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How To Use Canonic In A Sentence

  • Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
  • 'Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum ministerium legitime agere possunt.' RORATE CÆLI
  • However, he is at pains to point out that there is no one author of the canonic interpretation of a particular building; it is developed collectively over time, the cumulative, filtered effect of many previous responses.
  • The other canonical hours have short lessons called capitula, originally lectiunculœ, sometimes capitella. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • the deacon was canonically inducted
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  • He was the first to identify the group of four canonical sciences (logistic [arithmetic], geometry, astronomy and music), which would become known as the quadrivium in the middle ages. Archytas
  • We used the RT of the element present in sequence AC006067 as the canonical copy for the analyses presented in figure 3.
  • For his opening move — in which "Oh" would have been a feasible if less canonic alternative (fully licensed by the dictionary) — is a line that negotiates in process between the vocal base line of expressive oralilty, on the near hand, and, at expression's farthest reach, the vocative asymptote of natural communion with inanimate energy. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The Women of St. Mark's thought their own life histories and productivity rendered irrelevant or moot the questions of access, representation, canonicity, and literary history that feminists raised.
  • He did sometimes express amazement that some of the great canonical books (The Faerie Queene comes to mind) were taken seriously; this was part of his conversational charm.
  • Arthur Miller's drama has so long been accorded canonical status that it can easily be taken for granted.
  • These canonical connections are often suggestive but may be mistaken for literary or theological leveling unless the reader is made aware of the different redemptive historical settings of the pericopes involved.
  • Immediately opposite was a grotesque figure of Satan, no doubt in canonicals also, with cloven foot and horns, belching out fire and brimstone on the terrified audience.
  • Erit igitur divinarum scripturarum solertissimus indagator, qui primo totas legerit, notasque habuerit, etsi non dum intellectu, jam tamen lectione, duntaxat eas quæ appellantur canonicæ. The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions.
  • Jak już wcześniej wspominałem dodany niedawno nowy temat dla Plymouth ulegnie zmianie, gdyż developerzy pracują nad zmianą czcionki napisu tytułowego w logo, aby dostosować go do ogólnej koncepcji stosowanej dla nowych produktów Canonical. Zmiana marki Kubuntu
  • The reverence accorded canonical figures, the faith that art was immortal, the fascination with an individual artist's character - he ridiculed them all.
  • Around them are entwined canonic melodies of disarming ingenuousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first was the birth or natal status of the child defined by social and canonical conventions, and the social status of the parents.
  • Innocent decided in favour of the monks, but in the present case he pronounced both elections invalid; that of Reginald because it had been made uncanonically and clandestinely, that of John de Grey because it had occurred before the invalidity of the former was proclaimed by the pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Polymorphic residues are shaded, and their side chains in the canonical sequence are also shown.
  • Constancio's rejection of Paine's deism illustrates that liberals were selective in their borrowings from the ‘canonical’ Enlightenment.
  • If you remove something with use you cause confusion on multiple fronts: first people have to become aware of the change, then they need to understand why the change was made, then they need to make the changes to their code base, and finally when they want to express rev = canonical with a @rel value, debates over what best @rel value represents the equivalent of another @rel value if it were used in @rev occur .. 0xDECAFBAD
  • Inwardly glowing with impatience, Arthur yet saw the necessity of obeying his guide; and when he had pulled the long and loose upper vestment from the old man, he stood before him in a cassock of black serge, befitting his order and profession, but begirt, not with a suitable sash such as clergymen wear, but with a most uncanonical buff-belt, supporting a short two-edged sword, calculated alike to stab and to smite. Anne of Geierstein
  • As for non-canononical gospels, the point is that their existence points to the losers of the power struggle – the people who purported to be teaching the word of Jesus, contrary to the books that were accepted into the canon, and who might well have been right while the canonical books were wrong, and yet whose books not only were excluded from the canon but were essentially suppressed and banned by church authorities. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • Each panelist offered 10 canonical or recommended books for students, which I've posted on this page, along with my own list.
  • A link with rev = canonical that is short is a short url of the canonical url by definition, thus rel = short* is redundant for the use case of discovering a short url for the canonical url of some document. 0xDECAFBAD
  • The war in Testament of Youth, then, is clearly a different kind of war from that which appears in texts by canonical male writers examined by critics like Fussell.
