How To Use Cant In A Sentence

  • Lobefins today have dwindled to the lungfishes and the coelacanths ‘dwindled’ as ‘fish’, that is, but mightily expanded on land: we land vertebrates are aberrant lungfish. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • He did his final piece of serious work on Tuesday morning, which was grand, and we have just kept him ticking over with a couple of canters.
  • We lapped the track a few times at a walk, trot and canter and the horse went through it pretty smoothly.
  • The space left by evaporation is called the ullage, while the liquid lost is sometimes called the ‘angels' share’ and is particularly financially significant in the production of older cognac and Armagnac.
  • While the Irish government generates a lot of noisy, self-righteous cant about the evils of cigarettes at home, it makes a pretty packet from ‘selling death’ abroad.
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  • Rihanna is real clingy, a bit two clingy saying he cant talk to other women, even though there just friends! but he is also in the wrong for doing it!!!!! like ye dnt go round beatin up women no matter how bad they are! gooddd like … buh i LOVE chris brown so im natt sayn nethn! Chris Brown Rihanna Break-Up Following Alleged Assault
  • Applicants for the job must have previous experience.
  • There are no problems, either, in regard to fuels and lubricants, that is, in the refining industry. The Speech
  • The composition of displaced terranes ranges from that of typical oceanic crust to significantly less dense granitic rock with clear continental affinities.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • This regime should have been more than adequate to demonstrate any significant short-term effects of reduced sleep.
  • The services of the laboratory are offered gratuitously to any scientist or graduate student engaged in research which makes a significant contribution to progress in the fields of science.
  • And why do his eyes occasionally appear to glow red, like those of a replicant? Times, Sunday Times
  • Some animals may consume insignificant amounts of the primary production.
  • What links the eyes of these three coffins, beside the fact that all are painted, is that the inner canthus--the corner of the eye near the nose--descends abruptly and abuts the upper lid, giving them an East Asian appearance. Archive 2008-03-01
  • In addition, experimental flowers that matured a fruit (and therefore received a visit) had significantly larger corollas compared with corollas of flowers that did not initiate a fruit.
  • Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly investigated before being appointed.
  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • In both cases, significant constituencies had been left to rot, unattended, and they'd had enough.
  • The answer would be significantly different to the one given in response to the Department's loaded question.
  • The value of the coffee becomes significantly higher when expressed in foreign currency.
  • Penicillin was an extremely significant medical discovery.
  • Plurimum incitant et provocant influentiae caelestes. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Statistical analysis for significant difference in the slope of mutant induction in the presence or absence of vanillin was performed using the f-test for comparison of slopes.
  • The Romans invented a distinct cornice for the Corinthian order, characterized by large projecting modillions embellished with acanthus leaves.
  • That is a significant achievement, of which the hon. Gentleman should be aware.
  • His life was one of varied and significant achievements - an advocate at the Scottish bar, a sound if impatient and pugnacious judge of the Court of Session, and a politically active Whig.
  • Perhaps not surprisingly, the researchers found that employers were considerably more likely to offer interviews and jobs to applicants with white names.
  • Knowing and understanding our limitation is very crucial and a significant part of emancipating ourselves from its control.
  • Just as she reached the stairs to enter the house, an ugly gelding cantered to a stop and the rotund rider ungracefully dismounted.
  • The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.
  • Amid fireworks, a color guard and torrents of cheers, 62 former Redskins were introduced on Sunday night at FedEx Field, from Carl Kammerer, who played in 1963, to Darnerien McCants, who retired in 2004. Shanahan, McNabb are helping the Redskins recapture their past
  • Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.
  • Leaving aside the forgettable Mirage, FM's next most significant moment was 1987's Tango in the Night, the album that Buckingham rescued from the band's coked out indifference, at the cost of his own departure.
  • This is a significant challenge in view of the need for additional capacity at our ports over the coming years, particularly for unitised trade.
  • Most lenders have relaxed their criteria around the maximum age of applicants at the end of the term. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two separate guys (guy in trucker hat who I think is the liquid metal Terminator/Davey Scantino) and the other is Bathroom-Using Man who wore no cap. Matthew Yglesias » Anticlimax
  • One of the most significant concerns presented by opponents is that suicide ideation is most likely a symptom of psychopathology.
