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canned foods

  1. food preserved by canning

How To Use canned foods In A Sentence

  • Botulinum is the nerve-paralyzing toxin released by bacteria that inhabit tainted canned foods. Globe and Mail
  • You are being encouraged to go out and buy loads of batteries, water, canned foods, matches, candles, plyboard, tape etc.
  • By the 1880s canned foods had an important place in popular diet.
  • If there is a choice between using fresh vegetables and canned foods always choose the former. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • Rinse canned foods, such as tuna and vegetables, before using to wash away some excess sodium.
  • Among the chemicals known to affect breast development and cancer susceptibility in animal studies, according to the report, are pesticides such as atrazine, used in agriculture; dioxins, an industrial pollutant found in some fatty foods; bisphenol A (BPA), found in some water bottles and canned foods; polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants, and nonylphenol (a breakdown product found in certain laundry detergents). Early chemical exposures may affect breast health
  • The aim is to cap prices on basic commodities such as eggs, vegetables, fruit, rice, canned foods, chicken and other meat products.
  • If there is a choice between using fresh vegetables and canned foods always choose the former. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • Exhausting or venting of pressure canners is necessary to prevent a risk of botulism in low-acid canned foods.
  • You may remember that Mr. Goldner, the expedition's provisioner of canned foods, failed to deliver the bulk of his goods until less than forty-eight hours before we sailed, so we had to repack both ships to a great extent. The Terror
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