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How To Use Canonize In A Sentence

  • From soon after his death posthumous miracles had begun to be attributed to him, and he was officially canonised by Pope John XXII in 1320.
  • Beatification is the last step on the road to sainthood, although not all those who are beatified are finally canonised. John Paul II to be beatified in Rome
  • His works on religion were regarded as canonized books.
  • So the researchers believe that one artist painted Madonna and one canonized pair, while three other artists composed the remaining faces.
  • Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
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  • There are many (questionless) canonized on earth, that shall never be saints in heaven; and have their names in histories and martyrologies, who, in the eyes of God, are not so perfect martyrs as was that wise heathen Socrates, that suffered on a fundamental point of religion, — the unity of God. Religio Medici
  • He was canonized in 1494 and named a Doctor of the Church in 1720.
  • The possibility that his words may be heeded was suggested by the church's decision in 2000 to canonize six men who had signed the letters.
  • Of course, in its new incarnation, the book is no longer "real" pulp - printed on the cheapest paper, sold for a pittance - but a kind of canonised and reified pulp, beautifully produced and, at Rs. 195, priced the same as an average paperback. The Middle Stage
  • After he was shown to have performed a miracle, the priest was canonized.
  • Not all of them are officially "canonized" - they don't have to be. Alancreech
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.
  • levitated" persons, canonized or beatified by the Church of Rome. Lost Leaders
  • The media is always too quick to canonize a ballplayer for being available at his locker, for returning a phone call, for extending the simple courtesy of recalling a chronicler's first name. - Hall of Famer Puckett was game to play ball
  • This particular effort, however, more closely resembles Plato's canonized critique in the Phaedrus of the new technology called writing.
  • At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.
  • canonize” (or even to “sectionize”) what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark
  • After their death attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, to hallow their names while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it. Matthew Yglesias » King and Nonviolence
  • We are living in a world where many are "canonised" when they die, or at least guaranteed a place in heaven. Catholic Church Conservation
  • Canonized with great ceremony by the Pope in 2002, Padre Pio was a Capuchin monk.
  • Scripture was vetted and canonized, and a creed adopted and reaffirmed against those who would challenge, alter, or undermine it.
  • But her message of simplicity and sacrifice in everyday life won her a strong following, and in 1925 she was canonized.
  • So stop obsessing about the abstractions of the situation – how she's remembered and canonised in his memory is no business of yours. Dear Mariella: I live with a widower who still keeps his first wife's clothes in his wardrobe. I just feel like a second choice
  • The official Church recognizes Juliana for her leadership role in the movement to establish the Feast of Corpus Christi, first celebrated in Liege in 1246; she was canonized in the nineteenth century.
  • There are many (questionless) canonized on earth, that shall never be saints in heaven; and have their names in histories and martyrologies, who, in the eyes of God, are not so perfect martyrs as was that wise heathen Socrates, that suffered on a fundamental point of religion, — the unity of God. Religio Medici
  • Yet they evoked awe and wonder and many were canonized. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Finally, all the angels and canonized Saints receive what is called veneration, given in Latin as dulia.
  • This is emphatically not a religion of any single book, notwithstanding recent attempts to canonise works such as the Bhagavad Gita. The Hindus: An Alternative History by Wendy Doniger – review
  • After he was shown to have performed a miracle, the priest was canonized
  • In the history of drama, Albee has been canonized as the primary American practitioner of what critic Martin Esslin has termed the "Theater of the Absurd".
  • Opus Dei, the work of God, is a little known institution within the Roman Catholic Church whose founder was canonized as saint in the year 2002.
  • In 1761 Clement XIII approved his beatification; John XXIII canonized him in 1960.
  • Although his version of the myth has become canonized, many of his details were inventions or alterations.
  • Warhol is now canonized as one of the most important artists of the twentieth century
  • Universities as institutions for basic research and high-level instruction have to maintain, increase and communicate that type of knowledge that is not readily canonized into mass education.
