How To Use Canister In A Sentence
We carried spare water for the rad, a hand pump just in case the Dunlop pressure dropped, and maybe even a canister of petrol.
Step6: With tray Cheng Fangling's random bottle container canister, get ready for the guest brush towel, the odour of more ameliorable toilet after beautiful sweet candle is ignited.
Of the passive devices, the charcoal canisters and charcoal liquid scintillation detectors are typically used for short-term tests.
One ingredient found in almost all tablet or capsule containers is a desiccant - cotton batten or a small canister containing a harmless, water-absorbing compound.
He breathes from a portable oxygen canister while doing his preflight, being sure not to inhale any outside air as it would instantly cancel out the effects of the pre-breathing.

The ammunition encountered by the soldiers was called canister, one of the war's most deadliest rounds.
Nor was it in dispute that he had armed himself with a CS gas canister before going out.
The roads were littered with debris - bricks, bottles, charred gas canisters, all presumably used as missiles at some point by the hundreds of youths intent on violence.
He handed a small metallic round canister to Adam and put another to his mouth after unsealing it.
He was left unconscious when a tear gas canister hit him.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore, none of the stored projectiles or canisters contain lethal chemical agents.
In these preparatory drawings, Hesse envisions a kind of canister with a false bottom that emits a rubber hose - like an oil lamp with a long wick or, more significantly, a yahrzeit candle.
The canisters could be dangerous if people use them without training, risk assessors said.
The Sun
Police said that the protesters have used weapons ranging from teargas to canisters of engine oil to disrupt the production.
Times, Sunday Times
We knew that the canisters of sweet tea and boxes of doorstep sandwiches would soon be on their way.
Guns were run up close to the parapet, and double charges of canister played their part in the bloody work.
Firefighters were forced to retreat when they realised that the building contained acetylene canisters, gas bottles and diesel barrels.
Lasky admitted charges of possessing a CS gas canister and possessing a weapon adapted to discharge a noxious substance.
The rookies are being put through a gas-attack drill, in which they must calmly put on their protective masks, after one of the supervising officers has hurled a canister in through one of the Portakabin windows.
No sooner did the nearest brig open her fire, and that within short canister range, than the ship and her consort hauled in again on the southern flank of the battery, the smallest vessel leading, and feeling her way with the lead.
The Crater
I got up onto the forklift truck and managed to trap it in a canister and we then put it into a jar for safe keeping.
At the last possible second Jay jumped up and clonked the bastard over the head with the carbon dioxide canister of his paintball gun.
If the wiring were overheating, it could have caused oxygen-generating canisters in the cargo hold to explode, he said.
I would also advise a canister filter fitted with activated carbon.
Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door.
And it seems that the high likelihood is that the two things are, indeed, a canister -- a small thing about the size of a soda can of phosgene, which is a chemical warfare agent.
CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2007
Some systems filter the graywater with a fine-meshed bag, some with self-cleaning canisters of clean sand and others with paper-cartridge chambers.
He took the canister from the campesino's hands, wiped the neck with his sleeve and swigged from it.
Police fired tear gas canisters into the crowd.
A Palestinian protester in a Santa Claus costume runs away from a tear gas canister fired by Israeli troops during a protest outside the West Bank village of Bilin.
But if it is, the protesters have gone to great lengths in their subterfuge: faking riots, dressing as police officers, hiring horses, releasing tear-gas canisters.
Then, to add insult to injury, canisters of deadly chemicals began to be washed up in the area.
The canister, chain-shot, and langrel of the French foe had caused much injury to the Ariadne, and her canvas was in a sore plight.
No Defense, Complete
The PV array blanket is folded in an accordion style before placement in a canister.
Nobody said a word about partridges; but it was remarkable that from each carriage that arrived there was taken a long mahogany case, followed by a tin canister and a powder flask; and that each new-comer, in the course of the first evening, invariably asked if the harvest were well in, and if the birds were tolerably strong and numerous.
The Semi-Attached Couple
Results may be useful for design and manufacture of light frangible fly through diaphragm cover for missile launch canister.
Some of those are rather flattered by the term "mall" – in the same way that shops in India claiming to be "fancy goods stores" sell neither Fabergé eggs nor Brabantia dustbins, but canisters of talcum powder.
Hanging out with India's first real teenagers | Aditya Chakrabortty
I would also advise a canister filter fitted with activated carbon.
They checked the gas canisters for booby traps but found none.
The Sun
A promised "immobilization" facility that would have taken plutonium that is not fit to be processed and stored it in canisters until it could be moved has been dropped from the Bush budget.