  • Ever since, leftish malcontents have taken every opportunity to condemn the iniquity of holding all applicants for admission to the same standards.
  • The skin of D. holocanthus is highly elastic because of microfolds in the epidermis and collagen fibers of the dermis.
  • The violoncello piccolo is used in Cantata BWV 6, but not in the sixth Cello Suite #6, for which the piece was scored.
  • Konduz lies at the heart of the north-south axis of the country connecting the capital Kabul to the former republic of Tajikistan - a significant route for trade.
  • This rope feature and the lion paw feet, legs, and exaggerated acanthus leaves are very similar to the one at Glin.
  • Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
  • Reference: "Effect of ozonolysis on bioconversion of miscanthus to bioethanol". RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Such signals can be located on a mast, bridge, or cantilever structure and in some rare cases in a dwarf signal.
  • It’s supposed to contain something from this exotic melon called SOD or superoxide dismutase which is a protein also found in the melons of a good ole cantaloupe. Cindy Crawford Gets Extorted For Some Reason
  • The talks between the USA and the USSR were very significant for the relationship between the two countries.
  • It is believed that these informal sector activities create significant employment opportunities.
  • Chylific fan whole life quote meliaceae, panegyrical adaptational cd viewpoint ii, coltish oblateness lubricant, eventration skinny mnemonic, litterbug, and illegibly ridiculously copiously! Rational Review
  • The mostly German-speaking cantons, or provinces, are divided nearly equally between the two religious affiliations.
  • This meant that events presumably of interest mainly to Poles - such as the 1944 Rising - would often be scanted by the media.
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The economic case for substantial immigration is thin, and there are significant ecological and other arguments against it.
  • Through a set of smart green building strategies the "bioclimatic" buildings are able to significantly reduce their environmental footprint. INHABITAT
  • Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
  • By the way, my husband's theory is that Mexicans put chile on everything because their tastebuds are ruined from so many years of such "picante" food that nothing tastes like anything to them without chile. Something I just can't get used to
  • Since our previous work, we have achieved a significant decrease of applied pressure needed to form a cold-welded bond between the metal layer on the stamp and the substrate using a soft, compliant stamp.
  • Previous gastric surgery was uncommon in all three groups and showed no significant difference.
  • This pushed up his quotes because insurers use this information to verify applicants' identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • A significant 2. 5-fold reduction in the added cellulase required for conversion of pretreated hardwood to ethanol; and Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Process Promises Better and Cheaper Ethanol
  • Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361). Archive 2009-07-01
  • Viewed from Machu Picchu, the constellation we call the Southern Cross, which was also known and of some importance to the Inca, rises on east and sets on west of Salcantay, and at its highest point is directly above the mountain. Exploring the Inca Heartland: The Mountain Gods
  • That put the pressure firmly on Best Mate's shoulders with the tension in the crowd palpable as the horses cantered down to the start.
  • Gary Sinise plays a government scientist who may or may not be a replicant planted by a hostile alien race.
  • According to the CDC, the "age-adjusted death rate decreased significantly for 10 of the 15 leading causes of death," including heart disease, malignant neoplasm cancer, various chronic diseases of the liver or respiratory system, influenza and pneumonia. The March of Health Progress
  • The symptoms of depressed patients were significantly reduced after the hatha yoga course. Times, Sunday Times
  • As plants do not possess a mechanism to degrade lignins, lignification represents a significant, non-recoverable investment of carbon and energy.
  • The term highlights the assumption that individuals act within a social context, that this context is not reducible to individual acts, and, most significantly, that the social context is not necessarily or wholly imposed. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • Metaphor is pervasive, and human language with various metaphors, thus study on metaphor is significant.
  • The cancer subgroup, even those with very early tumours, had significantly lower cholesterol values than the group with polyps alone.
  • Cristalhombre wrote me asking for further references on "foodie" places at Lakeside after my review of the wonderful Tabarka Restaurant featuring splendid Spanish Mediterranean seafood from the Alicante Region and I told him I knew of few places that met those standards at Lakeside but Dawg has just discovered another place that is new and special beyond belief so here goes: Cuisine From The Costa Blanca
  • The legislation could have given a right of appeal to the objectors in the same way as it is given to applicants but this it has not done and they are dependent on the limited powers of this court to intervene by way of judicial review.
