How To Use Canopy In A Sentence
Set beneath the canopy of a large ilex, Campo Baeza's building is composed of two parts: an ethereal superstructure and a horizontal concrete platform.
Additional options include erecting a sizable ornamental canopy or baldachin over the tabernacle, or setting the tabernacle within the apsidal wall or against the backdrop of a decorated reredos.
Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
The view of the unbroken forest canopy stretching away to the horizon defies description; it is a vision of a world untroubled by time, a revelation of the hugeness and wholeness of nature.
As well as pollinating the orchids, the bees are the chief pollinators of canopy trees.

There were three gunners, both front and rear of the plane and one in a bubble canopy half way down the fuselage.
We consult to the media about canopy questions, we have a canopy newsletter, we have an email LISTSERV, and so we're trying to disseminate information about the importance of the canopy, the beauty of the canopy, the necessity of intact canopies, to people outside of academia.
Nalini Nadkarni on conserving the canopy
I'm now under a dense canopy of bush and the air is suddenly electric with the pulsing of cicadas.
The dominant conifers are Abies faxoniana, Picea asperata, P. wilsoni and purple-coned spruce P. purpurea (which is also being planted) with a sub-canopy of Betula albo-sinensisB. utilis, low Acer spp. and fountain bamboo Fargesia/Sinarundinaria nitida which suffered a major die-off after flowering in the 1970s and early 1980s, Fargesia denudata and F. chinensis.
Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area, China
The main public entrance on the east side is signposted by a huge canopy that draws visitors into a long, vaulted undercroft containing an exhibition space, cafe and shop.
That night, she fell asleep in her grand canopy bed and dreamed of bayberries.
This device slows down the rate of fall, something that ensures when the time comes to pull a ripcord the main canopy is deployed more safely.
Light slanted through the canopy of trees that sheltered the abandoned field, causing Qiara to shield her face, and squint her eyes up at the sun.
In addition to supporting Columba trocaz, several forest areas are also very important for a number of Madeiran subspecies, notably the birds of prey and passerines living within the forest canopy such Madeira chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs maderensis) and Madeira firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus maderensis).
Madeira evergreen forests
In one of the several shows taking place each week, lights transform the awning into a canopy of tropical trees.
He then ran to the shop and grabbed the wing-fold speed handle and manually cranked the wing off the canopy.
Many canopy trees have protruding crowns, and light availability at the surface of the canopy crust should also differ depending on the position relative to the apex of the crown.
Her eyebrows were plucked flat, canopying small, olive drab, porcine eyes rimmed with red.
Over the Edge
On our left, the elegant old dowager Cloister slept in its garden of flowers, under its arching canopy of ancient oaks.
Actually, its original coating was a strong, rusty umber, but the passing centuries had sapped the mineral pigment of its oxidic potency, leaving it a flat, dull rose, like a dance hall memory, and so thin that the original wood showed through it like the night sky through a canopy of fishnet.
Skinny Legs and All
The canopy world is a dry world - scientists call it "desiccated.
The Seattle Times
One sensed that the canopy had been wasted slowly by the powers of fungus and leaf mould.
I shall never see the word hawthorn in poetry again without the image of the snowy but far from chilling canopy rising before me.
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
In the centre, Christ is seen, enthroned under a kind of palmetto canopy; above him, on
Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
City officials plan to enhance the pine canopy by thinning out thickly planted forests to give older longleaf pines more room to spread their crowns.
Buck Abbey, a landscape professor at Louisiana State University, who has studied the effects of hurricane-force winds on plants, notes that the interknit canopy of a grove of trees tend to ride out high winds better than lone specimens -- especially if they're native varieties with wide, spreading branches, low centers of gravity, small leaves and deep root systems.
Trees That Stand Up to Storms
But as I was coming in to land, I went through some turbulence and, as I tried to brake, one side of the canopy collapsed and I went cartwheeling out of control.
These values are the result of a dense canopy casting heavy shade.
Not all canopy species actually rise to dominance along any given transect.
Likewise, trunks for foraging woodpeckers and vegetational structures for dead-leaf foraging antbirds are found throughout the midstory, often extending into the understory and canopy.
