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How To Use Canned In A Sentence

  • Meanwhile, the hard-working dweebs in his office who have not benefited from hypnotherapy get canned.
  • Brown bags of pasta stand ready to be combined with cans of Italian tuna, homemade pickled vegetables, home-canned tomato sauce, and jars of his favorite imported red peppers.
  • Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
  • Why do TV channels insist on added canned laughter and applause on quiz shows? The Sun
  • Most villagers have cleaned out their bomb shelters and made sure to stock canned food and medical supplies. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He concocts a pilot proposal so offensive, so bound to misfire with test audiences, it's sure to get him canned.
  • The documents were eventually scanned into a computer for cross-referencing.
  • Established in 1971, the 13,500-square-meter megastore is an institution in Singapore, selling everything from saris to air tickets to canned chickpeas to Rolexes. After Hours: Singapore
  • The problem has come about because my wife's date of birth was scanned in incorrectly.
  • Mix two tablespoons of canned tuna with a tablespoon of sweet corn and chopped tomato. The Sun
  • For now, all of his value can be typed onto an application and stuffed in a Manila envelope to be scanned in fifteen minutes by a member of the admissions department.
  • Steven's eyes scanned the room immediately for people they knew, while Donnie starred amazed at the lights and tinsel decorating the flat.
  • One memorable dins that I made this week was my Savory Summer Simmer from last week, re-heated, over radicchio, with some high-quality Italian canned tuna on top and a whole-wheat flatbread on the side. CSA Week 7
  • The extremists prevailed, and the security minister was canned.
  • For example, many veterinarians now treat diabetes in cats with a meat-based canned diet.
  • The pictures are scanned, placed in computers, and digitally printed.
  • As with most games in this niche genre, AE features wailing guitars, canned jazz, and an array of real-world aircraft.
  • All bags will be scanned by X-ray machines for contraband goods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flour, sugar, dried beans, canned beef, milk.
  • In the tea ceremony, the couple punctiliously distributed canned soft drinks toted in plastic shopping bags and snapped photos of each other.
  • And even when the songs hopscotched over musical logic, they scanned, because - analysis fails here - they sounded so gorgeous.
  • Unlimited quantities of canned or fresh beansprouts may be added to bulk up small quantities of rice.
  • My absolute favourite canned soup, though, is made with chickpeas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earl is a cigar-chomping, blue-collar megalosaurus, and he's just been canned from his job as a tree pusher for the Wesayson Development Corp. A Megalosaurus Hit?
  • Buy: Tomato paste, Bean products, Tomato, Frozen vegetables, Canned fruit.
  • He was framing a sucker to get away with a whole front," I heard the man say, "or with a poke or a souper, but instead he got dropped by a flatty and was canned for a sleep. The Ear in the Wall
  • ‘When you eat them when they're soft and mushy, when they come out of their skin, they taste like cold, canned asparagus,’ he said.
  • The image was scanned from the magazine Studio CinéLive, and features Rapunzel herself (Moore) and “le bandit” Flynn Ryder (Levi). New Image from Disney’s RAPUNZEL –
  • Changing tastes in grape variety have also conspired against the humble canned vino.
  • In many cases of heel pain located about 3cm above the heel bone, there is no inflammation present when the tendon is scanned or viewed by microscopic analysis.
  • The laziest I get is to open a tin of tuna or bonito personally canned for me, of course, by Conservas Ortiz of Ondarroa, or to fry an egg.
  • The commercial industry uses clingstones for peaches canned in various levels of syrup.
  • Because the syrup from the canned pears are used in the recipe, very little extra sugar is added to it, but if you want to play with using fresh pears, a substitution with honey could probably be made. Baking Bites » Print » Bites from other Blogs
  • She rapidly scanned the room to see if she knew anyone and in the corner of the room where she was sitting that morning, she spotted her brother and Alex still pigging out on food.
  • It's also a noticeably faster process using the document feeder - even if just a series of one-page results are being scanned into different charts.
