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How To Use Canon In A Sentence

  • CANON LXXXI: We have said that a Bishop, or a Presbyter must not descend himself into public offices, but must attend to ecclesiastical needs.
  • Finding the swiftest pursuer close upon his heels, he threw off, first his blanket, then his silver-laced coat and belt of peag, by which his enemies knew him to be Canonchet, and redoubled the eagerness of pursuit. The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
  • Make sure that the construction proposal is reliable, the working procedure works canonically, and the construction monitor goes effectively.
  • In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
  • Both originals (instrumenta) of the Concordat of Worms were read and ratified, and twenty-two disciplinary canons were promulgated, most of them reinforcements of previous conciliary decrees. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
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  • 'Fraternitas canonicum in Ecclesia statutum non habet et eius ministri nullum ministerium legitime agere possunt.' RORATE CÆLI
  • However, he is at pains to point out that there is no one author of the canonic interpretation of a particular building; it is developed collectively over time, the cumulative, filtered effect of many previous responses.
  • He did not rest content with a mere strict fulfilment of the pecuniary obligations to the Church to which the Concordat had bound the State; in 1803 and 1804 it became the custom to pay stipends to canons and desservants of succursal parishes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The other canonical hours have short lessons called capitula, originally lectiunculœ, sometimes capitella. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • the deacon was canonically inducted
  • The only other surviving writings that are exclusively apocalyptic in style come from outside our biblical canon and are usually unfamiliar to anyone but scholars in the field.
  • For being summoned to come and receiue his consecration at Canturburie (as alreadie yee haue heard) through counsell of the canons Yorke he refused so to doo: bicause they informed him that if he so did, it should be greatlie preiudiciall to the liberties of that sée, whose archbishop was of like authoritie in all things vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, so that he was bound onelie to fetch his consecration and benediction at Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • The canon law assumed that cathedral had five or more bells, a parish church two or three, while the churches of the medicant orders, like public oratories, were originally limited to one. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • He was the first to identify the group of four canonical sciences (logistic [arithmetic], geometry, astronomy and music), which would become known as the quadrivium in the middle ages. Archytas
  • Thus, it should make little difference to the non-believer, in my mind, whether God had anything to do with the formation of the canon or not.
  • If the Greek MSS and lectionaries are any indication of what the church has accepted as its written authority -- and if the writings of influential Christian leaders whose work shaped the canon mean anything -- then Mark 16:9-20 should be accepted as the ending of the Gospel of Mark. Easter Sunday School
  • Many canonists hold that the subdiaconate, being of merely ecclesiastical institution, was formerly amounted one of the minor orders of the Church, and infer that before the time of Urban II (1099), Abbots could have given that order. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Later reactions against the Canon were a recognition of the intemperance of behaviorism.
  • Clearly the availability of judgments and recent canons and books on procedure made a difference to the judges.
  • She is being made an honorary canon in recognition of her hospital work and will take over as rural dean of South Craven in February.
  • We used the RT of the element present in sequence AC006067 as the canonical copy for the analyses presented in figure 3.
  • He excoriates the McSweeney's crowd and "the ridiculous dithering of John Barth ... [and] the reductive cardboard constructions of Donald Barthelme," and would excise from the modern canon "nearly all of Gaddis, Pynchon, DeLillo," and — while he's at it — "the diarrheic flow of words that is Ulysses ... the incomprehensible ramblings of late Faulkner and the sterile inventions of late Nabokov. New & Noteworthy
  • For his opening move — in which "Oh" would have been a feasible if less canonic alternative (fully licensed by the dictionary) — is a line that negotiates in process between the vocal base line of expressive oralilty, on the near hand, and, at expression's farthest reach, the vocative asymptote of natural communion with inanimate energy. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • A short distance up the cañon of the west branch of Clear Creek, a new kind of flycatcher was first heard, and presently seen with my glass. Birds of the Rockies
  • From soon after his death posthumous miracles had begun to be attributed to him, and he was officially canonised by Pope John XXII in 1320.
  • For one thing, he says, the canons of the two groups are different, and therefore, the ways Christians and Jews read their scripture will be divergent.
  • To create a canon of sacred writings is to create a collection which will be in some sense normative for the community for which it is intended.