The light-striped canopy resembles a barred cage, where he crouches like an animal.
Rough canopies generate mechanical turbulence, allowing eddies of air from the bulk atmosphere to penetrate deep within the plant canopy.
The kiaat is a deciduous, spreading and slightly flat-crowned tree with a high canopy.
Apart from the foregoing liturgical uses, a flabellum, in the shape of a fan, later of an umbrella or canopy, was used as a mark of honour for bishops and princes.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
Ninety solar panels wrap the south side and canopy the bedroom terrace, blocking the sun and generating an energy credit.
SAMANEA SAMAN is a truly noble tropical tree. It has a sturdy, smooth, pale grey trunk mostly divided near its base into a few hefty branches that grow almost horizontally to support its monstrous parasol canopy.
We walked down the valley through rainforest so thick with plants that light barely pierced the canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
There was nobody around, just a babbling brook and a canopy of green.
Times, Sunday Times
The high canopy over the bed was draped with prim folds of damask, and the coverlet was of some quaint crocheted work that hung in fringed ends to the floor.
The Miller of Old Church
Under the dense canopy of a beech tree, it is possible to have different hardy cyclamen in flower every day of the year.
Dirty gray clouds blew past the Perspex canopy, and rain, hard as buckshot, slammed against the plane's fuselage.
The relatively dense vegetation cover provided by the lancewood-bullwaddy canopy results in a sparse grass cover, while the extensive canopy cover and infrequency of fire provides an environment which supports forbs, small shrubs and vines with rainforest affinities.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna
An armoire stood between the door and the bedstead, an old four-poster crouching against the left wall, with no mattress and the canopy in tatters.
She made a modern day canopy that is often seen hanging from a ceiling with the sheer fabric draping over the bed.
I was feeling a bit reckless last night and went for a run through the Botanical Gardens at about 7pm and underneath the canopy it was pitch black.
The coffee beans in a shade-grown brand are harvested under a canopy of trees.
When it was sown 35 days later than cassava, then cassava cultivar MCol 1468, which was tall and had a large canopy, dominated pigeonpea almost completely, whereas the smaller cultivar M 19 occupied up to only about half the total interrow area.
1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
She's like a parachutist whose canopy has spread around her.
For if the dead appear to the living mainly in the hours of darkness, it seems not unnatural to imagine that the bright points of light which then bespangle the canopy of heaven are either the souls of the departed or fires kindled by them in their home aloft.
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
It does best in disturbed forest patches with large amounts of edge or open canopy.
The cockpit has a large bulletproof bubble canopy, which gives good all-round vision.
Overhead, a passing troop of red-faced mangabeys hooted in derision before crashing off through the canopy, while a nine-inch millipede with a body like stainless steel crawled across my hand and into the leaf litter.
Rooms are tastefully done, with the focus on antique furnishings, canopy beds and plush textiles.
Times, Sunday Times
Water washed over her like a canopy as she squinched her eyes shut.
Tombs of ecclesiastics (Obazine Abbey, Hereford Cathedral) were made deliberately shrinelike, with relief carving or a pinnacled canopy.
If you are growing custard apples, bananas, sapodillas and carambolas, they could all do with a dressing of citrus and fruit tree fertiliser spread evenly around under the leaf canopy.
Dirty gray clouds blew past the Perspex canopy, and rain, hard as buckshot, slammed against the plane's fuselage.
Open the French doors and there's a massive four poster bed with a seductive canopy of netting.
Sunlight filtered down through the canopy, falling warmly on her face as she walked beneath the trees.
If canopy light transmittance differs by less than 10 %, researchers should interpret their results with caution.
In addition, species with a small effect on ecosystem processes can have large effect if they affect the abundance of other species with large ecosystem effect (e.g. a seed disperser or pollinator might be essential for persistence of canopy species with greater ecosystem impacts).
Species influences upon ecosystem function
The canopy of the aircraft was greatly enlarged with both seats being mounted higher than normal for greater visibility.
But even he has withdrawn to the shade of a canopy draped above a couple of threadbare sofas and that glorious moment now seems an age away.
It has a dense canopy, in which the leaves are turning yellow and there are many bunches of red berries.