  • That's basically the best way I can describe "Broderism" -- a term named after the David "Dean Of Fancy Pants" Broder, who will probably be canonized in some ritual at one of the next No Labels public events. Is The 'No Labels' Movement Secretly Brilliant?
  • In other ages he would have been canonized as a saint or called the beatific doctor; but in Boston he was a heretic and a reformer, who sought to lead men into a faith that is ethical, sincere, and humanitarian. Unitarianism in America
  • Up until now, Gabrielli has been a minor celebrity, known primarily in this country, where he has been trying for years to prove that Padre Pio, whom we canonized, is as fake as a statue of Jesus that cries blood. The Shroud Codex
  • There was an outcry when he was canonised by the current pope in 2002.
  • Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.
  • His works on religion were regarded as canonized books.
  • What does it mean to canonize a previously marginal playwright whose works we find valuable because, among other things, they call into question the notion of canonicity?
  • Yet they evoked awe and wonder and many were canonized. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Declining the suggestion of setting the story during the Clone Wars perhaps aware that the next movie would likely de-canonise anything major they chose to do, they went back four millennia into the distant past, to the time of the Sith and the Jedi, to the time covered in the popular Tales of the Jedi comic mini-series, and created a new story there. Archive 2009-08-01
  • At any historical moment, the church canonizes people whom it needs to canonize to make a point about what it considers, at that period, an exemplary life.
  • After a year Thomas finally escaped and went to study Aristotelian philosophy at Cologne, renown because of the teaching of a fellow Dominican, Albert Graf von Bollstädt, later know as Albertus Magnus, who was canonised and named as Doctor Universalis in 1931 by Pius XI. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Likewise, the quick rush to canonize the great Pope John Paul II is another example of a beautiful human life declared not sufficiently inspiring unless it is coated in veneration and sainthood. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Royal Weddings and Human Idols
  • The house was of no marked antiquity, yet of well-advanced age; older than a stale novelty, but no canonized antique; faded, not hoary; looking at you from the still distinct middle-distance of the early Georgian time, and awakening on that account the instincts of reminiscence more decidedly than the remoter and far grander memorials which have to speak from the misty reaches of mediaevalism. The Woodlanders
  • In June 2001, he was canonized for his piety and good works as Saint Bernard of Corleone.
  • To invite, as does the Windsor document, those provinces to reconsider is not to say that there are no issues to be resolved, no prejudice to be repented of (because there unquestionably is much of this); it is not to reject the idea of an 'inclusive' Church or to canonise an unintelligent reading of the Bible. Archbishop's Presidential Address
  • Yet they evoked awe and wonder and many were canonized. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • (supposing it to be a fact,) is but the correlative of the old one; and since it was Eusebius who was the voucher for that, what additional probability do we establish that the inspired autograph of S. Mark ended abruptly at ver. 8, by discovering that Eusebius is consistent with himself, and omits to "canonize" (or even to "sectionize") what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • (supposing it to be a fact,) is but the correlative of the old one; and since it was Eusebius who was the voucher for that, what additional probability do we establish that the inspired autograph of S. Mark ended abruptly at ver. 8, by discovering that Eusebius is consistent with himself, and omits to "canonize" (or even to "sectionize") what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • In the aftermath of Vatican II, however, the nearly universal grief that followed his death led to proposals that the council canonize him by acclamation.
  • In April 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized a Polish nun whose life and witness he called ‘a gift of God for our time.’
  • It can take a person and canonise them, demonise them, or eulogise them. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Josaphat has the distinction of being the first Eastern saint to be canonized in Rome, in 1876.
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonized.
  • In our collective memory of historical events, some players are canonized, others are diminished, and the process that separates them often seems arbitrary.
  • A saint is canonized to help the living, and the nature of the help that the living need is often determined by the contemporary pressures of the world upon the church.
  • Some history books have canonized people who have ravaged the rich and shared the treasure with the poor.