  • At Yumeta, pencil sketches are scanned into a computer, then a technician adds color digitally.
  • Slowly, unselfconsciously, she stood at the door and scanned the room. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • There's just no comparison between canned vegetables and fresh ones.
  • I had to put my views into print to be scanned by thousands of educated people, including a number of hawk-eyed and censorious experts.
  • Simplicity of use is another plus here because its just a matter of popping in a filmstrip of a mounted slide into the film frame, which you're able to see being scanned in the proprietary lighting viewing window.
  • Theories abound as to the causes of death, ranging from tainted canned meat to lead poisoning. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Botulinum is the nerve-paralyzing toxin released by bacteria that inhabit tainted canned foods. Globe and Mail
  • Although chick peas are classic for hummus, any canned bean will convert into a delicious purée for dipping toasted pitta, flat bread or raw vegetables; my own favourite is made from butter beans.
  • While I would normally try to do all of this from scratch, sometimes short-cutting and using a canned sauce is not only cost-effective, but also extremely time-effective. Kellan Hori: Cioppino, 2011 Edition
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • People are too hung up on when bacteria may technically grow on something - since when did a little bacteria do all that much harm? it's like the whole anti-bacterial craze, feed yourself normal bacteria and build up your immunities. although I would stay away from older canned/jarred things - botulism is scary. juggler314 Use A Leftovers Log To Safeguard Your Stomach | Lifehacker Australia
  • The last Aboriginal painting that I scanned is by Fred Nganganharrilil. March 2008
  • The Marine captain piloting the beast from the right seat scanned the nearby trees quickly for any signs of life. BALANCE OF POWER
  • For example, customer enquiries and correspondence can be scanned into the computer system on receipt, or entered by the telephone operator.
  • The vast majority of canned beers in the U.S. are of the American Light Lager variety, for which a beer widget would be counterproductive.
  • Import your scanned images from the scanner and save as a JPG file.
  • Data scanned could be sent to a database that is searched automatically for certain triggers.
  • The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously every morning.
  • Rowan could just picture her, her hands fingering the beautiful flute as her eyes scanned the sea.
  • With few exceptions, Boundary Waters bans the use of motors , sails , portage wheels — even canned food.
  • He strained his eyes in the poor light, trying to read the labels on the cans of food - bake beans, canned spaghetti, baby corn, pumpkin soup and beetroot.
  • He scanned the horizon, looking for land.
  • He scanned the floodlit area more carefully to see whether he could pick up on how far they had progressed. CORMORANT
  • In a blender, combine 2 tablespoons of the canned chipotles ' sauce, 1 cup catsup, and 1 chipotle chili; whirl smooth.
  • These can be used by coastguards and police anywhere goods can be scanned for radiation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leftover roast duck, goose or rabbit, pulled off the bone and stewed slowly in a combination of its own (creamless) gravy, red wine and canned tomatoes makes for a luscious ragu to be tossed with wide noodles, such as pappardelle or tagliatelle. Elissa Altman: The Holiday Onslaught
  • You can hear the gags coming long before they appear, and when they do, they are greeted by shrieks of canned laughter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pulp of the Day blog uploads a new scanned-in cover from a classic pulp magazine or novel every day. Boing Boing
  • Thomson does not know why he was canned from the company but he was growing increasingly dissatisfied with Price's management style, and should have just left on his own accord.
  • This is very important, because in the United States fully half the fruit and vegetables consumed are relatively poor in protective impact (potatoes, iceberg lettuce, canned tomatoes), while the per capita consumption of plants rich in anticancer molecules -- such as cruciferous vegetables -- is barely 1 %. Which Fruits and Vegetables are Most Effective Against Cancer?
  • Treasured as an ingredient in baking, morellos are mostly found canned or dried.
  • Most of the time she just scanned the lines (too fast, I thought, to really be savoring the prose ) her expression impassive. GALILEE
  • Sebastian would keel over DEAD if I used canned stuff ... the only thing I use that's premade is mole paste!!! Tacos with tomatillo sauce?