  • The text of the canonical writings at this point was written in unpointed Hebrew (and, in a few parts, Aramaic).
  • Another possibility is cross-binding of Swi4 and Mpb1 to canonical sequences for the other factor.
  • As long the main focus of energy has remained on liturgical change, canonical reform and political transformation, the education, formation, and spiritual growth of the people have suffered from neglect.
  • For example, you may want to map models that are related but have developed independently such as a canonical data model and physical data models of one or more legacy systems.
  • The writings of Ern Malley, in spite of the intentions of the authors, have reached canonical literary status with their inclusion in their entirety in the Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry.
  • “Kaylúlah,” mid-day sleep; called siesta from the sixth canonical hour. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A maximum value theorem and a minimal value theorem of a canonical correlation variable in the context of a unitarily invariant norm were derived.
  • Another Fringe gem, this one a canonic presentation of an alternative theatre classic featuring two of my favourite actors - Michele Brown and Coralie Cairns.
  • Canonically, that order of expression along the body axis corresponds to the order of the genes in a cluster on the DNA, a property called colinearity. The Panda's Thumb: September 2006 Archives
  • a fresh impulse was given to legal researches, the terms legist and decretist -- the latter applied, in the narrower sense, to the interpreter of ecclesiastical law and commentator on the canonical texts -- have been carefully distinguished. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • This anthology is organized around the major canonical divisions of the English Bible.
  • We saw in one of its streets a remarkable proof of liberal toleration; a nonjuring clergyman, strutting about in his canonicals, with a jolly countenance and a round belly, like Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • Some of its members have vocally criticized the church's opposition to abortion and the canonical regulation on priestly celibacy, although the organization takes no official position on either issue.
  • Nevertheless, in some of the ‘Gloria’ sections of his canticles Purcell indulges in ingenious canonic writing, inspired it seems by earlier examples by Child and Blow.
  • For the canonic defense to work, everything substantively provocative in the offending art work has to be played down or simply denied.
  • The enquirer finds a similar difficulty when he tries in the twentieth century to identify rural deities, or even the tutelaries of many great temples, with any personages recognized by the canonical literature. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • These apocryphal or deuterocanonical books were written by and about Jews in the time before Christianity was established as a separate religion, but they were not included in the Jewish canon. Shawna Dolansky: The Truth(s) About Hanukkah
  • On the other hand, the hodograph was rotated approximately 180° from the canonical hodographs.
  • Canonical Books, it was but an easy step to make the term signify the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • How they conceived of this source, I shall argue, determined the particular way in which, in their view, canonicity resisted translation.
  • In the cities and towns where there was no cathedral, the canons of the local church were organized after the manner of the cathedral clergy, and conducted a "canonicate" school. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The Strangford Apollo, the Apollo of Thera, and the Apollo of Tenea, are even represented in the canonical, or "hieratic" attitude, with clenched hands, and arms straightened to the sides, which stamps all Egyptian figure-sculpture in stone. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • If we don't distinguish between earlier and later, then why should we not trust the extracanonical Gospels and Acts from significantly later? Self-Critical Faith
  • The punishment for such a violation is to be banned from performing any priestly function until the uncanonical act is expunged through repentance.
  • All you have are the non-canonical scriptures, the apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, both of which are universally rejected by the non-Catholic Evangelical church as fakes and poor imitations of real scripture. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • And of his (more informal) conditions for canonicity, one was that the work had to be difficult in such a way that compelled effort from its reader.
  • At The Golden Rule there was a response about the irrelevance of distinctions such as orthodoxy and heresy, canonical and extracanonical, when it comes to historical study. Biblical Studies Carnival 41
  • In this groundbreaking study of canonical white writers, Morrison persuasively argues that a powerful black presence inhabits much of what we currently consider American literature.
  • Instead of having a lawful and real Primate, we will recognize one that is uncanonical, born of schism, sullied by sergianism and ecumenism, and therefore without Grace.
  • The white lettering on brown background is standard for tourist signs, used worldwide to identify canonical sites of scenic and historic interest. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Attempts to understand the significance of Woman Wisdom in ancient Israelite life and in the canonical and deuterocanonical traditions underscore her deep ambiguity: to feminist thought, whether historically or theologically inclined. Woman Wisdom: Bible.
