How To Use Canteen In A Sentence

  • In Foshan, He Pinru's members include state-owned telecommunications and power companies, and real estate developers, who want to offer safe, good-quality food at employee canteens, he says. China's organic farms rooted in food-safety concerns
  • The gallery is approached across a voluminous, rather airport-like atrium that also houses the company's canteen.
  • Nor much longer till it ceased to be a griskin -- having altogether disappeared from his fingers, followed by a gurgling sound, as half the contents of the canteen went washing it down his throat. The Lone Ranche
  • He telegraphs a curious expression across the curious pseudo - restaurant that serves as the canteen in the bowels of Television Centre.
  • They want decent meals and I am insisting that the food in the staff canteen should be the same as in the racecourse self-service restaurant.
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  • The new cards will also be used as ‘electronic purses’, meaning that money may be loaded and stored on the card and used in school canteens and cashless tuck shops.
  • When Bernard went to the canteen there was a stir, a breath of recognition.
  • We could specify the display of nutritional information in all canteens and workplace restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • This canteen (with a funnel on its top, like a cavalier cap slouched over the eyes) was set on edge upon the puncheon, with the hole toward myself; and through this hole, which seemed puckered up like the mouth of a very precise old maid, the creature was emitting certain rumbling and grumbling noises which he evidently intended for intelligible talk. Archive 2008-12-01
  • a wet canteen
  • Tapos kanina nakita ko si Justin sa may canteen at himala dahil hindi niya kasama ang babae niya! Archive 2006-11-01
  • Seasonal stock has been arriving by the truckload, so much so that the operations staff have run out off space in the stockroom and have started dropping it in the store canteen.
  • A bloodstained tree marks a leopard ‘canteen’ and the diner could be lurking in any of the many caves above us.
  • Wentworth had a threateningly dark and oppressive atmosphere whereas I can honestly say I've been in scarier factory canteens than the one at Larkhall.
  • At lunchtime I ascend the stairs to the main canteen and take a noodle and stirfry meal at the subsidised price.
  • Soon the guard took his water canteen out of his belt, took a swig, and dropped to the floor, never to wake again.
  • With its canteen-like space of fewer than 10 tables, the restaurant is located in an alley in the second arrondissement, which is often contradictorily described by foodies either as "a no-man's land" or the "next Marais. Better, Cheaper French Cuisine
  • For many of these young MPs the canteen is proving a refuge from the long-drawn speeches and verbal duels in the House.
  • We could specify the display of nutritional information in all canteens and workplace restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • He moves among the students in the encampment checking canteens, to see who has been drinking water.
  • Its office is built around a glass atrium housing a canteen and shops. The Sun
  • Each man had a canteen strapped to his belt or looped over his shoulder.
  • Then he stepped into the canteen line behind Kavafian's housemate, Carlo. STONE CITY
  • The canteen is down in the basement.
  • You need to do all three levels to qualify as a canteen supervisor.
  • Parish council chairman Chris Tennant presented Denese with a canteen of cutlery and a bouquet in recognition of her work over the years, which was often over and above what her contract required.
  • The fire was so severe that staff in the canteen of the police station around the corner in Northway could smell smoke.
  • Latino inmates with limited English skills were punished for failing to understand commands in English by being put in solitary confinement for up to 23 hours a day or keeping prisoners locked down in their jail pods for as long as 72 hours without a trip to the canteen area or making nonlegal phone calls. Joe Arpaio, Arizona Sheriff, Violated Civil Rights According To Justice Department Report
  • Hotsuma shook his head and reached into his pouch, pulling out 4 canteens of water.
  • Joe screwed the top back on the canteen, and squeezed, on his back, under the wagon bed.
  • Anybody who has seen a fight sequence from a Hindi film which takes place in a college canteen or a restaurant will know the answer.
  • Rankin leans back in his seat in the club canteen after training and extols the team spirit at his new home.
  • Let's get the rest of the gang together and hang out at the canteen.
  • He waited patiently for Ambrose to finish his drink, then took the canteen from the man's outstretched hand.
  • What would be wrong in a works canteen or a student refectory may be acceptable or tolerable or not worth making a fuss over in a night club.
  • I also threw in two canteens of water and a flashlight (even though we weren't staying out after dark), the map from my office as well as my lensatic compass.