Times, Sunday Times
The tallest trees that emerge from the canopy include Ceiba pentandra, Terminalia amazonica, Cedrelinga catenaeformis, Carapa guianensis, and Hevea guianensis var. lutea, a type of rubber tree.
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Canopy width of cassava did not increase once the cassava interrow was occupied by pigeonpea.
1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
There were no reflections off the clear Plexiglas canopy which reached over their heads and down below their shoulders.
Where the vines have marked vigour, the bunches which hang below the leafy canopy are in shade, with predictable negative effects on wine quality.
The boughs of a bougainvillea tree in full bloom had climbed over the wall and formed a sweet-smelling canopy above her.
On top of training costs, pilots must purchase their own canopy, harness, helmet and radio, which can be as much as 400,000.
Between the outbuildings, we glimpsed tables and chairs set out beneath a canopy of mulberry trees in the courtyard.
Times, Sunday Times
The brokers who were conducting the contracts were arrayed under a large canopy, ocher in color, at the heart of the valley.
With the canopy of a star-spangled sky, the frozen stillness of stone entrapping centuries of history, and the soft sound of the waters, it is truly an experience that belongs to the realm of the unforgettable.
This will be done from the centre out, so that work can commence as soon as possible to build the ring, canopy and ring lights.
Times, Sunday Times
Standing under the marriage canopy, the chuppah, surrounded by the faces of my family and the community, I felt the strength of their prayers and blessings.
The headmaster's chair and canopy featuring a portrait of the school's founder still dominate the original panelled schoolroom, complete with the carved initials and names of generations of schoolboys.
Maybe extend the area of bulb grass beyond the tree's canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
Every forty days the Lady Jamilah cometh hither in a bark and landeth in the midst of her women, under a canopy of satin, whose skirts ten damsels hold up with hooks of gold, whilst she entereth, and I see nothing of her.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
In these areas, most of the forest softwood is now dead, creating openings in the once-dense evergreen canopy.
After days of chilly early spring weather, a brilliant sun warmed the square, where the Pope sat in an armchair shaded by a canopy.
After measuring and cutting the canopy and headboard panel, narrowly hem the edges or bind them with coordinating binding strips.
They were originally gilt and the effect must have been astonishingly different, radiant and looking like a golden altar canopy.
What better paparazzi screen than the rainforest canopy?
Times, Sunday Times
We hiked up steep switchbacks between ancient samaan and banyan trees and clambered down gullies where razor grass spikes up high along the trail and mango and cashew trees form a fruitful canopy.
At the same time, a canopy of strings induce sympathetic vibrations in resonant aluminum panels suspended between the monitors.
The ejection seat will not fire until the canopy has departed the aircraft.
The canopy was so dense that it took 10 minutes of steady rain before I felt the first drop.
In the Carbonate Woodland Zone the pinyon – juniper woodland canopy overtops and spans the existing sagebrush and mountain brush communities.
Ecoregions of Nevada (EPA)
Shaulis can be considered the father of canopy management, although the term was not coined by him.
The road was overhung with a pretty dense canopy.
You are welcomed through the rough perimeter wall by a gate of rusted steel, a tree and by the portal of the canopy beyond.
The south facade is extensively glazed, with aluminum sunshades and a glass canopy to provide articulation and protection from the elements.
Leaves in different parts of the canopy were accessed with ladders, climbing ropes, and a hydraulic lift, to facilitate photosynthetic measurements with hand-held instruments.
Chris, what do you think of that part of the story, that that one pirate was on the USS Bainbridge while the three others were still of course in that -- it was called the bopping cork earlier today, but that covered canopy, that life boat?
CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2009
A clothesbrush and a tin cup were the only foreign objects on the overwrought, gilded table to the other side of a red velvet chair beside the fringed canopy bed.
Temple of the Winds
At ground level it comprises tracts of both dense and open-canopy forest dominated by conifers such as fir, larch, pine, and spruce, interleaved with boggy terrains.
Standard features include Regency panelled doors, canopy style porches and patio doors to the rear garden.
From its subterranean source, the Wekiva meanders slow and clear past waving sawgrasses and under a moss-draped canopy of oak and laurel and longleaf pine.
