How To Use Cannily In A Sentence

  • It's new, but cannily designed with a heavy dose of retro.
  • Orlean's experiences with poultry-keeping are uncannily similar to mine; her crowing "hen" is Laura, ours was Loretta. Jan Brett's Weekend House
  • She cannily concealed her delight at his suggestion.
  • Toward the middle of her 1928 novel Quicksand, Nella Larsen thematizes her authorial relation to the literary past in a scene that uncannily adumbrates the future demise of her career.
  • Rather worryingly, one of the drivers I heard this afternoon sounded uncannily like a BBC continuity announcer I know.
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  • But as boss of Securitas for 13 years, he has cannily plotted the group's growth by acquisition, first across Europe, then through America, doing things his own idiosyncratic way.
  • He was unapproachable, sometimes rude, always sarcastic, but it was also clear that he was uncannily observant.
  • Uncannily, Wakefield ‘had contrived, or rather he had happened, to dissever himself from the world - to vanish - to give up his place and privileges with living men, without being admitted among the dead’.
  • Sporadic heavy-handedness aside, the film works nicely both as a character drama and a cannily miniaturized epic, a modestly scaled but undeniably affecting fable with lingering moral heft.
  • The film does not purport to be a documentary, but its depiction of the events of January 30 1972 is uncannily accurate.
  • Unlike the antisemite, the “a-semite” does not deny humanity to the Jew or call for hatred of him, but presents him as an Other, sometimes exotically enticing, sometimes uncannily repugnant, who is not entirely assimilable to France. Charlotte Wardi.
  • The passage from St. Augustine uncannily prefigures the couplet of Hafiz which I quoted above.
  • Meanwhile a Russian-Italian team found a much stronger cosmic string candidate in the constellation Corvus: a galaxy split into two uncannily similar and completely undistorted images.
  • She's more of a cabaret popster whose uncluttered arrangements leave plenty of room for her expressive voice (which is, at times, uncannily similar to that of our Emm Gryner).
  • No, perhaps not," agrees Margarethe cannily ," but you haven't offered to stand by your stepmother or stepsisters with the same passion. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • He then describes the whole picture, uncannily, a few bursts of colour cluing him into the puzzle. Times, Sunday Times
  • This last point is crucial because Hare avoids the trap of agitprop by cannily subverting the play's anti-war bias.
  • The idea is to reveal how animals can seem uncannily human.
  • Unlike so much sham now usurping our stages, Fortune's Fool is a genuine, professionally crafted, and cannily produced play.
  • The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.
  • He even proved uncannily accurate in anticipating the Florida launch site, Pacific Ocean splashdown, and recovery by U.S. naval forces of the Apollo missions.
  • Surrounded by suitors who were after the absent master's wealth and the absent master's bed, she fobs them off by saying she must finish her weaving before making her mind up - and cannily unpicks it each night.
  • Of course such an event appealed to his eco-warrior passions, but he cannily won many admirers in the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they looked uncannily similar in their flowing strapless gowns and smoky make-up. The Sun
  • Gibson became an international sensation with his first novel Neuromancer, in which he outlined a strange future world existing in a state he called "cyberspace" - uncannily like the world we inhabit almost 30 years later - and went on to win every major science-fiction award while contributing to making the genre respectable in literary circles. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • His Hallmark poetry was orgiastically (but cannily) sentimental.
  • So Porsche is not only cannily and carefully investing in its future, it's also recycling. Dream Cars
  • The days were getting longer, the blossom was on the trees and even in our back garden, the barren earth was being pierced by what look uncannily like daffs and tulips.
  • The horse's gait changed to a gallop, and the muffled rhythm of the hoof beats crescendoed until they were uncannily loud and hollow.
  • She is an elderly woman, lying on her back with obvious angulated fractures of her lower legs as well as the left side of her face being uncannily flat save the large hematoma on her forehead. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The artists lit them against black backdrops to create uncannily accurate portraits.
  • Memory foam pillow top were transmontane with curtained whisky and greed than any pyrolignic sumptuosity damnatory in the aortic maimed and a uncannily. Rational Review
  • The Scot looked cool and mature and fought cannily before dispatching his opponent with a thunderous hook to the body.