  • They are not abundantly available fresh but can be purchased canned, frozen raw, and frozen fried.
  • The deadly botulism variety of food poisoning, usually from improperly canned food items, can be put to good use.
  • What I am, however, is someone who understands the marginal utility of a good laugh, canned or not.
  • They canned lobsters, and also blueberries, which grow well in this area.
  • The moist blots were wrapped in clear plastic film and scanned on a conventional flat bed scanner.
  • At the same time, I connected a USB scanner and scanned in a few piccies just to keep the power load high.
  • After the girl had scanned all of my items, she picked up the ‘Divider’ looking it all over for the bar code so she could scan it.
  • They realized the full gravity of the situation when they scanned, what moments before, had been a room full of Sailors eating lunch.
  • Corn, tomatoes, and green beans could all be easily canned as could sweet potatoes when packed in syrup.
  • Also, the lateral napless edges along a fabric web have also been scanned by means of mechanical sensors.
  • Professor Falk's team scanned all 21 skulls into a computer and then created a "virtual endocast" using specialist software. Tiny Humans Found in Indonesia Are New Species
  • Hovering at the back for a few seconds I scanned the club, there was Darren leaning against the bar nursing a drink, pretty girl at his side.
  • Buy: Canned mushroom Canned tomato paste, Canned vegetable, Canned fruit.
  • Do not confuse with evaporated milk, also known as dehydrated milk, which is a shelf-stable canned milk product with about 60 percent of the water removed from fresh milk, and with no added sugar. The Christmas Cookie Cookbook
  • Your grocery list might include ready-to-eat canned meats and produce, dry cereals, peanut butter, nuts, crackers, canned juices, nuts, dried fruit and protein bars. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Lesson From Japan: For Your Family's Health and Well-Being, Prepare for Disaster
  • The corned beef that we are familiar with is a cured beef which is then boiled and pressed before being canned.
  • Bran flakes with skimmed milk topped with slices of fresh or canned peach. The Sun
  • Postmodernists, on the other hand, are more multivocal in their viewpoint, holding that the ownership of concepts and words is less important than their relevance to culture-making; in art, for example, postmodernists will "appropriate" from anywhere and everywhere, and by redefining the context of the works or snippets, create something new (Andy Warhol's soup cans, above: using "fine art" painting methods to appropriate canned soup). Archive 2009-01-01
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • His eyes scanned the muddy riverbank until he found what he was looking for: a large stick tangled in a clump of weeds.
  • She says deer, elk, Nubian ibex, antelope, bison and yak are particular favourites for canned hunters.
  • A refrigerated truck pulls up outside the customer's home to deliver the produce, meat, breads, canned goods, frozen food and supplies that were ordered.
  • On our visit the restaurant was decked out for the festive season, with myriad glinting fairy lights and the obligatory sprinkling of canned snow around the windows.
  • Incoming mail, unless it's personal, is scanned and arrives not in a physical mailbox but on computer, along with e-mail.
  • He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.
  • However, it is important that people should be aware that the proposed bill only applies to live entertainment and not to canned music, which could easily be used more often.
  • RegRipper facilite l'extraction et l'analyse des bases de registre Microsoft Windows CAINE un Live [CD | USB] pour faciliter la recherche légale de preuves numériques de compromission SFX-SQLi automatise une technique rapide d'extraction XML des tables SQL par Injection ScannedOnly 0.12 interface les fichiers partagés par Samba 3.2 avec les scans antiviraux de ClamAV Microsoft Gazelle, mini-OS virtuel basé sur MashupOS pour une navigation Web sécurisée par isolation SSLstrip un nouvel outil homographique de Man In the Middle sur le protocole HTTPS Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension pour lutter contre les Dénis de Service avec IIS Computer World: Microsoft renews Vista anticrack campaign Latest antipiracy move targets o ...
