How To Use canonically In A Sentence
- This, however, must have been a rare occurrence; most bishops will have received royal approval as canonically required.
- Logophoric pronouns are semantically stronger than regular pronouns in that syntactically, they usually require to be bound in a local domain, and semantically, they are canonically referentially dependent.
- Instead, when the train drew up at the next station, she hopped blithely on to the platform and was greatly surprised to find a young friend of hers, the Reverend Noel Wells, seated upon the nearest bench, his long black-trousered legs uncanonically sprawling, his soft black hat tilted over his eyes, his mouth wide open and an expression of imbecile contentment on his vacuous, sleeping face. Death at the Opera
- The same may be said of priests and deacons who uncanonically leave the jurisdiction of their bishop to whom they are bound by their priestly oath of allegiance.
- If one is to read "canonically", one must address why the appropriate approach is to let John and the Nicene Creed be one's guide to Deuteronomy, rather than vice versa. Review of Kostenberger and Swain, Father, Son and Spirit: The Trinity and John's Gospel
- These activities, my canon lawyer friend contends, are canonically acceptable “signs of repentance.” Dissent and Heresy
- As many readers may remember, the NLM always supported this view, which seemed the only canonically possible (see articles here, and here). PCED declares validity of MP "Summorum Pontificum" for the Ambrosian Rite
- The most notorious was the clandestine - but canonically valid - marriage of the Prince of Wales, later King George IV, to the Catholic Maria Fitzherbert.
- It does not mean that a determination criminally, civilly, or canonically has been made regarding the truth or non-truth of the allegation.
- But conventional, non-theoretical criticism often acts as if questions of value are irrelevant, or canonically settled.