  • Only if ye could compass a harmonious call frae the parish of Skreegh-me-dead, as ye anes had hope of, I trow it wad please him weel; since I hae heard him say, that the root of the matter was mair deeply hafted in that wild muirland parish than in the Canongate of Edinburgh. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • A loose analogy with T. S. Eliot's notion of how a new classic affects the canon of a literature might be drawn here.
  • His interest in counterpoint is shown in a set of 120 canons, which use such techniques as augmentation, diminution, and retrograde motion.
  • Beatification is the last step on the road to sainthood, although not all those who are beatified are finally canonised. John Paul II to be beatified in Rome
  • The turning point probably came when the General Convention revised the canon on divorce and remarriage.
  • In his essay on vernacular photography, Geoffrey Batchen uses Derrida's term ‘parerga’ [literally ‘next to main work’] to describe the personal, intimate photographies that have fallen outside the canon of ‘proper’ photography.
  • His works on religion were regarded as canonized books.
  • The Women of St. Mark's thought their own life histories and productivity rendered irrelevant or moot the questions of access, representation, canonicity, and literary history that feminists raised.
  • He then proceeds to reckon up five others, not in our canon, which he calls in one place spurious, in another controverted, meaning, as appears to me, nearly the same thing by these two words. Evidence of Christianity
  • These circumstances explain the important role of the new religious orders in these areas - the Augustinian canons regular and each of the four main orders of friars in Ireland, for example, and the Cistercians in Wales.
  • It may here be mentioned that a close examination of the ground has shown that there was formerly the usual "slype," or open pathway, running from the cloister-garth, between the south transept and the Chapter House, to the canons 'cemetery on the southern side of the Lady Chapel. Bell's Cathedrals: The Priory Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Great, Smithfield A Short History of the Foundation and a Description of the Fabric and also of the Church of St. Bartholomew-the-Less
  • Over these same three decades he built up his own canon of literary work that has qualified him as one of the most important writers of our era.
  • Some time back in the `fifties, Enid said - when he was a Canon of Westminster. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • However, the consensual theory of the Church canonists would have been attentive to and would have valorized ‘the freedom and autonomy of the individual in the crucial matter of marriage’.
  • He did sometimes express amazement that some of the great canonical books (The Faerie Queene comes to mind) were taken seriously; this was part of his conversational charm.
  • Arthur Miller's drama has so long been accorded canonical status that it can easily be taken for granted.
  • So the researchers believe that one artist painted Madonna and one canonized pair, while three other artists composed the remaining faces.
  • My point is why make the claim for a developed canon in the first place, especially when it is based on conjectural attributions and dates.
  • These canonical connections are often suggestive but may be mistaken for literary or theological leveling unless the reader is made aware of the different redemptive historical settings of the pericopes involved.
  • He can and must use the prelatial dress, as in the Roman Curia, to wit: rochet over the purple soutane with purple mantelletta, in his attendance in the cathedral, where he has precedence over all other canons and dignitaries, as to choir stall and functions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Joan of Arc was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1920.
  • Immediately opposite was a grotesque figure of Satan, no doubt in canonicals also, with cloven foot and horns, belching out fire and brimstone on the terrified audience.
  • Erit igitur divinarum scripturarum solertissimus indagator, qui primo totas legerit, notasque habuerit, etsi non dum intellectu, jam tamen lectione, duntaxat eas quæ appellantur canonicæ. The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or The Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions.
  • Jak już wcześniej wspominałem dodany niedawno nowy temat dla Plymouth ulegnie zmianie, gdyż developerzy pracują nad zmianą czcionki napisu tytułowego w logo, aby dostosować go do ogólnej koncepcji stosowanej dla nowych produktów Canonical. Zmiana marki Kubuntu
  • There are many (questionless) canonized on earth, that shall never be saints in heaven; and have their names in histories and martyrologies, who, in the eyes of God, are not so perfect martyrs as was that wise heathen Socrates, that suffered on a fundamental point of religion, — the unity of God. Religio Medici
  • The clouds were lowering, with a coppery sheen that seemed to justify the Canon's warning. UNTO THE GRAVE
  • Her cinematic aquacades have held a place in the canon of camp since their release, not least because of the influence of her willing accomplice, a legendary choreographer.
  • In Scotland there were a dozen or so nunneries, mainly Cistercian, and in Ireland about ten of the 140 monasteries were nunneries, all of them for regular canonesses.