Capitol Letter: What To Do With Nuclear Waste?
The metal canisters were cylindrical and each one was a little smaller than a tobacco tin.
The most common canon was called the Napoleon and used both grape shot and canister ammunition.
The small, lead-shielded canisters contain pellets or a fine powder of caesium 137, which emits powerful gamma radiation with a half-life of 30 years.
This time, smoke canisters will be used.
Times, Sunday Times
Heroin, amphetamine, cocaine and cannabis were hidden in large canisters of glue.
So along with the other ten million weapons violations, Missiles that violated the range agreements, chemical delivery systems, uncombined components for Mustard Gas, testing of biological agents on political prisoners that could have caused a plague; now one of the canisters and there are probably others, has been used.
They met the same tempest of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and recoiled.
The Jeep was also packed with gas canisters and fuel but failed to explode.
The Sun
Seam rippers and thread nippers slip nicely into empty prescription pill containers or film canisters.
The interior was often divided into two or three compartments for different types of cones and canisters of sugar, or other expensive perishables such as coffee and tea.
It has two tin-lined oak canisters, which now contain period news cuttings and letters supporting its history.
He did the same with a second and third canister, reserving enough to impregnate a length of lint bandage thoroughly.
The police attempted to clear a path for their colleagues to leave the square, launching canisters of tear gas to try to disperse the crowd.
Times, Sunday Times
Seam rippers and thread nippers slip nicely into empty prescription pill containers or film canisters.
Within minutes, police shot a dozen tear-gas canisters into the crowd, gathered on an open field.
Divers rummaging here have found bottles of cold cream, canisters of celluloid photographic film, silver salt cellars, printing stamps, shaving kits, and lead soldiers.
Archives are imagined as dusty places; serried rows of boxes, books or film canisters shrouded in a fine, grey-white cloak.
Two other canisters bearing labels for radioactive material were also found, but preliminary tests failed to detect any radioactivity.
A tear gas canister fatally wounded one young demonstrator.
He then opened the maintenance hatchways, removed the covers and began the slow job of pulling canister after canister of spent activated charcoal from their holders.
These metal, seven-inch-long canisters, commonly known as bomblets, were antitank and antipersonnel weapons, and came in efficiently packaged clusters of 202.
Peace Meals
As soon as they were seen they were met with deadly volleys of musketry, grape, and canister from the Southern defences.
Foreign and Colonial Intelligence
After the fire investigators tested a similar oxygen canister to determine whether it could generate enough heat to cause the fire.
He fires a tear gas canister into the crowd, but to no avail.
Times, Sunday Times
The most common canon was called the Napoleon and used both grape shot and canister ammunition.
New to town, and acting as a deputy, the enigmatic Robert Hawkins arrived with a tin canister in a giant white moving truck.
Amrie’s Take on TV: A Guide to JERICHO | the TV addict
The passive device group includes alpha track detectors, charcoal canisters, charcoal liquid scintillation detectors, and electret ion chambers.
One canister handles the fueltank vapors, and the other handles the carburetor float - bowl vapors.
Tape the foil over the hole in the bottom of the canister, so the pinhole is centered.
Samples were taken from the drill cuttings produced while drilling the well from depths of 1218-1445m and initially placed in special canisters for analysis of desorbed gas content.
Sweet and savory dainties packaged in appealing canisters, baskets and bags are at the heart of the Christmas bazaar.
They checked the gas canisters for booby traps but found none.
The Sun
The air-freshener canister that had been suckered to the windshield lay quietly frothing lilac-scented foam in Graves's lap.
Excerpt: God Lives In St. Petersburg by Tom Bissell
More than 2700 canisters of high-level radioactive waste extracted from the fuel are due to be returned to Japan within the next 15 years.
Police said that the protesters have used weapons ranging from teargas to canisters of engine oil to disrupt the production.
Times, Sunday Times
Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door.
Riot police and soldiers fired canisters of tear gas at the protesters as they entered the parliament compound.
When required to be used, the canister is thrown amongst the enemy, and exploded at will by firing off the pistol.
Three Months in the Soudan
Bring blank removable labels and mark each film canister with the subject as you unload it from the camera.
Three firearms, an electric stun gun and three canisters of CS spray were also recovered.
In the cliffhanger from the episode before, the Joes have been mostly knocked out by a noxious gas emitting from a Cobra canister that S.ake Eyes used to bring back some of the eradiated crystals for the M.A.S.S. Device.
Branded in the 80s!
Cops found burnt clothes, a fuel canister, a rucksack and notes in the car park.
The Sun
It had therefore fallen upon the med group to outfit the landing party with transpirators and resp canisters.