  • There is as much space, under this rubric of textuality, for the popular icons of the day as for Shakespeare, the greatest among the canonical authors.
  • This procedure, however, was uncanonical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The canonical example of a hashmob emerged a few days ago around the hashtag #amazonfail.
  • Archbishop Gomez is the nation's only bishop who is a member of the Opus Dei religious prelature, which is an influential Catholic canonical structure made famous by the movie "The DaVinci Code," though the portrayal was widely criticized as wildly inaccurate. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • I submit the debate which the opposition to rev = canonical are having over rel = short* as evidence that @rev is required. 0xDECAFBAD
  • This argument assumes that some crimes and punishments in that system are comparable to the canonical crime of clerical sexual wrongdoing with a minor and the ecclesiastical penalties available for it.
  • The other canonical hours have short lessons called capitula, originally lectiunculœ, sometimes capitella. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Given the practical limits on the size of books, most introductory texts in biblical studies emphasize either extensive work with the text itself or thorough introduction to issues of authorship, date, canonicity, and the like.
  • _brancard_, with his canonical hat on his head, the snow fell fast and settled on his face and clothes, but he felt it not. Olla Podrida
  • Associates are affiliated with the community, but do not take canonical vows.
  • Using the techniques of source criticism and form criticism, historical-critical scholarship analyzed biblical pericopes and looked through them to reconstruct the history of the traditions that lay behind the canonical documents.
  • Such lists ordinarily rank statues and paintings in a canonical hierarchy, beginning with icons of the Buddha class, followed by bodhisattva, deva, and other lesser deities.
  • a canonical book of the Christian New Testament
  • Films of this sort pay the price of making Jesus appear smaller and less compelling than the figure we can encounter in reading or, as the case may be, in questioning the canonical texts.
  • For such people one difficulty was the absence of a canonically consecrated metropolitan in Ireland.
  • The Tempest is a text which in its canonicity culturally institutionalizes a false history of Africans and emburdens them with a false sense of cultural inferiority.
  • Utilizzando le informazioni fornite da Google Webmaster Central, ho modificato il template per aggiungere dei link alle URL Canonical che puntano al Permalink del post; tradotto, dico ai motori di ricerca quale pagina indicizzare. No Fat Clips!!! : Adding Canonical URL to Blogger posts
  • This experiment also used four canonical locative terms (right, left, front, and back) for completeness.
  • Not until one receives at least the necessary two-thirds of the votes, is a Pope canonically and validly elected.
  • Therefore Roman Catholic Bibles contain additional books of the OT Apocrypha (also known as deuterocanonical?
  • See Moritz Hauptmann's account of his "canonic" travelling-companion's ways and procedures in the letters to Franz Hauser, vol. i., p. 64, and passim.] Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
  • Although state Catholic conferences do not have the same canonical status as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, they are its functional equivalents at the state level.
  • She pursues her task ambitiously, tirelessly, and scrupulously through the major texts of three canonical writers of early modern English literature.
  • Actual dance is sporadic: swift, full-out solos or canonic group movement unfolding in waves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ukrainian Church has seceded from the Patriarchate of Moscow where it was placed uncanonically and illegally.
  • For the most part these chapters do computations with specific examples, establishing canonical forms and other structure theorems for certain classes of groups.
  • Thebans Amphiaraus, and the Lebadians Trophonius; one religion is as true as another, new fangled devices, all for human respects; great-witted Aristotle's works are as much authentical to them as Scriptures, subtle Seneca's Epistles as canonical as St. Paul's, Pindarus 'Odes as good as the Prophet Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The Ehrenfests (1912) paper was the first to recognize these questions, and to provide a partial answer: Assuming a certain hypothesis of Boltzmann's, which they dubbed the ergodic hypothesis, they pointed out that for an isolated system the micro-canonical distribution is the unique stationary probability distribution. Boltzmann's Work in Statistical Physics
  • Both sides of the T-DNA insert were intact, with canonical left-border sequences facing outward (data not shown).
  • During the twelfth century a non-canonical branch of Christianity called the Cathars took hold in the south of France.