  • As a body they upheld the interpretation of canon law as prohibiting women from this ceremony.
  • The notary of Saint Elix deserves a canonry in the Chapter of Charenton; it is not the Marquis de Montespan who is dead; they have played a trick on you. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Interest on money is forbidden; the prohibition of usury is, indeed, as Roscher says, the centre of the whole canonistic system of economy, as well as the foundation of a great part of the ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
  • The reverence accorded canonical figures, the faith that art was immortal, the fascination with an individual artist's character - he ridiculed them all.
  • This means, in the two preview episodes, brushing away canons of ethics like cobwebs.
  • Now Byng has simplified the company, publishing all its books under the Canongate title.
  • Around them are entwined canonic melodies of disarming ingenuousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a seventh child and his mother, left a widow in early life and compelled to earn her livelihood, saw scant chance of educating him when the kindly assistance of a Canon of the Cathedral and President of the Collége de Noyon relieved her difficulties. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He was canonized in 1494 and named a Doctor of the Church in 1720.
  • Indeed, a Caribbean female presence has established itself in the literary canons of both Canada and the United States.
  • In 1999, Canonsburg erected a statue to its best-known son, Perry Como, who found singing such a difficult way to make a living he almost returned to full-time barbering.
  • The first was the birth or natal status of the child defined by social and canonical conventions, and the social status of the parents.
  • His account of his ascent to the upper echelons of the British literary canon is so concise and unembellished, so, well, Swiftian, it could have been delivered by one of his own characters.
  • The movement spread across Europe by means of lay associations devoted to education and to prayer, known as Brethren of the Common Life, and a religious order known as the Windesheim canons.
  • Refusing to accept a canonry at Notre Dame, he joined the Congregation of the Oratory in 1660.
  • The G10 is the third incarnation of Canon's flagship 'prosumer' compact since the G series was reinvented with the G7 in 2006. News: Digital Photography Review (
  • Nor does the completion of the canon of Scripture rule out the use of credal statements as tests of orthodoxy and summaries of Scriptural teaching.
  • There are poets and there are Poets and the process we know as canonisation makes the former into the latter. ReadySteadyBlog
  • The former was called Madame, because she was canoness of a chapter at Lorraine. The Entire Memoirs of Louis XIV and the Regency
  • The possibility that his words may be heeded was suggested by the church's decision in 2000 to canonize six men who had signed the letters.
  • And ultimately, perhaps we may need to be even more careful about ever implying that it is on the basis of an association with the maternal realm that women writers belong in modernist or feminist literary canons.
  • Innocent decided in favour of the monks, but in the present case he pronounced both elections invalid; that of Reginald because it had been made uncanonically and clandestinely, that of John de Grey because it had occurred before the invalidity of the former was proclaimed by the pope. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Ironically, the monks, who are excluded from politics by both legal laws and religious canons, are probably among the most crucial actors in local elections.
  • Canon Richard Phillips celebrated the golden jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood on the 14th June.
  • The choir stalls were moved from the chancel to their present position in the nave in 1961 to make room for the bishop's throne and canon's stalls.
  • Polymorphic residues are shaded, and their side chains in the canonical sequence are also shown.
  • Soglia (Institut, Canon, II, 12) says "The law of tithes can never be abrogated by prescription or custom, if the ministers of the Church have no suitable and sufficient provision from other sources; because then the natural and divine law, which can neither be abrogated not antiquate, commands that the tithe be paid. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • This is perfectly valid and appropriate advice from the vantage point of the canons of structured interviewing with its quest for standardization and for valid and reliable data.
  • Because of Damian's rhetorical skills and his knowledge of Canon Law, the Pope used him as his legate on several occasions.
  • Constancio's rejection of Paine's deism illustrates that liberals were selective in their borrowings from the ‘canonical’ Enlightenment.