He fell ill again, underwent three tracheotomies and sometimes had to perform with an oxygen canister on stage.
Times, Sunday Times
They met the same tempest of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and recoiled.
The missile is deployed in a transport-launching canister from which it is launched through the mortar start technique.
Weapons wanted in the amnesty include those with a blade or sharp point, such as knives and machetes, CS gas canisters, coshes and knuckle dusters.
One or more pipes or the canister itself could be blocked or damaged, or maybe one of the valves in the system is inoperative.
He did the same with a second and third canister, reserving enough to impregnate a length of lint bandage thoroughly.
And it seems that the high likelihood is that the two things are, indeed, a canister, a small thing about the size of a soda can of phosgene, which is a chemical warfare agent.
CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2007
Out steps a smooth-shaven, tallish man wearing a pocket watch, a vintage military beret, and cradling a silver coffee canister.
Looking down, he sees a small metal canister.
Times, Sunday Times
The videos show the students seated on the ground as a UC Davis police officer brandishes a red canister of pepper spray, showing it off for the crowd before dousing the seated students in a heavy, thick mist.
UC Davis Police Pepper-Spray Seated Students In Occupy Dispute (VIDEO) (UPDATES)
Then the canister, which produced ghastly murder, chain-shot to bring down masts and spars, langrel to fire at masts and rigging, and the dismantling shot to tear off sails, were all made ready.
No Defense, Complete
Sources said police used hundreds of tear gas canisters, rubber bullets and opened fire to quell the strikers, leaving seven people dead.
A smoke canister or two were let off, red smoke drifting over us.
Times, Sunday Times
Hoses and jets were also used to keep gas canisters from exploding in the fierce heat and to stop the fire from spreading to the marina's petrol station.
Eaton's Hybrid Fuel Tank Isolation Valve enables fuel vapor containment within the tank until the engine is available and prevents canister saturation and hydrocarbon leakage.
You simply fill the inside with copper and polish, place it inside the canister and fill the canister with copper and polish and secure it with the stopples as shown.
A seven-year-old child was reportedly hit by one of the canisters and taken, injured in the leg, to hospital.
When we got her stern to us we raked her hotly with plenty of grape and canister.
In the April of that year, they delivered a ‘small knurled inkstand, a large dolphin trowel, a set of vases, a set of chased canisters, three escallop shells and three dish crosses’.
They then moved the vehicle to the hard shoulder until after the morning rush-hour before a delicate operation with a forklift truck to remove several thousand oil canisters and make the vehicle safe.
True, our weekend love life might just take a plunge once the shortie comes along anyway, but I couldn't imagine a bigger buzzkill -- no pun intended, seriously -- then having to leave the marital bed so a fat Teamster-ish fella could spray toxic poison from one of those big-assed silver canisters they always seem to have in cartoons.
David Serchuk: New York City Apartment Hell Pt. 3
The disposable canister serves as a collection depot for edema fluid that is suctioned from the wound tissue.
No longer do you need to transport 50 kilograms of film reels in canisters.
In the event of a charge, it isn't necessary to withdraw the canister from the holster before using it.
Use Pepper Spray Instead of Guns to Stop a Charging Grizzly
The canisters were landing in a cornfield about half-a-mile away.
It could be immobilized in canisters and stored in the Yucca Mountains.
It contains a canister that releases small quantities of nicotine.
Times, Sunday Times
Each of the canisters contain forms for residents to fill in their medical history, including any allergies or regular prescriptions and next of kin.
Marine Answers Increasing the stock I have a 34 gallon set up with an undergravel filter and external canister filter.
Sure enough, hidden beneath the bench is a 35 mm film canister containing two pencils and a sheet of paper.
Weapons wanted in the amnesty include those with a blade or sharp point, such as knives and machetes, CS gas canisters, coshes and knuckle dusters.
I could run out of mine tomorrow; just like I suppose Buck ran out of his that previous night, one foot doing what years of canister and grape shot had not.
Four styles of caddies come wrapped in traditional Japanese Washi paper and are available in 7 oz canisters, the typical size for the storage of loose-leaf teas.
Iodine collects in the thyroid, so this little capsule, tipped into my hand out of a canister so no-one else would have to touch it, targets that gland and destroys it.
“To show you the contrary,” said the Duke, “I will fill my box out of this canister without paying you a bawbee;” and again desiring to be remembered to Jeanie, with his good wishes for her safe journey, he departed, leaving Mrs. Glass uplifted in heart and in countenance, the proudest and happiest of tobacco and snuff dealers.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
Look for containers at garage sales and discount places during the year such as jars, baskets, tins and canisters.