  • To my knowledge, he's right; at any rate, its inclusion here honors that book's canonical status in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
  • Osiris, who also summoned the annual floods, is often represented in the shape of a "canonic" vase with a stopper in the shape of a crowned head. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • Once banned, often excoriated, still dauntingly difficult, Ulysses has become the canonical twentieth-century novel.
  • Just recently Sandra at Bookworld (otherwise a nice, thoughful litblog) opined that she had contracted "Bloom Syndrome," a "condition in which the sufferer is unable to read any work of literature unless it is deemed Significant by Harold Bloom and which often results in the reader losing the will to live/read, crushed under the weight of canonical imperatives. Principles of Literary Criticism
  • (Luke and Acts were somehow separated in the textual drift we call the canonical process), which simply does not do enough work in light of the differences in the reception histories of the two texts; such reasons are much harder to come by than is typically thought; (c) Scholars who persist in identifying modern reconstructed readings of Luke-Acts with ancient hermeneutical reading strategies have likely not grasped the way in which the NT authors, early Apologists or Church Fathers actually worked with scripture and have, therefore, distorted hermeneutically the historical worth of their reconstructions. Euangelion
  • Indeed, at least one of our canonical psalms was used for such “apotropaic purposes,” that is, to counteract evil. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • These jet-borne entrepreneurs plying their ruthless trade have become our canonical image-makers.
  • Of the antilegomena he pledges himself to record when any ancient writer _employs_ any book belonging to their class ([Greek: tines hopoiais kechrêntai]); but as regards the undisputed Canonical books he only professes to mention them, when such a writer has something to _tell about them_ ([Greek: tina _peri_ tôn endiathêkôn eirêtai]). Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • The introduction is based on a short six-note motive that is treated canonically, first in single notes and then in double notes.
  • We used a complex-sounding but conceptually simple statistical method known as canonical discriminant analysis to test whether zircon chemistry could be used to reliably determine the host deposit type.
  • The latter received all the orders uncanonically without the proper intervals (interstitia), and was crowned pope as Leo VIII. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Indeed, it is possible to recognize as canonical sentences those that conform in their structure to the normal clause patterns, such as subject-verb-direct object.
  • Hore canonice omnes in ecclesia tractim et distincte taliter dicantur .... Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • `Charles has just gone to his bedroom to change into his canonicals. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients show the relative association between the discriminating variables and the discriminant functions.
  • Indeed, they may be said to be a specific kind of canonicate schools. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • When his shrine was opened three hundred and thirty years after his decease for the canonical recognition, the flesh had disappeared, and one member alone remained incorrupt, the tongue, which thus, still in silence, gave glory to God. Hymns of St. John Nepomucene
  • The term installation is also applied to the institutio corporalis, or putting in possession of any ecclesiastical benefice whatsoever (see INSTITUTION, CANONICAL); or, again, to the solemn entry of a parish priest into his new parish, even when this solemn act takes place after the parish priest has really been put in possession of his benefice. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • His is not a book about poetry, and yet a canonical poet is consulted for the distinction that structures the book.
  • The phrase “relinquish license for ministry” is canonically meaningless in the Anglican Church of Canada. ACoC priest, Alan Perry, questions the ACNA briefing paper « Anglican Samizdat
  • One of them is the canonical method: we multiply the numbers mentioned that divide the number sought by each other; we add one to the product; this is the number sought.
  • [8] Which were these twenty-two sacred books of the Old Testament, see the Supplement to the Essay of the Old Testament, p. 25-29, viz. those we call canonical, all excepting the Canticles; but still with this further exception, that the book of apocryphal Esdras be taken into that number instead of our canonical Ezra, which seems to be no more than a later epitome of the other; which two books of Canticles and Ezra it no way appears that our Josephus ever saw. Against Apion
  • I saw a hypotrochoid drawing kit for sale around Christmas this year, and not the canonical Spirograph, either. Making Light: The tastemakers of tomorrow
  • To be sure, as our epigraphs suggest, this is not the first time that the issue of canonicity in the domain of law and literature has been raised.
  • Seven hundred years later, two things remain constant: first, the primacy of Francis' life, and second, the futility of trying to produce a canonical version of that life.
  • These oligomers are not expected to form dimeric duplexes and contain no canonical GpC sequences.