  • What more reasonable than that this should be done, while living witnesses may yet be called, to prove or disprove the several allegations and assertions; since, in a few years more, such witnesses may be as much wanting as to prevent a canonization, which is therefore prudently procrastinated for above an age? The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. — Volume 10 Historical Writings
  • Isabel was sure moreover that her mild forehead and silver cross referred to some weird Anglican mystery — some delightful reinstitution perhaps of the quaint office of the canoness. The Portrait of a Lady
  • If you remove something with use you cause confusion on multiple fronts: first people have to become aware of the change, then they need to understand why the change was made, then they need to make the changes to their code base, and finally when they want to express rev = canonical with a @rel value, debates over what best @rel value represents the equivalent of another @rel value if it were used in @rev occur .. 0xDECAFBAD
  • Inwardly glowing with impatience, Arthur yet saw the necessity of obeying his guide; and when he had pulled the long and loose upper vestment from the old man, he stood before him in a cassock of black serge, befitting his order and profession, but begirt, not with a suitable sash such as clergymen wear, but with a most uncanonical buff-belt, supporting a short two-edged sword, calculated alike to stab and to smite. Anne of Geierstein
  • The choir stalls were moved from the chancel to their present position in the nave in 1961 to make room for the bishop's throne and canon's stalls.
  • The shirt has a polo collar, and inside the collar is a high quality woven small blue label that reads Arsenal, while engineered in to the side seam is a small label featuring two Arsenal canons either side of the club motto, ‘Victoria Concordia Crescit,’ which translates as ‘Victory Through Harmony’ flanked by two canons. Arsenal 2009/2010 Away & Third team kits
  • These were the canons of Socialist Realism enforced in Stalinist Eastern Europe, as late as my visit in 1967 to Weimar, one of the most decorative of cities.
  • It contained the rochet, mozzetta, and biretta of a canon, and was a present from some excellent Franciscan nuns, to whom I had been formerly chaplain, and who were charitable enough not to have forgotten me. My New Curate
  • Except that the Revelation of John is still not part of the lectionary or canon in some Eastern and Middle Eastern churches.
  • As a counter-force, the canonization of a common liturgy had the effect of maintaining Jewish spiritual unity despite the geographic and cultural dispersion.
  • As for non-canononical gospels, the point is that their existence points to the losers of the power struggle – the people who purported to be teaching the word of Jesus, contrary to the books that were accepted into the canon, and who might well have been right while the canonical books were wrong, and yet whose books not only were excluded from the canon but were essentially suppressed and banned by church authorities. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • Of course, in its new incarnation, the book is no longer "real" pulp - printed on the cheapest paper, sold for a pittance - but a kind of canonised and reified pulp, beautifully produced and, at Rs. 195, priced the same as an average paperback. The Middle Stage
  • The Spirit speaks in the canon of Scripture (the word canon is derived from Hebrew, "kaneh," "a reed," the word here used; and John it was who completed the canon). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • He recited the words of institution in German but not the Canon and failed to elevate the host and chalice, distributing them in both species immediately after the consecratory words.
  • It's not unlike the discovery of a previously unknown species of protohuman deep within a cave somewhere, revealing some new twist in the constantly expanding canon of human evolution. Bob Cesca: Governor Haley Barbour: A New Level of Stupid
  • Each panelist offered 10 canonical or recommended books for students, which I've posted on this page, along with my own list.
  • All this is described without inspiration and in a purely conventional manner, so it must be interpreted by the canons of the apocalyptic style.
  • After he was shown to have performed a miracle, the priest was canonized.
  • Whether he ever contemplated replacing the monks by secular canons, we do not know.
  • In Scotland there were a dozen or so nunneries, mainly Cistercian, and in Ireland about ten of the 140 monasteries were nunneries, all of them for regular canonesses.
  • Not all of them are officially "canonized" - they don't have to be. Alancreech
  • Hm. Some terms from classical rhetoric involving the canon of arrangement: dispositio taxis enumeratio merismus catacosmesis chiasmus digressio epiphonema (my personal favorite) complexio Names are important « Dyepot, Teapot
  • Ives wrote in 1932, One variation was the theme in canon, put in three keys together, B-flat-E-flat-A-flat, and backwards the cancrizans of Hindemith who was at Yale? "Classical" American Music, cont'd from July 5 post
  • At the same time there were many clerics who did live in common, e.g. the cenobites, and the term canon was applied to them as early as the fourth century; but it must not be inferred from this fact that the office of canon has its origin in those who followed the cenobitical Rule of St. Augustine (see The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Never had any doctrine or reading of canon law prevented him from beholding a religion's pure and numinous core. THE BROKEN GOD
  • A link with rev = canonical that is short is a short url of the canonical url by definition, thus rel = short* is redundant for the use case of discovering a short url for the canonical url of some document. 0xDECAFBAD
  • The queen of the skies taxied onto the apron at Ringway through a welcoming arch of water canons blasted from a pair of airport fire engines.