  • Its no-nonsense, attention-grabbing which is to say, cannily marketed subtitle? The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Like any traveling circus, she converts the sidewalk into a stage, cannily positioning herself for maximum visibility within a sea of pedestrians.
  • But the real revelation was the chicken tagliatelle plumped for by the party's female member - luscious creaminess cannily grounded by leek and pungent tarragon.
  • As Richard Schickel cannily wrote: ‘He does not exhibit the born actor's relish at playing a heel.’
  • The cover of his new book may feature the classic Ripper mugshot alongside the numerous - and uncannily accurate - photofits received by police during the years, but this is not a book about Peter Sutcliffe.
  • Eliot's illness uncannily mirrored his wife's.
  • They have uncannily similar voices.
  • It's not so much theatrical now as an uncannily atmospheric setting for a scene from Gladiator. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they looked uncannily similar in their flowing strapless gowns and smoky make-up. The Sun
  • The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.
  • He was hauled in to co-present the CBS TV coverage of the Apollo 11, 12 and 15 missions - but he'd cannily already prepared a suitable bolthole.
  • Its no-nonsense, attention-grabbing which is to say, cannily marketed subtitle? The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Uncannily she appears: an ill-favoured old crone who is transformed into fresh young Papagena once he engages to marry her.
  • Other than that, the recommendations are uncannily familiar: We must internationalize our conflicts.
  • But we're to dae't wi'oot loss o 'life on oor ain part, if possible; ye'll therefore approach the place cannily and get as close up to it as maybe wi'oot bein' discovert; and, that done, ye'll be pleased tae keek roun 'and ascertain if there's ony way o' gettin 'intil it wi'oot haein' to stor-r-m it. A Middy of the King A Romance of the Old British Navy
  • The giant water bug, or Lethocerus indicus, a three-inch-long South Asian insect that looks uncannily like a local cockroach, is just one of the items on the menu of this bug-eating bacchanal.
  • The uncannily accurate spelling correction and word prediction on Windows Phone?
  • But they looked uncannily similar in their flowing strapless gowns and smoky make-up. The Sun
  • The effect is uncannily scary and spooky - you can almost hear the bones rattling.
  • He was litigious, speculated cannily on the property market, hoarded grain in times of shortage and may have practised usury.
  • It is also, cannily, opening instant ticket booths near the public screens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perversely, the massed violins, violas and cellos can sometimes sound uncannily like a lone synthesiser.
  • All the more striking, then, are the resemblances between their early experiences, in many respects uncannily close.
  • Perversely, the massed violins, violas and cellos can sometimes sound uncannily like a lone synthesiser.
  • In a second a couple of scouts in dirty red and green tartans, with fealdags or pleatless kilts on them instead of the better class philabeg, crept cannily out into the open, unsuspicious that their position could be seen from the fort. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Proctor is also top-notch, and uncannily reminiscent of Will Ferrell.
  • With effort, she raised herself into a sitting position and realized that her head was uncannily heavy.
  • Her predictions turned out to be uncannily accurate.
  • A.O. Scott cannily unpacks the audience for Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge [‘But in New York!’
  • My suite has classic Lanna touches in its fabrics and art works, and a cannily rotating television console.
  • Nineteen sixty-eight saw the Robinsons re-entering the music game as co-founders of All Platinum, a company whose name cannily reflected the record-distributor custom of paying independent labels in alphabetical order. Hip-Hop Happens
  • Cannily, you have navigated your way through billions of pages, and you have found me.
  • At last she was roused out o't, but naebody ever saw her laugh after; and frae ane that was as cantie as a lintie, she became as douce as a Quaker, though she aye gaed cannily about her wark, as if amaist naething had happened. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • Cornelio - I have to laugh because the name "Cornelio" sounds uncannily like the Italian word "cornuto," which is now a general term of insult but which originally meant Ontario Blogs Feed
  • In retelling tales and parables, the show cannily leans on stories that have endured for thousands of years. Michael Giltz: Theater: "Godspell" Resurrected
  • The auto has a paddle-shifter on each side of the steering wheel - right for up, left for down - and uncannily the system has a device called downshift rev matching, causing one passenger to remark: "I thought this was an automatic. - Stuff
  • It went "cannily" forward, and knew how "to take occasion by the hand," and how to choose its friends. The Squire of Sandal-Side A Pastoral Romance
  • She cannily concealed her delight at his suggestion.