  • Traditionally historians and critics of Caribbean art have been preoccupied with identifying and categorizing Caribbean artists according to received canonical ideas of art and art history.
  • To be sure, as our epigraphs suggest, this is not the first time that the issue of canonicity in the domain of law and literature has been raised.
  • There is ample evidence from apostolic times, from the patristic, canonical and liturgical tradition, well into the Byzantine period that this order was held in high honor.
  • The title of this improbable vade mecum — a sternly selective, mostly chronological survey of some two dozen canonical philosophers and their core precepts — is a fair question (even if bathetically asked). Cover to Cover
  • The execution of the Bull was confided to the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo, by whom (4 June, 1876) the entire province of Ciudad Real was made a bishopric-priorate of the Military Orders, and for all canonical purposes constituted a territory vere et proprie nullius di cesis, i.e. exempt from all neighbouring jurisdiction. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • But the texts both canonical and extracanonical that he discusses are key ones, and the interpretative possibilities he raises are interesting and provocative. Review of Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the God of Israel
  • To thiswe can add that there is not a single document, including the CodexIuris Canonici, in which there is a specific statement that the pope, inhis function as the supreme pastor of the Church, has the authorityto abolish the traditional liturgical rite. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Vicar-general of Constance, and was condemned by the episcopal court in that place to the loss of his canonicate at Zurich and to lifelong confinement. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • In the Indian literary pantheon, Ghosh and Naipaul have become canonical.
  • The lessons that the Bible teaches are similar to the lessons of history, set in the particular frame of reference that we call canonical.
  • When introspecting our mental states, we do not take canonical evidence to be an intermediary between properties introspected and our own conception of them. Self-Knowledge
  • Several canonical and noncanonical nucleotide sequences, called E-boxes, lie within this region and show a wide range of DNA-binding affinities for the Sc-Da complexes.
  • Canonicals,’ said Sheffield, as if thinking about them; ‘no, canonicals are no sham; for preaching, I suppose, is the highest ordinance in our Church, and has the richest dress.’
  • Beyond Belief is about the apocryphal Gospel of Thomas, written in the second century and much amended later, which Pagels prefers to the canonical Gospels, and especially to the Gospel of John.
  • Sometimes I Feel Alive (1998), to texts by e.e. cummings, explores aspects of love from the sensual to the selfless through an appealing blend of jazzy pop-music rhythms, canonic writing (at which Wachner excels), and hymnlike choral blending with a near-Ivesian sound. On CD: Julian Wachner
  • The two most famous antipopes of the Orthodox period (both eventually reconciled to the canonical church) were St. Hippolytus of Rome and the scholar Anastasius Bibliothecarius.
  • Yes, the Apocrypha are called the deuterocanonical books by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, as they are only found in the “second canon” of the Greek Bible, which was accepted later. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Consider how rare it now is for anyone to conceive a project like this - something that wants to be both canonical and demotic.
  • Proclus had been installed as bishop in the place of a bishop uncanonically thrust out to make room for him.
  • Another prelate, also a stanch supporter of the king, was Wichmann, Archbishop of Magdeburg, more of a soldier than a bishop, and uncanonically promoted from the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • As an intruder has no true title to receive the revenues of the benefice which he uncanonically holds, he is bound in conscience to make restitution of what are ill-gotten gains to the lawful titular. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The discussion that has been sparked off in the blogosphere focuses on many interesting topics including oral vs. written transmission, the historical Jesus, form criticism, and extracanonical early Christian literature. DeConick Discussion
  • Meanwhile on the churchly front, he served as canonical counselor and defender of the first Episcopal women priests irregularly ordained.
  • Mgc80835 was recently termed leucine-rich repeat flightless-interacting protein 2 (LRRFIP2) and found to activate the canonical Wnt signaling pathway upstream of ctnnb1/beta-catenin PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I shall pardon, only telling him that One who knows what is secret will not overlook the ravaging of His Church by a man of such a character; a man who originally appoints uncanonically, then imposes oaths in violation of the Gospel, then tells a man to perjure himself in the matter of his transfer, and last of all lies in pretended forgetfulness. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • The first consequence is a fundamental change in the present legal status, canonical and secular, of the university.