  • When I got back to the station my old sarge took me up to the canteen got me a large coffee and we had a chat … The Love Shack, Baby. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Mattresses were brought up from the cellars and pitched all over the corridors: meals consisted of sandwiches and Victory Coffee wheeled round on trolleys by attendants from the canteen. Nineteen Eighty-four
  • Her father was a postman and her mother worked as an assistant in a school canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also ate at the American commissariat, now a huge canteen for soldiers.
  • Hey Girls .. you made me really senti about my Alma Mater (s) too. had about 6 of them - thanks to dad's tranfers .. you did bring back lovely memories of school canteens; D. all my life's savings at that time would go into the school canteen .. hmmm i am getting really senti yar! Bows to my Alma Mater
  • She was wearing brown hiking boots, a pink backpack, a canteen and a hookshot attached to her belt.
  • When A goes to take a drink, he sees and canteen is gone and ends up dying of thirst. Matthew Yglesias » Financial Crisis and Causation
  • Companies will have to close areas such as staff canteens to stop people in different departments infecting each other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voss and the chauffeur drank a coffee in the canteen and ate bread and eggs. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The route went through all manufacturing departments and ended with tea and a sandwich buffet in the canteen.
  • He uncorked a canteen and drank deeply and freely of the water.
  • An office, canteen, library, weigh bridge, roads and water supply connections would be provided.
  • The canteen was a hard leather flask with straps to tie it to a belt.
  • With its canteen-like space of fewer than 10 tables, the restaurant is located in an alley in the second arrondissement, which is often contradictorily described by foodies either as "a no-man's land" or the "next Marais. Better, Cheaper French Cuisine
  • A canteen serves free food and ice cream and hours are flexible. The Sun
  • Be a helluva rocket to get us there was clear but it was going to mean a stone floor for a bed and Meals Ready to Eat coffee heated in canteen cups for breakfast. Jeff Gralnick: Remembering Walter
  • In this manner it continues the adjustment process begun before parade in the canteen.
  • Schools should lock children in at lunchtime to boost take-up of canteen meals, a catering expert claimed yesterday.
  • Cloud picked himself up and removed a canteen from a nearby soldier's belt.
  • Families can cook for themselves or a canteen provides food. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have canteens on their belts and AK - 47s and bandoliers of rounds across their shoulders.
  • The show was originally going to be held in the small training restaurant, but demand was so high the venue was changed to the student canteen.
  • They smashed the windowpanes of the cinema, damaged the furniture and ransacked the canteen.
  • Cunningham says canteens of gold or silver cutlery which retailed at around £1,000 each were popular gifts.
  • I'm pleased to see that they're ringing the changes in the staff canteen. The new menus are much more interesting.
  • This could be any environment ranging from a redesigned school canteen to a home for a pet. Technology Basic Facts
  • The canteen was decked out with Christmas decorations.
  • My radioman poured Kool-Aid from his canteen onto my face and into my eyes, and I managed to get one eye to clear. The Truth About Being a Hero
  • May our canteens be festooned with canticles, our shoeshops filled with catalectic feet. People of Britain, it's time to carve a few lines of poetry into your wheelbarrow
  • I get on with it over lunch - a sandwich and a green apple from the canteen, eaten at my desk.
  • Aluminium tins, matchboxes and canteen tables were replaced with sophisticated musical instruments.
  • Astley Bridge police station on Crompton Way is in a relatively isolated position, away from shops and food retailers and so staff rely on the canteen to provide them with hot meals and sandwiches.
  • He ran his eyes over her body but couldn't find any sign of injury, so he rose and hurried to grab a canteen of water to try and revive her.
  • Many businesses in York and the surrounding area will be receiving a request to display posters in their staff rooms and canteens to promote this event.
  • Warm canteen water in the canteen cap, the bag open on the floor, a propane lighter too hot to hold.
  • One guy had a canteen on his hip which was shot off; it was automatic weapons.
  • Falnec crumbled a tab of painkiller into his canteen and held the rim of the metal flask to the youth's lips.
  • Woman in the works canteen couldn't pronounce quinoa properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • No queues or canteen chaos - good news for those seeking a quiet lunchtime retreat. Times, Sunday Times
  • They smashed the windowpanes of the cinema, damaged the furniture and ransacked the canteen.