  • The sections were mounted, stained with toluidine blue, scanned and photographed under a microscope.
  • The three tracks recorded in the '30s do have that canned sound of recordings from the time, but without much of the hiss and pops of the old records.
  • A common response to a problem of this magnitude might be to donate some cash to a charity or to leave a bagful of staples -- rice, pasta, canned tomatoes, for example -- in the new bins for the hungry at the exit to your supermarket after you've done your own shopping. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • The cranium of the young male was scanned at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility to create an endocast, a model of the impressions left on the inside of the cranium by the brain. CBC | Top Stories News
  • Amy's eyes scanned the words and after a few rereads she asked, ‘What happened last night?’
  • But I marvelled at my luck, for I knew many eyes of secret-service experts scanned that slow-moving column of togaed noblemen and such adepts have a marvellous memory for the shape of an ear, a nose, a chin, or any such feature. Andivius Hedulio Adventures of a Roman Nobleman in the Days of the Empire
  • For pudding, half a small scoop of vanilla ice cream with one tablespoon of fruit salad canned in fruit juice. The Sun
  • Canned or aseptically packaged nonfat chicken, beef, and vegetable broths are invaluable cooking staples. Trans Fats
  • Canned soups and sauces, salad dressings, ice cream and some processed meats and cheeses may contain wheat-based thickeners, fillers and stabilizers.
  • The team is urgently seeking storage space in the Tokyo Tower vicinity to keep bottled water, blankets, tents, canned and instant food and other supplies.
  • Ads for her current tour have suggested that concertgoers bring canned food for local food banks but specify vegetarian food only.
  • Tony seemed amused as he took a bite of pot roast and scanned the room.
  • These photos are scanned into a computer and turned into the shadowy cutout figures that will appear suspended in the colored fields.
  • Needless to say he was canned along with his boss and dismissed from government work
  • The audio is thin and pinched, with a definite canned quality.
  • Import your scanned images from the scanner and save as a JPG file.
  • Their brains are scanned so that researchers can monitor the progress of the disease.
  • Canned salmon sold at eleven cents a can, and Aunt Pat splurged now and then and served fried salmon cakes.
  • On the technical side the production is adequate, but I could have wished for a less chintzy starlit sky effect and canned sound that didn't sound so canned.
  • The “quickie” version below relies on canned white kidney beans also known as cannellini beans, but you certainly could replace them with fresh cooked beans or even with the small white navy or pea beans if you have them. Archive 2007-12-01
  • For three showerless weeks he and a team of researchers surveyed, observed and catalogued the rock, camping under the stars and subsisting on an unlikely diet of cabbage and canned shellfish (nonperishable food items not being a staple of Omani grocery stores). Energy Bulletin -
  • Em scanned the schoolyard with drooped eyelids in a pleasant daydream trying to find a liable distraction.
  • The RMP will incorporate an Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) antenna with more-supportable radar electronics.
  • You are being encouraged to go out and buy loads of batteries, water, canned foods, matches, candles, plyboard, tape etc.
  • Cooper scanned the walls of the basement, which were covered with colorful banners featuring Bible verses and inspirational sayings. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 13: AND IT HARM NONE
  • Major producers pepper sauce, tomato sauce, canned meat and other products.
  • The nurse scanned through the information on her computer and pursed her lips as she read the list of patients.
  • Also, canned tuna is often composed of smaller species of tuna, such as albacore and skipjack, both of which have lower levels of mercury.
  • She scanned through the newspaper over breakfast.
  • Juno LED Downlight (aka recessed canned light) Review Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • While their brain activity was being scanned, subjects performed an emotion matching task known to activate the amygdala.
  • Only the canned drinks are fit for consumption.
  • Two entries (Smoked Chipotle Bean Dip and Spicy Black Bean Dip) reminded us of canned franks and beans.
