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How To Use Candor In A Sentence

  • The Obama team's lack of candor and immediate forthcomingness on this question has already ssured that this story will dominate the news for weeks to come as troubling questions occur to us. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • You possess too much candour and benevolence not to make allowance, and to forgive the various emotions of my mind, which you have witnessed in this, to me, unhappy conferrence. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • I appreciated the student's candor in honestly evaluating these new techniques.
  • And he is being made to pay for that honesty and candor now that his statements are being twisted.
  • With typical candour, she admits she now feels guilty over what they had to go through. The Sun
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  • There were so many times I considered calling, or going by, but was blocked by that mountainous candor of hers.
  • Through all the hardship, Dunne's humour and candour keeps the book bowling along.
  • Our time together over, I shake hands, thank her for her candour and walk out the door.
  • As well as the unusual candour of its writing, much of its appeal was in its contemporary feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of the Deanies I spoke to in Iowa referred to his candor and contrarian stances in terms that would be familiar to Minnesotans who felt similar ties to Paul Wellstone or Jesse Ventura.
  • It therefore has a certain candour which was a little lacking from Formosa after August 23. Chinese Nationalism Old and New
  • With a candour that is unusual in most CVs, he details some of his failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply again; we very much appreciate your sincerity and candour.
  • He was known for his kindness, his candor, and his dislike of hypocrisy.
  • It may be her candour and unorthodox behaviour that prompted her superiors to put pressure on her to leave Egypt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Participants spoke with refreshing candor about the things that were most important to them.
  • I enquired the cause, when, with his natural candour, he informed me that he could not help being more impressed by what he termed the prating of the gossips who had just left us, than, perhaps, he ought to be; and then showed me a little vellum case which he found at the Lodge, and which, he was then assured, was dropped by the young lady of whom they had been talking. Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
  • On account of his rank and his services, people pay the bestarred and betitled old brute a sort of reverence; and he looks down upon you and me, and exhibits his contempt for us, with a stupid and artless candour which is quite amusing to watch. The Book of Snobs
  • It is written so clearly, so directly, so unpretentiously, with candour and endearing tenderness. Family Legacies « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The theory will steamroll over subtle distinctions between candour and honesty, tact and politeness, reticence and stonewalling. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Benedict also discussed his contentious speech in Regensburg, Germany, in 2006, which provoked the ire of the Muslim world; denounced drug abuse; explained what he described as the impossibility of ordaining women as priests; and, with surprising candor, said that if he did not feel up to the task of being pope, he would resign. The Seattle Times
  • And he is being made to pay for that honesty and candor now that his statements are being twisted.
  • And he was to tell the story of it with disarming candour in Glory Glory! Times, Sunday Times
  • They are marked by candor, fairness, insight, and a mastery of difficult themes that makes his readers his constant debtors.] [Footnote 4: "If the term 'Altaic' be held to include Korean and The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Her mother recognised her uncandour with a glance. April Hopes
  • There is no bar on her honesty, she is extremely frank, although her candour tends to be clouded by a vagueness of expression.
  • The candour of this speech, in which his aversion to the Delviles was openly acknowledged, and rationally justified, somewhat quieted the suspicions of Cecilia, which far more anxiously sought to be confuted than confirmed: she began, therefore, to conclude that some accident, inexplicable as unfortunate, had occasioned the partial discovery to Mr Cecilia
  • The report is also expected to recommend a statutory duty of candour on hospitals to end the culture of covering up neglect and harm of patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • She remains faithful to Thackeray's vision but adds a touch of candour to his tone of condescension, a sparkle to the supercilious ways of the British rich.
  • His charm, passion, and candor are very refreshing in this age of flash and hype.
  • After talking with Shaq, I came away as impressed with his character and candor as I was with his game.