  • They hadn't set the table with a linen cupboard of napery and a canteen of silver.
  • The canteen was decked out with Christmas decorations.
  • It was a very tedious time and as rations were none too plentiful, foraging parties used to go down to the beaches with the hope of collecting any odd dainties, such as tinned chicken or tinned fruit that might be found in the vicinity of the canteens that were being rapidly dismantled. The Fifth Battalion Highland Light Infantry in the War 1914-1918
  • Businesses locating at the centre will enjoy the benefits of shared facilities, for example dedicated administration desk, canteen etc.
  • Notable among them are a Victorian canteen of flatware, Georgian silver soup plates and serving and entrée dishes.
  • So he filled his canteen up and dropped a couple of iodine water purification tabs in it and fallowed the directions perfectly. Into the Wild ...
  • In this manner it continues the adjustment process begun before parade in the canteen.
  • I contented myself with not doing a very good job on the canteen chairs.
  • There is breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon munchies from the canteen, tea and supper. Craft
  • You have to be careful not to get fat out here - the canteen food is so good. Times, Sunday Times
  • The canteen seems to have been popular enough to warrant two phases of expansion, marked by surviving lynchets and wall foundations outlining the original and later buildings.
  • I'm pleased to see that they're ringing the changes in the staff canteen. The new menus are much more interesting.
  • They stood in the middle of the canteen, arms round each other and heads held close together.
  • Many employers have similar cards for use in staff canteens. The Sun
  • Without hesitation, he brought the canteen to Joe's lips and trickled some water into his son's mouth.
  • The money could be spent on extra canteen food. The Sun
  • He wolfed his ham and corn bread, gulped from a canteen full of cold coffee. The Guns Of The South
  • He also spent 30 minutes lunching with farmers in the canteen - on egg-mayonnaise sandwiches - before unveiling a plaque.
  • Staff are encouraged to not remove metal cutlery from canteens. The Sun
  • The two headed to their sides of the arena to towel off and take long drinks from canteens of flavored water.
  • Then went for mass rally, had og time and stuff, and dance, lunch (rou, meishi and i ran to the canteen to eat better and cheaper food while the rest stayed in the cafe) picked up gp package, went to the poolside again and played polar bear. Yanxious Diary Entry
  • Her father was a postman and her mother worked as an assistant in a school canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a camp canteen where the prisoners could buy cigarettes, toilet articles or canned food.
  • Ryne looked to his companion, ‘We did, but that didn't stop them from bring flasks and canteens filled with it.
  • The story now takes us into a flashback to show Seshadri Naidu as a hardworking canteen owner who sells roti-dal-buttermilk for a rupee - making just 10 paise profit.
  • Lin appeared with the skins used for canteens, two filled with water and two with ale.
  • She paints the rather incongruous scene of a recent cross-Channel ferry journey that she spent chatting to her fellow truckers in the canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or observe how, on one day of the year in some military regiments, the officers serve the men in the canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some evacuees were accommodated in 15 temporary shelters in schools and canteens, but many people still had to shelter in tents.
  • The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food.
  • Its office is built around a glass atrium housing a canteen and shops. The Sun
  • Staff rooms and canteens were filled with fans allowed to delay their work until the final whistle.
  • Bengt could feel Zinnia gently touching the wound below her shoulder blade and hear the slosh of water from Zinnia's canteen as she washed it off.
  • You could read the staff magazine ‘Ariel’ (otherwise known as Pravda) in the staff canteen without being laughed at.
  • The cap is then sent round for contributions towards a further instalment of the foundation of conviviality, which is fetched from the canteen or the sergeant's mess; and another and yet another supply is sent for, as long as the funds hold out and somebody keeps sober enough to act as Ganymede. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • Many sixth-form colleges said that students had occupied canteens.
  • Joe screwed the top back on the canteen, and squeezed, on his back, under the wagon bed.
  • James prefers to take his coffee on the steps outside the canteen, weather permitting - not because the canteen is inaccessible to wheelchair users, but because the view is better out on the steps.
  • British soldiers often drank themselves into insensibility in the ‘wet canteen’.
  • After work they made a hearty meal in the worker's canteen.
  • The Executive, which has been funding cashless canteen schemes, said that it had intended the cards to be used primarily for dinner halls and it was individual councils that had decided to use them for registration.