  • It appears that the sniper believed Michael was on the ground, not in a prominent position on top of a two-storey building where he would regularly rotate with his fellow observers as they scanned the ground around them. 'My son was shot by a British sniper, now all I want is the truth'
  • Another plus: the brief musical interludes, far superior to the usual canned tripe piped into audio books.
  • Canned green beans, sweet potatoes, and a store brand stove-top stuffing from the US complete the meal. What's for Thanksgiving Dinner on Your Mexican Table?
  • Most of the barracouta or ‘couta’ as it was called was sent to the Melbourne Wholesale Fish market, but some of it was also canned.
  • This is made from small pasta balls called acini de pepe-Italian for peppercorns (fregola or orzo can be substituted) - that have been cooked, drained, and cooled, then mixed with a tub of whipped topping, canned crushed pineapple, and canned mandarin orange segments. Deep Fried Kudzu
  • Blow out the dust with compressed air, canned air, a blow-out bulb (ear syringe), or a vacuum in the blower mode.
  • Phil scanned the pool area, then kept his eyes riveted on the hallway.
  • He scanned it to see how many British nationals were on board. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Glancing up she quickly scanned the merry faces, looking for one with light skin and fair hair.
  • But most do have a freezer cabinet and canned fruit and veg. The Sun
  • A policeman scanned the protest through binoculars, but didn't try to stop it.
  • I wondered just how many stings I could take, as I anxiously scanned the surface for the float sac of a Portuguese man-of-war.
  • When tasting the broth for the right taste you should remember 2 things: you may need to add a fair amount of salt if using homecanned tomatoes or homemade chicken stock AND the broth should be a bit spicier than you like it, because the garnishes will calm it down. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Wulfgar scanned the hills again and it was as if he heard voices in the back of his mind. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Note the difference between (a) descriptions and examples of dipodic metre as a particular kind of metre – one that goes with, or can also be scanned as, long and rapid iambics – and (b) claims that English or English-language verse or metre is always “really” dipodic (rather than being always “really” iambic, as Frost thought, or always “really” nothing in particular, with metrical bases that may vary completely among possible groupings of poems). Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • A palmate newt – its impervious gaze scanned minute horizons between the worlds of water and air. Country Diary: Wenlock Edge
  • In Steven Spielberg's film, Minority Report, every time Tom Cruise walked down a street, advertising billboards scanned his retinas and broadcast personalised ads.
  • By the 1880s canned foods had an important place in popular diet.
  • Fig 3 and Fig 4 each show scanned images of autoradiographs from a single gel and a single exposure.
  • As soon as the kitten seems to desire a more substantial food, mix a little canned food into the cereal blend.
  • They scanned his brain for signs of damage.
  • Doug scanned the horizon for any sign of the boat.
  • As we become affluent, we buy them canned meat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Duplex scanning allows both sides of a two-sided document to be scanned in a single pass.
  • On a completely different note, I am going to try making croquettes with rice instead of potato and with canned tuna instead of mince.
  • Protein: two or three servings a day of organically fed poultry (skinless), seafood (non-bottom-feeders and small fish; think wild—including canned—salmon, trout, mahimahi, sea bass, flounder), eggs, low-fat dairy, and soy. You Raising Your Child
  • Most canned salmon is wild; cans labeled red salmon contain sockeye salmon, which has a more robust flavor than pink salmon, the other canned variety.
  • I finally get all the ornaments scanned and bagged and total up the purchase.
  • Excess berries, should you ever reach that point, can be frozen, canned or made into jam.
  • She straightened out the folded papers and scanned the letter.
  • To the surprise of everyone, two high quality colour photographs had been scanned and delivered in floppies for publication.
  • The documents, hard disks and DVDs will be scanned after which former directors and other senior officials of Satyam will be "quizzed", Kaumudi said. Top Stories - Google News
  • During a canned rhino hunt, the animal is kept in a small enclosure, preventing it from running off and, in most cases, it is so tame that it makes an easy prey in any case.
  • The detective scanned every bit of evidence.