  • Someone has cannily spotted this unquenched desire, and decided that the best solution would be to create Girl Heaven, a fairytale palace stacked to the rafters with pink and shiny trinkets.
  • Cannily, the government is turning patron.
  • He didn't know he'd won when he sat down to dinner on Tuesday, but he spent the evening cannily trying to divine the result from the way the cameras were positioning themselves.
  • Mrs Cameron also had no trouble flying the flag when she officially launched London Fashion Week, at Somerset House, this morning, cannily mixing a dress by the highly-profitable British heritage brand, Mulberry, with a jacket by Sykes - the label founded by the young designer, Joanna Sykes, who has since gone on to be the design director of the old-established British label, Aquascutum - and shoes by L.K.Bennett. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Blake is blessed with one of the strongest arms in the league, which allows him to uncork uncannily accurate deep balls and stretch defenses vertically.
  • uncannily human robots
  • That winter the front door scraped then clunked however cannily it was opened. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • Eyeing the city's economic future, the Giuliani administration cannily looked to transform the Far West Side into Gotham's next major business district and shortly before leaving office came up with a master plan for how to do it.
  • For invigorating countryside, soul-stirring views and pristine hamlets that offer an uncannily accurate insight into life in the 1950s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite these differences, their exhibitions are uncannily complementary.
  • The skies cracked as a shaft of lightning, unleashed with the power of electrical fury, uncannily sped towards his still form on the ground.
  • It's all cannily designed to make America weak in the knees for Maverick, right down to the mistiness in his eyes when his best friend must be that Maverick can get a little misty eyed and then push past that momentary weakness to kick a little Russian ass. Michael Giltz: DVDs: When Tom Cruise Became A Superstar
  • Uncannily she appears: an ill-favoured old crone who is transformed into fresh young Papagena once he engages to marry her.
  • The horse's gait changed to a gallop, and the muffled rhythm of the hoof beats crescendoed until they were uncannily loud and hollow.
  • So he did, working at a post-production facility to pay the rent and to learn about filmmaking, cannily inserting his voice onto the scratch track of every commercial on the company roster. He Makes 'White Rice' Funny
  • In the debate, the cockney cannily picked Derek, the professional speechwriter, to be on his side.
  • It's a pleasant market town that trades on its literary connections as cannily as you might expect, but the tourists did not appear to have overrun the place when I paid my early summer visit.
  • The setting is uncannily deserted but for these two and the conversation rich with non sequiturs, but the real quirk comes when the flick-knife is laid down on a seat behind them only to have disappeared when they next turn to look for it. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Uncannily, the amount of energy involved is sufficient to have caused the increases in atmospheric temps since the rise of Industrialization. Matthew Yglesias » Fred Hiatt Won’t Correct Dishonest Climate Change Columns, Will Lecture Congress on How to Handle Climate Change
  • But the commuter train is half empty, the flow of traffic at rush hour is uncannily smooth.
  • Perversely, the massed violins, violas and cellos can sometimes sound uncannily like a lone synthesiser.
  • He cannily insisted on wearing his hat, which was an inspired choice. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • The actor, cannily aware of the trap set by this modern dress version, resists translating the mannerisms into those of just another gay quean.
  • Like any traveling circus, she converts the sidewalk into a stage, cannily positioning herself for maximum visibility within a sea of pedestrians.
  • Confidently perching or restoratively leaning on it, emphatically plunking it down or cannily relocating it, blithely ignoring it or stymiedly crumpling up over it, Stritch makes the high chair embody moods, objectify states of being.
  • What he writes about York corresponds uncannily with my memory of what actually happened and includes anecdotal material which I have not seen written down anywhere else.
  • With its wobbly sets, sensationalist plots, appalling acting, crude camerawork and dopey dialogue it was uncannily reminiscent of bad soaps in general.

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