We'll hang them from the ceiling above the Sovereign's throne to form a canopy.
The American chestnut did not really disappear from the eastern forests-it ceased to be a part of the forest canopy and is now a part of the shrub understory.
Endless acres of palms where rainforest once towered 150ft to the canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
Overhead, a glittering canopy of stars shimmers around the broad sweep of the Milky Way.
A fairly dense canopy prevented direct sunlight from reaching the pools.
Under this dome was a canopy of brocede, reposing upon pillars of red gold and wrought with figures of birds whose feet were of smaragd, and beneath each bird was a network of fresh-hued pearls.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
In both experiments, flowers on racemes from main stem nodes in the middle of the canopy were tagged before anthesis and their development and growth were monitored.
With the second seat, I wanted to add a really slick bubble canopy so after lofting the lines we built a mold for the canopy and sent it to Evans who blew the unit.
Vegetation of the Telanca Plateau and central lowlands is a more open secondary forest, dominated by palms, such as Arenga pinnata, Caryota mitis and Arenga obtusifolia, which may occur in almost pure stands interspersed with taller canopy trees, such as Lagerstroemia flosreginae, Diospyros macrophylla, Vitex pubescens, Ficus sp., and Planchonia valida.
Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
The mammee-tree and the genipa, * with large and shining leaves, raise their branches vertically towards the sky; whilst those of the courbaril and the erythrina form, as they extend, a thick canopy of verdure.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
In smoke-coloured folds, closely matching the lowering dim canopy of vapour brooding overhead, the prairie spread about her, deepening to a basined valley in the middle distances, sweeping to a rise beyond, so that the edges of the basin looked down upon the town.
The Dop Doctor
The Plaza, with its canopy of acacias, jacarandas and monkey-puzzles offers an oasis of calm from both the traffic noise and soaring heat of midday.
Once exposed to full sunlight at the top of the canopy, lianas often flower and fruit prolifically.
We measured canopy closure, number of juniper and hardwood trees, and foliage cover of junipers and hardwoods.
She repeated these words to her husband and they waited till the appointed time, when the King bade his Marids bring out to them a great litter of red gold, set with pearls and jewels and covered with a canopy of green silk, purfled in a profusion of colours and embroidered with precious stones, dazzling with its goodliness the eyes of every beholder.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The art was not well served on the brilliantly sunny public opening day by Mr. Piano's elaborate system of sensor-activated window shades and artificial illumination, nor by his brise-soleil canopy.
A Modern Wing Takes Flight
When he opened the canopy the base commander approached with a civilian.
Even beneath the thick cover of the canopy, they could not escape the rain that rolled, gathering drops together, to fall to the ground below.
A chair, with arms, high back, and a canopy, looking not unlike a sedilium, had been set in an open space.
The Prince of India — Volume 01
Evoking the shape of the traditional Nigerian bow harp, the design connects the new Abuja Airport to the city proper on the opposite side of the freeway and comes complete with green roofs, a giant solar canopy and bricks made from the local laterite clay.
Brit Liggett | Inhabitat
The tensioned structure doesn't touch down at oasis pools or incorporate mist jets -- it's just a very cool canopy.
David Glick: Interboro Partners' 2011 P.S.1 Installation, and Past Winners
Maturation of the exocarp and edible aril The juvenile mangosteen fruit, which does not require fertilization to form (see agamospermy), first appears as pale green or almost white in the shade of the canopy. - Business News
Shayla cried holding her arms out and looking up at the canopy of budding tree branches.
The canopy was impossibly tall and daylight bespeckled between the leaves like the stars in the night sky.
The Gerrymandering Mind | Heretical Ideas Magazine
My bedposts have silver streaks and hold up a light purple canopy.
The acoustical canopy hanging over the stage of San Francisco's Davies Symphony hall is made of 59 6-foot squares of Plexiglas.
The Royal Suite on the 25th floor has a marble-and-gold staircase, leopard print carpets, its own private lift and a rotating four-poster canopy bed.
The red uakari inhabits the rainforest canopy where they feed on leaves, fruit and insects.
She made her way into one of the two bedrooms, finding a large four poster, lacy curtains of the canopy blowing gently in the breeze of the air conditioner.