  • Over the years, her breezy style and eye-opening candour found a huge audience. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is something that has to be addressed with honesty and candour if the family justice system is not to suffer further loss of public confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • In all candor I must say that she approached closely to a realization of the ideals of a book -- a sixteenmo, if you please, fair to look upon, of clear, clean type, well ordered and well edited, amply margined, neatly bound; a human look whose text, as represented by her disposition and her mind, corresponded felicitously with the comeliness of her exterior. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • This brash candour and impatience with mass culture are clearly audible on these two albums.
  • We like his candour, if not the mental imagery. Times, Sunday Times
  • “I am surprised, Steerforth—although your candour does you honour, ” said Mr. Creakle, “does you honour, certainly—I am surprised, Steerforth, I must say, that you should attach such an epithet to any person employed and paid in Salem House, Sir. VII. My “First Half” at Salem House
  • In these enthusiasts we shall find striking examples of one of the morbid forces of human nature; yet in candor let us do honor to what was genuine in them, -- that principle of self-abnegation which is the life of true religion, and which is vital no less to the highest forms of heroism. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century
  • My wife, in all candor, is busier than I and really isn't drawn to the same outdoor activities, though we camped regularly before the kids came along and a time or two after. How do you balance your spare time? Family time vs. outdoor activities? What are your priorities?
  • Noam Chomsky does not cajole the listener; he presents his arguments - a distillation of copious reading - with disarming candor.
  • Instead of stepping out of the spotlight, she offers herself up for intensive scrutiny, delving into her own foibles and failures with astonishing candour.
  • It's of a piece with the you betcha's, the doggones, and the other effusions of spontaneous candor. For Candidates, An Accent on Authenticity
  • Begala's candor is a little brutal; yet, right on target. Begala calls Palin 'about half a whack job'
  • He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
  • He recognized the impact of fear, danger, confusion, and fatigue on men in battle, and wrote about them with unusual candour.
  • Insurance company west to acidulousness sanfoin, cheiranthus your isomorphous claudius, fireclay nematocera, get candour mandamus and see turbulent lodestone on your siliciouss and overpoweringly. Rational Review
  • From his undergraduate days he had been recognised as an authority on any abstract subject, and his directness of approach and candour were an inspiration to his associates.
  • Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply again; we very much appreciate your sincerity and candour.
  • It's brutal candour that destroys them. Times, Sunday Times
  • You correctly point out that his candor is a big asset — complimented by his smooth call. - Readers react to announcer rankings
  • The consistently amazing quality of the band is their ability to color experimental music and noise with more candor and emotional sophistication than most turtlenecked troubadours.
  • Each of these objections, rebuttals, rejoinders, and surrejoinders is in itself admirable, and does infinite credit to the acuteness and candour of the author.
  • It goes without saying that South Park is a phenomenon fueled almost entirely by a coy balance of subversion and candor, and nevermore has that meld been on more beautiful display than when its crude primary color cut-outs are set to music.
  • In vino veritas," says the proverb which on this occasion lied most vilely; yet it was true in the only sense in which "veritas" is there used; for there was unbounded candor and frankness, under the inspiring hospitality of our host, aided by his skilful management of the conversation. The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • -- I, who have valued myself on my abilities! who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity, in useless or blameable distrust. Paul Raushenbush: What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live? Reflections On Graduation Day
  • And, in rare candor under such circumstances, Chin answered two questions about his personal political beliefs.
  • He seems to prefer candor to contention, honest talk to doublespeak.
  • The bold realist whose candor, even temerity, was legendary turned out to have been hiding a secret.
  • Yahoo understands and is working with a version of my holsitic knowledge model blogging is pr with candor - steve rubel Some key Insytes from Gnomedex
  • He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candor.
  • His charm, passion, and candor are very refreshing in this age of flash and hype.
  • Far be it from me to expect forthright candor from a press release.
  • He was known for his kindness, his candor, and his dislike of hypocrisy.
  • You must forgive my candor, I am not castigating you… I don't know the extent to which the Bill was accessible.
  • A human being, but a professional, he answers questions with generosity, intelligence and candour.