  • He and his followers (led by the Junior Warden Max Planck) were then able to adapt the entire canon of physical and chemical science to sustain the second law.
  • The war in Testament of Youth, then, is clearly a different kind of war from that which appears in texts by canonical male writers examined by critics like Fussell.
  • So unless Cisco is about to invest heavily in optical research and find a way to catch up to the Canons and Panasonics of the world, this seems like a purchase at the nadir of a product cycle rather than a value added long term proposition. At $590M, Did Cisco Pay Too Much for Flip?
  • The canons of Saint-Nizier, though, had the opportunity to portray Aunemund in a very different light.
  • Two years after his death the bishop was canonised.
  • The term “sensation novels” emerges as a profoundly apt encapsulation of the qualities of strangeness this process of abjection is locked onto (and one that is a precursor of “genre fiction” and comparable with “coloured people” in its disregard for the sensationalist content of writers like Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy, Emily Brontë and countless others in the canon). What is Literary Fiction?
  • The text of the canonical writings at this point was written in unpointed Hebrew (and, in a few parts, Aramaic).
  • There are a couple other inaccuracies too, specifically regarding wands and potions brewing; some potions (in fanon, anyway, dunno about canon) require spells to be cast over them, etc. Not Forgotten. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • Thinking of language as an instinct inverts the popular wisdom, especially as it has been passed down in the canon of the humanities and social sciences.
  • Surely, even though it is necessary to question and dismantle canons, it is not an overstatement to claim that classical literature is the cornerstone of Western literature and society.
  • Another possibility is cross-binding of Swi4 and Mpb1 to canonical sequences for the other factor.
  • A real expert in canon law would not expect to be taken seriously by merely coming onto a blog under a pseudonym and calling himself a canonist. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • levitated" persons, canonized or beatified by the Church of Rome. Lost Leaders
  • Some of you may recall that the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius were recently involved, along with Bishop Joseph Perry, in celebrating a pontifical Mass in the usus antiquior on EWTN. Video of Pontifical Solemn High Mass Aired on EWTN
  • With Sony, Nikon, and Canon boasting massive pixel resolutions, huge memory stores, and more compact yet laser precise lenses, it's no wonder that digital photography is outstepping SLR in interest and sales increases.
  • The canonization about it has intimate relation to the misty poem, pre-poem and model changing of writing and research of modern poem history.
  • The media is always too quick to canonize a ballplayer for being available at his locker, for returning a phone call, for extending the simple courtesy of recalling a chronicler's first name. - Hall of Famer Puckett was game to play ball
  • Sa: Oh , he did that with Diane Canon. Oh yeah, sure.
  • It was the home of Avicenna, the physician whose widely translated The Canon of Medicine, completed in 1025, remained the leading medical textbook in the West until the 17th century.
  • So Mr. Grant says when he travels frequently for work, besides his BlackBerry Bold he also takes along his Canon point-and-shoot camera to take pictures.
  • A more inclusionary canon is integral to the literary education of lawyers who are to serve in an increasingly diverse world.
  • 'demoniac' manner of contemporary tragedians, I take leave to think that no player has been more worthy to wear the _canons_ of M.scarille or the gown of Vadius than M. Coquelin of the Comédie Francaise. Letters to Dead Authors
  • Canon’s 5D Mark II hasn’t even come out yet, but its ability to shoot high definition video on a digital SLR is turning heads. Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
  • He said the pen earlier and now the mouse of the computer is more powerful than the might of the canon.
  • First it was the Palm 3 way back in 2000, then it was the iPod, and now - the Canon Digital Rebel TX - or as it's plainly badged over here, the Canon EOS 350D.
  • Housed in a robotic housing made by Telemetrics, it features a Canon HD camera equipped with three 1/3in (1,670,000-pixel) CCD sensors, a Canon HD zoom lens with 20x optical zoom ratio (4. 5mm-90mm), a remote-control neutral density filter, genlock input, HD-SDI output with embedded audio as the primary video and an SD composite NTSC feed for monitoring. Broadcast Engineering RSS Feed
  • A much earlier development than the biblical canon was the evolution of the threefold ministry of bishop, presbyter, and deacon.