This hand-charge is a tin canister containing four pounds of gun-cotton, to which one end of a long instantaneous fuse is attached, the other end being fixed into the muzzle of a small pistol.
Three Months in the Soudan
At 10 A.M. the police fired the first seven canisters of tear gas into the crowd.
Anti-war protesters outside the embassy have repeatedly clashed with riot police, thrown stones and ignited gas canisters and tyres.
These multimillennial thinkers are confident that copper canisters of Scandinavian design, tucked into that bedrock, will isolate the waste in an underground cavern impervious to whatever the future brings: sinking permafrost, rising water, earthquakes, copper-eating microbes, or oblivious land developers in the year 25 000.
Vox Verax
Young 14yr old Jiaozhou, from China, recently died when the gas canister inside his hydraulic chair exploded sending shrapnel into his bottom.
Your worst chair up the ass nightmare comes true! : about:blank
The introduction of the rifled musket in the 1850s with ranges greater than canister altered the role of field artillery.
I would also advise a canister filter fitted with activated carbon.
Our mystery men soon establish the fact that their amnesia has resulted from inhaling the leaked contents of a punctured gas canister.
Times, Sunday Times
The Scarecrow is walking through the plant, stopping to pause and check the labels on various canisters of chemicals.
During the night, a group of them discovered a canister containing a selection of drugs in an unlocked cupboard.
Times, Sunday Times
The canisters ticked a few seconds before geysering upwards, thick jets of liquid spattering off the ceiling, foaming and filling the space, securing his hunched form in a bubble of packing foam.
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The roads were littered with debris - bricks, bottles, charred gas canisters, all presumably used as missiles at some point by the hundreds of youths intent on violence.
Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door.
On their backs they had strapped on oxygen canisters, and they had flippers on their feet.
We still call it prototype as we feel the fitment is a little off for the US Spec cars with the charcoal canister.
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Emptying the canister of a bagless system is far and away simpler and more convenient than detaching a bag.
There is one canister placed in the center of the map and each team must retrieve the canister and bring it back to their team's base.
The police fired tear gas canisters into the crowd.
Two deaths have been attributed to the violence, including that of a 51-year-old woman who suffered a heart attack when a police tear gas canister exploded nearby.
Times, Sunday Times
Christoforakis said one quarter of the claimed land was littered with unexploded landmines, as well as with mortars and other munitions such as teargas canisters.
ANC Daily News Briefing
He had obviously broken an oil canister or possibly ruptured a fuel line.
The exhaust gas is mixed with a little air from a small pump at a point just before it enters the canister.
Pill bottles or film canisters make excellent storage containers for seeds.
Detectives believe that Elizabeth managed to grab the canister, but it was wrenched from her grasp.
In the house, the canisters are good for storing tacks, nails, and small screws.
She is unhappy that the paintings were stored on an industrial estate alongside combustible gas canisters, and that there was no security guard employed.
Small coffee cans, peanut jars, or even those little black film canisters, all make decent containers.
I went through the toiletries, the canister of shaving foam, the deodorant, the aftershave, holding them all up to my nose.
It is, hands-down, the best freezer accessory money can buy. 2 tips: make the bags extra-long so you can re-seal after cutting them open; and just buy the low-end unit (cheap!) unless you really need a built-in cutter or canister sealing hose.
Use Your Freezer Efficiently To Save Money (and Food) | Lifehacker Australia
They would "stick up" an occasional wayfarer for his "cush," and they carried "canisters" and sometimes fired them off, but these things do not signify the cutting of ice.
The Prince and Betty
The disposable canister serves as a collection depot for edema fluid that is suctioned from the wound tissue.
There were certainly fine examples available at this time, and as early as 1680 the English silversmiths were producing rectangular canisters engraved with sophisticated designs.
Highly inflammable," it says on the spare canister.
If the wiring were overheating, it could have caused oxygen-generating canisters in the cargo hold to explode, he said.
The naval commander, in his barrage covering the landing, used round shot instead of grape or canister, in order to minimize casualties.
On the mantelshelf was a small round alarm clock and some brightly polished tin canisters.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
Regular oxygen infusions from my canister prevent me from fainting, but a fellow passenger is not so lucky when we stop for a yak photo-op.
Police said that the protesters have used weapons ranging from teargas to canisters of engine oil to disrupt the production.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead of concentrating on the task of guarding our country so that we are relatively safe to pursue our individual dreams, the politicians continue to empty the food canister into their overfilled containers and then expect “The Forgotten Man” to give them even more.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » An Apt Analogy
He did the same with a second and third canister, reserving enough to impregnate a length of lint bandage thoroughly.