  • This moment of candor is consistent with what Paul Davies wrote in his book, The 5th Miracle: "Many investigators feel uneasy stating in public that the origin of life is a mystery, even though behind closed doors they admit they are baffled. 2007 June - Telic Thoughts
  • This stark honesty and candor serves to highlight the absence of emotional detail elsewhere.
  • Their candor is a very pleasing feature.
  • Instead, they take up those weapons in the male armoury more befitting of their glabrous state: candour, bluntness, directness, scepticism. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Only an entirely new generation can bring honesty and candour to this matter.
  • The reality is that we don't have an honest, straightforward, public official in this country, in the federal government I should say who can say, now imagine this, candor coming from the European Union about their crisis, which was created by our sub prime mortgage lending, their minister of finance and economics saying their crisis was created by what he calls snooty bankers who thought they were so clever that they didn't need to follow the lessons of history or prudent, prudent lending. CNN Transcript Nov 30, 2007
  • The black fire that Goud had kindled in the 1960s now blazes with a new maturity, a new candour.
  • Naturally talkative, Theroux discovered the candour as well as the secretiveness of the island's people.
  • It is a memoir full of candour, honesty, love and pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the second time that they had met under strange circumstances; yet now as before the sense of her candour was his ruling thought. The Valley of Decision
  • Personally, I will miss him, for I can recall his candour and grace during our several conversations and his intense interest in the first Carifesta staged in Guyana, in 1972," Green said. Stabroek News
  • There is hardly any one here who can understand what they call my caprice of entering the priesthood, and these good people tell me, with rustic candor, that I ought to throw aside the clerical garb; that to be a priest is very well for a poor young man; but that I, who am to be a rich man’s heir, should marry, and console the old age of my father by giving him half a dozen handsome and robust grandchildren. March 22d. Part I.—Letters from My Nephew
  • Naturally talkative, Theroux discovered the candour as well as the secretiveness of the island's people.
  • Her first few weeks are inauspicious - her wardrobe, in which the emphasis is very much on leather, Lycra and PVC, alienates the rest of the female workforce, as does her brutal candour.
  • Ask a friend to observe your performance and to report to you on it with ruthless candour.
  • Ah," she said, on a tone judiciously compounded of feminine artlessness and of forthright British candour, and with a play of the eyebrows that attributed her momentary suscitation to the workings of memory, "of course -- Blanchemain. My Friend Prospero
  • That Howard is prepared, with considerable candour, to commit this part of his life to print says much for the man.
  • Only an entirely new generation can bring honesty and candour to this matter.
  • Over the years, her breezy style and eye-opening candour found a huge audience. Times, Sunday Times
  • This defence we shall borrow from a name deservedly high among those who have successfully illustrated ancient geography, for the happy and successful mutual adaptation of great learning and sound judgment, and not less worthy of respect and imitation for his candour and liberality: we allude to Dr. Vincent, the illustrator of the Voyage of Nearchus, and the Periplus of the Erythræan Sea. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, from the Earliest Records to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, By William Stevenson
  • There is an intensity and candour, along with a sardonic humour, that is simply unmatched in any other sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although the story is told more from a male viewpoint, it is related with candour and deep sensitivity.
  • Now he was able to write with tremendous candor and integrity and to free himself from his past.
  • Malpractice attorney firstborn practicably domestic scrum and bathometer to hooker painstaking, meliorative, and extempore candor. Rational Review
  • If it be true, that on the ground which I occupy, —ground which I occupy as frankly and boldly as Judge Douglas does his, —my views, though partly coinciding with yours, are not as perfectly in accordance with your feelings as his are, I do say to you in all candor, go for him and not for me. Second Joint Debate at Freeport. Mr. Lincoln's Rejoinder
  • Bridesmaids is a riot of bad behaviour and brutal candour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I appreciated the student's candor in honestly evaluating these new techniques.
  • Removit itaque in die illa hircos minores variegatos, et maculis latis respersos, et omnes capras punctis parvis respersas, et maculis latis respersas, omne in quo erat candor, et omne rufum in ovibus, et dedit in manus filiorum suorum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • When we meet to run through the set questions, with the tape recorder on the table, he is more cautious, the blokeish candour has disappeared.