  • As long the main focus of energy has remained on liturgical change, canonical reform and political transformation, the education, formation, and spiritual growth of the people have suffered from neglect.
  • The area gets its name because six acres of land here were given to the canons of St Bartholemew's Priory, Smithfield, in 1331.
  • For let no man thinke that culuerin or demy-canon can sufficiently batter a defensible rampire: and of those pieces which we had; the better of the demy-canons at the second shot brake in her carriages, so as the battery was of lesse force, being but of three pieces. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris.
  • This particular effort, however, more closely resembles Plato's canonized critique in the Phaedrus of the new technology called writing.
  • Canon law stipulates that the novitiate should be a separate house or area. MONIALES OP
  • For example, you may want to map models that are related but have developed independently such as a canonical data model and physical data models of one or more legacy systems.
  • In this expanded form the legend is first found in a hymn (canon) of the Greek hymnographer The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In spite of postmodernism's loosening of the modernist canon, the stigma against classicism remains robust.
  • The writings of Ern Malley, in spite of the intentions of the authors, have reached canonical literary status with their inclusion in their entirety in the Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry.
  • `But wouldn't becoming a canon be a step down from being an archdeacon? ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • This was an order of some thirty houses, of which the majority were for canons only.
  • “Kaylúlah,” mid-day sleep; called siesta from the sixth canonical hour. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The Etruscan style epitomized another aspect of the antique tradition that was Italic and not Greek, a humble realism opposed to the perfection of the Hellenic canon.
  • To get to the point, arguing 'canon' is the dullest and most pointless thing you can do. Somewhat incoherent ramblings on fandom
  • At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.
  • We produce high quality compatible HP , Samsung, Epson, Canon, Ink cartridge with competitive price. 100 % Guarantee.
  • However, we have to note something strange and curious about film canons.
  • As "canons" are normally rigid, consecrated and unvarying liturgical doctrines, your citing of a "loose canon" is an amusing concept. Page 2
  • Although they're mostly unwritten, there is a canon of gym etiquette that all gym-goers should recognize.
  • A maximum value theorem and a minimal value theorem of a canonical correlation variable in the context of a unitarily invariant norm were derived.
  • Another Fringe gem, this one a canonic presentation of an alternative theatre classic featuring two of my favourite actors - Michele Brown and Coralie Cairns.
  • Canonically, that order of expression along the body axis corresponds to the order of the genes in a cluster on the DNA, a property called colinearity. The Panda's Thumb: September 2006 Archives
  • canonize” (or even to “sectionize”) what he had already hypothetically hinted might as well be left out altogether? The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark
  • Most of the efforts to "interrogate" the canon over the past two decades have not really questioned the need for heirarchy in organizing literary study. Canonical Writers
  • He was known to be a member of the Warmia canonry. Evidence that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is wrong? - The Panda's Thumb
  • With the canonisation of the Confessor in 1161, his regalia gained the status of holy relics, further increasing the veneration with which they were regarded.
  • Nobles occupied all bishoprics and all the choicest abbacies and canonries.
  • Yet, there are also reports in the Pali canon of monks who took their own lives, and some were even said to have attained arhatship. Damien Keown - Would You Help Your Parents End Their Lives?
  • Within, the air was full of the rich scent of seasoned timber and the resiny smoke of torches, and the subdued murmur of voices among the lower tables fell silent as the three of them entered, Canon Meirion leading. His Disposition
  • Following, with unequal steps, such a guide, accompanied, likewise, by an excellent Canon of the Church [B] with all the "armamentaria coeli" at command against the powers of darkness, and a lay auxiliary [C], whose friendly converse would make the roughest journey appear smooth, I need scarcely say, I passed through Discovery of Witches The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
  • This competition is sponsored annually by Canon Sean Collier, former Parish Priest of Borris in Ossory and staunch supporter of the billiard club.
