cant over

  1. heel over
    The tower is tilting
    The ceiling is slanting
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How To Use cant over In A Sentence

  • That's the only area where we have any significant overflow.
  • Some of the modern communication protocols used to communicate between object-oriented languages are known to introduce significant overhead.
  • Today, the most significant overall restraint on military operations concerns the avoidance of collateral damage.
  • At high temperatures, reactions with alkalies (Sodium hydroxide [NaOH], potassium hydroxide [KOH], Calcium hydroxide [Ca (OH) 2]) become significant over relatively short periods; for example, crocidolite was reported to be attacked by potassium hydroxide above 100° C. Disclaimer: Geology of asbestos
  • The article suggests that there is significant overlap between the definition of autism and the VICP's definitions of encephalopathy, seizure and sequela resulting events. David Kirby: High Rates of Autism Found in Federal Vaccine Injury Program: Study Says More Answers Needed
  • October 24th, 2008 at 12: 18 am this list needs more Asimov, he added so much to the genre he deserves to make the list, also coruscant over dagobah anyday tinfoilhat Says: 10 Best Science Fiction Planets
  • Moreover, since the Applicant's car was to have been parked off-road on a hardstanding there would be no significant overall loss of parking.
  • Despite a significant overprint, the first issue managed to sell out at a distribution-level in less than twelve hours. Image United Sells Out | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
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