  • You have, I am certain, given the subject of our last interview fair and serious con - sideration; and I trust that you are now prepared with candour to lay your answer before me. The Purcell Papers
  • As candeo candor, ardeo ardor, so—we are to understand—sordeo sordor. Formations.
  • The book was widely commended for its candour.
  • Obviously grateful for that flash of candor, he started groping for the words that might express his incredulity.
  • Begala's candor is a little brutal but right on target. Begala calls Palin 'about half a whack job'
  • There is no bar on her honesty, she is extremely frank, although her candour tends to be clouded by a vagueness of expression.
  • HOC uide circum supraque quod complexu continet terram solisque exortu capessit candorem, occasu nigret, id quod nostri caelum memorant, Grai perhibent aethera: quidquid est hoc, omnia animat format alit auget creat sepelit recipitque in sese omnia, omniumque idem est pater, 5 indidemque eadem aeque oriuntur de integro atque eodem occidunt. Genitabile Caelum
  • That extreme, impolitic candor was one of the characteristics that made Rice a perfect rebel and a considerably less perfect leader.
  • The opposition to the Constitution from the western counties would be “numerous & violent,” requiring “the utmost candor & prudence” to control—but Gorham noted that “some of our friends are not good steersmen.” Ratification
  • She spoke with remarkable candour about her experiences.
  • Through all the hardship, Dunne's humour and candour keeps the book bowling along.
  • New measures include a statutory duty of candour and tougher inspections to protect patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • That implies candour and a fight for the underdog. Times, Sunday Times
  • To acquiesce in discrepancy is destructive of candor and of moral cleanliness. Religion and Science
  • He can sing a little, then, and talk with unusual candour for a man in his job. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her candour is certainly unusual. The Sun
  • But Tamar was trying to impress me very forcibly with her candour and her excellent memory.
  • There's nothing for candour like a lower-school boy, and East was a genuine specimen — frank, hearty, and good-natured, well-satisfied with himself and his position, and choke-full of life and spirits, and all the Rugby prejudices and traditions which he had been able to get together in the long course of one half-year during which he had been at the School-house. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • The transportation secretary is a former congressman known for bipartisanship and candor.
  • New measures include a statutory duty of candour and tougher inspections to protect patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then, discuss them with your typical Aries candour. Times, Sunday Times
  • We really don't know what to do about it, " she said with surprising candour.
  • But Angela was very open and talks about what happened with great candour.
  • He spoke of those aspects with great candour and warmth. Politics, Planning and the State
  • Errr ... these comments about candor and Rendell stating the truth really erk me. Top Hillary Supporter: Some Whites In Pennsylvania "Are Not Ready" To Support Black Candidate
  • Although the story is told more from a male viewpoint, it is related with candour and deep sensitivity.
  • Party insiders are said to have been shocked by the candour of her remarks.
  • But Angela was very open and talks about what happened with great candour.
  • The difference between candor and abrasiveness is pretty close. Lessons From The World Business Forum
  • What the president's inaugural address lacked in the grandeur of many of his predecessors it amply made up for with candour. Times, Sunday Times
  • And candor compels the admission forthwith that the presence of this anchoritic merit in the wilderness is hardly due to me. The Jewel Merchants A Comedy in One Act
  • We urge the government to introduce a statutory duty of candour in addition to anything else it is doing. Times, Sunday Times
  • His tale is quintessentially a tale of a Bihar in transition, and he tells it very well - in short, crisp telegraphic sentences for most part of the time, with an endearing simplicity and candour.
  • Far be it from me to expect forthright candor from a press release.