  • And the Malay food in the canteen is surpringly good, including this dish which is a favourite. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Scotland's school canteens must become bistro-style restaurants, complete with salad bars and a menu of baguettes and grilled fish, food experts are to tell ministers.
  • Fresh off the heels of opening his second Bowery canteen, Peels, Mr. Somer plans to decamp to Brooklyn where he will whittle his own line of salvaged wood furniture. 21st-Century Man
  • Instead of people coming up and congratulating me, for saving their summer, I'm getting dirty looks at the bus stop and nobody wants to sit next to me in the staff canteen.
  • It is also about the activities of college students in the canteen, sports fields and between classes.
  • He has nothing -- no water because his canteen is on the horse and Tony is gone. Hollywood and the Movies
  • Many employers have similar cards for use in staff canteens. The Sun
  • Fortunately, the centre was warm and the canteen was open because a men's curling bonspiel was underway, he added.
  • They sense their domination of the debate in canteens, cafés and coffee bars.
  • In years gone by, your granny might have had a canteen of silver cutlery and, at grand dinners, servers fashioned from the precious metal conveyed food from kitchen to table.
  • Staffers lunching in the building's canteen nod respectfully at this gangling, spectacled intruder.
  • On the side of the shed was a blockhouse canteen and some offices.
  • Of course, you can only eat good desert if you go to the Science canteen or the NUH staff canteen… J-gan Diary Entry
  • Breakfast and lunch in the canteen are at discounted rates. SOMEBODY
  • They can have meals there so they don't have to go into the crowded and noisy canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the canteen accounts in her hand, Fleur stepped out between her tubbed bay-trees. Swan Song
  • When Bernard went to the canteen there was a stir, a breath of recognition.
  • Operational = butties and a flask after ‘tactical command’ discover the wheels have fallen off the mobile canteen. Satisfied? Confident? You Will Be…… « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The moment he walks out of the interview to return a bee from the canteen floor to the bucolic countryside, less so. Times, Sunday Times
  • He let loose the loudest hiccup I'd ever heard and took another swig of something or other from his canteen.
  • Ordinarily the term canteen is another name for a drinking saloon, though a great variety of articles, such as soldiers need, are on sale and the profits go to the soldiers. History of Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War, and Other Items of Interest
  • Calomar grumbled as he dumped some water from his canteen into an old pot and put it on top of the stove.
  • Teach First offers lunch vouchers in the school canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her mother worked in a factory canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The food in the canteen is too good! The Sun
  • One of the psychics passed around a canteen full of clean, pure water, which Veon accepted gratefully.
  • We would take him to the canteen and he would ask to go back upstairs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wondered whether I should get out at the next floor and walk up the stairs to the canteen.
  • Just over one hundred children between the ages of four to eleven came to the canteen which had been transformed with decorations.
  • He is more accessible than most tycoons and is frequently seen dining in the works canteen at Wapping.
  • At meal times surly British canteen staff allegedly refused to give the Indian marksmen second helpings of food.
  • The availability of canteen meals reduced the amount of vegetable and putrescible matter in the dustbin.
  • The two headed to their sides of the arena to towel off and take long drinks from canteens of flavored water.
  • The canteen was getting more and more cramped by the second and I found myself having to bump and nudge my way through the mass of students crowded in front of the exit.
  • Nearly half of all hospital kitchens and canteens in England could be failing to meet basic standards of cleanliness and hygiene, according to official inspection reports. Times, Sunday Times
  • The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food.
  • This is when we refill our canteen from the fountain of life. Full-frame PJ
  • No queues or canteen chaos - good news for those seeking a quiet lunchtime retreat. Times, Sunday Times
  • But then should it be a plumber's problem if a canteen worker is underpaid? Times, Sunday Times
  • Trist leaped to the ground and removed the hobbles, picked up his rifle and the canteens, and grabbed the reins of the mare.
  • In Stage Door Canteen, the stars not only performed for servicemen and servicewomen, but also cooked and waited tables for them in a wonderfully deglamorized setting. Helen Menken.
  • A core of naval buildings (the canteen, bar, bowling alley, shop, aircraft hangars and residential quarters) was retained, but much of the base was dismantled.