  • Most intriguing are the author's speculations as to why Joan was finally canonized in 1920.
  • they have become cult classics, canonized in American literature by many critics
  • D'Escoto said that "the United States has been in the business of the deionisation of people from (for) ever," but had "canonised" former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza and former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Undefined
  • Yet they evoked awe and wonder and many were canonized. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • One technique could be described as "canonize and control. The Full Feed from
  • She was canonized for the wrong reasons, but her words and actions are stronger than the seal set on her by Rome.
  • Hillary Clinton has been treated disrespectfully from the beginning of this campaign while Obama has been canonized, much in the same way that George Bush was canonized by the GOP 4 and 8 years ago. Obama about to clinch victory, aide says
  • Years later, she was beatified and canonized. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Eventually, because of her contributions, she was canonized as a saint by the church.
  • Original Sin yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Original Sin'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Spewers of hate are "canonized" in the United States, while those concerned with the fate of their fellow man are asassinated.' Original Sin
  • The exclusion from the courts of the malign influence of all authorities after the _Georgium sidus_ became ascendant, would uncanonize Blackstone, whose book, although the most elegant and best digested of our law catalogue, has been perverted more than all others to the degeneracy of legal science. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
  • Judaism does not canonize people as saints nor does it demand the performance of miracles from its heroes.
  • Indeterminacy, now canonized, becomes the favorite mark of an art form that has no determinacy in a capitalist society.
  • By presenting the regime's ideology as the criterion for judgment he abolishes it as a subject for inquiry and awards it a moral and canonized status, which stands above any questioning or criticism.
  • Well, the Vatican should shut up; it's quick enough to condemn Jews for defensive action but I seem to recall was utterly silent during one of the worst genocides of the Twentieth Century (and is now actively trying to 'canonise' the one responsible for that so that he could achieve greater Vatican control of its German churches) hadrian On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • What is it about Purim that compelled the rabbis to "canonize" this drama, requiring every Jewish community to read the Megila twice each year - accompanied by rituals such as mishloach manot, gifts to the poor, and an elaborate banquet? JPost Headlines
  • The pope will canonize Australia 's first saint Sunday, the co-founder of an order that works among the poorest. What
  • Thomas Becket~, the murdered Archbishop of Canterbury, who was canonised, that is, named a saint after his death. The History of London
  • After a final investigation the individual may be formally canonized as a saint (meaning he or she is deemed worthy of universal veneration). COLLINS DICTIONARY OF SAINTS
  • Yet they evoked awe and wonder and many were canonized. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • Yet they evoked awe and wonder and many were canonized. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • But her message of simplicity and sacrifice in everyday life won her a strong following, and in 1925 she was canonized.
  • ignoring canonized literary texts leaves these students at a disadvantage
  • In the history of drama, Albee has been canonized as the primary American practitioner of what critic Martin Esslin has termed the "Theater of the Absurd".
  • Xavier University was founded by Katharine Drexel, someone who is now Saint Katharine Drexel, because Pope John Paul II canonized her.
  • I'd say the great failing of most intellectual ‘isms’ is that first a model is constructed, then canonized, so that the non-correspondence of reality to the model is seen as a flaw in the people who don't fit the model's caricature.
  • Louis IX of France, canonized after his death, was in his lifetime a model of chivalry, justice, and piety for western Christendom, at once a rival and an exemplar to the English king.
  • On July 30, the pope intends to canonize Juan Diego, the humble Aztec to whom the Virgin Mary supposedly appeared in 1531.
  • If a record could be kept of those who have abjured Jesus through love of gold, through fear of the world or of the scribes and Pharisees, we should find many who are considered quite respectable, or have even been canonised, and who, nevertheless, much more worthily than Iscariot, are entitled to "champing" by the jaws of Sathanas. Pages from a Journal with Other Papers
  • To become a saint two miracles are needed, one to be beatified and one to be canonised. Times, Sunday Times
  • He employed standard sociological research methods to a degree unparalleled by the canonized classical sociologists of religion.