  • The theory will steamroll over subtle distinctions between candour and honesty, tact and politeness, reticence and stonewalling. The Times Literary Supplement
  • No-o," with characteristic candor replied the penitent fiddler, "I dinna think that I'll juist exactly kill mysel, but I'm gaun to tak a dander doon the burn (brook) wi 'the gun and gie mysel a deevil o' a fleg (fright). The Story of My Boyhood and Youth
  • Impressive not only for its content and candor, but because the guy can flat-out write — he turns a phrase masterfully, but also has a talent for finding the illuminating perspective or a telling anecdote. Science and Culture at the White House
  • There appeared an uncandour in this which Annie could not let pass even if it imperilled her present object to bring up the matter of past contention. Annie Kilburn : a Novel
  • The genius of this latest Budget lay in its subtle interplay of candour and disingenuity.
  • Yet this form of intimate candor, while seemingly incommensurate with the comportment of a mature and accomplished artist, has deep roots in Western intellectual history.
  • We urge the government to introduce a statutory duty of candour in addition to anything else it is doing. Times, Sunday Times
  • A human being, but a professional, he answers questions with generosity, intelligence and candour.
  • To be candid – and oh, Louisa, candour is a rare thing among women when it comes to talking of the men – I believe I'd rather be cooking Peter's meals and dusting his home. Chronicles of Avonlea
  • Not even our candour, which is immense, permits us to reprint the slogan the manufacturer has adopted for his poster: those who go prowling on Hudson Street may see it for themselves. Pipefuls
  • I call our shepherdess Honorine even though perhaps not infallibly naming the sociable soubrette who might, with all her gay bold confidence, have been an official inspectress in person, and to whose easy care or, more particularly, expert sensibility and candour of sympathy and curiosity, our flock was freely confided. A Small Boy and Others
  • I, who have valued myself on my abilities! who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity in useless or blameable distrust. Women’s writing « paper fruit
  • Charity as she bears the present prejudices, or judges of the future state of men, is called candour, as opposed to censorious judging. A Charity Sermon. First Delivered in Salisbury, July 28; And Afterwards in Other Places in Rowan, and the Counties Adjoining; Particularly at Sugar's Creek, in Mecklenburg County, at the Opening of the Synod of the Carolinas, October 2: And Last, at t
  • the unvarnished candor of old people and children
  • Typically officer of the court refers to a judge, clerk, bailiff, sheriff, or the like, but the term also applies to a lawyer, who is obliged to obey court rules and who owes a duty of candor to the court.
  • I remember Honore's work post-Katrina - and his candor is refreshing. Honore dismisses talk of Senate run
  • The expression is used as a simple relative with the implication of size only from context at _Tr_ III v 29 'quaeque tibi linguae est facundia, confer in illud' and _Tr_ III vi 7-8 'quique est in caris animi [_codd_: animo _fort legendum; uide ad 91_] tibi candor amicis --/cognitus est illi quem colis ipse uiro'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • But Tamar was trying to impress me very forcibly with her candour and her excellent memory. DEAD BEAT
  • The party's hostess is Amanda Brunker, a gossip columnist who, one would have assumed, was chosen for the role because of her unblushing ease with sexual candour.
  • Why can't we get candor and directness in what is patently obvious to anyone?
  • Many thanks for taking the trouble to reply again; we very much appreciate your sincerity and candour.
  • Certainly most humans hold complicated and deep-seated views on deceit and candor; Americans, however, seem to have an especially bipolar one.
  • You'll be surprised how quickly you can diffuse a volatile situation with honesty and candor.
  • He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
  • Every word of Nicias went home, galling him in his sorest point -- his outrageous vanity; and hardly had the elder statesman concluded his speech, when he sprang to his feet, and burst without preface into a wild harangue, which is a remarkable piece of self-revelation, disclosing with perfect candour the inner motives of the man on whom, more than on any other, the future of Athens depended. Stories from Thucydides
  • Instead, they take up those weapons in the male armoury more befitting of their glabrous state: candour, bluntness, directness, scepticism. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Unlike most of her neighbours, O'Brien was prepared to speak with a degree of candour.
  • Like Margarett, she was mercurial, an extrovert who was terribly shy, a courteous woman who shocked with her candor.
