How To Use Canon law In A Sentence

  • One should also abolish certain punishments inflicted by the canon law, especially the interdict, which is doubtless the invention of the evil one. Articles 10-18. Twenty-Seven Articles Respecting the Reformation of the Christian Estate
  • First, I feel that you should know that I am by no means an expert on Canon Law, and my observations about vestries and their prerogatives come more from my experience than my the study of Canons. Remaining Episcopalians?
  • These activities, my canon lawyer friend contends, are canonically acceptable “signs of repentance.” Dissent and Heresy
  • He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.
  • The canon lawyer called by the Plaintiffs also confirmed the church's policy of secrecy.
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  • For a wider audience interested in the origins of Christian catechesis, canon law, and liturgy, this no-nonsense work of historical erudition is an important place to begin and to frequent.
  • Among Anglicans, responsibility for the good order of the Church is placed in the hands of bishops by custom, rites of ordination, and canon law.
  • We need to accept that the situation is now outside the ambit of canon law and the control of church personnel.
  • More recently, in a message to the Irish hierarchy this year, the pontiff said: "It cannot be denied that some of you and your predecessors failed, at times grievously, to apply the long-established norms of canon law to the crime of child abuse. Pope is on the case and has been, in fact
  • In rabbinic canon law, the rabbi explained, human life does not simply begin at conception.
  • Is his Honour making some point about the ordinary law, or is his Honour making some point that is to be understood in terms of ecclesiology or canon law?
  • But a recent fad in the Episcopal Church is to entirely ignore canon law, Christian tradition, and the Apostle's caution in favor of what is sometimes called "inclusivity" or "radical hospitality" by offering Holy Communion to the unbaptized. Archive 2007-02-01
  • In many instances, those who pitted the "spirit" of the Council against what the Council actually said undermined the very validity of canon law.
  • Proposing to amend the Dallas Charter and accompanying Norms, Dr. Grisez makes a distinction based on the 1983 Code of Canon Law between acts that are and are not ‘gravely imputable.’
  • Gratian's great contribution was to codify canon law in 1141 by making it more systematic and logical.
  • In pursuance of this goal he drew up the Code of Canon Law in 1917 that helped to centralize the Catholic Church while increasing the power of the papacy.
  • O'Connell holds a licentiate and doctorate in canon law from Catholic. CUA president appointed bishop of Trenton
  • Dr. Gero Weishaupt, well known Latinist of Vatican Radio and Canon lawyer of the Diocese of Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) gave a very interesting introduction, which was a practical commentary upon the Pope's letter. 12th Liturgical Conference of Cologne
  • Medieval theologians interpolated this passage into the canon law doctrine ‘Scientia Donum Dei Est, Unde Vendi Non Potest’ (Knowledge is a gift from God, consequently it cannot be sold).
  • This isn't to say that synods, canon laws and rubrics don't play an important role in our common life.
  • It acquires the status of canon law in a series of three church councils in the sixth and seventh centuries.
  • /1/So, throughout the whole course of the canon law and in the early law of England, rents were regarded as so far a part of the realty as to be capable of possession and disseisin, and they could be recovered like land by all assize. The Common Law
  • During the Middle Ages, canon law required each member of the parish to pay a tax of one-tenth, a tithe, of their income to the church.
  • Instead he matriculated in the University of Ferrara, from which he obtained a doctorate in canon law.
  • The monks of Canterbury chapter elected Thomas de Cobham, canon lawyer, theologian and royal diplomat.
  • Weishaupt, professor of canon law in the University of Ingolstadt, and by him perfected as a system of light or illuminism. The Revelation Explained
  • The people who have implementation of shariah or Islamic canon law as their project know very well that power goes in such a system to the interpreters of the law.
  • But if he repels the violence in a moderate way, it will be a lawful defence: for according to the Civil and Canon Laws it is allowable _to repel force by force with the moderation of a blameless defence_. Moral Philosophy
  • Conditioned by church canon law, participation by clerics in politics was forbidden.
  • There is no doubt that a study of the Mohammedan sacred texts, particularly of the "sheriat" or canon law, together with a glance over The New World of Islam
  • From 1869 onward the obsolete distinction between the "ensouled" and "unensouled" fetus was permanently removed from canon law on abortion. Ten Reasons
  • Wyoming aboriginals abortions anarchism annoucements anonymous donors apologetics apparitions armed conflict baby bonus bureaucracy canon law chocolate civility commercialism conferences congress consciousness contaception dementia divorce domestic abuse drought ecumenicism enemies evolution ex-gay feasts fertility fun hisotry language politics library literature male-bashing masculinism nationalism organ donation petitions podcast political prisoners prostitution questionnaires safe haven suffering surrogacy technology Surprisingly favourable blogpost at the Washington Post
  • His papal decrees were the foundation of canon law until their update in 1917.
  • Bishops should resume their traditional roles as vicars of Christ in their own dioceses and be prepared to consult with the presbyteral, pastoral, and finance councils provided for in canon law.
  • Judicial separation, also called separation, originated from the Canon Law of Christianity in Mediaeval Europe, and still exists today.