  • Eccles.tom. ix.p. 719,) Apres tout, ce narre de Sozomene est si honteux, pour tous ceux qu'il y mele, et surtout pour Theodose, qu'il vaut mieux travailler a le detruire, qu'a le soutenir; an admirable canon of criticism!] [Footnote 47: I can only be understood to mean, that such was his natural temper when it was not hardened, or inflamed, by religious zeal. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 3
  • a fresh impulse was given to legal researches, the terms legist and decretist -- the latter applied, in the narrower sense, to the interpreter of ecclesiastical law and commentator on the canonical texts -- have been carefully distinguished. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • But the orienting theme throughout the Mosaic canon is life and its blessings, the affirmation of personhood.
  • The English department of Skidmore is pretty hospitable to the idea that those big, fat, male books are not the only important books in the canon.
  • This anthology is organized around the major canonical divisions of the English Bible.
  • As these centres became politically agglomerated in the 16th century, variations on what soon became virtually an artistic canon became more solely individual than regional.
  • The canon of his prose writings long included De Doctrina Christiana, an unorthodox theological treatise first printed in 1825.
  • This is a display of nauseating deference; a offensive patronization of the man matched only by his undeserved canonisation.
  • We saw in one of its streets a remarkable proof of liberal toleration; a nonjuring clergyman, strutting about in his canonicals, with a jolly countenance and a round belly, like Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • The _passing bell_ is of older date than the canon of our church, which directs "that when any is passing out of this life, a bell shall be tolled, and the minister shall not then slack to do his duty. Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • After their death attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonise them, to hallow their names while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarising it. Matthew Yglesias » King and Nonviolence
  • Some of its members have vocally criticized the church's opposition to abortion and the canonical regulation on priestly celibacy, although the organization takes no official position on either issue.
  • Therefore, I will part with my pride to the noble canons of the church — my luxury, as thou callest it, to the monks of the rule — and my bloodthirstiness to the Knights of the The Talisman
  • The abbess of Quedlingberg, who with the four great dignitaries of her chapter, the prioress, the deaness, the sub-chantress, and senior canonness, had that week come to Strasburg to consult the university upon a case of conscience relating to their placket-holes — was ill all the night. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
  • (canon 30): "Et quia convenit ordinem ecclesiae ab omnibus aequaliter custodiri studendum est ut ubique fit et post antiphonas collectiones per ordinem ab episcopis vel presbyteris dicantur et hymni matutini vel vesperenti diebus omnibus decantentur et in conclusione matutinarum vel vespertinarum missarum post hymnos, capitella de psalmis dicantur et plebs collecta oratione ad vesperam ab Episcopo cum benedictione dimittatur". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Nevertheless, in some of the ‘Gloria’ sections of his canticles Purcell indulges in ingenious canonic writing, inspired it seems by earlier examples by Child and Blow.
  • We are living in a world where many are "canonised" when they die, or at least guaranteed a place in heaven. Catholic Church Conservation
  • For the canonic defense to work, everything substantively provocative in the offending art work has to be played down or simply denied.
  • The term ‘conjugal rights’ has long characterized ways of speaking about marriage both in the canonistic tradition and in the secular legal systems of the West.
  • That experience for you is going to help you know what it feels like for the average teen reader, or the struggling reader, who reads below grade level, to try to plow through the books in the canon.
  • The enquirer finds a similar difficulty when he tries in the twentieth century to identify rural deities, or even the tutelaries of many great temples, with any personages recognized by the canonical literature. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • However, Weber is a talented writer, and there's room in the African American canon for a novel full of hateful, lust-maddened, foul-mouthed buppies from southeastern Queens, New York; characters who are crummy parents to boot.
  • 'Wuthering Heights' is a central book in the canon of English literature.
  • Canonized with great ceremony by the Pope in 2002, Padre Pio was a Capuchin monk.
  • These apocryphal or deuterocanonical books were written by and about Jews in the time before Christianity was established as a separate religion, but they were not included in the Jewish canon. Shawna Dolansky: The Truth(s) About Hanukkah
  • Wherewith the two canons of the old school waddled away, arm in arm, and Bolt put out his head, leered at Ambrose, and bade him shog off, and not come sneaking after other folk's shoes. The Armourer's Prentices
  • On the other hand, the hodograph was rotated approximately 180° from the canonical hodographs.
  • He takes a little minuet on a journey ‘through contrapuntal couplets, canons and inversions beore breaking into romantic rhapsodising’.
  • Canonical Books, it was but an easy step to make the term signify the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon

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