  • HELEN FIELDING'S Bridget Jones burst on our subconscious with a wonderful candour and contributed singleton apart from other unprintable words to our lexicon.
  • That spiritual confidence and authority available to the average believer was confirmed in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, where I learned that boldness comes from the original Greek word, parrhesia, meaning "outspokenness; unreserved utterance; freedom of speech; with frankness, candor, careful courage; and the opposite of cowardice, timidity or fear. Larry Ross: Oral Roberts Showed Us the Way to the Throne
  • Nor can the Republican majority on his panel be viewed as simply do-gooders out to restore candor to the White House.
  • Through all the hardship, Dunne's humour and candour keeps the book bowling along.
  • The union has filed a brief supporting an August 2002 shareholders class-action suit against the company; the suit is seeking an injunction to stop reincorporation and damages for breach of ‘loyalty, care and candor.’
  • Back in Britain another bunch of women are filmed discussing their parts with remarkable candour.
  • That Howard is prepared, with considerable candour, to commit this part of his life to print says much for the man.
  • Why can't we get candor and directness in what is patently obvious to anyone?
  • Actress Frances O'Connor brings a refreshing candour to the most insufferably priggish of all Austen's heroines, Fanny Price, and Alessandro Nivola is irresistibly rakish as her potential beau.
  • They covet its 8,000 objects as old friends and talk about them with familiar candour.
  • with her wonted candor
  • Paine is often considered the patron saint of the left (though in candor, Reagan used to cite him, too). Live Blog: The Inauguration of Barack Obama - The Caucus Blog -
  • This stark honesty and candor serves to highlight the absence of emotional detail elsewhere.
  • You'll be surprised how quickly you can diffuse a volatile situation with honesty and candor.
  • It was the falsehoods in this report, and the Justice Department's lack of candor in relying on them, that led a federal district court to grant Fred Korematsu a writ of error coram nobis in 1984. Is That Legal?: January 2008 Archives
  • I just posted a similar sentiment to Tara, but I truly respect how courageous and honest your posts are for this – your candor is inspirational. Transitions | FactoryCity
  • He speaks his mind with a candour rare for a high-ranking official. Times, Sunday Times
  • For his candor and wisdom, Hastert was shouted down.
  • Top marks for candour, zero for bigging up their product. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike most of her neighbours, O'Brien was prepared to speak with a degree of candour.
  • Her equity acknowledged that Clermont had every right of choice: but while her candour induced her to even applaud his disinterestedness in relinquishing the Cleves estate, her capacity pointed out how terrible must be the personal defects, that so speedily, without one word of conversation, one trial of any sort how their tastes, tempers, or characters might accord, stimulated him to so decisive a rejection. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • The report is also expected to recommend a statutory duty of candour on hospitals to end the culture of covering up neglect and harm of patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • His candor in depicting how unpicturesque but absorbing much of the world is — if only our hearts would admit what our eyes tell us — elevates him above all other 19th-century landscape photographers in some minds. Western Development
  • And, in rare candor under such circumstances, Chin answered two questions about his personal political beliefs.
  • Then we soon took it; but in candour I should state that the breaches were rendered more practicable than when first stormed, the defences destroyed, and the enemy's means of defence diminished. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • We don't get that much candor from their press briefers.
  • There Tondal repents of his misdeeds and returns to the holy candour of a life untroubled by sin (Getty Museum, Los Angeles).
  • You talk to some of the undecided voters who have come to the open meetings I've had here, and ask them what their reaction is to the kind of forthrightness and candor and straight talk that I have tried to give them in response to every question, every comment, every suggestion. CNN Transcript Jan 26, 2000
  • Now he was able to write with tremendous candor and integrity and to free himself from his past.
  • Although candor is praised over craftiness, history shows that leaders who practiced deceit overcame those that lived by their pledges.
  • But Tamar was trying to impress me very forcibly with her candour and her excellent memory. DEAD BEAT
  • He recognized the impact of fear, danger, confusion, and fatigue on men in battle, and wrote about them with unusual candour.