  • One can put it quite simply: How can any significant journal be funded in our time?
  • This malformation is much less common than the converse one of calycanthemy. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Remorse and guilt are incomprehensible to the perpetratorsat this stage of the game because all significant players were for sale, andwere therefore immune to their own remorse. Is the Dem Congress Criminally Insane?
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by the central leadership.
  • He has won over a significant number of the left-wing deputies.
  • Football is an interesting battle of brain as well as brawn and in the final term significant changes evolved in each team.
  • What we will learn over the next five weeks is whether it is the whole southern hemisphere that remains significantly ahead, or just one nation within it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Significantly, he is unconcerned by the expected humidity.
  • Clear-cut clinical evidence of a hemodynamically significant patent ductus arteriosus should be present, such as respiratory distress, a continuous murmur, a hyperactive precordium, cardiomegaly and pulmonary plethora on chest x-ray. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Secondly, to stop paramilitary activities, thirdly significant disarmament, and fourthly, a public statement that conflict is over.
  • There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
  • In the 1950s, the great and the good - the people who really knew what was in the best interests of the lower orders - decided to bulldoze the slums and decant people into tower blocks.
  • That brings up significant issues as authoritative source vs . volunteered geographic information.
  • The research is too unfocused to have any significant impact.
  • In Foshan, He Pinru's members include state-owned telecommunications and power companies, and real estate developers, who want to offer safe, good-quality food at employee canteens, he says. China's organic farms rooted in food-safety concerns
  • Real estate taxes are up locally because of significant increases in assessed real property values in recent years. Chris Davies (D)
  • Prosecutors said the committee had approved applicants who presented forged honours that carried dates pre-dating the actual creation of the vaunted title.
  • My favourite variety of thresher is miscanthus, otherwise known as elephant grass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fraction of cells in S phase did not differ significantly between the groups.
  • Since a significant element of judgment is involved there will usually be scope for a fairly broad range of possible views, none of which can be categorised as unreasonable.
  • Self-interest and self-satisfaction are replaced with self-reflection and significant improvement.
  • Communal feasting is central to marking birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, achievements, significant purchases, and major public holidays.
  • When the eyelids are open, an elliptical space, the palpebral fissure (rima palpebrarum), is left between their margins, the angles of which correspond to the junctions of the upper and lower eyelids, and are called the palpebral commissures or canthi. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1c. 3. The Accessory Organs of the Eye
  • Then the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped forward, mitre and all, and called us, in sonorous tones, to prayer. ANTI-ICE
  • I don't think that is significant.
  • Though unconscious of them, such memories are claimed to be significant causal factors in shaping conscious thought and behavior.
  • Bringing what little money he had saved after sending Serafina her giros postales, he would burst into the familiar cantinas on Santa Fe Street and buy beer for his old acquaintances. Centennial
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  • Already-strapped budgets were being cut further and all vacant positions were frozen, leaving a staffing shortage throughout campus.
  • During the daytime, the snowcover reflects a significant portion of incoming radiational energy skyward or spaceward. USHCN Minimum Temperature Trends « Climate Audit
  • A method for separation and determination of cantharidin from the culture of medicinal fungi using capillary gas chromatography was developed.
  • Previous data support a significant relationship between sea-surface temperature and the breeding success of krill-loving gentoo penguins.
  • Is it possible to determine the fate of toxicants and the presence and efficiencies of detoxification systems in rotifers?
  • The Applicant is a nine year old boy with special educational needs.
  • Turtles were considered to be living anapsids although there was a significant temporal gap between the last anapsid reptile fossil and the first turtle fossil. Drawing a Line in the Academic Sand - The Panda's Thumb
  • Howbeit when they should come to sit downe at dinner, there kindled a strife betwixt the said two bishops about their places, bicause the bishop of London, for that he had beene ordeined long before the archbishop, and therefore not onelie as deane to the see of Canturburie, but also by reason of prioritie, pretended to haue the vpper seat. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • On appeal to the CAFC, the court stated that the applicants "misapprehended" the BPAI's decision, noting that none of the rejected claims contained the limitations which prompted the reversal. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Most contentiously, the applicant must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident.
  • We're both ardent American fans of yours who enjoy obsessing over minute and insignificant details.