There was nobody around, just a babbling brook and a canopy of green.
Times, Sunday Times
Other dipterocarps once formed the dominant canopy elements of a tall evergreen forest in coastal area, with Shorea hypochra, Anisoptera costata, Dipterocarpus costatus, and Hopea odorata all abundant.
Cardamom Mountains rain forests
However, several species among the 92 species of the original data set use the airspace above the canopy for foraging.
The canopy was supported by four ornate wrought iron columns that were leftover from the bandstand in the park.
The Bristol researchers found that the leopard's spots had evolved according to the thickness of the leaf canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
In tall canopies, the operator moves beneath the canopy along a linear path, keeping the sensor oriented to the sun with the help of a sight.
This will be done from the centre out, so that work can commence as soon as possible to build the ring, canopy and ring lights.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether this is due to forest management activities or canopy suppression is unknown.
Canopy management techniques are used to maintain yield and wine quality in such situations.
Each plant emerges from an underground rhizome in the spring before the tree canopy leafs out.
Lunch is included, under the canopy of milkwood trees.
Times, Sunday Times
Nothing surrounded us but the dark embrace of trees, except where the predawn light touched the eroded stone face of another pyramid rising above the canopy.
The facade will be changed by the removal of the old canopy and the installation of an illuminated screen above the entrance.
The columns were duly put in place, and carpenters and glaziers were called in to construct a canopy upon them.
Hornbills are large, canopy-dwelling birds that fear eagles but don't mind leopards - after all, the birds fly and the leopards don't.
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
The region encompasses a variety of vegetation types including dense lowland rain forest, dense submontane rain forest, open-canopy submontane rain forest, and woodland savanna.
Madeira-Tapajós moist forests
Ingenious eruptions produce from nowhere a huge solid tree and vines dangling in a leafy canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
A local guide took us out the first morning for a half-day of birding, including a visit to a lek of performing green hermit hummingbirds, and then got us on our way to the Canopy Tower, a short distance north of the city.
The Black Forest is a country of almost unbroken shade, and in the still days of midsummer the whole place was covered with a motionless canopy of verdure.
Their long and slender stems glowed white in the blue shadows cast by the petal canopy above.
With the tall trees canopying the driveway, there was an ever-present fresh scent of nature in the air.
During our brief visit to this pathetic copse, our driver told us how the cedars of Lebanon used to stretch from Syria to Israel, a vast scented legendary canopy of a dozen million acres.
She parted the drapes of the canopy wider and sat upon the dusty bed.
Its variations in height, pitch, and transparency make the roofline a canopy that casts a dappled light on the forest floor.
Cut them back to the crown and a fresh canopy of foliage will appear.
Times, Sunday Times
The canopy's rose-colored silk gauze panels flow from a circular hoop with a rainbow-colored silk top, secured with roses and pink ribbon streamers.
The king rideth on a triumphant cart or wagon all gilded, which is drawen by 16. goodly horses: and this cart is very high with a goodly canopy ouer it, behind the cart goe 20. of his
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The wingtip snagged a shroud line and deflated the canopy.
Transitional communities of humid evergreen forest occur at about 800 m elevation, with Dipterocarpus turbinatus and Toxicodendron succedanea as the dominant canopy trees.
Luang Prabang montane rain forests
Canopy closure was measured with a spherical densiometer and a clinometer was used to estimate slope and canopy height.
The Fairy Silk Canopy requires no special hardware, just a hook or limb to which a ribbon can be tied.
Uncharacteristically, he summoned his imagination instead, painting an ecstatic vision of the village under a fulgent canopy of stars and a crescent moon.
Van Gogh's Transcendent Vision
It is characterized by the domination of Abies sibirica, Pinus sibirica, and Populus tremula in the canopy, a tall herbaceous layer with a number of relict species, domination of nemoral species and rich ephemeroid flora.
Sayan montane conifer forests
Wheat crops should be managed to have a leaf canopy sufficient to intercept most of the sunlight during the final phases of development: ear emergence through to the end of grain fill.
Standing on the fantail of a ship beneath a canopy of starlight alone on a moonless night, the first time he'd ever seen the Southern Cross and it made him weep for the beauty, the implication was, at once symbolic and wondrous.