Still that wasn't too bad and we poked it into the canister and I squeezed the trigger and it thrummed to life - then I was fretting that I wouldnt know when it was full but Dad reconned it would have an automatic cut off - and sure enough it went thunk.
Snell-Pym » Parafin Shower
If you happen to be a reader of the Guardian's letters pages, you'll probably know about the recent exchanges over uses for 35 mm film canisters.
Detectives believe that Elizabeth managed to grab the canister, but it was wrenched from her grasp.
Hencke heard one canister bounce off the outer hull with a dull echo like the Devil knocking at the door.
Store the canisters with their lids uppermost.
During the gun battle police shot tear gas canisters into the cabin.
Times, Sunday Times
What they didn't know was where all of the canisters of bacteria were stored.
Highly inflammable," it says on the spare canister.
There is what we call a minimum equipment list of a certain number of oxygen canisters that are required for every size of every airplane.
CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2008
But the area where they were found does not feature on an army map of designated training areas and the canisters appeared new and unweathered.
Israel accused after Palestinian boys burned by mystery canister
To load the camera, attach any sort of film or photographic paper to the inside of the canister lid.
We inserted numer - ous suction tips between the lacerated tongue and orifice of the aluminum water - canister.
Then, after a while, the storm troopers advanced without warning and threw tear gas canisters into the sitting crowd.
As for the old 105mm beehive round, it actual outranged the current 120mm canister round because you could set it to burst at a certain distance.
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With an outward wrench of his elbows he simultaneously squeezes and warps the handle on the extinguisher, locking the valve open, and throws the canister at me.
French police fired dozens of tear gas canisters in an effort to push the migrants back into the Jungle, the makeshift camp that is their home.
Times, Sunday Times
Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.
Load canisters of it on the Grand Cherokee's available roof rack and you won't need to stop for gas.
Cold people shake Comic Relief canisters.
Bhutto was choked by tear gas earlier when police fired canisters directly at her open-top jeep.
Police fired tear gas canisters into the crowd.
A tear gas canister flew from the crowd and landed near the president.
Ecuador Declares State of Emergency
Each canister contains enough for applications on 13 pairs of cross country skis.
A standard central vacuum canister works on the same principle as a conventional cleaner.
Crown Cork and Seal Co. introduced the Spra-tainer in 1946: an aerosol spray canister that was seamless (and thus safe for high pressure), lined (thus suitable for dairy products) and lithographed (thus available for some snazzy marketing).
Wired Top Stories
There is butterfly valve fit at the bottom of cyclone segregator , which is opened when working and shut down when exchanging the collecting canister.
She opened a tin canister and picked out two lumps of brown stuff that looked like sand – about the size and shape of prunes they were.
The House of Arden
These are not the air guns which have a built-in pressurised air canister, but the type which uses individual gas cartridges from which an air gun pellet can be fired.
And 40 homes in Oldham had to be evacuated after a fire at a garage in Barry Street, where oxy-acetylene canisters were stored.
He handed me a plastic container the size of a film canister, with a little spatula attached.
Times, Sunday Times
The latter succeeded, but the main attack failed as Jackson's artillery fired grapeshot and canister shot into the advancing British line.
Victims of toxic gas canisters fired by Isræli troops writhe in convulsive pain on hospital beds, screaming at the top of their lungs while family and medical aides try vainly to restrain them.
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The contents of the canisters were liquid chemicals that were highly dangerous.
Cresting the top of the hill where Cote d' Abraham ran into the fence, a crowd of several hundred people danced, chanted, drummed, batted a beach ball around, and tossed the occasional tear gas canister back to the cops.
A tennis racket-shaped canister packed with a material called aerogel will capture the particles during the flyby.
One man standing in the middle of the park was hit on the head by a gas canister.
Times, Sunday Times
Once the canister is frozen, it's attached to the PacoJet, which then works its magic.
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Wearing gasmasks with a small canister of amyl attached is really great for morale on the battlefield of love - but I digress.
Many elements of the story -- including the legend of a rogue Boojum that ate her crew, mysterious metal canisters, and a tough captain -- combine beautifully to make a cohesive, well-structured story that was fun to read.
REVIEW: The Year's Best Science Fiction #26 edited by Gardner Dozois
With this scheme elderly and vulnerable people can have important information about themselves stored inside a canister to assist rescuers called in an emergency.
The Civil War infantryman, using a rifled musket could target artillerymen before they were within range of canister fire, which forced the artillery to operate further from the enemy than was optimal.