  • Early destined to the Church, he received the tonsure when he was only eight years old, and at the age of thirteen he obtained a canonicate in the cathedral of Metz. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • In the first section of the decretal is a list of the canonical books of the Bible, as in the A Source Book for Ancient Church History
  • The concept of canonicity derives mainly from Christianity, and in Buddhism identifies not divinely inspired literature but those writings that are thought to be ‘the word of the Buddha’.
  • Certainly, the canonic writing of the first movement, the contrapuntally distinct lines of the second, and the thematic concision of both appear less evident in the last two movements.
  • Third, according to canonical correlation, high confidence demonstrated a positive relationship with high concentration feedback and the moderate autotelic experience of flow experience.
  • In addition, within a given tract, variations on the canonical repeat sequence can occur.
  • They accepted the same Biblical books as canonical; their public worship centred on the Eucharist, and authority in all of them was vested in bishops.
  • Cheap tickets las vegas is a accommodatingly equably peeper as it can bromoform one to commercially genuinely see heathen arctiidae and canonic suppression of gossamer selenology. Rational Review
  • Choice of the proper projective coordinate system permits the reduction of these power series to simple canonical forms.
  • Those listening are often left speechless, because no such support exists within canonical Islamic texts. The Show-Me Sheikh
  • ‘Faux bourdon’, though not in itself a mandatory canonic instruction, is therefore a kind of trademark that tells the performers that they may increase the sonority of the music by adding one or two canonically derived parts. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The error accumulation of dynamics can be eliminated by using canonical equation and symplectic integral method so that the computational accuracy can be ensured effectively.
  • We would therefore postulate that individual lipid molecules in fusion intermediates would have canonical structure but increased dynamic motion.
  • The styles of the canonical masters, as transmitted through tracing copies and replicas, may thus be considered a kind of DNA imprint from which all subsequent idioms emerge.
  • The images on the bookplate juxtapose, rather unhistorically, several images from the career of Downing as a young actor, but, cumulatively, they indicate his ability successfully to mix classical, canonical drama and popular entertainment.
  • Still, sensing the uncanonical nature of this church, the Council of American Bishops meeting in Pittsburgh in 1936 recognized the Synod of Bishops.
  • When sixteen years old he became a cleric (an expectant for a canonicate) at the cathedral of Würzburg, and in 1625 at that of The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • I like rev = "canonical" - 0xDECAFBAD (tags: rev canonical url shorter discussion interesting) [...] 0xDECAFBAD
  • Dylan's bedroom soliloquies and I-just-bit-a-lemon frowns look like the usual diaristic fumblings of self-navigation that have snowballed lately into a culture of confessional YouTube clips -- canonical descendants of the LonelyGirl15 character who, if she appeared back in the '80s, might just have written bad poetry and shelved it in her closet. Jeremy Axelrod: "quarterlife": Gen-Y Bloggers Shake The Cradle
  • High-priority inserts were then sequenced from both ends; virtually all of them had a Cbs element with the canonical chromosome breakage sequence.
  • I rely, then, on James's canonicity to give my reading of The Golden Bowl leverage as a critique of major theoretical alignments of abstraction and emotion, of aestheticism and real life, both emotional and political.
  • What does it mean to canonize a previously marginal playwright whose works we find valuable because, among other things, they call into question the notion of canonicity?
  • Although canonical examples use the vector representation as a key and value, there's no restriction on how you can define the value (such as an aggregate of a number of values).
  • These mutations generated variant repeats that differed at one or several positions from the canonical sequences defined earlier for each repeat of the A 2 allele.
  • Arthur Miller's drama has so long been accorded canonical status that it can easily be taken for granted.
  • During the open and trustful dialogue the parties reviewed the theological, canonical and vicarial aspects of the above-mentioned problem.
  • Was Augustine's reading of the text in keeping with the intention of those second-century Christians who first began to read the Epistle to the Romans as a canonical text?
  • Kaborycha strikes a graceful balance between canonicity and anonymity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The marriage was valid under canonical and ecclesiastical laws.
  • Ironically, the need for remarkable flexibility may actually help to explain strong conservation of the canonical CTD sequence.
  • It has the look of the inter-war year, when Gothic revival had become canonical, if not quite conventionalized. St. Mary of the Lake, Door Peninsula, Wisconsin
  • The introduction is based on a short six-note motive that is treated canonically, first in single notes and then in double notes.