  • Yet video-on-demand generates significantly better returns – about $0.65 per film for the studio against $0.25 from a DVD rental.
  • Collectively, the papers make a significant contribution to our understanding of science and cognition.
  • The gallery is approached across a voluminous, rather airport-like atrium that also houses the company's canteen.
  • It would surely be progress if significant discourse on tolerance were incorporated into educational curricula, religious sermons, and public speech.
  • The prospect of war arising with the Elves and lycanthropes wasn't very appealing.
  • Scantily clad go-go girls give the crowd something to look at.
  • Therefore, five 11m long cantilevers were created to allow the total number of dwellings to reach 100 while keeping to the planners’ preferred footprint.
  • The most significant of these may be the use of helium-3 in spacecraft propulsion, in a fusion rocket.
  • Truthfully, those classifications have never really played a significant part in my own self-identification, and they never really became an issue until the self-awareness that comes with the late stages of middle school and early high school. Scott Janssen: Yes, I'm a White Male, and I Apologize for That
  • Any spell with an incantation has the ability to backfire if even one word in the chant is pronounced wrong.
  • No doubt Mr Mutley is well aquatinted with the way dogs mate, having mounted the lady dog the chap dog turns around and then they commence to perform the filthy act facing away from each other, having smelt pedigree chum on a dogs breath I cant say that I blame them. Double Jeopardy
  • The strength of the US dollar significantly improved the competitiveness of EU exporters.
  • There aren't many films that metaphorically made ... jdogzz: love the first three cant wait till the forth one comes out my e-mail is: [email protected] alew: It ` s not ryan gosling in the last photo - it ` s the the director of the film Film Junk
  • In other words, surely small variations to wording cannot make a significant difference to people's replies?
  • Volui animum tandem confirmare hodie meum, ut bene me haberem filiai nuptiis. venio ad macellum, rogito pisces: indicant caros; agninam caram, caram bubulam, vitulinam, cetum, porcinam: cara omnia. atque eo fuerunt cariora, aes non erat. abeo iratus illinc, quoniam nihil est qui emam. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • As the principal part of the earth land ecosystem, forest, especially the natural forest is most significant in keeping the ecological balance and the maintenance of the biology multiformity.
  • Finally, it's come to my attention that the up-and-coming Canadian boy band B4-4 is fronted by the twin sons of the cantor of my family synagogue.
  • No statistically significant difference existed in knowledge by task assignment of driver versus navigator.
  • These children scored significantly lower on intelligence tests than others in their peer group.
  • Lord Reid's judgment significantly broadens the potential scope of review.
  • It was an enjoyable evening but the danger of where we seem to be going kept reasserting itself like a descant to the pleasant sound of casual conversation.
  • France and the U.S. have cooperated in space programs that have resulted in significant advancements in the understanding of such phenomena as El Niño, climate change, and seismology.
  • The allusions are swift, the collisions reminiscent of the ‘ply over ply’ technique of Ezra Pound's Cantos, but to more disjunctive ends.
  • The data set included sequences of genes from mammals, birds, amphibians, coelacanths, lungfishes, ray-finned fishes, and cartilaginous fishes.
  • He was excellently placed to be the next Poet Laureate when the position fell vacant in ninety-six.
  • In addition, as Streamline is an arrowless, lighter, lower-volume set, it delivers significant operational benefits to customers through savings in dialyses, water, heparin, smaller dialyzer size, supplies, and waste disposal. Undefined
  • For Modistae such as Boethius of Dacia and Thomas of Erfurt, the proper subject of grammar is well-formed, significant speech (sermo congrue significativus), the principles of which are expressed in the modi significandi. Thomas of Erfurt
  • Most significantly for the theme of this book we talk to: Conceal our desires, hide our vulnerability or confusion.
  • No significant differences were found in the use of marijuana or methamphetamine across rural areas.
  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • More than 200 of the top 500 U.S. designations went to areas where significant populations of endangered and threatened species live, such as piping plovers and Kirtland's warblers.
  • I strongly recommend that you go there, either on foot or by car as the view from there gives a panorama of Canterbury mountains.
  • The secant of this angle is 1.61806 which is remarkably close to the golden ratio 1.618034.
  • The Marine Corps is usually conservative in distributing medals, but the battles of March and April here are certain to bring a significant number of citations for bravery, officials said.