  • Fish is good for you and not so many calories as some of the pies they do in the canteen, so I have the fish when it's on. LOSING IT
  • Despite its name, however, Canteen's desire to dally with memory and pop-cultural mythology is not as wholehearted or as determined as Isla's.
  • Workers responded to the provocation by picketing the factory and over 150 barricading themselves inside a canteen.
  • In my first meeting with them I banned mobiles in the canteen because we spend a lot of time in there. Times, Sunday Times
  • One tonne of items such as swords, hatchets and entire canteens of cutlery have been confiscated from passengers departing Irish airports in just one month.
  • The food in the canteen is usually quite good.
  • BAR CLASS GRASS student: daniel Favourite lunch Full meal Favourite place Canteen in Engineering Campus Daniel is a student, and he is doing an internship within the Design Faculty. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • She paints the rather incongruous scene of a recent cross-Channel ferry journey that she spent chatting to her fellow truckers in the canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • She tapped the aluminium of my canteen, tried to bend the laminated steel of my knife blade, stared and poked at the compass mounted it its perspex bubble in the hilt.
  • The two headed to their sides of the arena to towel off and take long drinks from canteens of flavored water.
  • He will take lunch in a meeting, or chat to staff in the canteen.
  • Josh blew on the canteen of hot tea he'd smuggled from his home into the Café and sighed as the steam began to warm his frozen fingers.
  • Individual hunters recorded kills of one hundred, then two hundred, from a single stand, pausing only to cool their overheated rifle barrels with canteens of water.
  • She sought equal pay with two assistant chefs who worked in the factory canteen and who prepared 350 meals each day. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • They are then offered a diet of burgers, chips, pizzas and coke from school canteens.
  • I get on with it over lunch - a sandwich and a green apple from the canteen, eaten at my desk.
  • Another week of Australian Idle has been dished up in the lukewarm bain-marie of the television industry's canteen of horrors.
  • I bought a pint of semi-skimmed milk in the canteen this lunchtime.
  • The hall at the Civic Centre is not available during the day because it is used for a staff canteen.
  • The boxes, which are installed in the canteen, emit a light which is the same intensity and quality as bright sunshine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our mail products are of nearly 200 patterns, including thermos, vacuum cups, preservative boxes, children's Canteen, coat hangers , paper tube-shaped contailners and so on .
  • For officials at the embassy, he says he offered canteens of gold or silver cutlery which retailed at £1,000 apiece.
  • Companies will have to close areas such as staff canteens to stop people in different departments infecting each other.
  • He is more accessible than most tycoons and is frequently seen dining in the works canteen at Wapping.
  • Or observe how, on one day of the year in some military regiments, the officers serve the men in the canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do you think a school better have a canteen or tuck shop?
  • I look around me at work and I see where my colleagues go: the coffee room, the vending machine, the works canteen.
  • All that lip-wrestling in the conference room, footsie in the canteen and fumbling in the office toilets is coming back to haunt workers in the UK.
  • Before becoming a cook in the Papunya canteen, he worked, as his name implies, as a stockman at Napperby cattle station.
  • The glaring lights and the loud noises of the vehicles, the demonic screeches of the honkers and the non-stop blaring of the speakers at the canteen made sleep impossible.
  • Friends don't come back from the dead, Leila thought, rampaging through the corridor from the canteen.
  • They do have bank accounts where they're pay in canteen funds for members that are locked up. CNN Transcript Feb 24, 2005
  • The route went through all manufacturing departments and ended with tea and a sandwich buffet in the canteen.
  • But asked if any cups were stolen, a club spokesman confirms nobody managed to get into the canteen. The Sun
  • We could specify the display of nutritional information in all canteens and workplace restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minutes later Kyrgyz soldiers are thrusting cans of sardines and canteens of water into their hands.
  • He gave her water from his canteen, cupped in his hand.
  • They only opened the canteen about an hour ago & so the rush on it is terrific.
  • He dropped the container and the canteen and sprawled onto the ground.
  • In keeping with its minimalist style, Five Guys decor is a cross between a military canteen and a 1950s diner. Fast-growing Five Guys burger chain sticks to basic, fresh food
  • In the course of the afternoon we visited several houses, at one of which quite a quantity of contraband stuff was found, _which was placed in our canteens_. Incidents of the War: Humorous, Pathetic, and Descriptive

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