
  • Black beans are used extensively in Cantonese cookery and are usually served with fish or beef.
  • Actually, Peking comes from the Cantonese name "Bak [mandarin 'bei'] Ging [mandarin 'jing'] BEIZHING.
  • Following the outbreak of war between Britain and Spain in 1740, Zipporah moved with her parents to New York, where she married David Mendes Machado, the hazzan (cantor) for Congregation Shearith Israel. Zipporah Nunes Machado Jacobs.
  • The road smoked in the twilight with children driving home cattle from the fields; and a pair of mounted stride-legged women, hat and cap and all, dashed past me at a hammering trot from the canton where they had been to church and market. Travels With A Donkey In The Cevennes
  • The British developed the cantonment towns of Meerut, Kanpur, Agra and Allahabad after 1857.

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