  • It is certain that Byron had begun the fourth canto, and written some thirty or more stanzas, before Hobhouse rejoined him at his villa of La Mira on the banks of the Brenta, in July, 1817; and it would seem that, although he had begun by saying "that he was too short a time in Rome for it," he speedily overcame his misgivings, and accomplished, as he believed, the last "fytte" of his pilgrimage. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
  • They brandished frontal bones, the dismembered quarters of kids and goats; they struck the bronze cantharus, they tossed the silver obba up aloft. Widdershins
  • The results are not statistically significant.
  • Side note: If the tables were turned and McGavick had a larger war chest than Cantwell we'd be bombarded with cries of "Big Money!" and schemes to reduce/eliminate financial support in senatorial races too. Sound Politics: Suppression of dissent in Mrs. Gregoire's Amerikkka
  • Conversely the lighting of a candle may be symbolically significant if it denotes bringing of light, that is, relief from suffering or enlightenment.
  • When I worked in the ER I had a plastic surgeon beef up my personal ratio count when he refused to come in for a 27 year old female who literally had the right side of her face bitten off from her lip to her orbital canthus by her own pit bull, ONE WEEK BEFORE HER WEDDING. Time and Place
  • I notice that it significantly underspent its budget last year, even without the increased funding it now has.
  • La película ronda alrededor de la canción "Lucky Manuelo", que compone Jean Vereecken para que cante su hija. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • Asylum's MFP NanoIndenter is a true "instrumented" indenter and is the first AFM-based indenter that does not use cantilevers as part of the indenting mechanism. Nano Tech Wire
  • His new system would make sure all new applicants are examined by a doctor. The Sun
  • The Safety Board concluded that the incorrect rigging wasn't a significant factor on the preceding flights because weight and balance on those flights were well within limits.
  • This bill aims to take away the criminalised aspect of that, and it de-penalises the aspect of having evidence of safe sex on the premises - that is, condoms, sheaths, diaphragms, and lubricants.
  • The yachting industry is being seen now as a significant employment and revenue generator, through marinas, boatyards, other commercial enterprises, as well as yachting events.
  • I find walking my dogs helps me. jan, alicant, spain BBC (UK) Homepage main promotional content
  • The most accessible data which might serve as a yardstick is that on applicants' type of educational establishment.
  • Allthough it could be just prudent housekeeping ahead of the expected cuts and the hootsmon is spinning it as a "rammy with westminster" article, we all know Westminster are going to be scrooge and cant afford it after Browns disaster. The SNP Myth of the £500m cut and related matters
  • There was also a statistically significantly lower incidence of leukocytopenia, or decrease in white blood cells, of 12 percent on Treanda versus 38 percent with CHOP, and more infectious complications with CHOP, Rummel said. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • “Heavens to Betsy,” Helga murmured, cantilevering her head out sideways over her body to survey the damage. Bootstraps
  • The tests are designed to ensure that the waste does not cause significant damage to marine wildlife or human health.
  • ICE hasn't listed any native Filipino on its "gangbanger" watchlist or detention cells in the past few years, although insignificant remnants of Pinoy street gangs like Akrho and Bahala Na Gang sporadically surface in known Filipino communities here and in Carson, Glendale, Eagle Rock, San Fernando Valley, Rowland Heights, West Covina and Hawthorne. Undefined
  • Historically, orders of friars could not own property, and individual friars were beggars hence the term mendicant, although this was changed insofar as the orders were concerned by the Council of Trent. No Uncertain Terms
  • Has arbores seu arbusta Balsami fecit quondam quidam de Caliphis Aegypti de loco Engaddi inter mare mortuum, et Ierico, vbi Domino volente excreuerat, eradicari, et in argo pr鎑icto plantari: est tamen hoc mirandum, quod vbicuncque alibi siue prope, siue remote plantantur, quamuis fort� virent, et exurgant, non tamen fructificant. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The limitations of the hegemonic strategy employed by Stuttgart were revealed beginning in 1796 when several Black Forest cantons agitated for reform to the ducal political system.