  • The reports have faulted Rome for sending confusing messages to the Irish church about norms to be followed and, in general, for what it called the absence of a coherent set of canon laws and rules to apply in cases of abuse. Pope 'Sorry' For Irish Abuse
  • Abbot Regino (893-99) made a name for himself as historian and codifier of canon law. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • In that respect he seems to me far more impressive than another important American hierarch who is also a canon lawyer: Cardinal Egan himself. What can Wuerl and Egan say now?
  • It is proper however to observe, that illegitimation caused by the dissolution of such marriages, in conformity with the complicated rules of the Canon Law, was not considered to entail disgrace on the children, nor did it always interrupt the succession either in regard to titles or property. The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • First, in 1983, a revision of the Catholic Church's Code of Canon Law was officially promulgated.
  • The Church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.
  • His annotations to an incunable edition of Old Frisian law reveal his interest in Anglo-Saxon canon law.
  • The provisions of the sheriat, or Moslem canon law, such as the prohibition of interest rendered economic life in the modern sense impossible. The New World of Islam
  • In open violation of the Concordat, these nuptiality restrictions encroached upon the authority of canon law in the sacrament of matrimony and deprived the Christian wedlock of converts from Jewry of civil effects.
  • After receiving a licentiate degree in canon law in 1981 from St. Paul University in Ottawa, Father Martin returned to Washington and resided at Holy Trinity Church from 1981 to 1986. John F. Martin, Catholic priest
  • Canon law did not permit divorce as distinct from annulment (although the term divorce was used even when nullity was in issue).
  • Formerly, during the canonization process of the Roman Catholic Church, the Promoter of the Faith (Latin: Promotor Fidei), or Devil's Advocate (Latin advocatus diaboli), was a canon lawyer appointed by the Church to argue against the canonization of the candidate. Craig To Argue Foot-Tapping A Constitutional Right
  • As to his reputation as a canonist, while all must acknowledge his wonderful productivity and his high purpose, and while he has been justly called the restorer of the science of canon law in France, it must nevertheless be said that he falls short of being a great canonist; he is too often compiler rather than a genuine author, and he too frequently betrays a lack of that juridical sense which comes more from practice than from theory, and which begets the ability to pronounce justly on the lawfulness and unlawfulness of existing practices. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • At the age of fourteen he left for Bologna, intending briefly to study canon law, but within two years he moved to Ferrara and shortly afterward to Padua, where he met one of his most important teachers, Elia del Medigo, a Jew and an Averroist Aristotelian. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola
  • Canon law stipulates that the novitiate should be a separate house or area. MONIALES OP
  • It was Leo XII, in 1824, to move the seat at the Palais de S. Apollinaris where Pius IX in 1853 founded the Faculty of Canon Law and Civil Law and the Pontifical Institute Utriusque Iuris.
  • A real expert in canon law would not expect to be taken seriously by merely coming onto a blog under a pseudonym and calling himself a canonist. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • Never had any doctrine or reading of canon law prevented him from beholding a religion's pure and numinous core. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Because of Damian's rhetorical skills and his knowledge of Canon Law, the Pope used him as his legate on several occasions.
  • As a body they upheld the interpretation of canon law as prohibiting women from this ceremony.
  • The canon law assumed that cathedral had five or more bells, a parish church two or three, while the churches of the medicant orders, like public oratories, were originally limited to one. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The Anglican world today is seeking to invest the office with dignities and responsibilities that go well beyond its actual place in civil and canon law.
  • Bishops should resume their traditional roles as vicars of Christ in their own dioceses and be prepared to consult with the presbyteral, pastoral, and finance councils provided for in canon law.
  • During the period of exile, five bishoprics had become vacant and could not be filled in a manner which would be acknowledged as valid under canon law.
  • As a body they upheld the interpretation of canon law as prohibiting women from this ceremony.
  • He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.
  • When the Decretum of Gratian was published in the twelfth century, this impediment was recognized as a diriment one and it became part of the canon law of the Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Among the subjects he considers are the diaconate, the priestly office, the office of the bishop, the place of canon law in the life of the church, and ecumenism.
  • As he is surely aware, the Code of Canon Law discountenances retroactive laws, especially when they impose burdens rather than grant favors.
  • Its heritage of canon law sought to restrict greed and avarice for the common good of society.
  • In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
  • Such legitimation is termed plenior in canon law to distinguish it from the plena legitimation which is granted by papal rescript, and from the plenissima which follows on the radical validation of a marriage (sanatio in radice). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Even to the pillars of our society, the days of hiding behind civil law, martial law and canon law are gone.
  • People may come to them who have the experience of canon law, of church law, or they may come to them with Byzantine administrative regulations, and different tribes will come with different customary laws.
  • The monsignor is a professor of canon law in Rome, and consultor for the Congregation for Eastern Churches, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and other Roman Curia organizations. Challenges of Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue
  • Leo X gave as the reason for dispensing him from some of the requirements of canon law the expectation that as a native bishop he would be more effective in promoting the faith among his people.
  • Among the subjects he considers are the diaconate, the priestly office, the office of the bishop, the place of canon law in the life of the church, and ecumenism.
  • By the doctrine of "diriment impediments" the Pope or a duly constituted representative can declare that a marriage has been null and void from the very beginning because of some impediment defined in the canon law. A Short History of Women's Rights From the Days of Augustus to the Present Time. with Special Reference to England and the United States. Second Edition Revised, With Additions.
  • He allowed that others had proposed the Roman synod and the revision of the Code of Canon Law.

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