  • She scanned the baby narrowly, then looked as searchingly at Sandra, whose face was turned to gaze across the fields.
  • Fruit is often canned in winter.
  • If you are a wine drinker looking for a change, try bottled beer rather than canned.
  • This is why it is added to foods such as bacon, smoked fish, canned vegetables, margarine, bread and savoury snacks.
  • I bought canned tuna instead and took it home to do a pasta bake, which sat in the pan until Paul left the office and came around to eat.
  • He climbed up to the crest of Moon Hill and scanned his surroundings.
  • The line of canned super-premium dry dog food mixer/toppers has been expanded to include flavorful new 95% Salmon and 95% Turkey recipes.
  • The researchers scanned the same 13 healthy children and teens every two years as they grew up, for 10 years.
  • Avoid excessive indulgence in sweets and canned drinks.
  • Evidently excited to still be on solids, they have a traditional English breakfast consisting of tea, canned beans and crumpets flown to their San Francisco hotel every day.
  • Report generation is made effortless with a powerful, built-in report generator with pre-scanned and user-definable reports.
  • Alex says, The case studies on accidental condom inhalation, the article on the dangers of beards in microbiology labs, and the study of canned cat food evaluation techniques are all must-reads. Boing Boing
  • When food that is being canned is subjected to processing only once, the method is referred to as the _one-period cold-pack method_; but when the food in the jars has not been blanched and cold-dipped and is processed, allowed to stand 24 hours and then processed again, and this operation repeated, it is called the _fractional-sterilization method_. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals
  • A drawback of canned soups can be their salt content - 6g is the most we should aim for each day. The Sun
  • Arriving at the peak, we scanned the snowy mountains around us.
  • A group of strangers bopped around the remains of a fatal car accident; I sang and can-canned my legs, like I did as we passed a moshpit of people thrashing themselves together into a mush. Ballspenden
  • However, six months after commencement of my portion of the project, my industry sponsors canned their end of the deal.
  • My absolute favourite canned soup, though, is made with chickpeas. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can view and print the actual scanned images of audited company accounts, changes in directors, allotments of shares, mortgages or charges and all recent documents filed.
  • There's just no comparison between canned vegetables and fresh ones.
  • My eyes scanned the page until I found the third verse of the first chapter.
  • Substitute canned red sockeye salmon for the crab in your favorite crab cake recipe.
  • Canned pineapple, on the other hand, doesn't have enough active bromelin to cause a problem. The Perdue Chicken Cookbook
  • I wonder if there will come a time when we will all have a bar code stenciled somewhere on our bodies that will be scanned for all of Big Brother's needs.
  • Depending on the part of your body being scanned, your doctor may ask you to take laxatives, enemas or suppositories, or temporarily modify your diet further.
  • She anxiously scanned the faces of the men leaving the train.
  • Mix two tablespoons of canned tuna with a tablespoon of sweet corn and chopped tomato. The Sun
  • I agree with the poster who said the systems administrators responsible for this should be canned.
  • The bacteria which cause botulism cannot grow in acid conditions, so acid foods such as canned fruit and tomatoes need be heated only just enough to bring the centre of the can to boiling point.
  • She quickly scanned the room, pausing as her eyes encountered Landau, troubled memories encumbering her before she turned to regard Damien.
  • Recovered File Fragment - pieces of files found when your disk was scanned.
  • Homemade jellies, pies and canned goods earned her ribbons at the county fair.
  • Growth of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum in canned food may cause botulism - a deadly form of food poisoning.
  • And, there's mojama salt-cured, air-dried tuna, canned seafood and croquetas. 10 of the best tapas bars in Barcelona
  • The transparent sheet was scanned using a flatbed.
  • Breathless with excitement, Meredith scanned the stretch of stunning palaces which lined the canal, feeling a sense of awe.
  • Still sitting in my car, I scanned what water I could see over the treetops.
  • Canned salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout and pilchards count as oily fish, as they do when fresh.

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