  • Despite its putative uncanonicity, it is only due to the "mercifulness" of the other Patriarchates that it barely enjoys communion at all. Orrologion
  • Todd generalised the arithmetic genus and the invariants of the canonical system on an algebraic variety to a system of invariants of every codimension.
  • The Epistle of Jude is one of the so-called antilegomena; but, although its canonicity has been questioned in several Churches, its genuineness has never been denied. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • As I have noted elsewhere, as a literature specialist, I find a distinct difference in quality between the canonical and apocryphal books.
  • For the hour of the phylacterical prayers being come, their care and endeavour was, to be taken in the streets: whereby the canonical hour compelling them to their prayers in that place, they might be the more seen by all persons, and that the ordinary people might admire and applaud both their zeal and religion. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • I had difficulty accepting Scobie's reasoning for not including the deuterocanonical books as a legitimate part of the canon.
  • In addition, while colleges and universities teach critical thinking, truly religious readers strive to remain obedient to canonical sources, not to be critical of them.
  • We also recommend for this subject Glenn Miller's ongoing series on canonicity, which studies the impact of the OT canon model upon the NT canon formation.
  • The canonical texts in the Bible reflect this ongoing conversation within the ancient Hebrew community and the early church.
  • In 1947, the late W.O. Mitchell married prairie topography and meteorology with the historic shorthand of wind as a stand-in for Godhood in the now canonic novel Who Has Seen The Wind.
  • By figuratively occupying the position of the canonical American author, he denaturalizes associations of ‘whiteness’ with universal notions of literary authority and value.
  • Yet such license was an admission that no translation could furnish a true sense of the original author's style, of the individuating attributes by which the author's canonicity was to be determined.
  • That the doctrine of the filioque and its uncanonical insertion in the Latin creed present serious obstacles to the reconciliation of churches has long been clear.
  • The deuterocanonical book of Wisdom shows the subsequent development of this emotional reaction in Jewish thought, and how by the third century BCE it had become an emotional conviction for many Jews.
  • The portrayal of Esther in an act of archetypal feminine weakness, taken up by most Baroque artists, is based on the apocryphal text (Esther 15: 7 – 11), accepted as a deuterocanonical one at the Council of Trent (1545 – 1547). Art: Representation of Biblical Women.
  • The argument about Jesus being buried in a trench grave mentions an extracanonical Gospel, but is based primarily on the evidence for burial in a tomb normally having been something for the wealthy and the honored. Review of Doubting Jesus' Resurrection
  • The canonical discriminant function procedure was used for evaluating the overall discriminant regression equation.
  • Eadgar's coronation in 973 was postponed until he reached 30, the minimum canonical age for ordination to the priesthood.
  • Evangelicals say He's delineating the contents of the Old Testament - and thus leaving out the deuterocanonical books.
  • Translation of the DNA is performed initially according to the canonical code, but when the code changes different organisms in the population may be translated by different codes.
  • In contrast to the canonical pathway of spindle formation, in diverse organisms such as mammals, nematodes, and insects, female meiotic spindles are organized in the absence of centrosomes and centrioles.
  • Though I would still need to chase it with more canonic fare. And you still
  • Richardus Canonicus ad Trinitatis fanum Londini Regularis, ab ipsa pueritia, bonarum artium literas impense amauit, excoluit, ac didicit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Coming forward, I looked at our canonical crook in suspicion.
  • The wind is tremendous, a permutation fugue — howling, seething, silent — haunting in its canonic imitations. Water
  • They're not "canonically" or "perfectly" optimized - after all, some other mammals can only see two independent colors, not three, and the precise sensitive bands may be shifted - but it is a qualitative argument why it is more likely for organisms to have eyes that are sensitive to the electromagnetic radiation that is easily available rather than the "rare" forms of light. The Reference Frame
  • Both notions figure into the Emancipation of Re:sonance, a concert series presented in conjunction with the Manhattan New Music Project in which contemporary artists are asked to provide fresh perspectives on works by canonical Austrian composers. NYT > Home Page
  • The phenomenon of people not recognizing language abilities of those who don't look like the 'canonic' speaker is widely attested and works in all directions. NATIVE SPEAKER.

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