Southern Cross
Shifts in density created by clusters of strokes now more open, now more closed animate and syncopate the upper regions, like variations in the density of a canopy of trees with different habits of growth.
Branching Out Atop the Met Museum
The new growth - the young ear and stem segments of SS-FP was significantly slowed by the canopy cover.
The constant noise of the battle gave way to a barrage of artillery shells shrieking through the canopy.
A wedding is a soulful experience for the bride and groom, a new beginning through the spiritual union under the chuppah, the wedding canopy.
As the helicopter hovered lower over the canopy of the rainforest the stench of rotting flesh filled the air.
Times, Sunday Times
The familiar wool plaid jackets kept these men warm in early morning before the rays of the sun penetrated the canopy to reach the forest floor.
The probability of a more recently established canopy tree of smaller stature overtopping its taller neighbors is low.
The southwest side of the tree will be lighter and rain is more likely to be driven in under the canopy.
Times, Sunday Times
The Plaza, with its canopy of acacias, jacarandas and monkey-puzzles offers an oasis of calm from both the traffic noise and soaring heat of midday.
Sally wattle, ironwood and beefwood dominate the very sparse canopy.
Every two or three years I must pollard or lay its canopy.
Finally, after what seemed like eternity, the officer seated in the shade of the canopy, called out my name.
Wildflowers that grow beneath the canopy include so-called spring ephemerals - plants that usually come up in early April, bloom no later than the end of May, set seeds in May or June, and disappear by July.
Nightingales appreciate an open tree canopy with plenty of dense undergrowth and thicket below to provide nesting sites and shelter.
All this beneath a canopy of sulphur and a bedlam of sounds, like confusion confounded.
Signs of a sick tree include a premature change in leaf color, misshapen leaves, thinness of the canopy and early loss of leaves.
As he glanced up, the green canopy began to spin.
It was quite the largest bed she had ever seen, with its sweeping crewelwork canopy and line of pillows marching from one side to the other at the top.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
When one parachutist's canopy was caught on the church spire, he was forced to feign death.
The birds are high in the canopy, giving occasional piercing and enigmatic whistles, or lightning-swift flashes of unanalysable colour.
Times, Sunday Times
The facade will be changed by the removal of the old canopy and the installation of an illuminated screen above the entrance.
The forest canopy is usually between 15-30 m high, but some trees may be as tall as 35 m, although almost no emergents occur.
A canopy of high branches covers much of the space in dappled shade.
Times, Sunday Times
Asymmetric hoops alternate along the length of the bridge to give the fabric rigidity and animate the canopy's form.
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
At 1500' I was flying crosswind and my canopy was like an accordeon.
Two days and one jump.
The shot appeared to be taken from a plane and featured a dense, unbroken canopy of green deciduous treetops.
Times, Sunday Times
During a shower of rain I shelter under a canopy.
There was a loud bang, and the canopy hit me in the face as the pilot ejected.
Because the canopy is relatively open here, the vegetation is often overgrown with rattan vine, greenbrier, wild grape, pepper vine, trumpet creeper, Virginia creeper, and poison ivy.
I saw weapons brandished as the whooping and yelling grew louder; here was Spotted Tail, his huge buckskinned figure thrusting through the throng as he shouted to Young-Man-Afraid; now he was under the canopy, addressing Mills.
I stood in the half-light of the glowing canopy of stars, mesmerized.
Night and the spell that gave me peace
Biomass losses from pulses of heavy canopy tree mortality may have consequences for ecosystem resilience.
The trees formed such a dense canopy that all beneath was a deep carpet of pine-needles.
Much of this humid rain forest ecoregion has a high canopy (30 to 40 meters (m), with emergents to 50 m), but the region is broken by low canopy (less than 20 m) summer-dry forest with mesophyllous, semidecidous, and xeromorphic elements, and some open campos, or meadows;.
Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests
Last weekend, underneath the canopy of a sprawling oak tree in a remote park in downtown Austin, a small group gathered around a vintage airstream, a table and few chairs.
Danika Boyle: Sparks From the Culinary Edge
(based on two rows), but its canopy occupied more interrow space and enhanced its competitiveness.
1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.