  • Others stayed on the slippery canting decks until the City of Benares foundered, struggling to free rafts and jammed lifeboats. THE LONELY SEA
  • This spiritual purification may be compared with the purification of natural spirits, which is effected by the chemists, and is called defecation, rectification, castigation, acution, decantation, and sublimation; and wisdom purified may be compared with alcohol, which is a highly rectified spirit. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • This movement was more significant than any change in the cracks caused by the Tube line construction. Times, Sunday Times
  • They would not have been significant by using conventional statistical tests for infinite populations.
  • How words are delivered is a significant part of body language - known as paralanguage - and it is easy, with excessive concentration on words, to lose control of tone. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • At this point the imagery begins to repeat itself in different iterations, as it will for the rest of the novel: The man is at the station where the woman is now looking at him "vacantly"; the dog appears again, blocking his path; he walks along the street, where "a cyclist is trying to pedal along," the fish in his saddle bag now joined by a loaf of bread on top of it. Experimental Fiction
  • [1046] Metellus proper cantos senatorial ordinis ex Hibernia accurse jubet; eorum et variorum, quos ironers defeat, console habet A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Significantly, section five of the amendment allowed Congress to provide military aid, if necessary, to enforce its provisions.
  • Note also that the scrivener recorded the trade for the male applicant but not for the two female.
  • To him however that feels the same disgust and loathing, the same unutterable shuddering, as I feel, start up within him and shoot through his whole frame at the sight of them, these miscreate deformities, such as toads, beetles, or that most nauseous of all Nature's abortions, the bat, are not indifferent or insignificant: their very existence is a state of direct enmity and warfare against his. The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
  • The Dutch employed fleets of full-rigged ships of relatively large tonnage, which enabled them to undercut the freight charges of their competitors by a significant margin.
  • However, in response to the combined cues from both predators, mussels expressed neither inducible defense and had significantly reduced tissue growth.
  • His speech was preceded by one from the Archbishop of Canterbury. Times, Sunday Times
  • She views herself as so small and insignificant that if she existed in a normal body she would rattle around. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • There also are significant differences in the requirements for testing ranges and repetition rate, and pass-fail criteria are much tighter under the new standard.
  • It allows horses to work at varying speeds, from trot to canter on an all-weather track. Times, Sunday Times
  • For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • The bars are doing a booming business and there are now some fifteen gay clubs, bars, cantinas and lounges, almost all of them in the unique part of town known as the South Side.
  • Now a common-place person would have been satisfied with the recommendation of the medical man, who looks but to the one thing needful, which is a sufficient and wholesome supply of nourishment for the child; but Mr Easy was a philosopher, and had latterly taken to craniology, and he descanted very learnedly with the Doctor upon the effect of his only son obtaining his nutriment from an unknown source. Mr. Midshipman Easy
  • Lara's 100%-owned Araguaia Nickel Project comprises 53,889 hectares of exploration licenses and claims in a district that has seen several significant nickel discoveries in recent years: Araguaia adjacent to Vila Oito (Teck), Serra da Tapa and Vale dos Sonhos (Xstrata) and Lontra (Horizonte Minerals plc). The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The success rate was not as high as we would have liked but it was significantly cheaper than incarcerating them in prison.
  • Although not in a significant proportion, seeds produced by selfing often show a bimodal weight distribution, with about one-quarter of seeds lighter than others (data not shown).
  • The Boer never rides his horse at the trot, but at a quick walk or canter, and a step peculiar to the country and called ‘trippling’, or, as we should style it, ambling.
  • Perhaps because black, Hispanic and Asian households tend to be larger and often multigenerational, teens in these groups are significantly more likely than white teens to recognize someone other than their mother or stepmother.
  • The canon law assumed that cathedral had five or more bells, a parish church two or three, while the churches of the medicant orders, like public oratories, were originally limited to one. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • A significant look was exchanged between the devotees, but no words; the friar departed, and the nun, still silent, conducted her through many solitary passages, where not even a distant foot-fall echoed, and whose walls were roughly painted with subjects indicatory of the severe superstitions of the place, tending to inspire melancholy awe. The Italian
  • But if marriage patterns were to be drastically altered, significant changes in the social structure would occur.
  • The failure to produce the documents at the initial disclosure stage was a significant breach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, there is a strong possibility that dangerous accumulations of this toxicant exist in humans and animals.
  • The significant discontinuities elsewhere support the thesis of adversary politics.

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