  • Could be – but lets wait a few years before we canonize him. Obama bemoans 'the bubble,' extols having a 'home office'
  • Mamita, furious at hearing her husband canonized at her expense, took her revenge.
  • He was beatified by the Church of Rome in 1886, and canonized in 1935.
  • Any other politician, Douthat claims, would be "canonised" for some of the things Bush did. Feminist blogs
  • Eventually, because of her contributions, she was canonized as a saint by the church.
  • I stood a good chance of being canonized as their patron saint, after what I'd done. READY?
  • When it comes to the prematurely departed the temptation to canonise is even stronger. Dear Mariella: I live with a widower who still keeps his first wife's clothes in his wardrobe. I just feel like a second choice
  • Formerly, it took proof of two miracles to be beatified and two more to be canonized. Globe and Mail
  • His translated poems were canonized in the historical process of interaction of ideology, poetics and patronage.
  • A second miracle has to be recognised for a person to be canonised, that is declared to be a Saint. Newman’s Beatification Approved by Pope Benedict XVI
  • John was the final canonizer, and he knew what was and what was not, SCRIPTURE. GetReligion
  • Ronald Reagan, former U.S. president Ms. Cho says she never agreed with Mr. Reagan's politics, and objected to the way he was "canonized" in the media after his death. Funny Girl
  • The founder of Opus Dei, a secretive Catholic sect said to have infiltrated the Vatican, was canonised.
  • When the Vatican decided to canonize him, their investigation reportedly revealed that the humble Indian lad had actually been a prince, the son of a king of Texcoco, who helped Cortes defeat the Aztecs. Our Lady of Guadalupe: Tonantzin or the Virgin Mary?
  • Before this I always canonized benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and credit as the highest moral criteria.
  • Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
  • I stood a good chance of being canonized as their patron saint, after what I'd done. READY?
  • Forget that this was the hyperbole country of talk radio; forget that Pippen used the equivocal "may;" forget that a Bulls Kremlinologist would argue that Pippen was actually needling his canonized teammate "greatest scorer" has the whiff of faint praise more than he was lionizing a newcomer. No Use Denying the LeBrilliance Anymore
  • They have fetched Trajanus 'soul out of hell, and canonise for saints whom they list. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She was never formally canonized but her cultus was approved by Pope Leo XIII. 04/01/2003 - 05/01/2003
  • After a final investigation the individual may be formally canonized as a saint (meaning he or she is deemed worthy of universal veneration). COLLINS DICTIONARY OF SAINTS
  • From soon after his death posthumous miracles had begun to be attributed to him, and he was officially canonised by Pope John XXII in 1320.
  • To this end we focus on three aspects: the dominance of British topics and authors, the opening up of the canonised methodological approach and the alleged dominance of railway history.
  • So I think it has further, kind of canonized, if you will, this incredible world of Shostakovich in these 15 quartets. The Decade In Classical Recordings
  • He canonizes women
  • KANNUR: People's Democratic Party (PDP) chairman Abdul Nasir Maudany has said that people dubbed as extremists in the past have been 'canonised' ater. The Hindu - Front Page
  • He was canonized in 1935 and is commemorated on 22 June.
  • To introduce canonised solicitors into the Supreme Court of the universe is to disrupt this system.
  • Later on some of these figures have been "canonized" as great American writers or artists, but this is merely a form of nationalism, and doesn't have much to do with "culture" in the way Kevin wants to use the word. Art and Culture
  • The contents of the New Testament were formalized by Athanasius of Alexandria in 367 CE, and finally canonized in 382 CE.
  • I am reasonably sure the statement would also rule invalid the ordinations of several canonized saints.
  • But they never deny China's traditional culture simply. They study and canonize the scientific production and scientific spirit of ancient Chinese people seriously.

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