  • And now the experience of more than twenty years leaves little room to doubt but that it is a state, of things the most favourable to mutual candour, which is of great importance to domestic peace and good neighbourhood and to the cause of all truth, religious truth least of all excepted. Priestley in America 1794-1804
  • Infante's candor about his weaknesses made them easy to forgive. EVERY SECRET THING
  • Or am I to listen calmly to you, while you disburden your mind? When a woman parades her candour, one always knows what is coming.
  • In spite of his refreshing sexual candor, his tours are anything but debauches.
  • Media figures seemingly unmoored from the moderating influence of superego, revealing cheerily oblivious chauvinism (Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann) and impressively mettlesome candor about gender bias (Couric, Campbell Brown). AJ Rossmiller: Brilliant New Book About Gender and 2008 Election
  • She was accustomed to a certain domineering authority in his language, rendered all the more difficult to endure by the sarcasm with which he sometimes embittered his words, as though he had dipped them in gall before pronouncing them, -- but this apparent abandonment of reserve, this almost touching assumption of candour, were phases of his histrionical ability which he had never till now displayed in her presence. The Master-Christian
  • - I, who have valued myself on my abilities! who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity, in useless or blameable distrust. Paul Raushenbush: What Kind of Life Do You Want to Live? Reflections On Graduation Day
  • 'Ah, Camilla! what thus estranges you from candor? justice? what is it can prompt you to goad thus a heart which almost from its first beating .. Camilla
  • I have communicated to him without disguise. Candor is an important character trait in the novel.
  • He has earned a reputation for candor and integrity.
  • It is a memoir full of candour, honesty, love and pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'I don't trust him,' he said, in a rare moment of candour.
  • In all candor I must say that she approached closely to a realization of the ideals of a book -- a sixteenmo, if you please, fair to look upon, of clear, clean type, well ordered and well edited, amply margined, neatly bound; a human book whose text, as represented by her disposition and her mind, corresponded felicitously with the comeliness of her exterior. The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac
  • It's a mature and intelligent work which explores with sympathy and candour not only Maggie's empty lifestyle but also the restricted world of her more ‘sensible’ sister, whose collection of shoes goes mostly unworn.
  • I personally have found your candour very refreshing.
  • The spirit of his work, notwithstanding its abundant loyalty, may be also commended for its candor in relation to the partisans of Isabella; which has led some critics to suppose that it underwent a rifacimento after the accession of that princess to the throne. The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 1
  • He covered a wide range of topics with unusual candour.
  • Miss Charity showed some flustration at this and cast her sister an appealing look; but Miss Thankful, eying her with some severity, answered me with becoming candor: The Mayor's Wife
  • Democrats and Republicans alike need to exercise candor in rejecting extreme nominees, tempered by good sense as to who’s really *extreme* and who’s just somebody one disagrees with. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Left’s Strategic Mistake (?) Regarding Clarence Thomas:
  • The slow build-up and seemingly mundane backdrop may feel designed to keep an audience off-guard, but they underpin what becomes a powerfully interiorized cliffhanger, jagged with raw candor. The Best of the Fest
  • This is something that has to be addressed with honesty and candour if the family justice system is not to suffer further loss of public confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • After talking with Shaq, I came away as impressed with his character and candor as I was with his game.
  • He was sullen and evasive in his videotaped deposition for the governments antitrust case and the judge scolded him for lack of candor.
  • I believe that my candour was a surprise; perhaps it seemed a defiance. The King's Mirror
  • Anna Zuccari, know as Neera, wrote stories that described the lives of middle-class married women with sad candour; yet she opposed feminist arguments.
  • Her two widely popular memoirs continue to sell briskly, acclaimed for their brutal, unexpurgated candor about friends, family, loversand herself. Life Sentences by Laura Lippman: Book summary
  • I salute the actor's candour, but not his apologetic tone. Times, Sunday Times

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